
Barcelloni Corte Martina

Département d'Architecture


See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Vigano, Paola (12)
Cavalieri, Chiara (5)
Privot, Joël  (5)
Teller, Jacques  (5)
Bianchet, Bruno  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
transition (9); Horizontal Metropolis (5); urbanisation (5); soil (4); urbanism (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
HRC; Lab-U (1)
Habitat Research Centre (1)
LEMA - Local Environment Management and Analysis (1)
URA - Unité de Recherches de la Faculté d'Architecture - ULiège (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (41)
Architecture (4)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)
Environmental sciences & ecology (1)

Publications (total 47)

The most downloaded
McGrath, B., Sangawongse, S., Thaikatoo, D., & Barcelloni Corte, M. (2017). The Architecture of the Metacity: Land Use Change, Patch Dynamics and Urban Form in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Urban Planning, 2 (1). doi:10.17645/up.v2i1.869

The most cited

26 citations (OpenAlex)

Viganò, P., Cavalieri, C., & Barcelloni Corte, M. (Eds.). (2018). The Horizontal Metropolis Between Urbanism and Urbanization. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-75975-3

Theses and dissertations

Doctoral thesis

Barcelloni Corte, M. (2014). Horizontal Urbanism. A comparative exploration of an emergent urban principle [Doctoral thesis, IUAV Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia]. ORBi-University of Liège.



Direction and/or edition of collective works (including proceedings of scientific meetings, special issues of journals)

Barcelloni Corte, M., & Viganò (Eds.). (2022). The Horizontal Metropolis. The Anthology. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-56398-1
Editorial reviewed

Viganò, P., Cavalieri, C., & Barcelloni Corte, M. (Eds.). (2018). The Horizontal Metropolis Between Urbanism and Urbanization. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-75975-3
Editorial reviewed


Vandenbulcke, B. (Ed.), Burquel Benoit (Ed.), Fallon Harold (Ed.), Leeke Reinders (Other coll.), Hachez, A. (Other coll.), Barcelloni Corte, M. (Other coll.), Wuytack, K. (Other coll.), Menon Carlo (Other coll.), Muyldermans Laura (Other coll.), & Decroos Bart (Other coll.). (2024). AHA - In Practice : A Travelogue by Leeke Reinders. Mer (imprint of Borgerhoff & Lamberigts).
Peer reviewed

Articles and book chapters

Articles in journals with peer reviewing

Vigano, P., Barcelloni Corte, M., & Vialle, A. (2020). Le Sol de la ville-territoire. Projet et production de connaissances. Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances, 14 (4). doi:10.4000/rac.14737
Peer reviewed

Vigano, P., Barcelloni Corte, M., & Vialle, A. (2020). Le Sol de la ville-territoire. Projet et production de connaissances. Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances, 14 (4).
Peer reviewed

Cogato Lanza, E., Barcelloni Corte, M., & Grazer Bideau, F. (2019). COMPARING HABITATS Reframing comparison in the “post-disciplinary” era. Contour Journal, (4), 1-16.
Peer reviewed

Vigano, P., Arnsperger, C., Barcelloni Corte, M., & Cavalieri, C. (2017). Rethinking Urban Form: Switzerland as a “Horizontal Metropolis”. Urban Planning, 2 (1). doi:10.17645/up.v2i1.871
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

McGrath, B., Sangawongse, S., Thaikatoo, D., & Barcelloni Corte, M. (2017). The Architecture of the Metacity: Land Use Change, Patch Dynamics and Urban Form in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Urban Planning, 2 (1). doi:10.17645/up.v2i1.869
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Bahrami, F., & Barcelloni Corte, M. (2017). Horizontal Walking. Shifting practices and emerging landscapes. Urbanistica Informazioni, (272), 498-591.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Vigano, P., Barcelloni Corte, M., & Cavalieri, C. (February 2016). The Horizontal Metropolis: a radical project. Anthos Magazine, 2.
Peer reviewed

Articles in journals without peer reviewing

Barcelloni Corte, M., Bianchet, B., Privot, J., Schelings, C., & Teller, J. (2022). Après qui, le déluge ? Ruimte en Planning, 55, 74-77.

