Capet Arthur

Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > GeoHydrodynamics and Environment Research (GHER)

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Grégoire, Marilaure  (75)
Beckers, Jean-Marie  (24)
Vandenbulcke, Luc  (22)
Barth, Alexander  (19)
Soetaert, Karline (18)
Main Referenced Keywords
Black Sea (27); Hypoxia (8); Oceanography (8); Mesoscale (7); Altimetry (6);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
FOCUS - Freshwater and OCeanic science Unit of reSearch - ULiège (13)
MARE - Centre Interfacultaire de Recherches en Océanologie - ULiège (8)
Modelling for Aquatic Systems (MAST) (2)
Centre Interfacultaire de Recherches en Océanologie - MARE - GHER (1)
Centre Interfacultaire de Recherches en Océanologie - MARE ; GeoHydrodynamics and Environment Research ; Département d'Astrophysique, Géophysique et Océanographie (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Earth sciences & physical geography (97)
Aquatic sciences & oceanology (7)
Environmental sciences & ecology (2)
Computer science (1)
Physics (1)

Publications (total 109)

The most downloaded
Troupin, C., Barth, A., Sirjacobs, D., Ouberdous, M., Brankart, J.-M., Brasseur, P., Rixen, M., Alvera Azcarate, A., Belounis, M., Capet, A., Lenartz, F., Toussaint, M.-E., & Beckers, J.-M. (August 2012). Generation of analysis and consistent error fields using the Data Interpolating Variational Analysis (Diva). Ocean Modelling, 52-53, 90-101. doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.05.002

The most cited

225 citations (OpenAlex)

Troupin, C., Barth, A., Sirjacobs, D., Ouberdous, M., Brankart, J.-M., Brasseur, P., Rixen, M., Alvera Azcarate, A., Belounis, M., Capet, A., Lenartz, F., Toussaint, M.-E., & Beckers, J.-M. (August 2012). Generation of analysis and consistent error fields using the Data Interpolating Variational Analysis (Diva). Ocean Modelling, 52-53, 90-101. doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.05.002

Grégoire, M., Alvera Azcarate, A., Buga, L., Capet, A., Constantin, S., D’ortenzio, F., Doxaran, D., Faugeras, Y., Garcia-Espriu, A., Golumbeanu, M., González-Haro, C., González-Gambau, V., Kasprzyk, J.-P., Ivanov, E., Mason, E., Mateescu, R., Meulders, C., Olmedo, E., Pons, L., ... Rio, M.-H. (26 January 2023). Monitoring Black Sea environmental changes from space: New products for altimetry, ocean colour and salinity. Potentialities and requirements for a dedicated in-situ observing system. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.998970
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Capet, A., Taburet, G., Mason, E., Pujol, M. I., Grégoire, M., & Rio, M.-H. (26 May 2022). Using Argo Floats to Characterize Altimetry Products: A Study of Eddy-Induced Subsurface Oxygen Anomalies in the Black Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.875653
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Popov, M., Brankart, J.-M., Brasseur, P., Capet, A., & Cosme, E. (2022). Towards probabilistic analyses and predictions of the Green Ocean using a stochastic NEMO-PISCES modelling system. In Geophysical Research Abstracts. Copernicus. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-1489
Editorial reviewed

Robinet, S.* , Matossian, A. O.* , Capet, A., Chou, L., Fontaine, F., Grégoire, M., Lepoint, G., Piotrowska, N., Plante, A., Román Romín, O., & Fagel, N.*. (23 February 2022). A Multi-Proxy Approach to Reconstruct Hypoxia on the NW Black Sea Shelf over the Holocene. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10 (3), 319. doi:10.3390/jmse10030319
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Vanaverbeke, J., Braeckman, U., Breine, N., Capet, A., De Borger, E., Degraer, S., Festjens, F., Grégoire, M., Ivanov, E., Mavraki, N., Moens, T., Soetaert, K., Toussaint, E., & Van Hoey, G. (2022). FaCE-IT: Functional biodiversity in a Changing sedimentary Environment:Implications for biogeochemistry and food webs in a managerial setting. Liège, Belgium: BELSPO.

