Salmon, A.* , LEBEAU, A.* , Streel, S., Dheur, A., Schoenen, S., Goffin, F., Gonne, E., Kridelka, F., Kakkos, A.* , & Gennigens, C.*. (22 June 2024). Locally advanced and metastatic endometrial cancer: Current and emerging therapies. Cancer Treatment Reviews, 129, 102790. doi:10.1016/j.ctrv.2024.102790 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Baccus, L., Dheur, A., Salmon, A., Delbecque, K., Goffin, F., De Cuypere, M., PLEYERS, C., Lovinfosse, P., Danthine, D., THILLE, A., Gonne, E., Gennigens, C., Kridelka, F., & Kakkos, A. (2024). 414 Potential association between quantified LVSI status and molecular profile in predicting nodal metastases for patient suffering early-stage endometrial cancer. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 34, 177-A178. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
DEMARTEAU, C., PLEYERS, C., HERMESSE, J., Gennigens, C., Kakkos, A., Gonne, E., Goffin, F., & Kridelka, F. (September 2023). #749 Optimizing brachytherapy applicators implantation in locally advanced cervical cancer with transrectal ultrasound guidance. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 33, 91-A92. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2023-esgo.183 Peer reviewed |
Streel, S.* , Salmon, A.* , DHEUR, A., Bours, V., LEROI, N., Habran, L., Delbecque, K., Goffin, F., PLEYERS, C., Kakkos, A., Gonne, E., Seidel, L., Kridelka, F.* , & Gennigens, C.*. (02 March 2023). Diagnostic Performance of Immunohistochemistry Compared to Molecular Techniques for Microsatellite Instability and p53 Mutation Detection in Endometrial Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24 (5), 4866. doi:10.3390/ijms24054866 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
DHEUR, A., Salmon, A., Streel, S., Bours, V., Delbecque, K., Gonne, E., PLEYERS, C., De Cuypere, M., Goffin, F., Lovinfosse, P., Kridelka, F., Kakkos, A., & Gennigens, C. (February 2023). p53 status : a strong negative prognostic factor in endometrial carcinoma [Poster presentation]. 25th BSMO Annual Meeting 2023, Hasselt, Belgium. Peer reviewed |
Salmon, A., Streel, S., DHEUR, A., Bours, V., Delbecque, K., Gonne, E., PLEYERS, C., De Cuypere, M., Goffin, F., Lovinfosse, P., Kakkos, A., Kridelka, F., & Gennigens, C. (February 2023). Agreement between immunohistochemistry and molecular techniques to assess microsatellite instability and p53 status in endometrial cancer [Poster presentation]. 25th BSMO Annual Meeting 2023, Hasselt, Belgium. Peer reviewed |
Dheur, A., Bours, V., De Cuypere, M., Delbecque, K., Gennigens, C., Goffin, F., Gonne, E., HERMESSE, J., Kridelka, F., Lovinfosse, P., PLEYERS, C., Salmon, A., & Kakkos, A. (October 2022). 2022-RA-193-ESGO Cost-effectiveness of molecular profiling for endometrial neoplasia: a single institution experience [Poster presentation]. 23rd European Congress on Gynaecological Oncology. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2022-esgo.203 Peer reviewed |
Salmon, A., Dheur, A., Bours, V., Delbecque, K., Gonne, E., PLEYERS, C., De Cuypere, M., Goffin, F., Lovinfosse, P., Kridelka, F., Kakkos, A., & Gennigens, C. (October 2022). Endometrial cancer: lymphovascular space invasion is a negative prognostic factor [Poster presentation]. 23rd European Congress on Gynaecological Oncology. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2022-esgo.264 Peer reviewed |
DHEUR, A., Bours, V., De Cuypere, M., Delbecque, K., Gennigens, C., Goffin, F., Gonne, E., HERMESSE, J., Kakkos, A., Lovinfosse, P., PLEYERS, C., Salmon, A., & Kridelka, F. (29 September 2022). Defining prognostic risk groups amongst patients with endometrial cancer:respective role of 2009 figo stage and molecular profile [Poster presentation]. IGCS 2022, New York, United States. Peer reviewed |
Salmon, A., DHEUR, A., Bours, V., Delbecque, K., Gonne, E., PLEYERS, C., De Cuypere, M., Goffin, F., Lovinfosse, P., Kakkos, A., Kridelka, F., & Gennigens, C. (29 September 2022). Endometrial cancer: agreement between P53 immunohistochemistry and TP53 mutational analysis ? [Poster presentation]. IGCS 2022, New York, United States. Peer reviewed |
