[en] We evaluate modelled Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) near-surface climate, surface energy balance (SEB) and surface mass balance (SMB) from the updated regional climate model RACMO2 (1958-2016). The new model version, referred to as RACMO2.3p2, incorporates updated glacier outlines, topography and ice albedo fields. Parameters in the cloud scheme governing the conversion of cloud condensate into precipitation have been tuned to correct inland snowfall underestimation: snow properties are modified to reduce drifting snow and melt production in the ice sheet percolation zone. The ice albedo prescribed in the updated model is lower at the ice sheet margins, increasing ice melt locally. RACMO2.3p2 shows good agreement compared to in situ meteorological data and point SEB/SMB measurements, and better resolves the spatial patterns and temporal variability of SMB compared with the previous model version, notably in the north-east, south-east and along the K-transect in south-western Greenland. This new model version provides updated, high-resolution gridded fields of the GrIS present-day climate and SMB, and will be used for projections of the GrIS climate and SMB in response to a future climate scenario in a forthcoming study.
Disciplines :
Earth sciences & physical geography
Author, co-author :
Noël, Brice ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géographie > Climatologie et Topoclimatologie ; Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
Van De Berg, Willem Jan ; Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
Van Wessem, J. Melchior ; Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
Van Meijgaard, Erik; Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, De Bilt, Netherlands
Van As, DIrk ; Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Copenhagen, Denmark
Lenaerts, Jan T.M. ; Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, United States
Lhermitte, Stef ; Department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
Munneke, Peter Kuipers; Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
Smeets, C.J.P. Paul; Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
Van Ulft, Lambertus H.; Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, De Bilt, Netherlands
Van De Wal, Roderik S.W.; Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
Van Den Broeke, Michiel R. ; Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
Language :
Title :
Modelling the climate and surface mass balance of polar ice sheets using RACMO2 - Part 1: Greenland (1958-2016)
NWO - Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
Funding text :
Acknowledgements. Brice Noël, Willem Jan van de Berg, J. Melchior van Wessem, Roderik S. W. van de Wal and Michiel R. van den Broeke acknowledge support from the Polar Programme of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO/ALW) and the Netherlands Earth System Science Centre (NESSC), as well as the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for hosting simulations and providing computation time.
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