
Gonne Elodie

Département des sciences cliniques

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Gennigens, Christine  (23)
Kakkos, Athanasios  (18)
Kridelka, Frédéric  (18)
Goffin, Frédéric  (17)
Delbecque, Katty  (15)
Main Referenced Keywords
oncology (4); chemotherapy (2); chimiothérapie (2); Endometrial cancer (2); endometrial carcinoma (2);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Oncology (24)
Dermatology (1)
Radiology, nuclear medicine & imaging (1)
Reproductive medicine (gynecology, andrology, obstetrics) (1)

Publications (total 26)

The most downloaded
FRERES, P., GONNE, E., COLLIGNON, J., GIOT, J.-B., GENNIGENS, C., & JERUSALEM, G. (2015). Prise en charge de la neutropénie fébrile chez le patient cancéreux. Revue Médicale de Liège, 70 (4), 195-200.

The most cited

18 citations (OpenAlex)

Streel, S.* , Salmon, A.* , DHEUR, A., Bours, V., LEROI, N., Habran, L., Delbecque, K., Goffin, F., PLEYERS, C., Kakkos, A., Gonne, E., Seidel, L., Kridelka, F.* , & Gennigens, C.*. (02 March 2023). Diagnostic Performance of Immunohistochemistry Compared to Molecular Techniques for Microsatellite Instability and p53 Mutation Detection in Endometrial Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24 (5), 4866. doi:10.3390/ijms24054866

DHEUR, A., Kakkos, A., Danthine, D., Delbecque, K., Goffin, F., Gonne, E., Lovinfosse, P., Pleyers, C., THILLE, A., Kridelka, F., & Gennigens, C. (11 November 2024). Lymph node assessment in cervical cancer: current approaches. Frontiers in Oncology, 14. doi:10.3389/fonc.2024.1435532
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LEBEAU, A., Lenom, M., LAPAILLE, L., Gonne, E., PIRON, M., Goffin, F., Kakkos, A., Schoenen, S., Delbecque, K., PLEYERS, C., Seidel, L., Lovinfosse, P., Danthine, D., Kridelka, F., & Gennigens, C. (2024). EV286/#550  Hormone receptors expression in high-grade epithelial ovarian cancers: a retrospective study. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 232.1-A232. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2024-igcs.405

LAPAILLE, L., Lenom, M., Gonne, E., PIRON, M., Goffin, F., Kakkos, A., Schoenen, S., Kridelka, F., Delbecque, K., PLEYERS, C., Seidel, L., Lovinfosse, P., Danthine, D., LEBEAU, A., & Gennigens, C. (2024). EV285/#587  Neoadjuvant versus adjuvant chemotherapy in high-grade epithelial ovarian cancer: a retrospective study. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 231.3-A232. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2024-igcs.404

Salmon, A.* , LEBEAU, A.* , Streel, S., Dheur, A., Schoenen, S., Goffin, F., Gonne, E., Kridelka, F., Kakkos, A.* , & Gennigens, C.*. (22 June 2024). Locally advanced and metastatic endometrial cancer: Current and emerging therapies. Cancer Treatment Reviews, 129, 102790. doi:10.1016/j.ctrv.2024.102790
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Baccus, L., Dheur, A., Salmon, A., Delbecque, K., Goffin, F., De Cuypere, M., PLEYERS, C., Lovinfosse, P., Danthine, D., THILLE, A., Gonne, E., Gennigens, C., Kridelka, F., & Kakkos, A. (2024). 414 Potential association between quantified LVSI status and molecular profile in predicting nodal metastases for patient suffering early-stage endometrial cancer. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 34, 177-A178.
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DEMARTEAU, C., PLEYERS, C., HERMESSE, J., Gennigens, C., Kakkos, A., Gonne, E., Goffin, F., & Kridelka, F. (September 2023). #749 Optimizing brachytherapy applicators implantation in locally advanced cervical cancer with transrectal ultrasound guidance. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 33, 91-A92. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2023-esgo.183
Peer reviewed

