Personal dosimetry; Interventional radiology; Monte-Carlo simulations; Regression analysis
Abstract :
[en] This paper presents the results of a parametric study on the occupational exposure in interventional radiology to explore the influence of various variables on the staff doses. These variables include the angiography beam settings: x-ray peak voltage (kVp), added copper filtration, field diameter, beam projection and source to detector distance. The study was performed using Monte-Carlo simulations with MCNPX for more than 5600 combinations of parameters that account for different clinical situations. Additionally, the analysis of the results was performed using both multiple and random forest regression to build a predictive model and to quantify the importance of each variable when the variables simultaneously change. Primary and secondary projections were found to have the most effect on the scatter fraction that reaches the operator followed by the effect of changing the x-ray beam quality. The effect of changing the source to image intensifier distance had the lowest effect.
Disciplines :
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others
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