[en] Extensive floodplains and numerous lakes in the Amazon basin are well suited to examine the role of floodable lands within the context of the sources and processing of carbon within inland waters. We measured diel, seasonal and inter-annual variations of CO2 concentrations and related environmental variables in open water and flooded vegetation and estimated their habitat area using remote sensing in a representative Amazon floodplain lake, Lake Janauacá. Variability in CO2 concentrations in open water resulted from changes in the extent of inundation and exchange with vegetated habitats. Depth-averaged values of CO2 in the open water of the lake, 157 ± 91 µM (mean ± SD), were less than those in an embayment near aquatic vegetation, 285 ± 116 µM, and were variable over 24-h periods at both sites. Within floating herbaceous plant mats, the mean concentration was 275 ± 77 µM, while in flooded forests it was 217 ± 78 µM. The best statistical model that included CO2 in aquatic plant mats, water clarity, rate of change in water level and chlorophyll-a concentrations explained around 90% of the variability in CO2 concentration. Three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling demonstrated that diel differences in water temperature between plant mats and open water as well as basin-scale motions caused lateral exchanges of CO2 between vegetated habitats and open water. Our findings extend understanding of CO2 in tropical lakes and floodplains with measurements and models that emphasize the importance of flooded forests and aquatic herbaceous plants fringing floodplain lakes as sources of CO2 to open waters.
Research Center/Unit :
FOCUS - Freshwater and OCeanic science Unit of reSearch - ULiège
Disciplines :
Aquatic sciences & oceanology
Author, co-author :
Amaral, João Henrique Fernandes
Melack, John Michael
Barbosa, Pedro Maia
Borges, Alberto ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Chemical Oceanography Unit (COU)
Kasper, Daniele
Cortes, Alicia Cortes
Zhou, Wencai
MacIntyre, Sally
Forsberg, Bruce Rider
Language :
Title :
Inundation, hydrodynamics, and vegetation influences carbon dioxide concentrations in Amazon floodplain lakes
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