[en] The ductile fracture behavior of a high strength steel is investigated using a micromechanics-based approach with the objective to build a predictive framework for the fracture strain and
crack propagation under different loading conditions. Part I of this study describes the experimental results and the determination of the elastoplastic behavior and damage nucleation
under different stress triaxiality and Lode parameter. The damage mechanism starts early
void nucleation from elongated inclusions, either by particle cracking under loading oriented
along the major axis, or by matrix decohesion when the main loading is transverse. Void
nucleation is followed by plastic growth and coalescence. The long inclusion axis is preferentially aligned in one direction leading to signi cant failure anisotropy with the fracture strain in the transverse direction being almost 50% lower compared to the longitudinal one, even though the plastic behavior is isotropic. The experimental data are first used to calibrate
the elastoplastic model. An enhanced anisotropic nucleation model is then developed and
integrated into the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman scheme. The parameters identification of
the anisotropic nucleation model is finally performed and validated towards the experimental
results. All these elements are subsequently used in Part II to simulate the full failure
behavior of all testing specimens in the entire spectrum of stress states, from nucleation to
final failure.
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