Capet, A., Mason, E., Taburet, G., Pujol, I., D'Ortenzio, F., Grégoire, M., & Rio, M.-H. (2022). Using Argo floats to characterize altimetry products: A study of eddy-induced subsurface oxygen anomalies in the Black Sea [Paper presentation]. Living Planet Symposium 2022, Bonn, Germany.
Editorial reviewed

Capet, A., Fernandez, V., She, J., Dabrowski, T., Umgiesser, G., Staneva, J., Mészáros, L., Campuzano, F., Ursella, L., Nolan, G., & El Serafy, G. (2022). Operational Modeling Capacity in European Seas : Assessment and Recommendations from the EuroGOOS coastal working group [Paper presentation]. Ocean Science Meeting, United States.
Editorial reviewed

Capet, A., Fernandez, V., She, J., Dabrowski, T., Umgiesser, G., Staneva, J., Meszaros, L., Campuzano, F., Ursella, L., Nolan, G., & El Serafy, G. (28 October 2021). Operational modelling capacity in European Seas An assessment and recommendations for improvement [Paper presentation]. General Assembly of the Mediterranean Oceanography Network for the Global Ocean Observing System.
Editorial reviewed

Capet, A., Vandenbulcke, L., & Grégoire, M. (14 July 2021). Biogeochemical controls on the Black Sea oxygen dynamics. Diagnostics, processes and monitoring strategies [Paper presentation]. AMEMR (Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research) Symposium.
Editorial reviewed

Capet, A., Vandenbulcke, L., Grégoire, M., Rodriguez Galvez, L., Twigt, D., Rubio, A., & Fernandez, V. (May 2021). FORCOAST : Earth Observation Services for Wild Fisheries, Oysterground Restoration and Bivalve Mariculture along European Coasts [Poster presentation]. 52nd International Liege colloquium on Ocean Dynamics.
Editorial reviewed

Grégoire, M., Capet, A., Chou, L., Fagel, N., Lepoint, M., Meulders, C., Soetaert, K., & Vandenbulcke, L. (May 2021). From species characteristics to ecosystem functions: modelling the distribution of macrobenthos traits in the Black sea [Paper presentation]. Colloque d'océanographie de Liège.
Editorial reviewed

Ricour, F.* , Capet, A.* , D'Ortenzio, F., Delille, B., & Grégoire, M. (February 2021). Dynamics of the deep chlorophyll maximum in the Black Sea as depicted by BGC-Argo floats. Biogeosciences, 18, 755–774. doi:10.5194/bg-18-755-2021
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Capet, A., Vandenbulcke, L., Meulders, C., & Grégoire, M. (2021). 3.7 A benthic hypoxia index (BHindex) for assessing the Good Environmental Status of the Black Sea's north-western shelf waters. In K. von Schuckmann & P.-Y. Le Traon (Eds.), Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 5. Taylor & Francis.
Peer reviewed

Capet, A., Ricour, F., d'ortenzio, F., Delille, B., & Grégoire, M. (2021). Dynamics of the Deep Chlorophyll Maximum in the Black Sea as depicted by BGC-Argo floats. In Geophysical Research Abstracts. Copernicus. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3191

Birchenough, S., Boon, A., Braeckman, U., Brey, T., Brzana, R., Buyse, J., Capet, A., Carey, D., Causon, P., Coolen, J., Danheim, J., Dauvin, J.-C., Davies, P., De Mesel, I., Degraer, S., Gill, A., Guida, V., Harrald, M., Hutchinson, Z., ... Wilding, T. (2021). Working Group on Marine Benthal and Renewable Energy Developments (WGMBRED). ICES. doi:10.17895/

De Borger, E., Ivanov, E., Capet, A., Braeckman, U., Vanaverbeke, J., Grégoire, M., & Soetaert, K. (2021). Offshore Windfarm Footprint of Sediment Organic Matter Mineralization Processes. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.632243
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Ivanov, E., Capet, A., De Borger, E., Degraer, S., Delhez, E., Soetaert, K., Vanaverbeke, J., & Grégoire, M. (2021). Offshore wind farm footprint on organic and mineral particle flux to the bottom. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.631799
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Capet, A., Fernandez, V., She, J., Dabrowski, T., Umgiesser, G., Staneva, J., Meszaros, L., Campuzano, F., Ursella, L., Nolan, G., & El Serafy, G. (2021). Operational modelling capacity in European Seas : An assessment and recommendations for improvement. In 9th EuroGOOS International Conference : Book of abstracts.
Peer reviewed

