Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Purchase Intent, Online Offers and Product Innovation: Misunderstandings in the Ménage à Trois
Meersman, Davor; Debruyne, Christophe
2011 • In Business Information Systems Workshops - BIS 2011 International Workshops and BPSC International Conference, Pozna , Poland June 15-17, 2011. Revised Papers
Purchase Intent, Online Offers and Product Innovation: Misunderstandings in the Ménage à Trois
Publication date :
Event name :
Business Information Systems Workshops - BIS 2011 International Workshops and BPSC International Conference
Event date :
June 15-17, 2011
Main work title :
Business Information Systems Workshops - BIS 2011 International Workshops and BPSC International Conference, Pozna , Poland June 15-17, 2011. Revised Papers
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