Deep Learning; Lidar; Semantic Segmentation; Urban environment; 3D city models; 3D point cloud; Aerial images
Abstract :
[en] Semantic segmentation in a large-scale urban environment is crucial for a deep and rigorous understanding of urban environments. The development of Lidar tools in terms of resolution and precision offers a good opportunity to satisfy the need of developing 3D city models. In this context, deep learning revolutionizes the field of computer vision and demonstrates a good performance in semantic segmentation. To achieve this objective, we propose to design a scientific methodology involving a method of deep learning by integrating several data sources (Lidar data, aerial images, etc) to recognize objects semantically and automatically. We aim at extracting automatically the maximum amount of semantic information in a urban environment with a high accuracy and performance.
Disciplines :
Earth sciences & physical geography
Author, co-author :
Ballouch, Zouhair ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Sphères ; IAV Hassan II, College of Geomatic Sciences and Surveying Engineering, Rabat, Morocco
Hajji, R.; IAV Hassan II, College of Geomatic Sciences and Surveying Engineering, Rabat, Morocco
Ettarid, M.; IAV Hassan II, College of Geomatic Sciences and Surveying Engineering, Rabat, Morocco
Language :
Title :
The contribution of deep learning to the semantic segmentation of 3D point-clouds in urban areas
Publication date :
May 2020
Event name :
2020 IEEE International conference of Moroccan Geomatics (Morgeo)
Event date :
Main work title :
Proceedings - 2020 IEEE International Conference of Moroccan Geomatics, MORGEO 2020, art. no. 9121898, .
Publisher :
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
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