Ciliberti, S., Grégoire, M., Staneva, J., Palazov, A., Coppini, G., Lecci, R., Peneva, E., Matreata, M., Veselka, M., Masina, S., Pinardi, N., Jansen, E., Lima, L., Aydogdu, A., Creti, S., Stefanizzi, L., Azevado, D., Vandenbulcke, L., Capet, A., ... Agostini, P. (2021). Monitoring and Forecasting the Ocean State and Biogeochemical Processes in the Black Sea: Recent Developments in the Copernicus Marine Service. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. doi:10.3390/jmse9101146
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Capet, A., Vandenbulcke, L., & Grégoire, M. (December 2020). A new intermittent regime of convective ventilation threatens the Black Sea oxygenation status. Biogeosciences, 17, 6507–6525. doi:10.5194/bg-17-6507-2020
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Ivanov, E., Capet, A., Barth, A., Delhez, E., Soetaert, K., & Grégoire, M. (19 August 2020). Hydrodynamic variability in the Southern Bight of the North Sea in response to typical atmospheric and tidal regimes. Benefit of using a high resolution model. Ocean Modelling, 154. doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2020.101682
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Capet, A., Fernandez, V., Jun, S., Dabrowski, T., Umgiesser, G., Joanna, S., Mészáros, L., Campuzano, F., Ursella, L., Nolan, G., & El Serafy, G. (03 March 2020). Operational Modeling Capacity in European Seas—An EuroGOOS Perspective and Recommendations for Improvement. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7 (129). doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.00129
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Akoumianaki, I., & Capet, A. (2020). Models at the Service of Marine Nature-based Solutions. In N. Sang, Modelling Nature-based Solutions: Integrating Computational and Participatory Scenario Modelling for Environmental Management and Planning (pp. 152-209). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108553827
Peer reviewed

Capet, A., Vandenbulcke, L., & Grégoire, M. (2020). Black Sea cold intermediate layer cold content from in-situ and modelling sources (1955-2019). doi:10.5281/zenodo.1311810

Capet, A., Cook, P., Garcia-Robledo, E., Hoogakker, B., Paulmier, A., Rabouille, C., & Vaquer-Sunyer, R. (2020). Editorial: Facing Marine Deoxygenation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.00046
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Ricour, F., & Capet, A. (2020). Data and scripts used in the frame of the paper entitled "Dynamics of the Deep Chlorophyll Maximum in the Black Sea as depicted by BGC-Argo floats". doi:10.5281/zenodo.3966001

Ruiz, S., Claret, M., Pascual, A., Olita, A., Troupin, C., Capet, A., Tovar‐Sánchez, A., Allen, J., Tintoré, J., & Mahadevan, A. (2019). Effects of oceanic meso‐ and submeso‐scale frontal processes on the vertical transport of phytoplankton. Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans. doi:10.1029/2019JC015034
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Rassmann, J., Capet, A., Vandenbulcke, L., Munhoven, G., Borges, A., Rajagopolan, R., Ricour, F., & Grégoire, M. (07 April 2019). Interactions between variations in the depth of the oxycline and carbonate chemistry in the Black Sea [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Grégoire, M., Capet, A., Chou, L., Fagel, N., Plante, A., & Taeca, A. (April 2019). Upscaling the impact of coastal hypoxia from species to ecosystem function. The case of bioturbation in the Black Sea [Poster presentation]. European General Assembly.

Ricour, F., Capet, A., Delille, B., D’Ortenzio, F., Moncheva, S., Poulain, P.-M., Poteau, A., Slabakova, V., Troupin, C., & Grégoire, M. (April 2019). The chlorophyll seasonal dynamics in the Black Sea as inferred from Biogeochemical-Argo floats [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Capet, A., Plante, A., Chou, L., Fagel, N., Taeca, A., & Grégoire, M. (2019). Upscaling macro-benthic activity from local diagenesis to biogeochemical cycles [Poster presentation]. European Geophysical Union - General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Editorial reviewed

Capet, A. (2019). Hommage aux écosystèmes marins [Paper presentation]. PechaKucha Liège - Climat, Liège, Belgium.

