Phillips Christophe

GIGA Neurosciences - Develop. in data acquisit. & modeling

Dép. d'électric., électron. et informat. (Inst.Montefiore)

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Maquet, Pierre  (213)
Vandewalle, Gilles  (136)
Balteau, Evelyne  (110)
Luxen, André  (108)
Degueldre, Christian  (99)
Main Referenced Keywords
EEG (28); MRI (28); fMRI (27); Humans (23); quantitative MRI (20);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
GIGA CRC (Cyclotron Research Center) In vivo Imaging-Aging & Memory - ULiège (105)
GIGA CRC In vivo Imaging-Neuroimaging, data acquisition and processing - ULiège (6)
PsyNCog - Psychologie et Neuroscience Cognitives - ULiège (4)
Coma Science Group (3)
Centre de Neurosciences Cognitives et Comportementales - ULiège (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Neurology (165)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (133)
Neurosciences & behavior (126)
Radiology, nuclear medicine & imaging (39)
Human health sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (31)

Publications (total 439)

The most downloaded
Ziegler, E., Chellappa, S. L., Gaggioni, G., Ly, J., Vandewalle, G., André, E., Geuzaine, C.* , & Phillips, C.*. (December 2014). A finite-element reciprocity solution for EEG forward modeling with realistic individual head models. NeuroImage, 103, 542-551. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.08.056

The most cited

757 citations (OpenAlex)

Peigneux, P., Laureys, S., Fuchs, S., Collette, F., Perrin, F., Reggers, J., Phillips, C., Degueldre, C., Del Fiore, G., Aerts, J., Luxen, A., & Maquet, P. (28 October 2004). Are spatial memories strengthened in the human hippocampus during slow wave sleep? Neuron, 44 (3), 535-545. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2004.10.007

The most significant

Beliy, N., Guillemin, C., Pommier, E., Hammad, G., & Phillips, C. (04 December 2023). Bidsme: expandable BIDS-ifier of brain imagery datasets. Journal of Open Source Software, 8 (92), 5575. doi:10.21105/joss.05575
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Moallemian, S., Salmon, E., Bahri, M. A., Beliy, N., Delhaye, E., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C.* , & Bastin, C.*. (December 2023). Multimodal imaging of microstructural cerebral alterations and loss of synaptic density in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 132, 24 - 35. doi:10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2023.08.001
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Vandeleene, N., Guillemin, C., Dauby, S., Requier, F., Charonitis, M., Chylinski, D., Balteau, E., Maquet, P., Lommers, E.* , & Phillips, C.*. (2023). Using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging to track cerebral alterations in multiple sclerosis brain: A longitudinal study. Brain and Behavior. doi:10.1002/brb3.2923
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Grignard, M., Geuzaine, C., & Phillips, C. (10 March 2022). Shamo: A Tool for Electromagnetic Modeling, Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis of the Head. Neuroinformatics, 20, 811-822. doi:10.1007/s12021-022-09574-7
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Tabelow, K., Balteau, E., Ashburner, J., Callaghan, M. F., Draganski, B., Helms, G., Kherif, F., Leutritz, T., Lutti, A., Phillips, C., Reimer, E., Ruthotto, L., Seif, M., Weiskopf, N., Ziegler, G., & Mohammadi, S. (21 January 2019). hMRI – A toolbox for quantitative MRI in neuroscience and clinical research. NeuroImage, 194, 191-210. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.01.029
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Gregoire, C., Attout, L., Phillips, C., Rifon, L., Hody, L., & Majerus, S. (In press). The neural specificity of interference resolution in phonological, semantic, and visual domains at different ages. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_02260
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Phillips, C., & Beliy, N. (07 February 2025). The "My data organization is as good as yours" fallacy [Paper presentation]. MaRBEL 2025, Liège, Belgium.

Geron, C., Lamalle, L., Phillips, C., Vandewalle, G., Collette, F., & Maquet, P. (07 February 2025). Contribution of quantitative MRI in the preclinical detection of early neurodegeneration of fronto-temporal dementia in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [Paper presentation]. MaRBEL, Liège, Belgium.

Phillips, C. (06 February 2025). Introduction to MRI data processing [Paper presentation]. MaRBEL 2025, Liège, Belgium.

Geron, C., Lamalle, L., Phillips, C., Vandewalle, G., Collette, F., & Maquet, P. (February 2025). Contribution of quantitative MRI in the preclinical detection of early neurodegeneration of fronto-temporal dementia in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [Poster presentation]. MaRBEL, Liège, Belgium.

Phillips, C., & Callaghan, M. F. (January 2025). Lifespan quantitative MR images from 138subjects, an open and spatially preprocessed dataset [Paper presentation]. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Brisbane, Australia.
Peer reviewed

Ronat, L., Hanganu, A., Chylinski, D., Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Besson, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Bahri, M. A., Phillips, C., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., Vandewalle, G., Collette, F., & Bastin, C. (19 December 2024). Prediction of cognitive decline in healthy aging based on neuropsychiatric symptoms and PET-biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neurology, 271 (4), 2067-2077. doi:10.1007/s00415-023-12131-0
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Phillips, C. (21 October 2024). Quantitative MRI, practical considerations & applications [Paper presentation]. Pre-PhD defense symposium, Leuven, Belgium.

Phillips, C. (17 October 2024). BIDS formatting and Data sharing: Let’s be more open! [Paper presentation]. hMRI Toolbox meeting, Liège, Belgium.

Read, J., Guillemin, C., Charonitis, M., Beliy, N., Requier, F., Bahri, M. A., Lamalle, L., Zubkov, M., Maquet, P., Phillips, C., Vandewalle, G., & Collette, F. (24 June 2024). Linking cognitive load with mental fatigue: a resting-state functionnal connectivity approach [Poster presentation]. 30th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/PVD3H

Deantoni, M., Reyt, M., Dourte, M., de Haan, S., Lesoinne, A., Vandewalle, G., Phillips, C., Berthomier, C., Maquet, P., Muto, V., Hammad, G., Schmidt, C., & Baillet, M. (22 June 2024). Circadian rapid eye movement sleep expression is associated with brain microstructural integrity in older adults. Communications Biology, 7 (1), 758. doi:10.1038/s42003-024-06415-y
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Campbell, I., Sharifpour, R., Balda Aizpurua, F., Beckers, E., Paparella, I., Berger, A., Koshmanova, E., Mortazavi, N., Read, J., Zubkov, M., Talwar, P., Collette, F., Sherif, S., Phillips, C., Lamalle, L., & Vandewalle, G. (2024). Regional response to light illuminance across the human hypothalamus. eLife. doi:10.7554/eLife.96576
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Eberlen, J., Bajraktari, R., Onghena, P., Phillips, C., & Vandenbroucke, R. (16 April 2024). 2 BE or not 2 BE reproducible: The Belgian Reproducibility Network as part of the European Network of Reproducibility Networks [Paper presentation]. The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and national/regional open science policy, Brussels, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Guillemin, C., Vandeleene, N., Charonitis, M., Requier, F., Delrue, G., Lommers, E., Maquet, P., Phillips, C., & Collette, F. (2024). Brain microstructure is linked to cognitive fatigue in early multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology. doi:10.1007/s00415-024-12316-1
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Poldrack, R. A., Markiewicz, C. J., Appelhoff, S., Ashar, Y. K., Auer, T., Baillet, S., Bansal, S., Beltrachini, L., Benar, C. G., Bertazzoli, G., Bhogawar, S., Blair, R. W., Bortoletto, M., Boudreau, M., Brooks, T. L., Calhoun, V. D., Castelli, F. M., Clement, P., Cohen, A. L., ... Gorgolewski, K. J. (March 2024). The past, present, and future of the brain imaging data structure (BIDS). Imaging Neuroscience, 2, 1-19. doi:10.1162/imag_a_00103
Peer reviewed

Moallemian, S., Chylinski, D., Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., Collette, F., Vandewalle, G., Bastin, C.* , & Phillips, C.*. (2024). Multivariate Association Between Cognitive Function and Brain Tissue in Healthy Older Adults [Paper presentation]. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Seoul, South Korea.
Peer reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Zubkov, M., Pine, K., Bazin, P.-L., Mortazavi, N., Sherif, S., Talwar, P., Lamalle, L., Phillips, C., Collette, F., Alkemade, A., Kirilina, E., Weiskopf, N., & Vandewalle, G. (2024). R2* age variations in subcortical structures in young adults at 7T [Paper presentation]. 2024 OHBM Annual Meeting, Seoul, South Korea.
Peer reviewed

Phillips, C. (2024). Contrasts & classical inference. (Univesity College London [The Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging], London, United Kingdom, Statistical Parametric Mapping for fMRI and MRI/VBM).

Cecconi, B., Montupil, J., Mortaheb, S., Panda, R., Sanders, R. D., Phillips, C., Alnagger, N., Remacle, E., DEFRESNE, A., Boly, M., Bahri, M. A., Lamalle, L., Laureys, S., Gosseries, O., Bonhomme, V., & Annen, J. (2024). Study protocol: Cerebral characterization of sensory gating in disconnected dreaming states during propofol anesthesia using fMRI. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 18, 1306344. doi:10.3389/fnins.2024.1306344
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Grignard, M., Bahri, M. A., Sherif, S., & Phillips, C. (2024). "TopUp Docker", an SPM extension for EPI distortion correction [Paper presentation]. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Seoul, South Korea.
Peer reviewed

Phillips, C., & Beliy, N. (2024). The "My data organization is as good as yours" fallacy [Paper presentation]. ULiège Open Science Day.

