Article (Scientific journals)
Self-Oxygenation of Tissues Orchestrates Full-Thickness Vascularization of Living Implants.
Farzin, Ali; Hassan, Shabir; Teixeira, Liliana S Moreira et al.
2021In Advanced Functional Materials, 31 (42)
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi


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Adv Funct Materials - 2021 - Farzin - Self‐Oxygenation of Tissues Orchestrates Full‐Thickness Vascularization of Living.pdf
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Adv Funct Materials - 2021 - Farzin - Self‐Oxygenation of Tissues Orchestrates Full‐Thickness Vascularization of Living.pdf
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Keywords :
angiogenesis; calcium peroxide; cellular metabolism; hydrophobic micromaterials; implant survival; oxygen generation
Abstract :
[en] Bioengineering of tissues and organs has the potential to generate functional replacement organs. However, achieving the full-thickness vascularization that is required for long-term survival of living implants has remained a grand challenge, especially for clinically sized implants. During the pre-vascular phase, implanted engineered tissues are forced to metabolically rely on the diffusion of nutrients from adjacent host-tissue, which for larger living implants results in anoxia, cell death, and ultimately implant failure. Here it is reported that this challenge can be addressed by engineering self-oxygenating tissues, which is achieved via the incorporation of hydrophobic oxygen-generating micromaterials into engineered tissues. Self-oxygenation of tissues transforms anoxic stresses into hypoxic stimulation in a homogenous and tissue size-independent manner. The in situ elevation of oxygen tension enables the sustained production of high quantities of angiogenic factors by implanted cells, which are offered a metabolically protected pro-angiogenic microenvironment. Numerical simulations predict that self-oxygenation of living tissues will effectively orchestrate rapid full-thickness vascularization of implanted tissues, which is empirically confirmed via in vivo experimentation. Self-oxygenation of tissues thus represents a novel, effective, and widely applicable strategy to enable the vascularization living implants, which is expected to advance organ transplantation and regenerative medicine applications.
Disciplines :
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Farzin, Ali;  Division of Engineering in Medicine Department of Medicine Brigham and Women's
Hassan, Shabir;  Division of Engineering in Medicine Department of Medicine Brigham and Women's
Teixeira, Liliana S Moreira;  Department of Developmental BioEngineering Technical Medical Centre University of
Gurian, Melvin;  Department of Developmental BioEngineering Technical Medical Centre University of
Crispim, João F;  Department of Developmental BioEngineering Technical Medical CentreUniversity of
Manhas, Varun ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'aérospatiale et mécanique > Génie biomécanique
Carlier, Aurélie;  Laboratory for Cell Biology-Inspired Tissue Engineering MERLN Institute
Bae, Hojae;  KU Convergence Science and Technology Institute Department of Stem Cell and
Geris, Liesbet  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > GIGA > GIGA In silico medecine - Biomechanics Research Unit
Noshadi, Iman;  Department of Bioengineering University of California Riverside, CA 92521, USA.
Shin, Su Ryon;  Division of Engineering in Medicine Department of Medicine Brigham and Women's
Leijten, Jeroen;  Division of Engineering in Medicine Department of Medicine Brigham and Women's
Language :
Title :
Self-Oxygenation of Tissues Orchestrates Full-Thickness Vascularization of Living Implants.
Publication date :
14 October 2021
Journal title :
Advanced Functional Materials
Publisher :
John Wiley & Sons, Gb
Volume :
Issue :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Funding number :
R01 AR074234/AR/NIAMS NIH HHS/United States; R01 AR077132/AR/NIAMS NIH HHS/United States; R21 EB026824/EB/NIBIB NIH HHS/United States
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since 29 June 2022


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