Capet, A., Grégoire, M., & Soetaert, K. (2019). Introduction to ecological modelling. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Face-It Summer School, Stareso, Calvi 2019).

Capet, A., Grégoire, M., & Soetaert, K. (2019). Diagenetic Modelling. (Face-It Summer School, Stareso, Calvi 2019).

Capet, A., Vandenbulcke, L., Veselka, M., & Grégoire, M. (2018). 3.6 Decline of the Black Sea oxygen inventory. In K. von Schuckman & P.-Y. Le Traon, Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 2. Taylor & Francis. doi:10.1080/1755876X.2018.1489208
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Capet, A., Pena, F., Plante, A., Teca, A., Chou, L., Fagel, N., & Grégoire, M. (October 2018). Upscaling the impact of coastal hypoxia from species to ecosystem function. Bioturbation on the Black Sea Shelf [Paper presentation]. Journée du Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine (CIBIM).

Grégoire, M., Anrade-Pena, F., Capet, A., Chou, L., Fagel, N., Plante, A., & Taeaca, A. (September 2018). Upscaling the impact of coastal hypoxia from species to ecosystem functions. The case of bioturbation in the Black Sea [Paper presentation]. Kiel deoxygenation conference.
Editorial reviewed

Capet, A., Vandenbulcke, L., & Grégoire, M. (29 May 2018). Evolution of the Black Sea ventilation regime during the last warming decades [Paper presentation]. 50th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Ivanov, E., Capet, A., Barth, A., Delhez, E., Soetaert, K., & Grégoire, M. (May 2018). Modelling the hydrodynamics of the Southern Bight of the North Sea: Skills assessment of different configurations (i.e. nesting) in the perspective of coupling with sediment transport [Poster presentation]. 50th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, University of Liège, Place du XX Août, 7 4000 Liège Belgium, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Capet, A., Vandenbulcke, L., & Grégoire, M. (May 2018). Decline of the Black Sea Oxygen Inventory : Foreseeing future evolution and consequences [Poster presentation]. Data Assimilation Crash Course, Bergen, Norway.

Ivanov, E., Capet, A., Barth, A., Delhez, E., Soetaert, K., & Grégoire, M. (26 April 2018). Hydrodynamic and sediment transport modelling in the North Sea. Assessment of wind farms impact [Paper presentation]. FOCUS Young Scientists Day, Liege, Belgium.

Capet, A., Vandenbulcke, L., & Grégoire, M. (April 2018). Global Warming altered the Black Sea ventilation regime [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria.
Editorial reviewed

Plante, A., Roevros, Capet, A., Grégoire, M., Fagel, N., & Chou, L. (April 2018). Black Sea north-western shelf hypoxia: a study based on diagenetic processes and sedimentary proxies [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria.

Ivanov, E., Capet, A., Barth, A., Delhez, E., Soetaert, K., & Grégoire, M. (March 2018). Application of two way nesting model to upscale sediment processes of the Southern Bight of the North Sea: full model validation [Poster presentation]. VLIZ Marine Science Day 2018, Bredene, Belgium.

Capet, A., Vandenbulcke, L., & Grégoire, M. (2018). Evolution of the Black Sea ventilation regime during the last decades. In Ocean Deoxygenation : Drivers and Consequences, Past, Present, Future, Kiel, Sept 2018.
Peer reviewed

Capet, A., Ivanov, E., Vandenbulcke, L., & Grégoire, M. (November 2017). ULiège North Sea activity and strategy towards biogeochemial data assimilation [Paper presentation]. NOOS thematic workshop: How to tackle data assimilation in bio-geo-chemical models? NOOS Annual meeting, London, United Kingdom.
Editorial reviewed

Capet, A. (2017). Modélisation des écosystèmes et des cycles biogéochimiques : Partim ressources. (ULiège - Université de Liège, OCEA0096-1 Modélisation des écosystèmes et des cycles biogéochimiques).

