small-scale farming; diversification; characterisation; Mountainous South Kivu; Democratic Republic of Congo
Abstract :
[en] Mountainous South Kivu is an agro-pastoral zone in Democratic Republic of Congo where smallscale
agriculture is predominant. Due to its location and potential, this region would contribute to
the food security of the population of South Kivu and neighbouring territories. This research aimed
to establish a characterisation of small-scale farming in this area in order to highlight the factors that
differentiate farms. To achieve this objective, we adopted a holistic approach coupled with
descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and student's t-test for data analysis. Data were collected
from a purposive sample of 211 farmers in 2018 and 2019 respectively. The results revealed that the
differentiation of farms is based on the number of plots per farm, the choice of production systems,
the cropping system, the land tenure, the gross margin, the gross value added and the net farm
income achieved at farm level. Therefore, solutions such as access to finance allowing farmers to
diversify their production system, the restoration of security in rural areas, the rehabilitation of the
existing and creation of new feeder roads, and the setting and promotion of very strong and
dynamic farmers' structures would allow a significant development of agricultural activities in the
study area.
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