D'Andrea, Antonello; Division of Cardiology, Department of Cardio-thoracic and Respiratory Sciences,
Stanziola, Anna Agnese; Section of Respiratory Diseases, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery,
Saggar, Rajan; Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care Medicine, Clinical Immunology, and Allergy,
Saggar, Rajeev; Department of Medicine, University of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ.
Sperlongano, Simona; Division of Cardiology, Department of Cardio-thoracic and Respiratory Sciences,
Conte, Marianna; Division of Cardiology, Department of Cardio-thoracic and Respiratory Sciences,
D'Alto, Michele; Division of Cardiology, Department of Cardio-thoracic and Respiratory Sciences,
Ferrara, Francesco; Division of Cardiology, Heart Department, 'Cava de' Tirreni and Amalfi Coast'
Gargani, Luna; Institute of Clinical Physiology, National Research Council, Pisa, Italy.
Bossone, Eduardo; Division of Cardiology, Heart Department, 'Cava de' Tirreni and Amalfi Coast'
RIGHT Heart International NETwork (RIGHT-NET), Investigators