Biernaux, J., Grignard, M., Wislet, S., & Phillips, C. (14 December 2023). Tools for scientific reproducibility at ULiège - Lightning rounds [Paper presentation]. Belgian Reproducibility Network - ULiège Local Node kick-off meeting, Liège, Belgium.

Phillips, C. (14 December 2023). Belgian Reproducibility Network @ ULiège [Paper presentation]. ULiege Reproducibility Network Kick-off Meeting, Liège, Belgium.

Beliy, N., Guillemin, C., Pommier, E., Hammad, G., & Phillips, C. (04 December 2023). Bidsme: expandable BIDS-ifier of brain imagery datasets. Journal of Open Source Software, 8 (92), 5575. doi:10.21105/joss.05575
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Moallemian, S., Salmon, E., Bahri, M. A., Beliy, N., Delhaye, E., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C.* , & Bastin, C.*. (December 2023). Multimodal imaging of microstructural cerebral alterations and loss of synaptic density in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 132, 24 - 35. doi:10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2023.08.001
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Talwar, P., Deantoni, M., Van Egroo, M., Muto, V., Chylinski, D., Koshmanova, E., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Collette, F., Dijk, D.-J., Schmidt, C., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Sherif, S., & Vandewalle, G. (27 November 2023). In vivo marker of brainstem myelin is associated to quantitative sleep parameters in healthy young men. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), 20873. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-47753-x
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Phillips, C., Beliy, N., Grignard, M., Mortaheb, S., & Majerus, S. (22 November 2023). “BIDSme, please” + Electromagnetic head modelling for EEG & tDCS [Paper presentation]. EoS Memodyn Symposium, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Phillips, C. (27 October 2023). Statistical Parametric Mapping: An Open Science adventure [Paper presentation]. Open Science Day 2023, Liège, Belgium.

Moallemian, S., Bastin, C., Callaghan, M. F.* , & Phillips, C.*. (2023). Multivariate Age-related Analysis of Variance in quantitative MRI maps: Widespread age-related differences revisited. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/2023.10.19.23297253
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Phillips, C. (29 September 2023). GIGA Cyclotron Research Centre in vivo imaging, Human Imaging 3T & 7T MRI, PET and more! [Paper presentation]. Digital twins in healthcare, Leuven, Belgium.

Paparella, I., Campbell, I., Sharifpour, R., Beckers, E., Berger, A., Aizpurua, J. F. B., Koshmanova, E., Mortazavi, N., Talwar, P., Degueldre, C., Lamalle, L., Sherif, S., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., & Vandewalle, G. (16 September 2023). Light modulates task-dependent thalamo-cortical connectivity during an auditory attentional task. Communications Biology, 6 (1), 945. doi:10.1038/s42003-023-05337-5
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Koshmanova, E., Berger, A., Beckers, E., Campbell, I., Mortazavi, N., Sharifpour, R., Paparella, I., Balda Aizpurua, F., Berthomier, C., Degueldre, C., Salmon, E., Lamalle, L., Bastin, C., Van Egroo, M., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Collette, F., Muto, V., Chylinski, D., ... Vandewalle, G. (2023). Locus coeruleus activity while awake is associated with REM sleep quality in older individuals. JCI Insight. doi:10.1172/jci.insight.172008
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Poldrack, R. A., Markiewicz, C. J., Appelhoff, S., Ashar, Y. K., Auer, T., Baillet, S., Bansal, S., Beltrachini, L., Benar, C. G., Bertazzoli, G., Bhogawar, S., Blair, R. W., Bortoletto, M., Boudreau, M., Brooks, T. L., Calhoun, V. D., Maria Castelli, F., Clement, P., L Cohen, A., ... Gorgolewski, K. J. (2023). The Past, Present, and Future of the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS). ORBi-University of Liège.

Sharifpour, R., Paparella, I., Campbell, I., Beckers, E., Balda Aizpurua, F., Berger, A., Koshmanova, E., Mortazavi, N., Sherif, S., Lamalle, L., Phillips, C., & Vandewalle, G. (23 July 2023). Non-visual Impacts of Light on Effective Connectivity associated to executive brain responses [Poster presentation]. The Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Montreal, Canada.
Peer reviewed

Moujaes, F. F., Rieser, N. M., Phillips, C., de Matos, N. M. P., Brügger, M., Dürler, P., Smigielski, L., Stämpfli, P., Seifritz, E., Vollenweider, F. X., Anticevic, A., & Preller, K. H. (2023). Comparing neural correlates of consciousness: from psychedelics to hypnosis and meditation. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. doi:10.1016/j.bpsc.2023.07.003
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Apa, Z., Requier, F., Bahri, M. A., Phillips, C., & Collette, F. (29 June 2023). Comparison of representational similarity of episodic memory traces at encoding and retrieval in younger and healthy older adults [Poster presentation]. Journées du Vieillissement Cognitif, Tours, France.
Peer reviewed

Berger, A., Koshmanova, E., Beckers, E., Sharifpour, R., Paparella, I., Campbell, I., Mortazavi, N., Balda Aizpurua, F., Yi, Y.-J., Lamalle, L., Dricot, L., Phillips, C., Jacobs, H. I. L., Talwar, P., El Tahry, R., Sherif, S., & Vandewalle, G. (21 June 2023). Structural and functional characterization of the locus coeruleus in young and late middle-aged individuals. Frontiers in Neuroimaging, 2. doi:10.3389/fnimg.2023.1207844
Peer reviewed

Meyer, F., Narbutas, J., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Bahri, M. A., Koshmanova, E., Besson, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Vandewalle, G., Collette, F., Bastin, C., & Salmon, E. (16 June 2023). In vivo brainstem tau pathology is related to entorhinal amyloid pathology in middle‐aged healthy participants. Alzheimer's and Dementia: the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 19 (S3). doi:10.1002/alz.064891
Editorial reviewed

Moallemian, S., Salmon, E., Bahri, M. A., Beliy, N., Delhaye, E., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C.* , & Bastin, C.*. (2023). Multimodal imaging of microstructural cerebral alterations and loss of synaptic density in Alzheimer's disease. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/2023.04.14.23288516
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Vandeleene, N., Guillemin, C., Dauby, S., Requier, F., Charonitis, M., Chylinski, D., Balteau, E., Maquet, P., Lommers, E.* , & Phillips, C.*. (2023). Using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging to track cerebral alterations in multiple sclerosis brain: A longitudinal study. Brain and Behavior. doi:10.1002/brb3.2923
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Deantoni, M.* , Baillet, M.* , Hammad, G.* , Berthomier, C., Reyt, M., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Van Egroo, M., Talwar, P., Lambot, E., Chellappa, S. L., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Dijk, D.-J., Vandewalle, G., Collette, F., ... Schmidt, C.*. (29 March 2023). Association between sleep slow-wave activity and in-vivo estimates of myelin in healthy young men. NeuroImage, 272, 120045. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120045
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Phillips, C. (March 2023). Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique & Tomographie par Émission de Positons, Applications en Neuroscience [Paper presentation]. Festival Imagésanté, Liège, Belgium.

Phillips, C., Geuzaine, C., Hansenne, M., Majerus, S., & Grignard, M. (24 January 2023). Why tDCS models cannot be trusted yet? A simulation study [Paper presentation]. EoS Memodyn Symposium, La Hulpe, Belgium.

MOURAUX, C., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Narbutas, J., Phillips, C., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., Bastin, C., Collette, F.* , & Vandewalle, G.*. (2023). Effort during prolonged wakefulness is associated with performance to attentional and executive tasks but not with cortical excitability in late-middle-aged healthy individuals. Neuropsychology, 37 (1), 77-92. doi:10.1037/neu0000868
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Grignard, M., Geuzaine, C., Hansenne, M., Majerus, S., & Phillips, C. (2023). Why transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) models cannot be trustedyet? A simulation study [Paper presentation]. 29th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Montreal, Canada.
Peer reviewed

Moallemian, S., Callaghan, M., Bastin, C., & Phillips, C. (2023). Multivariate SPM analysis of quantitative MRIs, widespread age-related differences revisited [Paper presentation]. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Montreal, Canada.

