A multi-approach inventory of the blue carbon stocks of Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows: Large scale application in Calvi Bay (Corsica, NW Mediterranean).
[en] In Mediterranean, Posidonia oceanica develops a belowground complex structure ('matte') able to store large amounts of carbon over thousands of years. The inventory of blue carbon stocks requires the coupling of mapping techniques and in situ sediment sampling to assess the size and the variability of these stocks. This study aims to quantify the organic (Corg) and inorganic (Cinorg) carbon stocks in the P. oceanica matte of the Calvi Bay (Corsica) using sub-bottom profiler imagery and biogeochemical analysis of sediment cores. The matte thicknesses map (average ± SD: 2.2 m ± 0.4 m) coupled with marine benthic habitat cartography allows to estimate matte volume at 12 473 352 m3. The cumulative stocks were assessed at 20.2-50.3 kg Corg m-2 and 26.6-58.7 kg Cinorg m-2 within the first meter of depth on matte (3632 ± 486 cal yr BP). The data contributed to estimate the overall carbon stocks at 389 994 t Corg and 615 558 t Cinorg, offering a new insight of the heterogeneity of blue carbon stocks in seagrass meadows. Variability of carbon storage capacity of matte influenced by substrate is discussed.
Leduc, Michèle ; STARESO, BP 33, Pointe de la Revellata, 20260, Calvi, France. Electronic address: michele_leduc@yahoo.fr
Abadie, Arnaud ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Biologie, Ecologie et Evolution > Océanographie biologique ; Seaviews, 603 chemin des Severiers Nord, 13600, La Ciotat, France, Agence de l'eau Artois-Picardie, 200 rue Marceline, B.P. 80818, 59508, Douai, France
Viala, Christophe; Seaviews, 603 chemin des Severiers Nord, 13600, La Ciotat, France
Bouchard, Alban; iXblue, Acoustic Systems Business Unit, 46 quai François Mitterrand, 13600, La Ciotat, France
Iborra, Laura ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Freshwater and OCeanic science Unit of reSearch (FOCUS) ; STARESO, BP 33, Pointe de la Revellata, 20260, Calvi, France
Fontaine, Quentin; STARESO, BP 33, Pointe de la Revellata, 20260, Calvi, France
Lepoint, Gilles ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Biologie, Ecologie et Evolution
Marengo, Michel ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Biologie, Ecologie et Evolution > Océanographie biologique ; STARESO, BP 33, Pointe de la Revellata, 20260, Calvi, France
Pergent, Gérard; Equipe Ecosystèmes Littoraux, UMR CNRS SPE 6134, Università di Corsica Pasquale Paoli, Campus Grimaldi, BP 52, 20250, Corte, France
Gobert, Sylvie ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Biologie, Ecologie et Evolution > Océanographie biologique
Lejeune, Pierre ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Biologie, Ecologie et Evolution > Océanographie biologique ; STARESO, BP 33, Pointe de la Revellata, 20260, Calvi, France
Monnier, Briac; Equipe Ecosystèmes Littoraux, UMR CNRS SPE 6134, Università di Corsica Pasquale Paoli, Campus Grimaldi, BP 52, 20250, Corte, France
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Title :
A multi-approach inventory of the blue carbon stocks of Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows: Large scale application in Calvi Bay (Corsica, NW Mediterranean).
This study was financially supported by the Collectivity of Corsica (CdC) and the Environment Office of Corsica (PADDUC-CHANGE program), and by the Collectivity of Corsica (CdC) (grant number CONV-17-DESR-SR-83, 20217–2021 ) and the Rhône-Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency , as part of the STARECAPMED project research (STAtion of Reference and rEsearch on Change of local and global Anthropogenic Pressures on Mediterranean Ecosystem Drifts).
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