Ivanov, E., Capet, A., Barth, A., Delhez, E., Soetaert, K., & Grégoire, M. (28 April 2017). Three-dimensional modelling of the hydrodynamics of the Southern Bight of the North Sea: first results [Poster presentation]. The General Assembly 2017 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
Editorial reviewed

Plante, A., Roevros, N., Capet, A., Grégoire, M., Fagel, N., & Chou, L. (April 2017). Benthic hypoxia and early diagenesis in the Black Sea shelf sediments [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 - EGU, Vienna, Austria.

Capet, A., Lazzari, P., Spagnoli, F., Bolzon, G., & Solidoro, C. (2017). Benthic contributions to Adriatic and Mediterranean biogeochemical cycles. In European Geosciences Union, EGU General Assembly 2017.
Peer reviewed

Ivanov, E., Capet, A., Barth, A., Delhez, E., Soetaert, K., & Grégoire, M. (03 March 2017). Three-dimensional modelling of the Southern Bight of the North Sea: first results and perspectives [Poster presentation]. VLIZ Marine Science Day 2017, Brugge, Belgium.

Pascual, A., Ruiz, S., Olita, A., Troupin, C., Claret, M., Casa, B., Mourre, B., Poulain, P.-M., Tovar-Sanchez, A., Capet, A., Mason, E., Allen, J., Mahadevan, A., & Tintoré, J. (2017). A Multiplatform Experiment to Unravel Meso- and Submesoscale Processes in an Intense Front (AlborEx). Frontiers in Marine Science. doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00039
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Olita, A., Capet, A., Claret, M., Mahadevan, A., Poulain, P.-M., Ribotti, A., Ruiz, S., Tintoré, J., Tovar-Sanchez, A., & Pascual, A. (2017). Frontal dynamics boost primary production in the summer stratified Mediterranean sea. Ocean Dynamics, 67 (6), 767-782. doi:10.1007/s10236-017-1058-z
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Capet, A., Mason, E., Pascual, A., & Grégoire, M. (2017). Contribution of mesoscale eddies to Black Sea ventilation [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Ivanov, E., Capet, A., Barth, A., Delhez, E., Soetaert, K., & Grégoire, M. (08 November 2016). Developing a hydrodynamical model of the Southern Bight of the North Sea for impact studies [Poster presentation]. The North Sea Open Science Conference 2016, Ostend, Belgium.

Capet, A., Mason, E., Troupin, C., Vandenbulcke, L., Pascual, A., & Grégoire, M. (October 2016). Potential for Composite Analysis in the Black Sea [Paper presentation]. Black Sea from Space Workshop, Constanta, Romania.

Capet, A., Lazzari, P., & Solidoro, C. (October 2016). The BFM benthic module [Paper presentation]. BFM user meeting, 2016, Trieste, Italy.

Alvera Azcarate, A., Vandenbulcke, L., Barth, A., Capet, A., Grégoire, M., & Beckers, J.-M. (29 September 2016). DINEOF analyses of Sea Surface Temperature data in the Black Sea [Paper presentation]. Black Sea from Space Workshop, Constanta, Romania.

Vandenbulcke, L., Capet, A., Ivanov, E., Alvera Azcarate, A., & Grégoire, M. (29 September 2016). Operational forecasting of the Black sea: merging model simulations and satellite products [Paper presentation]. Black Sea from Space Workshop, Constanta, Romania.

Capet, A., Stanev, E., Beckers, J.-M., Murray, J., & Grégoire, M. (September 2016). Decline of the Black Sea Oxygen Inventory [Poster presentation]. Ocean ventilation and deoxygenation in a warming world, London, United Kingdom.

Barceló-Llull, B., Mason, E., Capet, A., & Pascual, A. (August 2016). Impact of vertical and horizontal advection on nutrient distribution in the southeast Pacific. Ocean Science, 12 (4), 1003-1011. doi:10.5194/os-12-1003-2016
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Capet, A., & Grégoire, M. (June 2016). Modelling hypoxia and its impact on marine Good Environmental Status : The Black Sea case [Paper presentation]. 8th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean ( IWMO ), Bologna, Italy.
Editorial reviewed

Capet, A., Soetaert, K., De Vittor, C., Cibic, T., Del Negro, P., & Solidoro, C. (April 2016). Bio-irrigation in simple diagenetic models: A study in the northwestern Adriatic [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria.
Editorial reviewed

