Cyclic symmetry; Geometric nonlinearities; Reduced order modeling; Rotor/stator interaction
Abstract :
[en] This paper deals with the reduced order modeling of turbomachine bladed structures accounting for both geometric nonlinearities and nonlinear blade-tips/casing contacts in a numerically efficient way. A recently derived methodology, based on the concept of modal derivatives, is first used to study the contact interactions of a single rotating blade impacting a rigid casing. In this reduction procedure, nonlinear internal forces due to large displacements are evaluated using the stiffness evaluation procedure and contact is numerically handled with Lagrange multipliers. In-depth analyses, including clearance consumption computations and frequency analyses with a continuation procedure, are performed to understand and characterize the combined influence of contact and geometric nonlinearities on the blade's dynamics. The methodology is then generalized to full bladed disks using Component Mode Synthesis techniques with fixed interfaces. Each sector of the cyclically symmetric structure is projected onto a reduction basis composed of Craig–Bampton modes and a selection of their modal derivatives. A second reduction allows reducing the cyclic boundary degrees-of-freedom. The methodology is first assessed using a harmonic excitation at blade-tips, without contact. When applied to the bladed disk subjected to contact interactions, the methodology allows identifying the main interaction speeds that can be detrimental for the engine integrity. Through this work, the numerical strategy is applied on an open industrial compressor bladed disk model based on the NASA rotor 37 in order to promote the reproducibility of results.
F.R.S.-FNRS - Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique CRCs - Canada Research Chairs
Funding text :
E. Delhez is supported by the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS, Belgium) which is gratefully acknowledged. This research was also undertaken thanks to funding from the Canada Research Chairs Program .
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