Article (Scientific journals)
Oncological patients' reactions to COVID-19 pandemic: A single institution prospective study.
ONESTI, Concetta Elisa; Schroeder, Hélène; Rorive, Andrée et al.
2021In Cancer Reports, p. 1571
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
COVID-19 and cancer; SARS-CoV2; patients' awareness; patients' feelings
Abstract :
[en] BACKGROUND: The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a rapid reorganization in all human and hospital activities, with impact on cancer patients. AIM: An analysis of cancer patients fears, and awareness of COVID-19 has been done in this study. METHODS AND RESULTS: We analyzed cancer patients' reactions to the pandemic and their perception of oncological care reorganization, through a 12-item survey, proposed at the peak of pandemic and 3 months later. Overall, 237 patients were included in the study. During the peak of pandemic 34.6% of patients were more worried about COVID-19 than cancer versus 26.4% in the post-acute phase (p = .013). Although 49.8% of patients in the acute phase and 42.3% in the post-acute phase considered their risk of death if infected ≥50%, and more than 70% of patients thought to be at higher risk of complications, the majority of them did not consider the possibility to stop or delay their treatment. Patients were more interested in following news about COVID-19 than cancer and they complied with all preventive measures in more than 90% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Although cancer patients worried about COVID-19 and evaluated the risk of complication or death due to COVID-19 as extremely high, they were still asking for the best oncological treatment.
Disciplines :
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Title :
Oncological patients' reactions to COVID-19 pandemic: A single institution prospective study.
Publication date :
12 October 2021
Journal title :
Cancer Reports
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Commentary :
© 2021 The Authors. Cancer Reports published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.
Available on ORBi :
since 08 December 2021


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