De Cuypere, M., PLEYERS, C., HERMESSE, J., Lovinfosse, P., Delbecque, K., Gonne, E., Kakkos, A., Goffin, F., Kridelka, F., & Gennigens, C. (2022). A comparison of survival and recurrence pattern of patients presenting locally advanced cervical cancer according to the histological subtype: a monocentric retrospective study [Poster presentation]. 23rd European Congress on Gynecological Oncology, Berlin, Germany. Peer reviewed |
Gennigens, C., DHEUR, A., Bours, V., Delbecque, K., Gonne, E., PLEYERS, C., Seidel, L., Streel, S., De Cuypere, M., Goffin, F., Lovinfosse, P., Kakkos, A., Kridelka, F., & Salmon, A. (2022). 2022-RA-967-ESGO Endometrial cancer: agreement between microsatellite instability in immunohistochemistry and molecular analysis ? International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2022-ESGO.266 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
ONESTI, C. E., Schroeder, H., Rorive, A., Sautois, B., Lecocq, M., Goffin, M., Gonne, E., Collinge, A., Nicolaers, L., Wéra, O., Catot, A., Loly, C., Paulus, A., Sibille, A., Lousberg, L., Troisfontaine, F., Collignon, J., Gennigens, C., Frères, P., ... Jerusalem, G. (2021). Oncological patients' reactions to COVID-19 pandemic: A single institution prospective study. Cancer Reports, 1571. doi:10.1002/cnr2.1571 Peer reviewed |
LAPAILLE, L., DE CUYPERE, M., GOFFIN, F., KAKKOS, A., GONNE, E., HERMESSE, J., LOVINFOSSE, P., DELBECQUE, K., THILLE, A., Kridelka, F., & GENNIGENS, C. (2021). Cancer du col utérin localement avancé : approche multidisciplinaire. Revue Médicale de Liège, 76 (5-6), 507-514. Peer reviewed |
Jouret, G., GONNE, E., QUATRESOOZ, P., REGINSTER, M.-A., COLLINS, P., LEBAS, E., JERUSALEM, G., & NIKKELS, A. (2020). Cutaneous Breast Cancer Metastases Successfully Treated Using an Oxygen Flow Assisted Topical Administration of Methotrexate (OFAMTX). Dermatology and Therapy. doi:10.1007/s13555-020-00393-9 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
ONESTI, C. E., SCHROEDER, H., RORIVE, A., SAUTOIS, B., LECOCQ, M., Goffin, M., GONNE, E., COLLINGE, A., NICOLAERS, L., WERA, O., Catot, A., LOLY, C., PAULUS, A., SIBILLE, A., LOUSBERG, L., Troisfontaine, F., COLLIGNON, J., GENNIGENS, C., FRERES, P., & JERUSALEM, G. (2020). How do oncological patients perceive the Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic ? Experience from CHU Liege in Belgium [Poster presentation]. ESMO Virtual Congress 2020, Madrid, Spain. |
LECOCQ, M., ONESTI, C. E., SCHROEDER, H., RORIVE, A., Goffin, M., GONNE, E., SAUTOIS, B., Catot, A., WERA, O., NICOLAERS, L., COLLINGE, A., Collignon, J., FRERES, P., POLUS, M., DUYSINX, B., VAILLANT, F., GENNIGENS, C., MARCHAL, N., PONCIN, A., & JERUSALEM, G. (2020). Risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and outcome after infection : Experience from the day-care unit at CHU Liege in Belgium [Poster presentation]. ESMO Virtual Congress 2020, Madrid, Spain. |
GENNIGENS, C., KRIDELKA, F., JERUSALEM, G., SEIDEL, L., GOFFIN, F., Barbeaux, A., Forget, F., KAKKOS, A., HERMESSE, J., GONNE, E., & DE CUYPERE, M. (2019). Lymphocytes count at diagnosis is a potential survival predictor in patients treated by chemoradiation in locally advanced cervical cancer [Poster presentation]. ESGO 2019 Athens: 21st European Gynaecological Oncology Congress 2019, Athens, Greece. |
KAKKOS, A., GONNE, E., COIMBRA MARQUES, C., NERVO, P., REMACLE, G., THILLE, A., HAYETTE, M.-P., VAN LINTHOUT, C., KRIDELKA, F., & DELBECQUE, K. (2017). Le cas clinique du mois. Actinomycose pelvienne pseudo-tumorale : il fallait y penser. Revue Médicale de Liège, 72 (1), 10-13. Peer reviewed |
GONNE, E., COLLIGNON, J., JERUSALEM, G., & GENNIGENS, C. (2016). Le carcinome de site primitif inconnu, une entité pas si rare. Revue Médicale de Liège, 71 (10), 449-454. Peer reviewed |
COLIN, P.-E., SCHROEDER, H., GONNE, E., Hanocq, F., ANDRE, C., RORIVE, A., Jerusalem, G., & COLLIGNON, J. (2015). BIOPSIE DES LESIONS SUSPECTES CHEZ LES PATIENTS AYANT PRESENTE UN CANCER DU SEIN. Revue Médicale de Liège, 70 (11), 563-8. Peer reviewed |
FRERES, P., GONNE, E., COLLIGNON, J., GIOT, J.-B., GENNIGENS, C., & JERUSALEM, G. (2015). Prise en charge de la neutropénie fébrile chez le patient cancéreux. Revue Médicale de Liège, 70 (4), 195-200. Peer reviewed |
GONNE, E., Collignon, J., Kurth, W., Thiry, A., Henry, F., Jerusalem, G., & Gennigens, C. (2009). Angiosarcome sur lymphoedeme chronique: un cas de syndrome de Stewart-Treves. Revue Médicale de Liège, 64 (7-8), 409-13. Peer reviewed |