Moallemian, S., Dauby, S., Meyer, F., Bastin, C., Phillips, C., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., Bonhomme, V., Dammicco, S., Degueldre, C., Laleux, S., Beliy, N., & Bahri, M. A. (2023). PET Pro: An Automated pipeline to estimate the image-derived input function for UCB-H PET [Paper presentation]. INCF 2023.
Peer reviewed

Paparella, I., Gaggioni, G., Ly, J., Collette, F., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., & Vandewalle, G. (2023). In silico estimation of age-related changes in inhibitory/excitatory drives after sleep deprivation [Paper presentation]. Organization of Human Brain Mapping 2023.
Peer reviewed

Sharifpour, R., Campbell, I., Beckers, E., Balda Aizpurua, F., Mortazavi, N., Koshmanova, E., Paparella, I., Sherif, S., Phillips, C., & Vandewalle, G. (29 November 2022). Pitfalls in recording BOLD signal responses to light in small hypothalamic nuclei using Ultra-High-Field 7 Tesla MRI [letter to the editor]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119 (49), 2212123119. doi:10.1073/pnas.2212123119
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Chylinski, D., Narbutas, J., Balteau, E., Collette, F., Bastin, C., Berthomier, C., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., Carrier, J., Phillips, C., Lina, J.-M., Vandewalle, G., & Van Egroo, M. (09 November 2022). Frontal grey matter microstructure is associated with sleep slow waves characteristics in late midlife. Sleep, 45 (11), 105924. doi:10.1093/sleep/zsac178
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Moallemian, S., Salmon, E., Bahri, M. A., Beliy, N., Delhaye, E., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., & Bastin, C. (26 October 2022). Investigating demyelination, iron accumulation, and synaptic loss in Alzheimer’s disease using multimodal imaging techniques [Paper presentation]. Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Conference, Canada.

Mortazavi, N., Koshmanova, E., Muto, V., Chylinski, D., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Sharifpour, R., Berger, A., Paparella, I., Campbell, I., Beckers, E., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Schmidt, C., Collette, F., Dijk, D., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Talwar, P., & Vandewalle, G. (27 September 2022). Association of Alzheimer’s disease genetic risk and EEG features of the awake brain in healthy young men [Paper presentation]. The 26th Conference of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS).
Peer reviewed

de Haan, S., Baillet, M., Deantoni, M., Reyt, M., Dourte, M., Muto, V., Phillips, C., MAQUET, P., Berthomier, C., Postnova, S., Schmidt, C., & Hammad, G. (27 September 2022). Modelling age-related changes in human sleep across the 24h-cycle: impact of circadian amplitude and wake-promoting inputs to the monoaminergic system [Poster presentation]. Sleep Europe 2022, Athens, Greece.
Editorial reviewed

Balda Aizpurua, F., Sharifpour, R., Campbell, I., Paparella, I., Mortazavi, N., Beckers, E., Berger, A., Koshmanova, E., Lamalle, L., Phillips, C., Sherif, S., Maquet, P., & Vandewalle, G. (27 September 2022). Ultra high-field MRI indications that exposure to blue enriched light increases attention brain responses during an oddball task [Paper presentation]. The Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (SLTBR).
Peer reviewed

de Haan, S., Baillet, M., Deantoni, M., Reyt, M., Dourte, M., Muto, V., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Berthomier, C., Postnova, S., Schmidt, C.* , & Hammad, G.*. (06 September 2022). Modelling age-related changes in human sleep across the 24h-cycle: impact of circadian amplitude and wake-promoting inputs to the monoaminergic system [Poster presentation]. GIGA Day, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Charonitis, M., Guillemin, C., Beliy, N., Requier, F., Gilsoul, J., Balteau, E., Delrue, G., Lommers, E., Hansen, I., Maquet, P., Phillips, C., & Collette, F. (06 September 2022). The specificity of fatigue-related brain activity in early Multiple Sclerosis [Poster presentation]. GIGA Day 2022, Liège, Belgium.

Grignard, M., Geuzaine, C., Hansenne, M., Majerus, S., & Phillips, C. (2022). Why tDCS models cannot be trusted yet? — A simulation study. ORBi-University of Liège.

Grignard, M., Geuzaine, C., & Phillips, C. (2022). Shamo: A tool for electromagnetic modeling of the head [Paper presentation]. ACOMEN, Liège, Belgium.

Karakuzu, A., Appelhoff, S., Auer, T., Boudreau, M., Feingold, F., Khan, A., Lazari, A., Markiewicz, C., Mulder, M., Phillips, C., Salo, T., Stikov, N., Whitaker, K., & Gilles De Hollander. (24 August 2022). qMRI-BIDS: an extension to the brain imaging data structure for quantitative magnetic resonance imaging data. Scientific Data, 9 (517), 9. doi:10.1038/s41597-022-01571-4
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Read, J., Guillemin, C., DELRUE, G., Requier, F., Charonitis, M., Phillips, C., LOMMERS, E., MAQUET, P., Defays, D., & Collette, F. (02 June 2022). Exploring factors associated with severe cognitive fatigue symptoms in multiple sclerosis: A decision-tree approach [Poster presentation]. 2022 Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences, Leuven, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Guillemin, C., Charonitis, M., Beliy, N., Requier, F., Gilsoul, J., Balteau, E., DELRUE, G., LOMMERS, E., HANSEN, I., MAQUET, P., Phillips, C., & Collette, F. (June 2022). Exploring the specificity of fatigue-related brain activity in early Multiple Sclerosis [Poster presentation]. OHBM 2022 Annual Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Sherif, S., Bastin, C., MAQUET, P., Vandewalle, G., Balteau, E., Callaghan, M., & Phillips, C. (June 2022). HMRI-vQC : A visualization Quality Control toolbox for Multi-Parameter Mapping [Poster presentation]. OHBM 2022 Annual Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Grignard, M., Geuzaine, C., & Phillips, C. (June 2022). Un logiciel pour simuler et étudier les propriétés électromagnétiques de la tête. FNRS NEWS, 125, p. 9.

Chylinski, D., Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Muto, V., Bahri, M. A., Berthomier, C., SALMON, E., Bastin, C., Phillips, C., Collette, F., MAQUET, P., Carrier, J., Lina, J.-M., & Vandewalle, G. (31 May 2022). Timely coupling of sleep spindles and slow waves linked to early amyloid-β burden and predicts memory decline. eLife, 11, 78191. doi:10.7554/eLife.78191
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Apa, Z., Requier, F., Phillips, C., Angel, L., Bahri, M. A., & Collette, F. (09 May 2022). Comparison of representational similarity of episodic memory traces at encoding and retrieval in young and older healthy adults [Poster presentation]. 14th Meeting of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Brussels, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Sherif, S., Aghaeifar, A., pine., K., Ding., B., Seif, M., Balteau, E., Nanz, D., Bastin, C., SALMON, E., MAQUET, P., Vandewalle, G., Rodgers, C., Freund., P., Weiskopf, N., Phillips, C., & Callaghan, M. (May 2022). Repeatability of ultra-high-resolution Multi-Parametric Mapping across five 7T sites [Paper presentation]. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, London, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Chylinski, D., Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Muto, V., Bahri, M. A., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., SALMON, E., Bastin, C., Phillips, C., Collette, F., MAQUET, P., Carrier, J., Lina, J.-M., & Vandewalle, G. (17 March 2022). Spindle-slow wave coupling is linked to early amyloid-β burden and predicts memory decline [Poster presentation]. Gordon conference on Sleep Function, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Grignard, M., Geuzaine, C., & Phillips, C. (10 March 2022). Shamo: A Tool for Electromagnetic Modeling, Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis of the Head. Neuroinformatics, 20, 811-822. doi:10.1007/s12021-022-09574-7
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Norgaard, M., Matheson, G. J., Hansen, H. D., Thomas, A., Searle, G., Rizzo, G., Veronese, M., Giacomel, A., Yaqub, M., Tonietto, M., Funck, T., Gillman, A., Boniface, H., Routier, A., Dalenberg, J. R., Betthauser, T., Feingold, F., Markiewicz, C. J., Gorgolewski, K. J., ... Ganz, M. (02 March 2022). PET-BIDS, an extension to the brain imaging data structure for positron emission tomography. Scientific Data, 9 (1), 65. doi:10.1038/s41597-022-01164-1
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Lutti, A., Corbin, N., Ashburner, J., Ziegler, G., Draganski, B., Phillips, C., Kherif, F., Callaghan, M. F., & Di Domenicantonio, G. (2022). Restoring statistical validity in group analyses of motion-corrupted MRI data. Human Brain Mapping. doi:10.1002/hbm.25767
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Campbell, I., Sharifpour, R., Balda Aizpurua, F., Beckers, E., Paparella, I., Berger, A., Koshmanova, E., Mortazavi, N., Lamalle, L., Phillips, C., Sherif, S., & Vandewalle, G. (2022). Ultra-high-field fMRI indications that exposure to light modulates emotional brain responses in the hypothalamus [Paper presentation]. SLTBR congress, Manchester, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Grignard, M., Geuzaine, C., & Phillips, C. (2022). Shamo. Belgium: EuroCC Belgium.