Barcelloni Corte, M., & Boivin, P. (2021). Soils for transition. Towards an urbanism of living soil. OASE: Tijdschrift voor Architectuur, (110), 176-186.
Editorial Reviewed verified by ORBi

Peleman, D., Ronner, E., Barcelloni Corte, M., & Vigano, P. (2021). Exploring the soil : Not a sentimental journey. OASE: Tijdschrift voor Architectuur, (110), 223.
Editorial Reviewed verified by ORBi

Peleman, D., Ronner Elsbeth, Barcelloni Corte, M., & Vigano, P. (2021). Exploring the soil: Not a sentimental journey. OASE: Tijdschrift voor Architectuur, (110), 223.
Editorial Reviewed verified by ORBi

Articles in proceedings

Barcelloni Corte, M., & Palmioli, A. (2014). Weak urbanism. The contemporary relevance of an italian vision. In L'Urbanistica Italiana nel mondo.
Peer reviewed

Barcelloni Corte, M. (2014). Water Rationalities: an east-­west comparison. In “Preserving the Flow of Life”. Colloque International Eau&Energie Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Book chapters

Barcelloni Corte, M., & Wuytack, K. (2024). SPOLIA MENTALE. A tale of liberated objects (& territories). In B. Vandenbulcke, AHA In Practice (In Practice). Ghent, Belgium: MER.
Peer reviewed

Barcelloni Corte, M., Bogdan, O., Catsaros, C., Nelles, N., Norman, A., & Wittevrongel, B. (2023). Vers une démarche architecturale régénérative. In Institut Culturel d'Architecture, Architectures Wallonie-Bruxelles Inventaires #4 2020-2023. Bruxelles, Belgium: Éditions Cellule de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.
Editorial reviewed

Barcelloni Corte, M., & Teller, J. (2022). L’arrondissement de Verviers : vers un projet de territoire ? In N. Nelles & Curien Émeline, Guide d'architecture moderne et contemporaine 1868-2022 Verviers, Spa, Ostbelgien, Pays de Herve & Vallée de l'Amblève. Bruxelles, Belgium: Editions Cellule de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.
Editorial reviewed

Barcelloni Corte, M. (2022). The Horizontal Metropolis - Prophecies and Clues: Introduction. In The Horizontal Metropolis: The Anthology. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-56398-1_2
Editorial reviewed

Barcelloni Corte, M. (2022). The Horizontal Metropolis - A Contemporary Reconsideration: Introduction. In The Horizontal Metropolis: The Anthology. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-56398-1_29
Editorial reviewed

Barcelloni Corte, M. (2019). In the course of recognition. Notes on a new urban imaginary. In C. Cavalieri & P. Viganò, The Horizontal Metropolis, a radical project (pp. 25-35). Zurich, Switzerland: Park Books.
Editorial reviewed

Barcelloni Corte, M., & McGrath, B. (2018). The Horizontal Metropolis : Spatial, Social and Natural Capital. In P. Viganò, C. Cavalieri, ... M. Barcelloni Corte, The Horizontal Metropolis Between Urbanism and Urbanisation. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-75975-3_41
Editorial reviewed

Barcelloni Corte, M. (2018). The Horizontal Metropolis : Issues and Challenges for a New Urban Ecology. In P. Viganò, C. Cavalieri, ... M. Barcelloni Corte, The Horizontal Metropolis Between Urbanism and Urbanization. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-75975-3_45
Peer reviewed

Barcelloni Corte, M., & Di Martino, D. (2014). Pollution ecologies: from reclamation to restructuring. In L. Fabian & P. Vigano, The New Urban Question, ricerche sulla citta contemporanea 2009 2014. Rome, Italy: Aracne editrice.
Peer reviewed

Published reports

Research reports

Barcelloni Corte, M., Kunysz, P., & Marghem, T. (2024). TEH: Building a Cultural Regeneration Project for Europe.


Vigano, P., Teller, J., Archambeau, P., Barcelloni Corte, M., Bianchet, B., Cifende, C., Contor, J., Courard, L., Deenmahomed, K., Delrez, L., Denis, A., Dodion, H., Douinot, A., Eme, A., Fallon, C., Gariglio, S., Hubert, J., Jacquemin, J., Lamberts, M., ... Thiry, A. (2023). Schéma stratégique multidisciplinaire du bassin versant de la Vesdre.

