HRS4R; Charter and Code; HR excellence in research award
Abstract :
[en] European University EDUC (European Digital UniverCity) is an alliance of 6 organisations aiming at reinforcing mobilities diversification and pedagogical innovation, both developed with the Information and Communication technologies. Partners are Postdam University (DE), University of Rennes1 FR), University of Paris-Nanterre (FR), Mazaryk University (CZ), Iniversity of Cagliary (IT), University of Pécs (HU). The consortium benefits from EU funds (Erasmus+, SWAFS) for supporting in their common work. EDUC-SHARE is is focusing on (WP1) the implementation of a long term research and innovation agenda in order to answer the great societal challenges in the multidisciplinary approach; (WP2) the development and share of research Infrastructure; (WP3) the citizen implication in science and its role in society; (WP4) the reinforcement of regional ecosystems and their connection, (WP5) the share of continuous improvement processes in terms of human resources through the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HSR4R) procedure; (WP6) the development of soft skills training offers for researchers and administrators.
DG RDT - Commission Européenne. Direction Générale de la Recherche et de l'Innovation
Commentary :
This communication was held during the first WP5 meeting. It was an introduction to the HRS4R process, with tricks and tips for a successfull application. A half of the organisations were still awarded HR Excellence in Research", the 3 other ones plan to submit in the framwork of EDUC-Share project.