Ruiz, S., Claret, M., Pascual, A., Olita, A., Mahadevan, A., Tovar, A., Troupin, C., Tintoré, J., & Capet, A. (23 February 2016). Observational and numerical evidence for ocean frontogenesis inducing submesoscale processes and impacting biochemistry [Poster presentation]. Ocean Science meeting, New Orleans (LA), United States.
Editorial reviewed

Capet, A., Stanev, E., Beckers, J.-M., Murray, J., & Grégoire, M. (February 2016). The two faces of Black Sea deoxygenation [Paper presentation]. American Geophysical Union : Ocean Science, New Orleans, United States.
Editorial reviewed

Capet, A., Stanev, E., Beckers, J.-M., Murray, J., & Grégoire, M. (2016). Decline of the Black Sea oxygen inventory. Biogeosciences, 13, 1287-1297. doi:10.5194/bg-13-1287-2016
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Capet, A., Meysman, F., Akoumianaki, I., Soetaert, K., & Grégoire, M. (2016). Integrating sediment biogeochemistry into 3D oceanic models: A study of benthic-pelagic coupling in the Black Sea. Ocean Modelling, 101, 83-100. doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2016.03.006
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Capet, A. (November 2015). ADRHYPOX: Hypoxia and Benthic Pelagic coupling in the Adriatic Sea [Paper presentation]. Bandiera Annual Meetiing.

Capet, A., & Grégoire, M. (November 2015). Benthox Kick-Off Meeting [Paper presentation]. Benthox Kick-Off Meeting.

Vandenbulcke, L., Capet, A., Grégoire, M., & Barth, A. (08 May 2015). The operational stochasting Black Sea forecasting system [Poster presentation]. The 47th International Liege Colloquium, Liège, Belgium.

Vandenbulcke, L., Barth, A., Capet, A., & Grégoire, M. (15 April 2015). The operational stochasting forecasting system of the Black Sea [Poster presentation]. EGU 2015, Vienne, Austria.

Capet, A., Mason, E., Rossi, V., Troupin, C., Faugère, Y., Pujol, I., & Pascual, A. (14 April 2015). Eddy-Driven Offshore Transport in the Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems: Implications of Refined Altimetry [Poster presentation]. 12th European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Editorial reviewed

Capet, A., stanev, E., & Grégoire, M. (April 2015). Decrease of the Black Sea Oxygen Inventory through the second half of the XXth century [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences meeting, Vienne, Austria.

Capet, A., Meysman, F., Soetaert, K., & Grégoire, M. (February 2015). The role of sediment resuspension in biogeochemical cycling across continental shelves [Paper presentation]. TurbInterMars: International conference on turbulence and interactions in marine systems, Trieste, Italy.
Editorial reviewed

Capet, A., Mason, E., Rossi, V., Troupin, C., Faugere, Y., Pujol, & Pascual, A. (October 2014). Implications of Refined Altimetry on Estimates of Mesoscale Activity and Eddy-Driven Offshore Transport in the Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems. Geophysical Research Letters, 41. doi:10.1002/2014GL061770
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Capet, A., Mason, E., Rossi, V., Troupin, C., Faugère, Y., Pujol, I., & Pascual, A. (23 September 2014). Refined Altimetry in the Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems: Implications on eddy transport estimates [Paper presentation]. MyOcean Science Days, Brest, France.
Editorial reviewed

Troupin, C., Capet, A., Barth, A., Beckers, J.-M., & Pascual, A. (23 September 2014). Interpolating of Sea-Level Anomaly in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea using the Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis [Poster presentation]. MyOcean Science Days, Toulouse, France.
Editorial reviewed

Capet, A. (June 2014). Modelling Hypoxia in the Black Sea Northwestern Shelf [Paper presentation]. seminar, Hamburg, Germany.

Capet, A. (April 2014). Study of the multi-decadal evolution of the Black Sea hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry using mathematical modelling [Paper presentation]. Seminar, Esporles, Spain.