Mortazavi, N., Koshmanova, E., Muto, V., Chylinski, D., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Sharifpour, R., Berger, A., Paparella, I., Campbell, I., Beckers, E., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Schmidt, C., Collette, F., Dijk, D.-J., Phillips, C., MAQUET, P., Talwar, P., & Vandewalle, G. (2022). Alzheimer’s disease genetic risk and electroencephalography signals during wakefulness: Insights into the possible disease correlation [Paper presentation]. The 26th Conference of the European Sleep Research Society, Athens, Greece.
Editorial reviewed

Vandeleene, N., Guillemin, C., Dauby, S., Requier, F., Charonitis, M., Chylinski, D., Balteau, E., MAQUET, P., LOMMERS, E.* , & Phillips, C.*. (2022). Using quantitative MRI to track cerebral damage in multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal study. (Preprint). ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/2022.01.26.22269806
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Moallemian, S., Salmon, E., Bahri, M. A., Beliy, N., Delhaye, E., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C.* , & Bastin, C.*. (2022). Multimodal imaging of microstructural cerebral changes and loss of synaptic density in Alzheimer’s disease [Paper presentation]. Brain and Brain PET 2022, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Berger, A., Koshmanova, E., Beckers, E., Sharifpour, R., Paparella, I., Campbell, I., Malik, T., Ji, J., Talwar, P., Dricot, L., Phillips, C., Sherif, S., El Tahry, R., & Vandewalle, G. (27 November 2021). Rostral activation of the locus coeruleus during an auditory oddball task detected using ultra-high field 7T Magnetic Resonance Imaging in humans [Poster presentation]. Belgian Neurological Society: Advances in Neurophysiology.
Peer reviewed

Chylinski, D., Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., SALMON, E., Bahri, M. A., Muto, V., Bastin, C., Collette, F., Phillips, C., MAQUET, P., Carrier, J., Lina, J.-M., & Vandewalle, G. (19 November 2021). Timely sleep coupling: phase locked slow wave - spindle pairing is linked to AD neuropathology and forecasts cognitive decline [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association for Sleep research and Sleep medicine.

Phillips, C. (03 November 2021). Quantitative MRI, EM head modelling and more: practical considerations and applications [Paper presentation]. Perform lab meeting.

Karakuzu, A., Appelhoff, S., Auer, T., Boudreau, M., Feingold, F., Khan, A. R., Lazari, A., Markiewicz, C., Mulder, M., Phillips, C., Salo, T., Stikov, N., Whitaker, K., & de Hollander, G. (2021). qMRI-BIDS: an extension to the brain imaging data structure for quantitative magnetic resonance imaging data. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/2021.10.22.21265382

Muto, V.* , Koshmanova, E.* , Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P.* , Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Elansary, M., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., Mouraux, C., Schmidt, C., Hammad, G., Coppieters, W., Ahariz, N., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Phillips, C., ... Vandewalle, G. (16 July 2021). Alzheimer’s disease genetic risk and sleep phenotypes: association with more slow-waves and daytime sleepiness. Sleep, 44 (1), 137. doi:10.1093/sleep/zsaa137
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

DEPIERREUX, F., PARMENTIER, E., MACKELS, L., Baquero Duarte, K. A., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., SALMON, E., Phillips, C., Bahri, M. A., MAQUET, P., & GARRAUX, G. (2021). Parkinson’s disease multimodal imaging: F-DOPA PET, neuromelanin-sensitive and quantitative iron-sensitive MRI. NPJ Parkinson's Disease, 1-10. doi:10.1038/s41531-021-00199-2
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Sherif, S., Grignard, M., & Phillips, C. (2021). NODDI singularity. doi:10.5281/zenodo.5093666

Vandeleene, N., Phillips, C., Lommers, E., & Maquet, P. (21 June 2021). Using qMRI to characterize lesioned tissues in MS patients: a longitudinal study [Poster presentation]. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM).

Lavrova, E.* , LOMMERS, E.* , WOODRUFF, H.* , MAQUET, P., Salmon, E.* , LAMBIN, P.* , & Phillips, C.*. (2021). Exploratory radiomic analysis of conventional versus quantitative brain MRI: Towards automatic diagnosis of early multiple sclerosis. Frontiers in Neuroscience. doi:10.3389/fnins.2021.679941
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Grignard, M., Geuzaine, C., & Phillips, C. (June 2021). Shamo v1.0 - Stochastic electromagnetic head modelling made easy [Poster presentation]. OHBM 2021.
Peer reviewed

Norgaard, M., Matheson, G. J., Hansen, H. D., Thomas, A., Searle, G., Rizzo, G., Veronese, M., Giacomel, A., Yaqub, M., Tonietto, M., Funck, T., Gillman, A., Boniface, H., Routier, A., Dalenberg, J. R., Betthauser, T., Feingold, F., Markiewicz, C. J., Gorgolewski, K. J., ... Ganz, M. (2021). PET-BIDS, an extension to the brain imaging data structure for positron emission tomography. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/2021.06.16.448390

Collette, F., Gilsoul, J., Bahri, M. A., Phillips, C., Depierreux, F., Salmon, E., & Maquet, P. (20 May 2021). Changements cérébraux liés à l’âge suite à l’induction de fatigue mentale [Paper presentation]. Journées du Vieillissement.

Collette, F., Gilsoul, J., Bahri, M. A., Phillips, C., Depierreux, F., Salmon, E., & Maquet, P. (10 May 2021). Changements cérébraux liés à l’âge suite à l’induction de fatigue mentale [Paper presentation]. 45èmes Journées de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française.

Collette, F., Gilsoul, J., Bahri, M. A., Phillips, C., Depierreux, F., Salmon, E., & Maquet, P. (15 April 2021). Age-Related Changes in Cerebral Activity Following Cognitive Fatigue [Poster presentation]. 6th International Conference Aging and Cognition.

LOMMERS, E., Guillemin, C., REUTER, G., FOUARGE, E., DELRUE, G., Collette, F., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., MAQUET, P., & Phillips, C. (March 2021). Voxel-Based quantitative MRI reveals spatial patterns of grey matter alteration in multiple sclerosis. Human Brain Mapping, 42 (4), 1003-1012. doi:10.1002/hbm.25274
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Gaggioni, G., Shumbayawonda, E., Montanaro, U., Ly, J., Phillips, C., Vandewalle, G.* , & Abasolo, D.*. (March 2021). Time course of cortical response complexity during extended wakefulness and its differential association with vigilance in young and older individuals. Biochemical Pharmacology, epub ahead of print. doi:10.1016/j.bcp.2021.114518
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Gaggioni, G., Shumbayawonda, E., Montanaro, U., Ly, J., Phillips, C., Vandewalle, G., & Abasolo, D. (09 February 2021). Dynamics of cortical response complexity during sleep deprivation and circadian misalignment in young and older healthy individuals and association with vigilance performance [Poster presentation]. 11th Annual Circadian Biology Symposium.

Chylinski, D.* , Van Egroo, M.* , Narbutas, J.* , Grignard, M., Koshmanova, E., Berthomier, C., Berthomier, P., Brandewinder, M., SALMON, E., Bahri, M. A., Bastin, C., Collette, F., Phillips, C., MAQUET, P., Muto, V., & Vandewalle, G. (2021). Heterogeneity in the links between sleep arousals, amyloid-beta and cognition. JCI Insight, 6 (24), 152858. doi:10.1172/jci.insight.152858
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Grignard, M., Geuzaine, C., & Phillips, C. (2021). shamo: A tool for electromagnetic modelling, simulation and sensitivity analysis of the head. (Version preprint). ORBi-University of Liège.

Narbutas, J., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Bahri, M. A., Koshmanova, E., Talwar, P., Besson, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Luxen, A., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., MAQUET, P., Salmon, E., Bastin, C., Vandewalle, G., & Collette, F. (2021). Associations between cognitive complaints, memory performance, mood and amyloid-β accumulation in healthy amyloid negative late-midlife individuals. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 83, 127-141. doi:10.3233/JAD-210332
Peer reviewed

JEDIDI, Z., Manard, M., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., Collette, F., MAQUET, P., & Majerus, S. (2021). Incidental Verbal Semantic Processing Recruits the Fronto-temporal Semantic Control Network. Cerebral Cortex, 31, 5449-5459. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhab169
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Narbutas, J., Besson, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Marzoli, D., Cardone, P., Vandeleene, N., Grignard, M., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Lambert, C., Bastin, C., Collette, F., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Bahri, M. A., Balteau, E., & Vandewalle, G. (2021). Early brainstem [18F]THK5351 uptake is linked to cortical hyperexcitability in healthy aging. JCI Insight, 6 (2), 142514. doi:10.1172/jci.insight.142514
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Narbutas, J., Chylinski, D., Van Egroo, M., Bahri, M. A., Koshmanova, E., Besson, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Luxen, A., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., MAQUET, P., Salmon, E., Vandewalle, G., Bastin, C., & Collette, F. (2021). Positive Effect of Cognitive Reserve on Episodic Memory, Executive and Attentional Functions Taking Into Account Amyloid-Beta, Tau, and Apolipoprotein E Status. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13, 666181. (European Research Council starting grant (CS; ERC-StG 757763)). doi:10.3389/fnagi.2021.666181
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Lutti, A., Corbin, N., Ashburner, J., Ziegler, G., Draganski, B., Phillips, C., Kherif, F., Callaghan, M. F., & Di Domenicantonio, G. (2021). Restoring statistical validity in group analyses of motion-corrupted MRI data. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/2021.06.15.448467

Grignard, M., Geuzaine, C., & Phillips, C. (2020). shamo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.4420811

Muto, V., Frasso, G., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Chellappa, S. L., LY, J., Gaggioni, G., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., Phillips, C., Collette, F., Archer, S., Dijk, D.-J., MAQUET, P., Vandewalle, G., Schmidt, C., & Hammad, G. (23 September 2020). Impact of the PER3 VNTR polymorphism on delta power across different sleep contexts [Paper presentation]. 25th congress of the European Sleep Research Society.

Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Narbutas, J., Vandeleene, N., Grignard, M., Deantoni, M., Cardone, P., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Koshmanova, E., Mouraux, C., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., Collette, F., Bastin, C., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., & Vandewalle, G. (22 September 2020). Sleep slow waves generation and medial prefrontal microstructure in healthy older individuals [Paper presentation]. 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society.
Peer reviewed

Chylinski, D., Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Berthomier, P., Brandewinder, M., Schmidt, C., MAQUET, P., SALMON, E., Phillips, C., Bahri, M. A., Bastin, C., Collette, F., Muto, V., & Vandewalle, G. (22 September 2020). Arousals during sleep are associated with cortical amyloid-β burden and cognition in healthy older adults [Paper presentation]. 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society.

Chylinski, D., Rudzik, F., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Grignard, M., Vandeleene, N., Van Egroo, M., Thiesse, L., Solbach, S., MAQUET, P., Phillips, C., Vandewalle, G., Cajochen, C., & Muto, V. (22 September 2020). Validation of an Automatic Arousal Detection Algorithm for Whole-Night Sleep EEG Recordings [Poster presentation]. 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society.

Deantoni, M., Muto, V., Hammad, G., Berthomier, C., Baillet, M., Reyt, M., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Vanegroo, M., Lambot, E., Chellappa, S. L., Brandewinder, M., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., SALMON, E., Phillips, C., Balteau, E., Collette, F., Dijk, D.-J., ... Schmidt, C. (22 September 2020). Association between sleep regulation and neuroimaging-derived myelin markers [Paper presentation]. 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society ESRS.

Koshmanova, E., Muto, V., Jaspar, M., Meyer, F., Grignard, M., Hammad, G., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., Luxen, A., Degueldre, C., Salmon, E., Phillips, C., Posthuma, D., Georges, M., Schmidt, C., Maquet, P., van Someren, E., & Vandewalle, G. (22 September 2020). Higher polygenic risk for insomnia is associated with lower delta power during habitual sleep in young individuals without sleep disorders [Poster presentation]. 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) 2020.
Peer reviewed

Bouffier, M., Kowialiewski, B., Attout, L., Gregoire, C., Phillips, C., & Majerus, S. (03 September 2020). Precision of neural codes involved in storing phonological information in working memory [Poster presentation]. 10th European Working Memory Symposium (EWoMS).
Peer reviewed

REUTER, G., Lommers, E., Balteau, E., Simon, J., Phillips, C., Scholtes, F., MARTIN, D., LOMBARD, A., & MAQUET, P. (2020). Multiparameter quantitative histological MRI values in high-grade gliomas: a potential biomarker of tumor progression. Neuro-Oncology Practice. doi:10.1093/nop/npaa047
Peer reviewed

Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Narbutas, J., Besson, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Lambert, C., Salmon, E., Bastin, C., Collette, F., Phillips, C., Bahri, M. A., Maquet, P., Balteau, E., & Vandewalle, G. (28 July 2020). Brainstem tau protein burden and neuroinflammation are associated with cortical hyper-excitability in healthy aging [Poster presentation]. Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2020.

Chylinski, D.* , Rudzik, F.* , Coppieters't Wallant, D., Grignard, M., Vandeleene, N., Van Egroo, M., Thiesse, L., Solbach, S., Maquet, P., Phillips, C., Vandewalle, G., Cajochen, C., & Muto, V. (2020). Validation of an Automatic Arousal Detection Algorithm for Whole-Night Sleep EEG Recordings. Clocks and Sleep. doi:10.3390/clockssleep2030020
Peer reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Grignard, M., Geuzaine, C., & Phillips, C. (24 June 2020). Global sensitivity analysis of the EEG forward problem [Poster presentation]. OHBM 2020, Montréal, Canada.
Peer reviewed

Vandeleene, N., Phillips, C., Lommers, E., & Maquet, P. (23 June 2020). Comparison of multiple sclerosis lesions segmentation using quantitative or FLAIR MR images [Poster presentation]. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM).

Phillips, C., Maquet, P., & LOMMERS, E. (June 2020). Voxel-Based Quantitative MRI reveals spatial patterns of grey matter alteration in Multiple Sclerosis [Paper presentation]. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

David, I. A., Schrouff, J., Wu, T., Tsirlis, K., Pourtois, G., Phillips, C., & Mourao-Miranda, J. (June 2020). Neuroimaging data from multiple sources in PRoNTo v3.0: spatiotemporal patterns of face processing [Poster presentation]. 2020 OHBM Annual Meeting.

de Hollander, G., Karakuzu, A., Appelhof, S., Auer, T., Boudreau, M., Feingold, F., Khan, A. R., Lazari, A., Phillips, C., Stikov, N., & Whitaker, K. (June 2020). A standard for the organization of quantitative MRI data: BIDS extension proposal 001 [Poster presentation]. 26th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.

Bouffier, M., Kowialiewski, B., Attout, L., Gregoire, C., Phillips, C., & Majerus, S. (27 May 2020). Precision of neural representations supporting auditory-verbal working memory [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Conférence virtuelle, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Phillips, C. (31 March 2020). Beyond 256 shades of grey: Quantitative MRI for probing brain microstructure [Paper presentation]. NeuroMatch 2020.

Abdelrahman, M. E. M., Lombardo, P., Vanhavere, F., Seret, A., Phillips, C., & Covens, P. (2020). First steps towards online Personal Dosimetry Using Computational Methods in Interventional Radiology: operator’s position tracking and simulation input generation. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2020.108702
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Gaggioni, G., Shumbayawonda, E., Montanaro, U., Ly, J., Phillips, C., Vandewalle, G., & Abásolo, D. (2020). Dynamics of cortical response complexity during sleep deprivation and circadian misalignment in young and older healthy individuals and association with vigilance performance [Poster presentation]. Transcranial Brain Stimulation in Cognitive Neuroscience Workshop, Rovereto, Italy.

Baillet, M., Reyt, M., Deantoni, M., Lesoinne, A., Laloux, S., Lambot, E., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., Salmon, E., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Bastin, C., Muto, V., Hammad, G., & Schmidt, C. (2020). Association between daytime rest, night-time sleep and hippocampal integrity in healthy older adults [Poster presentation]. European Sleep Research Society.

Reyt, M., Deantoni, M., Collette, F., Lesoinne, A., Baillet, M., Laloux, S., Lambot, E., SALMON, E., Phillips, C., Bahri, M. A., Muto, V., Hammad, G., & Schmidt, C. (2020). Impact of wake fragmentation on working memory performance and associated cerebral correlates in the aged [Paper presentation]. European Sleep Research Society.

Kowialiewski, B., Van Calster, L., Attout, L., Phillips, C., & Majerus, S. (2020). Neural patterns in linguistic cortices discriminate the content of verbal working memory. Cerebral Cortex, 30, 2997–3014. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhz290
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Segovia, F., Ramirez, J., Castillo-Barnes, D., Salas-Gonzalez, D., Gómez- Río, M., Sopena-Novales, P., Phillips, C., Zhang, Y., & Górriz, J. (2020). Multivariate analysis of dual-point amyloid PET intended to assist the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurocomputing. doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2020.06.081
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Muto, V., Koshmanova, E., Ghaemmaghami, P., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Elansary, M., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., Mouraux, C., Schmidt, C., Hammad, G., Coppieters, W., Ahariz, N., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Phillips, C., ... Vandewalle, G. (2020). Alzheimer s disease genetic risk and sleep phenotypes: association with more slow-waves and daytime sleepiness. ORBi-University of Liège.

Abdelrahman, M. E. M., Lombardo, P., Camp, A., Duch, M. A., Phillips, C., Seret, A., & Vanhavere, F. (2020). A parametric study of occupational radiation dose in interventional radiology by Monte-Carlo simulations. Physica Medica, 78, 58-70. doi:10.1016/j.ejmp.2020.08.016
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Berthomier, C.* , Muto, V.* , Schmidt, C., Vandewalle, G., Jaspar, M., Devillers, J., Gaggioni, G., Chellappa, S. L., Meyer, C., Phillips, C., Salmon, E., Berthomier, P., Prado, J., Benoit, O., Bouet, R., Brandewinder, M., Mattout, J., & Maquet, P. (2020). Exploring scoring methods for research studies: Accuracy and variability of visual and automated sleep scoring. Journal of Sleep Research. doi:10.1111/jsr.12994
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Cardone, P., Gaggioni, G., Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Chylinski, D., Muto, V., Bastin, C., Collette, F., Phillips, C., & Vandewalle, G. (2020). Cortical excitability transiently increases during attentional lapses - HBP [Poster presentation]. 4th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research.

Phillips, C., & Flandin, G. (December 2019). Statistical Parametric Mapping, There and Back Again [Paper presentation]. Orthanc conference, Liège, Belgium.

Mouraux, C., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Narbutas, J., LE GOFF, C., CAVALIER, E., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Bastin, C., Collette, F., & Vandewalle, G. (November 2019). Effort as a sensitive variable of wakefulness extension and its impact on cognitive performance [Paper presentation]. BASS Annual meeting 2019, Ghent, Belgium.

