Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
To what extent are lemmatisation and annotation relevant for deep learning assignments and textual motifs detection? The case-study of Peter Damian’s letters (11th century)
Thon, Valérie; Vanni, Laurent; Longrée, Dominique
2023 • In Carbé, Emmanuela; Lo Piccolo, Gabriele; Valenti, Alessiaet al. (Eds.) La memoria digitale: forme del testo e organizzazione della conoscenza. Atti del XII Convegno Annuale AIUCD.
Deep learning; textual motif; lemmatisation; annotation; Peter Damian
Abstract :
[en] This paper wishes to explore to what extent lemmatisation and morphosyntactic annotation are important for deep learning predictions and textual motif detection. A broader research on the style of Peter Damian’s letters (11th century) was the occasion to explore this question. After having trained two deep learning models on a selection of 12 classical authors using the Hyperdeep platform, one on lexical forms alone and the other on lemmatised and annotated texts, we introduced to them the medieval letters of Peter Damian in order to not only examine which authors are deemed to be stylistically close to Peter according to both models, but also to compare whether the results are similar and whether the same linguistic structures receive a high activation rate. The results suggest that a dialogue between both methods could be an interesting path to explore in the search for textual motifs, as the first “lexical” model may indicate rough outlines of these motifs, whereas the second model can offer concrete examples and/or variants of the first motifs identified.
Longrée, Dominique ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences de l'antiquité > Langue et littérature latines
Language :
Title :
To what extent are lemmatisation and annotation relevant for deep learning assignments and textual motifs detection? The case-study of Peter Damian’s letters (11th century)
Publication date :
Event name :
La memoria digitale. XII convegno annuale AIUCD
Event place :
Siena, Italy
Event date :
05/06/2023 - 07/06/2023
Audience :
Main work title :
La memoria digitale: forme del testo e organizzazione della conoscenza. Atti del XII Convegno Annuale AIUCD.
Author, co-author :
Carbé, Emmanuela
Lo Piccolo, Gabriele
Valenti, Alessia
Stella, Francesco
Publisher :
Siena: Università degli Studi di Siena, Siena, Italy