Streel, S.* , Salmon, A.* , DHEUR, A., Bours, V., LEROI, N., Habran, L., Delbecque, K., Goffin, F., PLEYERS, C., Kakkos, A., Gonne, E., Seidel, L., Kridelka, F.* , & Gennigens, C.*. (02 March 2023). Diagnostic Performance of Immunohistochemistry Compared to Molecular Techniques for Microsatellite Instability and p53 Mutation Detection in Endometrial Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24 (5), 4866. doi:10.3390/ijms24054866
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

DHEUR, A., Salmon, A., Streel, S., Bours, V., Delbecque, K., Gonne, E., PLEYERS, C., De Cuypere, M., Goffin, F., Lovinfosse, P., Kridelka, F., Kakkos, A., & Gennigens, C. (February 2023). p53 status : a strong negative prognostic factor in endometrial carcinoma [Poster presentation]. 25th BSMO Annual Meeting 2023, Hasselt, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Salmon, A., Streel, S., DHEUR, A., Bours, V., Delbecque, K., Gonne, E., PLEYERS, C., De Cuypere, M., Goffin, F., Lovinfosse, P., Kakkos, A., Kridelka, F., & Gennigens, C. (February 2023). Agreement between immunohistochemistry and molecular techniques to assess microsatellite instability and p53 status in endometrial cancer [Poster presentation]. 25th BSMO Annual Meeting 2023, Hasselt, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Dheur, A., Bours, V., De Cuypere, M., Delbecque, K., Gennigens, C., Goffin, F., Gonne, E., HERMESSE, J., Kridelka, F., Lovinfosse, P., PLEYERS, C., Salmon, A., & Kakkos, A. (October 2022). 2022-RA-193-ESGO Cost-effectiveness of molecular profiling for endometrial neoplasia: a single institution experience [Poster presentation]. 23rd European Congress on Gynaecological Oncology. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2022-esgo.203
Peer reviewed

Salmon, A., Dheur, A., Bours, V., Delbecque, K., Gonne, E., PLEYERS, C., De Cuypere, M., Goffin, F., Lovinfosse, P., Kridelka, F., Kakkos, A., & Gennigens, C. (October 2022). Endometrial cancer: lymphovascular space invasion is a negative prognostic factor [Poster presentation]. 23rd European Congress on Gynaecological Oncology. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2022-esgo.264
Peer reviewed

DHEUR, A., Bours, V., De Cuypere, M., Delbecque, K., Gennigens, C., Goffin, F., Gonne, E., HERMESSE, J., Kakkos, A., Lovinfosse, P., PLEYERS, C., Salmon, A., & Kridelka, F. (29 September 2022). Defining prognostic risk groups amongst patients with endometrial cancer:respective role of 2009 figo stage and molecular profile [Poster presentation]. IGCS 2022, New York, United States.
Peer reviewed

Salmon, A., DHEUR, A., Bours, V., Delbecque, K., Gonne, E., PLEYERS, C., De Cuypere, M., Goffin, F., Lovinfosse, P., Kakkos, A., Kridelka, F., & Gennigens, C. (29 September 2022). Endometrial cancer: agreement between P53 immunohistochemistry and TP53 mutational analysis ? [Poster presentation]. IGCS 2022, New York, United States.
Peer reviewed

De Cuypere, M., PLEYERS, C., HERMESSE, J., Lovinfosse, P., Delbecque, K., Gonne, E., Kakkos, A., Goffin, F., Kridelka, F., & Gennigens, C. (2022). A comparison of survival and recurrence pattern of patients presenting locally advanced cervical cancer according to the histological subtype: a monocentric retrospective study [Poster presentation]. 23rd European Congress on Gynecological Oncology, Berlin, Germany.
Peer reviewed