Abdelrahman, M. E. M., Seret, A., Phillips, C., & Vanhavere, F. (11 October 2019). Podium - Personal online dosimetry using computational methods [Paper presentation]. Scientific day of the Belgian Society for Radiation Protection (BVS-ABR) on the topic ‘Digital tools to support ALARA’, Hasselt, Belgium.

Gaggioni, G., Shumbayawonda, E., Phillips, C., Vandewalle, G., & Abasolo, D. (06 September 2019). Does the complexity of the cortical response recorded in electroencephalograms under sleep deprivation change with age? [Paper presentation]. BioMedEng19, London, United Kingdom.

Maire, M., Reichert, C. F., Gabel, V., Viola, A. U., Phillips, C., Berthomier, C., Borgwardt, S., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (August 2019). Author Correction: Human brain patterns underlying vigilant attention: impact of sleep debt, circadian phase and attentional engagement (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (970), 10.1038/s41598-017-17022-9). Scientific Reports, 9 (12379). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-48856-0
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Callaghan, M. F., Lutti, A., Ashburner, J., Balteau, E., Corbin, N., Draganski, B., Helms, G., Kherif, F., Leutritz, T., Mohammadi, S., Phillips, C., Reimer, E., Ruthotto, L., Seif, M., Tabelow, K., Ziegler, G., & Weiskopf, N. (2019). Example dataset for the hMRI toolbox. Data in Brief. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2019.104132
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Abdelrahman, M. E. M., Seret, A., Phillips, C., Vanhavere, F., Lombardo, P., & Covens, P. (20 June 2019). Development and Validation of Online Personal Dosimetry Application Using Computational Method for Interventional Cardiology [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications, Montréal, Canada.

LOMMERS, E., REUTER, G., Simon, J., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., & Maquet, P. (June 2019). Multiparameter MR quantification of microstructural tissue alterations in multiple sclerosis [Poster presentation]. 2019 OHBM Annual Meeting, LIEGE, Belgium.

LOMMERS, E., Simon, J., REUTER, G., DELRUE, G., DIVE, D., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., & MAQUET, P. (June 2019). Multiparameter MRI quantification of microstructural tissue alterations in multiple sclerosis. NeuroImage: Clinical, 23. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2019.101879
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Beliy, N., & Phillips, C. (2019). Bidsme. doi:10.5281/zenodo.10185300

Pernet, C. R., Appelhoff, S., Gorgolewski, K. J., Flanding, G., Phillips, C., Delorme, A., & Oostenveld, R. (June 2019). EEG-BIDS, an extension to the brain imaging data structure for electroencephalography. Scientific Data, 6 (1), 103. doi:10.1038/s41597-019-0104-8
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Salvoni, G., Mohammadi, S., Corbin, N., Ashburner, J., Callaghan, M., & Phillips, C. (June 2019). Impact of Smoothing Weights on Voxel-Based Quantification (VBQ) analysis [Poster presentation]. 2019 OHBM Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy.

Kowialiewski, B., Van Calster, L., Attout, L., Phillips, C., & Majerus, S. (14 May 2019). Neural patterns in linguistic cortices discriminate the content of verbal working memory [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences.
Peer reviewed

Gaggioni, G., Shumbayawonda, E., Phillips, C., Vandewalle, G., & Abasolo, D. (2019). EEG neuronal response complexity circadian rhythm in young and older individuals. In V World Congress of Chronobiology.
Peer reviewed

Carrière, M., Cassol, H., Aubinet, C., Panda, R., Thibaut, A., Martial, C., Bahri, M. A., Larroque, S. K., Chatelle, C., Martens, G., Phillips, C., Majerus, S., Laureys, S., & Gosseries, O. (16 March 2019). Is auditory localization a sign of consciousness? Evidence from neuroimaging and electrophysiology [Paper presentation]. 13th World Congress on Brain Injury, Toronto, Canada.
Editorial reviewed

Muto, V., Berthomier, C., Schmidt, C., Vandewalle, G., Jaspar, M., Devillers, J., Gaggioni, G., Chellappa, S. L., Meyer, C., Phillips, C., Salmon, E., Berthomier, P., Prado, J., Benoit, O., Brandewinder, M., Mattout, J., & MAQUET, P. (2019). Looking for a reference for large datasets: relative reliability of visual and automatic sleep scoring. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/576090

Desseilles, M., & Phillips, C. (March 2019). Beyond reduction with the representation: The need for causality with full complexity to unravel mental health. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42. doi:10.1017/S0140525X18001267
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Tabelow, K., Balteau, E., Ashburner, J., Callaghan, M. F., Draganski, B., Helms, G., Kherif, F., Leutritz, T., Lutti, A., Phillips, C., Reimer, E., Ruthotto, L., Seif, M., Weiskopf, N., Ziegler, G., & Mohammadi, S. (21 January 2019). hMRI – A toolbox for quantitative MRI in neuroscience and clinical research. NeuroImage, 194, 191-210. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.01.029
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Gaggioni, G., Besson, G., Pepin, X., Tezel, E., Marzoli, D., Le Goff, C., Cavalier, E., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., Bahri, M. A., Phillips, C., ... Vandewalle, G. (2019). Preserved wake-dependent cortical excitability dynamics predict cognitive fitness beyond age-related brain alterations. Communications Biology, 2, 449. doi:10.1038/s42003-019-0693-y
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Jegou, A., Schabus, M., Gosseries, O., Dahmen, B., Albouy, G., Desseilles, M., Sterpenich, V., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Grova, C., & Dang-Vu, T. T. (2019). Cortical reactivations during sleep spindles following declarative learning. NeuroImage, 195, 104-112. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.03.051
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Antoine, N., Bahri, M. A., Bastin, C., Collette, F., Phillips, C., Balteau, E., Genon, S., & Salmon, E. (2019). Anosognosia and default mode subnetwork dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease. Human Brain Mapping, 40, 5330-5340. doi:10.1002/hbm.24775
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Bogdanov, V. B., Bogdanov, O. V., Vigano, A., Noirhomme, Q., Laureys, S., Dallel, R., Phillips, C., & Schoenen, J. (2019). Increased cerebral responses to salient transitions between alternating stimuli in chronic migraine with medication overuse headache and during migraine attacks. Cephalalgia, 39 (8), 988-999. doi:10.1177/0333102418825359
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

KURTH, S.* , Bahri, M. A.* , Collette, F., Phillips, C., Majerus, S., Bastin, C.* , & Salmon, E.*. (2019). Alzheimer's disease patients activate attention networks in a short-term memory task. NeuroImage: Clinical, 23, 101892. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2019.101892
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Gaggioni, G., Ly, J., Muto, V., Chellappa, S., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Delfosse, T., Vanvinckenroye, A., Dumont, R., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Narbutas, J., Van Egroo, M., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Collette, F., Phillips, C., Schmidt, C., & Vandewalle, G. (2019). Age-related decrease in cortical excitability circadian variations during sleep loss and its links with cognition. Neurobiology of Aging, 78, 52-63. doi:10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2019.02.004
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Meyer, F., Wehenkel, M., Phillips, C., Geurts, P., HUSTINX, R., Bernard, C., Bastin, C., Salmon, E., & Alzheimer's Disease NeuroImaging Initiative. (2019). Characterization of a temporoparietal junction subtype of Alzheimer’s disease. Human Brain Mapping, 40, 4279-4286. doi:10.1002/hbm.24701
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Chylinski, D., Rudzik, F., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Van Egroo, M., Muto, V., Narbutas, J., Villar Gonzalez, P., Besson, G., Lambot, E., Laloux, S., Hagelstein, C., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Berthomier, P., Brandewinder, M., Schmidt, C., MAQUET, P., SALMON, E., ... Vandewalle, G. (09 November 2018). Sleep fragmentation is associated with brain tau but not amyloid-β burden in healthy older adults [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association for Sleep research and Sleep medicine.

Chylinski, D., Rudzik, F., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Van Egroo, M., Muto, V., Narbutas, J., Villar Gonzalez, P., Besson, G., Lambot, E., Laloux, S., Hagelstein, C., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Berthomier, P., Brandewinder, M., Schmidt, C., MAQUET, P., SALMON, E., ... Vandewalle, G. (19 October 2018). Arousals during sleep are associated with brain tau burden in healthy older individuals [Poster presentation]. Belgian Brain Congress.

Narbutas, J., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Boraita-Amador, G., Muto, V., Hammad, G., Besson, G., Lambot, E., Laloux, S., Hagelstein, C., Degueldre, C., Schmidt, C., MAQUET, P., SALMON, E., Phillips, C., Bahri, M. A., Bastin, C., Collette, F., & Vandewalle, G. (27 September 2018). Sleep-wake fragmentation is linked to amyloid beta brain deposition in healthy ageing [Paper presentation]. 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Basel, Switzerland.

Hammad, G., Muto, V., Gaggioni, G., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Maquet, P., Schmidt, C., Phillips, C., & Coppieters't Wallant, D. (26 September 2018). New spectral analysis method to identify trait-like features in NREM sleep power spectra [Paper presentation]. 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Basel, Switzerland.

