Ecological and human health risk assessment of potentially toxic element contamination in waters of a former asbestos mine (Canari, Mediterranean Sea): implications for management.
Fisheries; Pollution; Potentially toxic elements; Risk assessment; Target cancer risk; Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law; General Environmental Science; General Medicine
Abstract :
[en] Between 1948 and 1965, the Canari asbestos mine (Corsica, France) discharged 11 million tonnes of serpentinite rubble into the sea. This study, therefore, aims to assess the environmental and health risks associated with contamination of potentially toxic elements using bioindicators (seagrass and fish) in the areas bordering the former mine within the perimeter of the Cap Corse and Agriate Marine Natural Park. The results and multivariate statistical analyses of the potentially toxic elements, made it possible to identify a concentration gradient, a model of bioaccumulation, and the occurrence of different groups, thus reflecting a spatial variation of the contamination. These results indicate that the former asbestos mine can still be considered, 55 years after its closure, as a major source of Co, Cr, and Ni for marine ecosystems and still influences the quality of the coastal area today. Our study, therefore, indicates that the two most polluted sites (Albo and Negru) are the closest stations to the south of the old Canary asbestos mine. According to the Trace Elements Pollution Index (TEPI) values, 6 species were classified as having a high contamination level: Scorpaena notata (1.37), Scorpaena porcus (1.36), Sepia officinalis (1.27), Diplodus vulgaris (1.02), Spicara maena (0.95), and Mullus surmuletus (0.94). Regarding the potentially toxic elements measured in the edible tissues of fish, the concentrations were all below the regulatory thresholds and did not reveal any potential risk to human health (Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Se, Sn, Zn). This work provides new and useful information to improve the monitoring of the environmental quality of a region characterized by previous mining activity and to assess the potential risk to human health due to the consumption of fish. Beyond the purely scientific aspects, these results could serve as decision support at the regional level for the definition of long-term public policies.
Marengo, Michel ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Biologie, Ecologie et Evolution > Océanographie biologique ; STAtion de REcherches Sous-Marines Et Océanographiques (STARESO), Punta Revellata, BP33, 20260, Calvi, France.
Fullgrabe, Lovina ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Biologie, Ecologie et Evolution > Océanographie biologique ; STAtion de REcherches Sous-Marines Et Océanographiques (STARESO), Punta Revellata, BP33, 20260, Calvi, France
Fontaine, Quentin; STAtion de REcherches Sous-Marines Et Océanographiques (STARESO), Punta Revellata, BP33, 20260, Calvi, France
Boissery, Pierre; Agence de l'Eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse - Délégation Paca Corse, Immeuble Le Noailles, 62 La Canebière, 13001, Marseille, France
Cancemi, Maddy; Parc Naturel Marin du Cap Corse et de l'Agriate (PNMCCA), Résidence 5Ème Avenue, Rue Paratojo, 20200, Bastia, France
Lejeune, Pierre ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Biologie, Ecologie et Evolution > Océanographie biologique ; STAtion de REcherches Sous-Marines Et Océanographiques (STARESO), Punta Revellata, BP33, 20260, Calvi, France
Gobert, Sylvie ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Biologie, Ecologie et Evolution > Océanographie biologique ; STAtion de REcherches Sous-Marines Et Océanographiques (STARESO), Punta Revellata, BP33, 20260, Calvi, France
Language :
Title :
Ecological and human health risk assessment of potentially toxic element contamination in waters of a former asbestos mine (Canari, Mediterranean Sea): implications for management.
Publication date :
25 November 2022
Journal title :
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Publisher :
Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Netherlands
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