Capet, Arthur ;
Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > MAST (Modeling for Aquatic Systems) Fernandez, Vicente; EuroGOOS, Belgium
She, Jun; Danish Marine Insititute, Denmark
Dabrowski, Tomasz; Marine Insititute, Ireland
Umgiesser, Georg; CNR-ISMAR, Italy
Staneva, Joanna; Hereon, Germany
Meszaros, Llorinc; Deltares, the Netherlands
Campuzano, Francisco; MARETEC, Portugal
Ursella, Laura; OGS, Italy
Nolan, Glenn; EuroGOOS, Belgium
El Serafy, Ghada; Deltares, the Netherlands