Villar Gonzalez, P., Chylinski, D., Narbutas, J., Van Egroo, M., Cerasuolo, M., Besson, G., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Collette, F., SALMON, E., Baquero Duarte, K. A., Balteau, E., Vandewalle, G., Phillips, C., & Bastin, C. (13 September 2018). Relationship between cerebral amyloid burden and cerebral microstructure measured by quantitative MRI in healthy aging [Paper presentation]. EURON PhD Days, Brussels, Belgium.

Muto, V., Berthomier, C., Schmidt, C., Vandewalle, G., Devillers, J., Chellappa, S., Meyer, C., Phillips, C., Berthomier, P., Prado, J. P., Benoit, O., Brandewinder, M., Mattout, J., & Maquet, P. (11 September 2018). Inter- and intra-expert variability in sleep scoring: comparison between visual and automatic analysis. Journal of Sleep Research. Supplement, 27 (S1).
Peer reviewed

Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Muto, V., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Elansary, M., Van Egroo, M., Berthomier, C., Lambot, E., Brandewinder, M., Luxen, A., Degueldre, C., Salmon, E., Archer, S., Phillips, C., Dijk, D.-J., Georges, M., Maquet, P., & Vandewalle, G. (September 2018). Volume of subcortical brain areas is associated with sleep macrostructure in healthy young individuals [Paper presentation]. 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Basel, Switzerland.

Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Muto, V., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Elansary, M., Van Egroo, M., Berthomier, C., Lambot, E., Brandewinder, M., Luxen, A., Degueldre, C., Salmon, E., Archer, S., Phillips, C., Dijk, D.-J., Visscher, P., Posthuma, D., Van Someren, E., Georges, M., ... Vandewalle, G. (September 2018). The genetic liability for insomnia is associated with the number of awakenings during sleep in young and healthy individuals [Paper presentation]. 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Basel, Switzerland.

Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Besson, G., Muto, V., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Gaggioni, G., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Pepin, X., Cerasuolo, M., Blanpain, M., Tezel, E., LE GOFF, C., CAVALIER, E., Lambot, E., Laloux, S., Hagelstein, C., Luxen, A., Degueldre, C., ... Vandewalle, G. (September 2018). Preserved Neuron Reactivity Dynamics during Prolonged Wakefulness is Linked to Cognitive Fitness in Aging, Independently of Tau and Amyloid Beta Burden [Paper presentation]. 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Basel, Switzerland.

Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Muto, V., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Elansary, M., Van Egroo, M., Berthomier, C., Lambot, E., Devillers, J., Brandewinder, M., Luxen, A., Degueldre, C., Salmon, E., Collette, F., Archer, S., Phillips, C., Dijk, D.-J., Georges, M., Maquet, P., & Vandewalle, G. (September 2018). Predicted gene expression in the brain is associated with sleep macrostructure in healthy young individuals [Paper presentation]. 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Basel, Switzerland.

Chylinski, D., Rudzik, F., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Van Egroo, M., Muto, V., Narbutas, J., Villar Gonzalez, P., Besson, G., Lambot, E., Laloux, S., Hagelstein, C., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Berthomier, P., Brandewinder, M., Schmidt, C., MAQUET, P., SALMON, E., ... Vandewalle, G. (September 2018). Arousals during sleep are associated with brain tau and amyloid-β burden in healthy older adults [Paper presentation]. 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Basel, Switzerland.

Chylinski, D., Rudzik, F., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Van Egroo, M., Muto, V., Narbutas, J., Villar Gonzalez, P., Besson, G., Lambot, E., Laloux, S., Hagelstein, C., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Berthomier, P., Brandewinder, M., Schmidt, C., MAQUET, P., SALMON, E., ... Vandewalle, G. (September 2018). Sleep fragmentationis associated with brain Tau but not Amyloid-beta burden in healthy older adults [Poster presentation]. 20th EURON PhD days.

Villar Gonzalez, P., Chylinski, D., Narbutas, J., Van Egroo, M., Cerasuolo, M., Besson, G., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Collette, F., SALMON, E., Baquero Duarte, K. A., Balteau, E., Vandewalle, G., Phillips, C., & Bastin, C. (2018). Relationship between cerebral amyloid burden and cerebral microstructure measured by quantitative MRI in healthy aging. Frontiers. doi:10.3389/conf.fnins.2018.95.00056
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Salmon, E., Meyer, F., Wehenkel, M., Phillips, C., Geurts, P., & Bastin, C. (July 2018). P2‐348: CHARACTERIZATION OF A TEMPOROPARIETAL JUNCTION SUBTYPE OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE [Poster presentation]. Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Chicago, United States - Illinois. doi:10.1016/j.jalz.2018.06.1038
Editorial reviewed

Wehenkel, M., Sutera, A., Bastin, C., Geurts, P.* , & Phillips, C.*. (29 June 2018). Random Forests based group importance scores and their statistical interpretation: application for Alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, 411. doi:10.3389/fnins.2018.00411
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Baquero Duarte, K. A., Guldenmund, P., Rouillard, M., DEPIERREUX, F., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Bahri, M. A., & Garraux, G. (June 2018). Degree of Centrality within the motor network for Parkinson’s Disease [Poster presentation]. OHBM 2018 - Organization for Human Brain Mapping.

Balteau, E., Leutritz, T., Lutti, A., Callaghan, M., Draganski, B., Phillips, C., Reimer, E., Ruthotto, L., Seif, M., Weiskopf, N., Ziegler, G., Mohammadi, S., & Tabelow, K. (June 2018). The hMRI analysis toolbox for quantitative MRI and in vivo histology using MRI (hMRI) [Poster presentation]. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB.

Phillips, C., Balteau, E., Leutritz, T., Lutti, A., Callaghan, M., Draganski, B., Reimers, E., Ruthotto, L., Seif, M., Ziegler, G., Mohammadi, S., Weiskopf, N., & Tabelow, K. (June 2018). The “hMRI Toolbox” for quantitative imaging & in vivo histology using MRI [Poster presentation]. Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeing.

Abdelrahman, M. E. M., Phillips, C., Seret, A., Vanhavere, F., & Struelens, L. (16 April 2018). Personal Dose Computation with the Aid of Staff Monitoring systems based on 3D Depth Cameras [Paper presentation]. 1ère journée scientifique du Club des Jeunes Sociétaires - RADIOPROTECTION: QUELLES INNOVATIONS? QUEL AVENIR?, Paris, France.

Wehenkel, M., Bastin, C., Geurts, P., & Phillips, C. (2018). Computer Aided Diagnosis System Based on Random Forests for the Prognosis of Alzheimer’s Disease. In 1st HBP Student Conference - Transdisciplinary Research Linking Neuroscience, Brain Medicine and Computer Science. Frontiers Media S.A. doi:10.3389/978-2-88945-421-1
Peer reviewed

Gaggioni, G., LY, J., Chellappa, S., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Rosanova, M., Sarasso, S., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Middleton, B., Massimini, M., Schmidt, C., Casali, A., Phillips, C., & Vandewalle, G. (2018). Human fronto-parietal response scattering subserves vigilance at night. NeuroImage. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.03.055
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Muto, V., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Pepin, X., Cerasuolo, M., Blanpain, M., Degueldre, C., Schmidt, C., MAQUET, P., SALMON, E., Phillips, C., Bastin, C., Collette, F., & Vandewalle, G. (22 March 2018). Neuron Reactivity during Prolonged Wakefulness is Linked to Cognitive Fitness in Healthy Older Individuals [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference on Sleep Regulation and Function - Novel Controversies on the "How and Why" of Sleep.

Abdelrahman, M. E. M., Vanhavere, F., Struelens, L., Phillips, C., & Seret, A. (01 February 2018). Personal Dose Computation with the Aid of Staff Monitoring system based on 3D Depth Cameras [Poster presentation]. Journées scientifiques: Codes de calcul en radioprotection, radiophysique et dosimétrie, Sochaux, France.

Schrouff, J., Monteiro, J. M., Portugal, L., Rosa, M. J., Phillips, C., & Mourao-Miranda, J. (2018). Embedding Anatomical or Functional Knowledge in Whole-Brain Multiple Kernel Learning Models. Neuroinformatics, 1-27. doi:10.1007/s12021-017-9347-8
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Majerus, S., Péters, F., Bouffier, M., Cowan, N., & Phillips, C. (2018). The dorsal attention network reflects both encoding load and top-down control during working memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30, 144-159. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_01195
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Phillips, C., Balteau, E., Leutritz, T., Lutti, A., Callaghan, M., Draganski, B., Reimer, E., Ruthotto, L., Seif, M., Ziegler, G., Mohammadi, S., & Tablow, K. (2018). The hMRI toolbox for quantitative imaging and in vivo histology using MRI (hMRI) [Paper presentation]. 24th Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Singapore.

