Books of specifications; Commitments; Image; Meat quality; Organoleptic; Animals; Cattle; France; Meat; Animal Science and Zoology
Abstract :
[en] The European Union promotes high-quality food products and protects agricultural traditions. With that vision, Regulation (EU) 1151/2012 defines quality schemes such as protected designations of origin, protected geographical indications and optional quality terms that link quality and tradition to legal labels. These quality schemes are completed by national initiatives. Label Rouge is an official regulated sign of premium quality in France that explicitly aims at higher product quality. Each Label Rouge product has to comply with production and processing conditions stated in its published specifications. Here, we analyse commitments made under Label Rouge books of specifications for beef to show how the Label Rouge quality-sign constructs quality. In order to provide a frame, product quality has been broken down into a set of seven quality attributes: commercial, organoleptic, nutritional, safety, technological, convenience and image-value, where image-value quality attributes encompass the ethical, cultural and environmental dimensions associated with how a food is produced and processed, and its origin. The specifications highlight 'communicative certified characteristics' (characteristics set out in the specifications that are certified and communicated to the public) and specify how the meat needs to be farmed and processed to attain superior quality. Analysis of all 16 Label Rouge books of specifications for beef, based on scientific expertise and the literature, showed that commitments in these specifications are linked to the seven groups of quality attributes and that they concern the whole continuum of the chain, from animal type to on-farm conditions, transport to slaughter and through to meat ageing. Commitments concerning the whole herd and the selection of label-eligible animals, carcasses and meat particularly enhance organoleptic and image-value attributes. Label Rouge builds quality through commitments on the production, transport and beef ageing conditions, and offers a strong referent for the beef sector on how to better meet more qualitative consumers' expectations.
Disciplines :
Animal production & animal husbandry Food science Veterinary medicine & animal health
Author, co-author :
Raulet, M; INRAE, DEPE, INRAE, 147, rue de l'Université, 75338 Paris Cedex 07, France
Clinquart, Antoine ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de sciences des denrées alimentaires (DDA) > Technologie des denrées alimentaires ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Fundamental and Applied Research for Animals and Health (FARAH) > FARAH: Productions animales durables
Expertise Scientifique Collective (ESCo) Qualité des produits d'origine animale
Funders :
FranceAgriMer MAPAQ - Ministère de l'Agriculture des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire
Funding text :
This work was carried out with funds from the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food (agreement No 2017-424-2102316438) and the FranceAgriMer agency (agreement No 181911).This work is part of the collective scientific expertise on the ?Quality of animal-derived foods according to animal production and food processing conditions? that was carried out by INRAE at the request of the French ministry responsible for Agriculture and Food, in cooperation with the agency FranceAgriMer. This work was carried out with funds from the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food (agreement No 2017-424-2102316438) and the FranceAgriMer agency (agreement No 181911). This article is part of a supplement entitled ?Quality of animal-source foods?, supported by the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment ? INRAE.
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