Gennigens, C., DHEUR, A., Bours, V., Delbecque, K., Gonne, E., PLEYERS, C., Seidel, L., Streel, S., De Cuypere, M., Goffin, F., Lovinfosse, P., Kakkos, A., Kridelka, F., & Salmon, A. (2022). 2022-RA-967-ESGO Endometrial cancer: agreement between microsatellite instability in immunohistochemistry and molecular analysis ? International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2022-ESGO.266
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ONESTI, C. E., Schroeder, H., Rorive, A., Sautois, B., Lecocq, M., Goffin, M., Gonne, E., Collinge, A., Nicolaers, L., Wéra, O., Catot, A., Loly, C., Paulus, A., Sibille, A., Lousberg, L., Troisfontaine, F., Collignon, J., Gennigens, C., Frères, P., ... Jerusalem, G. (2021). Oncological patients' reactions to COVID-19 pandemic: A single institution prospective study. Cancer Reports, 1571. doi:10.1002/cnr2.1571
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LAPAILLE, L., DE CUYPERE, M., GOFFIN, F., KAKKOS, A., GONNE, E., HERMESSE, J., LOVINFOSSE, P., DELBECQUE, K., THILLE, A., Kridelka, F., & GENNIGENS, C. (2021). Cancer du col utérin localement avancé : approche multidisciplinaire. Revue Médicale de Liège, 76 (5-6), 507-514.
Peer reviewed

Jouret, G., GONNE, E., QUATRESOOZ, P., REGINSTER, M.-A., COLLINS, P., LEBAS, E., JERUSALEM, G., & NIKKELS, A. (2020). Cutaneous Breast Cancer Metastases Successfully Treated Using an Oxygen Flow Assisted Topical Administration of Methotrexate (OFAMTX). Dermatology and Therapy. doi:10.1007/s13555-020-00393-9
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ONESTI, C. E., SCHROEDER, H., RORIVE, A., SAUTOIS, B., LECOCQ, M., Goffin, M., GONNE, E., COLLINGE, A., NICOLAERS, L., WERA, O., Catot, A., LOLY, C., PAULUS, A., SIBILLE, A., LOUSBERG, L., Troisfontaine, F., COLLIGNON, J., GENNIGENS, C., FRERES, P., & JERUSALEM, G. (2020). How do oncological patients perceive the Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic ? Experience from CHU Liege in Belgium [Poster presentation]. ESMO Virtual Congress 2020, Madrid, Spain.

LECOCQ, M., ONESTI, C. E., SCHROEDER, H., RORIVE, A., Goffin, M., GONNE, E., SAUTOIS, B., Catot, A., WERA, O., NICOLAERS, L., COLLINGE, A., Collignon, J., FRERES, P., POLUS, M., DUYSINX, B., VAILLANT, F., GENNIGENS, C., MARCHAL, N., PONCIN, A., & JERUSALEM, G. (2020). Risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and outcome after infection : Experience from the day-care unit at CHU Liege in Belgium [Poster presentation]. ESMO Virtual Congress 2020, Madrid, Spain.

GENNIGENS, C., KRIDELKA, F., JERUSALEM, G., SEIDEL, L., GOFFIN, F., Barbeaux, A., Forget, F., KAKKOS, A., HERMESSE, J., GONNE, E., & DE CUYPERE, M. (2019). Lymphocytes count at diagnosis is a potential survival predictor in patients treated by chemoradiation in locally advanced cervical cancer [Poster presentation]. ESGO 2019 Athens: 21st European Gynaecological Oncology Congress 2019, Athens, Greece.

KAKKOS, A., GONNE, E., COIMBRA MARQUES, C., NERVO, P., REMACLE, G., THILLE, A., HAYETTE, M.-P., VAN LINTHOUT, C., KRIDELKA, F., & DELBECQUE, K. (2017). Le cas clinique du mois. Actinomycose pelvienne pseudo-tumorale : il fallait y penser. Revue Médicale de Liège, 72 (1), 10-13.
Peer reviewed

GONNE, E., COLLIGNON, J., JERUSALEM, G., & GENNIGENS, C. (2016). Le carcinome de site primitif inconnu, une entité pas si rare. Revue Médicale de Liège, 71 (10), 449-454.
Peer reviewed

Peer reviewed

FRERES, P., GONNE, E., COLLIGNON, J., GIOT, J.-B., GENNIGENS, C., & JERUSALEM, G. (2015). Prise en charge de la neutropénie fébrile chez le patient cancéreux. Revue Médicale de Liège, 70 (4), 195-200.
Peer reviewed

GONNE, E., Collignon, J., Kurth, W., Thiry, A., Henry, F., Jerusalem, G., & Gennigens, C. (2009). Angiosarcome sur lymphoedeme chronique: un cas de syndrome de Stewart-Treves. Revue Médicale de Liège, 64 (7-8), 409-13.
Peer reviewed

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