Capet, A. (2014). Study of the multi-decadal evolution of the Black Sea hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry using mathematical modelling [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Capet, A., Troupin, C., Cartensen, J., Grégoire, M., & Beckers, J.-M. (26 January 2014). Untangling spatial and temporal trends in the variability of the Black Sea Cold Intermediate Layer and mixed Layer Depth using the DIVA detrending procedure. Ocean Dynamics, 64 (3), 315-324. doi:10.1007/s10236-013-0683-4
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Capet, A., Beckers, J.-M., & Grégoire, M. (January 2014). From charybdis to scylla: Eutrophication and climate drivers of hypoxia in the black sea northwesterm shelf [Paper presentation]. PERSEUS 2nd general assembly and scientific workshops, Athens, Greece.
Editorial reviewed

Drion, R., Capet, A., & Grégoire, M. (January 2014). Taxonomical versus Functional responses of macrobenthic communities to environmental conditions on the Black sea’s shelf [Poster presentation]. Perseus 2nd General assembly and Scientific Workshop, Athens, Greece.

Capet, A., Beckers, J.-M., & Grégoire, M. (2013). Hypoxia in the Black Sea northwestern shelf: From eutrophication to climatic stressors. In 40th CIESM congress proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Capet, A., meysman, F., & Soetaert, K. (15 May 2013). Benthic-Pelagic coupling in the Black Sea - A model Study [Paper presentation]. the 45th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics: Primary production in the ocean: from the synoptic to the global scale, Liège, Belgium.

Capet, A., Meysman, F., Soetaert, K., & Grégoire, M. (15 April 2013). Introducing dynamic benthic fluxes in 3D biogeochemical model : an application on the Black Sea North-Western shelf [Paper presentation]. the 45th International Liège Colloquium : Primary production in the ocean: from the synoptic to the global scale, Liège, Belgium.

Capet, A., Beckers, J.-M., & Grégoire, M. (2013). Seasonal hypoxia in the Black Sea north-western shelf. Is there any recovery after eutrophication ? In 9th EGU General Assembly. European Geosciences Union.
Peer reviewed

Capet, A., daskalov, G., Grégoire, M., Korotaev, G., Salihoglu, B., Staneva, J., & Shiganova, T. (22 January 2013). WP4: Developing integrated tools for environmental assessment, Region : Black Sea [Paper presentation]. PERSEUS Umbrella Wrokshop, Barcelona, Spain.

Capet, A., Beckers, J.-M., & Grégoire, M. (2013). Drivers, mechanisms and long-term variability of seasonal hypoxia on the Black Sea northwestern shelf – is there any recovery after eutrophication? Biogeosciences, 10, 3943-3962. doi:10.5194/bg-10-3943-2013
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Troupin, C., Barth, A., Sirjacobs, D., Ouberdous, M., Brankart, J.-M., Brasseur, P., Rixen, M., Alvera Azcarate, A., Belounis, M., Capet, A., Lenartz, F., Toussaint, M.-E., & Beckers, J.-M. (August 2012). Generation of analysis and consistent error fields using the Data Interpolating Variational Analysis (Diva). Ocean Modelling, 52-53, 90-101. doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.05.002
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Capet, A., & Grégoire, M. (24 May 2012). Preliminary reflexions on the coupling between 3D biogeochemical model and higher trophic level model for the North Western Black Sea shelf [Paper presentation]. Workshop : Step towards application of End-to-End modeling in the Mediterranean Seas, Sgonico (Trieste), Italy.

Capet, A., Barth, A., Beckers, J.-M., & Grégoire, M. (09 May 2012). Interannual variability of Black Sea’s hydrodynamics and connection to atmospheric patterns [Paper presentation]. The 44th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liège, Belgium.

Capet, A., Beckers, J.-M., & Grégoire, M. (13 March 2012). Sensitivity of the Oxygen Dynamics in the Black Sea North Western Shelf to physical and biogeochemical processes : 3D model approach [Paper presentation]. HYPOX final meeting, Roma, Italy.

Capet, A., Barth, A., Beckers, J.-M., & Grégoire, M. (2012). Interannual variability of Black Sea’s hydrodynamics and connection to atmospheric patterns. Deep-Sea Research. Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.04.010
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Capet, A., Beckers, J.-M., Joassin, P., & Naithani, J. (May 2011). Modelling hte dynamics of oxygen in the Black Sea northwestern shelf [Paper presentation]. HYPOX 2nd Annual meeting, Lucerne, Switzerland.

