2D materials; Spintronics; Field-effect; Spin-layer locking; Density-functional Theory
Abstract :
[en] A recent 2D spinFET concept proposes to switch electrostatically between two separate sublayers with strong and opposite intrinsic Rashba effects, exploiting the spin-layer locking mechanism in centrosymmetric materials with local dipole fields.
Here, we propose a novel monolayer material within this family, lutetium oxide iodide (LuIO). It displays one of the largest Rashba effects among 2D materials (up to $k_R = 0.08 \si{\angstrom}^{-1}$), leading to a $\pi/2$ rotation of the spins over just 1 nm. The monolayer was predicted to be exfoliable from its experimentally-known 3D bulk counterpart, with a binding energy lower than graphene. We characterize and simulate the interplay of the two gate-controlled parameters for such devices: doping and spin channel selection. We show that the ability to split the spin channels in energy diminishes with doping, leading to specific gate-operation guidelines that can apply to all devices based on spin-layer locking.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Zhang, Rong; Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - EPFL > Theory and Simulation of Materials (THEOS), and National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (MARVEL)
Marrazzo, Antimo; University of Trieste > Department of Physics
Verstraete, Matthieu ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de physique > Physique des matériaux et nanostructures
Marzari, Nicola; Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - EPFL > Theory and Simulation of Materials (THEOS), and National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (MARVEL)
Sohier, Thibault ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de physique > Physique des matériaux et nanostructures
Language :
Title :
Gate control of spin-layer-locking FETs and application to monolayer LuIO
Publication date :
30 August 2021
Journal title :
Nano Letters
Publisher :
American Chemical Society, United States - District of Columbia
SNSF - Swiss National Science Foundation ULiège FSR - Université de Liège. Fonds spéciaux pour la recherche
Funding text :
The results of this research have been partially achieved using the DECI resource ARCHER UK National Supercomputing Service with sup-
port from the PRACE aisbl. Simulation time was also awarded by PRACE (project id. 2020225411) on MareNostrum at Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputacion (The Spanish National Supercomputing Center) and on MARCONI at CINECA Italy (project id. 2016163963). R.Z., A.M., N.M. and T.S. acknowledges support
from NCCR MARVEL funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, R.Z. was supported by the NCCR MARVEL INSPIRE Potentials fellowship. T.S. acknowledges support from the University of Liege under the Special Funds for Research, IPD-STEMA Programme.
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