DiGAP; game analysis; Transparency; Reporting; Protocol; Methodology; Guidelines
Abstract :
[en] The analysis of digital games is a widely used method in the field of game studies and an important instrument to study games and game-related topics. However, existing methodological work showcases a divergency of perspectives on game analyses, hindering the development of clear guidelines on how to actually conduct them. This lack of methodological consensus is fueled further by several complexities when analyzing games, such as the active participation that is required on the part of the researchers. Therefore, the current paper proposes the Digital Game Analysis Protocol (DiGAP), a methodological toolkit that, compared to existing methodological frameworks, provides researchers with sufficient flexibility and adaptability in order to cater to a game analysis’ specific focus and needs. DiGAP’s goal is twofold: to make researchers reflect on the potential impact of their methodological choices on the analysis and interpretation of game content, and to promote the transparent reporting of game analyses in academic manuscripts. Based on previous methodological scholarship, the authors’ prior game analysis experience and brainstorm meetings between members of our interdisciplinary author team, DiGAP consists of 31 items categorized in seven sections: (1) Rationale & objectives, (2) Researcher background, (3) Game selection, (4) Boundaries, (5) Analysis approach, (6) Coding techniques & data extraction and (7) Reporting & transparency. Due to its comprehensive setup and its reflexive nature, DiGAP may be used as a (didactic) checklist to make insights from the field of game studies regarding game analyses accessible to a broader range of research fields (e.g., communication and human-computer interaction). This, in turn, makes it equally valuable for (student) researchers unfamiliar with the method of game analysis as well as more experienced game scholars.
Research Center/Unit :
Disciplines :
Communication & mass media Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Daneels, Rowan
Denoo, Maarten; KU Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven > Institute for Media Studies
Vandewalle, Alexander; UA - Université d'Anvers > Communication Sciences
Dupont, Bruno ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de langues modernes : linguistique, littérature et traduction > Langue et littérature allemandes modernes ; KU Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven > Institute for Media Studies
Malliet, Steven; UA - Université d'Anvers > Communication Sciences
Language :
Title :
The Digital Game Analysis Protocol (DiGAP): Introducing a Guide for Reflexive and Transparent Game Analyses
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