Dairy; Eggs; Fish; Human health; Meat; Animals; Livestock; Male; Nutritional Status; Swine; Animal Feed; Animal Science and Zoology
Abstract :
[en] This article critically reviews the current state of knowledge on the quality of animal-source foods according to animal production and food processing conditions, including consumer expectations-behaviours and the effects of consumption of animal-source foods on human health. Quality has been defined through seven core attributes: safety, commercial, sensory, nutritional, technological, convenience, and image. Image covers ethical, cultural and environmental dimensions associated with the origin of the food and the way it is produced and processed. This framework enabled to highlight the priorities given to the different quality attributes. It also helped to identify potential antagonisms and synergies among quality attributes, between production and processing stages, and among stakeholders. Primacy is essentially given to commercial quality attributes, especially for standard commodity animal-source foods. This primacy has strongly influenced genetic selection and farming practices in all livestock commodity chains and enabled substantial quantitative gains, although at the expense of other quality traits. Focal issues are the destructuration of chicken muscle that compromises sensory, nutritional and image quality attributes, and the fate of males in the egg and dairy sectors, which have heavily specialised their animals. Quality can be gained but can also be lost throughout the farm-to-fork continuum. Our review highlights critical factors and periods throughout animal production and food processing routes, such as on-farm practices, notably animal feeding, preslaughter and slaughter phases, food processing techniques, and food formulation. It also reveals on-farm and processing factors that create antagonisms among quality attributes, such as the castration of male pigs, the substitution of marine-source feed by plant-based feed in fish, and the use of sodium nitrite in meat processing. These antagonisms require scientific data to identify trade-offs among quality attributes and/or solutions to help overcome these tensions. However, there are also food products that value synergies between quality attributes and between production and processing phases, particularly Geographical Indications, such as for cheese and dry-cured ham. Human epidemiological studies have found associations between consumption of animal-source foods and increased or decreased risk for chronic non-communicable diseases. These associations have informed public health recommendations. However, they have not yet considered animal production and food processing conditions. A concerted and collaborative effort is needed from scientists working in animal science, food process engineering, consumer science, human nutrition and epidemiology in order to address this research gap. Avenues for research and main options for policy action are discussed.
Disciplines :
Animal production & animal husbandry Food science Agriculture & agronomy Veterinary medicine & animal health
Astruc, T; INRAE, QuaPA, 63122 St-Genès-Champanelle, France
Baéza-Campone, E; INRAE, Université de Tours, BOA, 37380 Nouzilly, France
Bouillot, P E; AgroParisTech, 19 avenue du Maine, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France
Clinquart, Antoine ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de sciences des denrées alimentaires (DDA) > Technologie des denrées alimentaires ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Fundamental and Applied Research for Animals and Health (FARAH) > FARAH: Productions animales durables
Feidt, C; Université Lorraine, Usc340, UR AFPA, INRAE, 2, avenue Foret de Haye, TSA 40602, 54518 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France
Gautron, J; INRAE, Université de Tours, BOA, 37380 Nouzilly, France
Girard, A; INRAE, LPGP, 35000 Rennes, France
Guillier, L; Anses, Risk Assessment Department, 94701 Maisons-Alfort, France
Kesse-Guyot, E; Sorbonne Paris Nord University, Inserm, Inrae, Cnam, Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team (EREN), Epidemiology and Statistics Research Center-University of Paris (CRESS), 93017 Bobigny, France
Lebret, B; PEGASE, INRAE, Institut Agro, 35590 St-Gilles, France
Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire FranceAgriMer
Funding text :
This work was carried out with funds from the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food (agreement No 2017-424-2102316438) and the FranceAgriMer agency (agreement No 181911).This work is part of the collective scientific expertise (ESCo) on the ‘Quality of animal-derived foods according to animal production and processing conditions’ that was carried out by INRAE at the request of the French ministry responsible for Agriculture and Food, in cooperation with the agency FranceAgriMer. This work was carried out with funds from the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food (agreement No 2017-424-2102316438) and the FranceAgriMer agency (agreement No 181911). This article is part of a supplement entitled ‘Quality of animal-source foods’, supported by the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment – INRAE.
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