Troupin, C., Sirjacobs, D., Rixen, M., Brasseur, P., Brankart, J.-M., Alvera Azcarate, A., Barth, A., Capet, A., Ouberdous, M., Lenartz, F., Toussaint, M.-E., & Beckers, J.-M. (April 2011). Advanced Data Interpolating Variational Analysis. Application to climatological data [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria.

Capet, A., & Grégoire, M. (April 2011). 3D Modelling of the Black Sea Ecosystem [Paper presentation]. Final Conference and General Asembly of SESAME project (FP6 EC : 036949), Athens, Greece.

Troupin, C., Sirjacobs, D., Rixen, M., Brasseur, P., Brankart, J.-M., Barth, A., Alvera Azcarate, A., Capet, A., Ouberdous, M., Lenartz, F., Toussaint, M.-E., & Beckers, J.-M. (21 March 2011). Advanced Data Interpolating Variational Analysis. Application to climatological data [Poster presentation]. IODE 50th Anniversary International Conference, Liège, Belgium.

Capet, A., Barth, A., Beckers, J.-M., Borges, A., Joassin, P., Meysman, F., Soetaert, K., & Grégoire, M. (2011). Multidecadal evolution of Black Sea hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria.
Editorial reviewed

Capet, A., & Grégoire, M. (October 2010). 3D Modelling of the Black Sea northwestern shelf ecosystem : Benthic Fluxes [Paper presentation]. Experimental, typological and modelling approaches to evaluate at global and regional scales horizontal and vertical fluxes from land to the open ocean through rivers, estuaries and the coastal ocean, Liège, Belgium.

Vandenbulcke, L., Capet, A., Beckers, J.-M., & Grégoire, M. (August 2010). Onboard implementation of the GHER model for the Black Sea, with SST and CTD data assimilation. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 3 (2), 47-54. doi:10.1080/1755876X.2010.11020117
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Capet, A., & Grégoire, M. (14 May 2010). 3D Modelling of the Black Sea northwestern Shelf Ecosystem [Paper presentation]. 39th CIESM Congress, Venice, Italy.

Capet, A., Beckers, J.-M., Joassin, P., Naithani, J., & Grégoire, M. (11 November 2009). Assessing ecosystem changes in the North Western shelf of the Black Sea using 3D coupled models [Paper presentation]. SESAME 4th General Assembly Meeting and 2nd Scientific Workshop, Villefranche, France.

Capet, A., Beckers, J.-M., Joassin, P., Naithani, J., & Grégoire, M. (24 April 2009). 3D modelling of the Black Sea ecosystem [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2009.

Grégoire, M., Capet, A., Barth, A., Borges, A., Beckers, J.-M., Joassin, P., Naithani, J., Soetaert, S., & Vandenbulcke, L. (June 2008). Understanding the Black Sea ecosystem functioning during the eutrophication phase using mathematical modelling [Paper presentation]. Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modeling Workshop, Plymouth, United Kingdom.

Joassin, P., Beckers, J.-M., Boicenco, L., Capet, A., Grégoire, M., Moncheva, S., Naithani, J., Ouberdous, M., & Troupin, C. (2008). Application of a data-interpolating variational analysis (DIVA) tool to physical and biogeochemical measurements covering the Black Sea. In Climate change in the Black Sea, hypthesis, observations, trends scenarios and mitigation strategy for the ecosystem.
Peer reviewed

Grégoire, M., Capet, A., Barth, A., Borges, A., Beckers, J.-M., Joassine, P., Naithani, J., Soetaert, S., & Vandenbulcke, L. (2008). Understanding the Black Sea ecosystem functioning during the eutrophication phase using mathematical modelling. In S. Moncheva (Ed.), Climate change in the Black Sea, hypthesis, observations, trends scenarios and mitigation strategy for the ecosystem.
Peer reviewed

Capet, A. (2006). Complexité algorithmique des automates cellulaires [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Terwagne, D., Frère, B., Masabo, J.-P., & Capet, A. (April 2005). Phase transition in granular gases [Paper presentation]. ESTEC Workshop for the 8th ESA Student Parabolic Flight Campaign, Noordwijk, Netherlands.

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