Barcelloni Corte, M., Bianchet, B., Privot, J., Schelings, C., & Teller, J. (2022). Schéma stratégique multidisciplinaire du bassin versant de la Vesdre. Diagnostic approfondi et multithématique. Contributions de la TEAM Vesdre – ULiège.

Vigano, P., Shillers, E., Barcelloni Corte, M., Gerronnez, L., Ecker, S., & Alain, M. (2021). Une vision pour le Luxembourg-Europe. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Ministère de l'Energie et de l'aménagement du Territoire.

Vigano, P., Sega, R., Barcelloni Corte, M., & Pietropolli, T. (2020). Grand Genève 2050. Du sol et du travail : la transition, un nouveau projet biopolitique. Geneva, Switzerland: Fondation Braillard.

Scientific popularization and diffusion for general audience


Vigano, P., Barcelloni Corte, M., & Cavalieri, C. (2015). The Horizontal Metropolis: a Radical Project. Conference Proceedings.

Unpublished conferences and communications

Communications to congresses and symposiums

Schelings, C., Barcelloni Corte, M., Privot, J., Bianchet, B., Joshi, M., & Teller, J. (08 June 2023). Vulnérabilité et chemin de dépendance : quelle est notre marge d’adaptation au changement climatique ? [Paper presentation]. 24èmes rencontres internationales en urbanisme de l'APERAU, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Peer reviewed

Barcelloni Corte, M. (2022). "Du sol et du travail" Vers un approche qualitative et fonctionnelle des sols urbains [Paper presentation]. Assises Nationales du Foncier et des territoires, Nancy, France.
Editorial reviewed

Benettin, P., Barcelloni Corte, M., Chris Soulsby, & Wehrle, C. (2022). Re-designing the urban water cycle: Towards Water-Age-Neutral Habitats [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11203
Peer reviewed

Barcelloni Corte, M., & Privot, J. (2022). Le cas du bassin versant de la Vesdre au regard du changement climatique [Paper presentation]. Intersol 2022 Congrès-Exposition International sur les Sols, Lyon, France.
Peer reviewed

Barcelloni Corte, M. (30 November 2021). One Health, One Territory [Paper presentation]. Designing cities in a changing world Towards an urban One Health approach, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Editorial reviewed

Vigano, P., Barcelloni Corte, M., & Vialle, A. (26 August 2021). Our Common Soil : towards a new project [Paper presentation]. Eurosoil 2021.
Editorial reviewed

Barcelloni Corte, M. (24 August 2021). 8400Ha+ Scenarios: Towards an urbanism of living soil [Paper presentation]. Eurosoil, Geneva, Switzerland.
Editorial reviewed

Barcelloni Corte, M., & Bahrami, F. (27 May 2021). Cities of Extended Walks. Redistributing Space and Time for Walking Continuities [Paper presentation]. BIVEC - GIBET Transport Research Days, Delft, Netherlands.
Editorial reviewed

Conferences in universities or research centers

Barcelloni Corte, M. (17 November 2021). "Our Common Soil", vers une approche qualitative et fonctionnelle des sols urbains Retours d'expériences en Suisse et perspectives en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Mobiliser les friches pour accroître la résilience de nos sociétés, Charleroi, Belgium.

Barcelloni Corte, M., & Benettin, P. (24 September 2021). Water-Age-Neutral Habitats. Re-designing the urban water cycle for a renewable city-territory [Paper presentation]. New Climates in Lausanne: Hidden Rivers, Lausanne (online), Switzerland.

Viganò, P., Barcelloni Corte, M., Cavalieri, C., & Zhang, Q. (September 2021). Hong Kong Horizontal Metropolis. A paradigm shift [Paper presentation]. Hong Kong Horizontal Metropolis. A paradigm shift, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China.

Barcelloni Corte, M. (2015). Radical Lessons for a New Rurality [Paper presentation]. Re-imagining Rurality, London, United Kingdom.

Conferences given outside the academic context

Barcelloni Corte, M. (2021). The Horizontal Metropolis : 3 Books [Paper presentation]. Hong Kong Horizontal Metropolis: A Paradigm Shift, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China.

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