Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Our Common Soil : towards a new project.
Vigano, Paola; Barcelloni Corte, Martina; Vialle, Antoine
2021Eurosoil 2021
Editorial reviewed


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Keywords :
soil; project; city-territory
Abstract :
[en] Developed during one and a half days, this session aspires to address the “Sustainable Cities and Communities” topic from an interdisciplinary perspective involving urbanists, landscape urbanists, practitioners, soil scientists together with local inhabitants and associations. During the first morning, three parallel panels (four speakers each, selected via open call) will launch the “soil as a resource and as a common” topic, which will be actively addressed (afternoon) through a set of thematic walks. Urbanists and soil scientists will meet local experts and inhabitants, not only as a “hands-on”, but literally as a “feet-on” occasion. An open debate will close the session during the morning of the second day. This session proposes an innovative approach to “meet the experts” and local actors directly in the field, where a moment of exchange around concrete situations will help to imagine new spaces and practices. The topic of “urban soils” will be addressed in the frame of the contemporary city’s new form and of the transition (ecological, economic etc.) that cities and communities will have to address in the coming years. Urbanists, soil scientists, but also associations and municipalities should come together to build a new understanding of the city and its soils, of its forms and uses, with the aim of conceiving a new Project for "our common urban soil".
Disciplines :
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Vigano, Paola
Barcelloni Corte, Martina  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'Architecture > Landscape Urbanism
Vialle, Antoine
Language :
Title :
Our Common Soil : towards a new project.
Alternative titles :
[en] Italia
Original title :
[en] Organisation of the Parallel Session 14 / SDG 11
Publication date :
26 August 2021
Number of pages :
martina barcelloni corte
Event name :
Eurosoil 2021
Event organizer :
Event date :
from 23 to 27-08-2021
By request :
Audience :
Peer reviewed :
Editorial reviewed
Commentary :
Organisation and moderation of the Parallel Session 14 / SDG 11
Available on ORBi :
since 29 August 2021


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