Baquero Duarte, K. A., Guldenmund, J. P., Rouillard, M., Depierreux, F., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Bahri, M. A., & Garraux, G. (2018). Degree of Centrality of brain functional connectivity within the motor network for Parkinson’s Disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience. doi:10.3389/conf.fnins.2018.95.00031
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DEPIERREUX, F., PARMENTIER, E., Baquero Duarte, K. A., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., & GARRAUX, G. (2018). Validation of new brain MRI biomarkers in Parkinson's Disease: the use of quantitative multi-parameter mapping. Frontiers in Neuroscience. doi:10.3389/conf.fnins.2018.95.00028
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Maire, M., Reichert, C. F., Gabel, V., Viola, A. U., Phillips, C., Berthomier, C., Borgwardt, S., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (January 2018). Human brain patterns underlying vigilant attention: impact of sleep debt, circadian phase and attentional engagement. Scientific Reports, 8 (1), 970. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-17022-9
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Balteau, E., Tabelow, K., Ashburner, J., Callaghan, M. F., Draganski, B., Helms, G., Kherif, F., Leutritz, T., Lutti, A., Phillips, C., Reimer, E., Ruthotto, L., Seif, M., Weiskopf, N., Ziegler, G., & Mohammadi, M. (2018). hMRI - A toolbox for using quantitative MRI in neuroscience and clinical research. doi:10.20347/WIAS.PREPRINT.2527

Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Besson, G., Muto, V., Gaggioni, G., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Tezel, E., LE GOFF, C., Cavalier, E., Lambot, E., Laloux, S., Hagelstein, C., Luxen, A., Degueldre, C., Bahri, M. A., Maquet, P., Salmon, E., ... Vandewalle, G. (2018). Preserved Neuron Reactivity Dynamics during Prolonged Wakefulness is Linked to Cognitive Fitness in Aging, Independently of Tau Burden, Amyloid Beta Burden, and Cortical Atrophy [Paper presentation]. 20th EURON PhD Days.

Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Besson, G., Muto, V., Gaggioni, G., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., LE GOFF, C., Cavalier, E., Bahri, M. A., MAQUET, P., Salmon, E., Schmidt, C., Phillips, C., Bastin, C., Collette, F., & Vandewalle, G. (2018). Preserved neuron reactivity dynamics during prolonged wakefulness is linked to cognitive fitness in aging, independently of amyloid-beta burden, tau burden, and cortical atrophy [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine - Autumn Meeting - Sleep: a truly pluridisciplinary field.

Nikolaus, W., Leutritz, T., Reimer, E., Edwards, L. J., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Mohammadi, S., Ashburner, J., Tabelow, K., Draganski, B., Kerif, F., Lutti, A., Seif, M., Helms, G., Ruthotto, L., Ziegler, G., & Callaghan, M. F. (2018). hMRI-toolbox: A toolbox for quantitative MRI and in vivo histology using MRI (hMRI).

Reichert, C. F., Maire, M., Gabel, V., Viola, A. U., Götz, T., Scheffler, K., Klarhöfer, M., Christian, B., Phillips, C., SALMON, E., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (July 2017). Cognitive brain responses during circadian wake-promotion: evidence for sleep- pressure-dependent hypothalamic activations. Scientific Reports, 7 (1). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-05695-1
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Baquero Duarte, K. A., Guldenmund, P., Rouillard, M., DEPIERREUX, F., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Bahri, M. A., & Garraux, G. (29 June 2017). Mean and variance of Dynamic Functional Connectivity in Parkinson’s Disease [Poster presentation]. Organization for Human Brain Mapping OHBM 2017, Vancouver, Canada.

Wehenkel, M., Bastin, C., Geurts, P., & Phillips, C. (28 June 2017). Parceling and tree-based ensemble methods for the prognosis of Alzheimer's disease [Poster presentation]. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, Canada.

Phillips, C., & Pernet, C. (June 2017). Unifying lesion masking and tissue probability maps for improved segmentation and normalization [Paper presentation]. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, Canada.

Wehenkel, M., Bastin, C., Phillips, C.* , & Geurts, P.*. (2017). Tree Ensemble Methods and Parcelling to Identify Brain Areas Related to Alzheimer’s Disease. In 2017 International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging (PRNI), proceedings. IEEE. doi:10.1109/PRNI.2017.7981513
Peer reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Phillips, C., LOMMERS, E., & Pernet, C. (June 2017). Unifying lesion masking and tissue probability maps for improved segmentation and normalization [Poster presentation]. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, Canada.

Segovia, F., Gorriz, J. M., Ramirez, J., Martínez-Murcia, F. J., Levin, Schuberth, M., Brendel, M., Rominger, A., Boetzel, K., GARRAUX, G., & Phillips, C. (2017). Multivariate analysis of 18F-DMFP PET data to assist the diagnosis of parkinsonism. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. doi:10.3389/fninf.2017.00023
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Wehenkel, M., Bastin, C., Phillips, C., & Geurts, P. (08 February 2017). Computer aided diagnosis system based on random forests for the prognosis of Alzheimer's disease [Paper presentation]. 1st HBP Student Conference - Transdisciplinary Research Linking Neuroscience, Brain Medicine and Computer Science, Vienne, Austria.

Manard, M., Bahri, M. A., Majerus, S., Phillips, C., DIDEBERG, V., Salmon, E., & Collette, F. (01 February 2017). The complex effects of COMT Val158Met polymorphism (rs4680) on working memory in healthy aging: A multivariate approach [Poster presentation]. GIGA Day.

Desseilles, M., & Phillips, C. (January 2017). How cognition affects perception: Brain activity modelling to unravel top-down dynamics. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 39. doi:10.1017/S0140525X15002757
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Manard, M., François, S., Phillips, C., SALMON, E., & Collette, F. (2017). The neural bases of proactive and reactive control processes in normal aging. Behavioural Brain Research, 320, 504-516. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2016.10.026
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Albouy, G., King, B., Schmidt, C., Desseilles, M., Dang-Vu, T. T., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Degueldre, C., Orban, P., Benali, H., Peigneux, P., Luxen, A., Karni, A., Doyon, J., Maquet, P., & Korman, M. (11 October 2016). Cerebral Activity Associated with Transient Sleep-Facilitated Reduction in Motor Memory Vulnerability to Interference. Scientific Reports, 6. doi:10.1038/srep34948
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Gaggioni, G., Chelllappa, S., Ly, J., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Jaspar, M., Muto, V., Meyer, C., Delfosse, T., Dumont, R., Vanvinckenroye, A., Collette, F., Maquet, P., Phillips, C., Schmidt, C., & Vandewalle, G. (September 2016). Age-related differences in the dynamics of cortical excitability and cognitive inhibition during prolongedwakefulness [Paper presentation]. 23rd Congress of ESRS.

Chellappa, S.* , Gaggioni, G.* , LY, J.* , Papachilleos, S., Borsu, C., Brzozowski, A., Rosanova, M., Sarasso, S., Luxen, A., Middleton, B., Archer, S., Dijk, D.-J., Massimini, M., Maquet, P., Phillips, C., Moran, R.* , & Vandewalle, G.*. (September 2016). Circadian dynamics in measures of cortical excitation and inhibition balance. Scientific Reports, 6:33661. doi:10.1038/srep33661
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Majerus, S., Cowan, N., Peters, F., Bouffier, M., & Phillips, C. (31 August 2016). The dorsal attention network supports working memory control in a modality specific manner [Paper presentation]. 8th European Working Memory Symposium, Liège, Belgium.

Muto, V.* , Jaspar, M.* , Meyer, C.* , Kussé, C., Chellappa, S., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Shaffii-Le Bourdiec, A., Luxen, A., Middelton, B., Archer, S., Phillips, C., Collette, F., Vandewalle, G., Dijk, D.-J.* , & Maquet, P.*. (August 2016). Local modulation of human brain responses by circadian rhythmicity and sleep debt. Science, 351 (6300). doi:10.1126/science.aad2993
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Wehenkel, M., Geurts, P., & Phillips, C. (30 June 2016). Accuracy and interpretability, tree-based machine learning approaches [Poster presentation]. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland.

Gaggioni, G., Chellappa, S. L., LY, J., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Sarasso, S., Rosanova, M., Archer, S., Maquet, P., Dijk, D., Massimini, M., Casali, A., Phillips, C., & Vandewalle, G. (15 June 2016). Sleep deprivation affects brain global cortical responsivenes [Paper presentation]. SLEEP 2016 - APSS Annual meeting.

Meyer, C., Muto, V., Jaspar, M., Kussé, C., Lambot, E., Chellappa, S., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Luxen, A., Middleton, B., Archer, S., Collette, F., Dijk, D.-J., Vandewalle, G., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (June 2016). Seasonal variation in human COGNITIVE brain responses [Poster presentation]. OHBM 2016 annual meeting, Geneva, Switzerland.

Manard, M., François, S., Bahri, M. A., Phillips, C., BOURS, V., BERTOLI, S., DIDEBERG, V., Salmon, E., & Collette, F. (10 May 2016). The influence of COMT single nucleotide polymorphism (rs4680) on the neural substrates of working memory representations maintenance in healthy aging [Poster presentation]. IUAP Annual meeting.

Baquero Duarte, K. A., Rouillard, M., DEPIERREUX, F., Guldenmund, P., Bahri, M. A., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., & Garraux, G. (May 2016). How to find a biomarker to accurately diagnose early stage Parkinson’s Disease? Analysis of time-frequency functional activity and connectivity using resting-state fMRI [Poster presentation]. The Machine Learning Summer School 2016, Cadiz, Spain.

Gaggioni, G., Ly, J., Chellappa, S. L., Rosanova, M., Sarasso, S., Archer, S., Phillips, C., Dijk, D.-J., Maquet, P., Moran, R., Massimini, M., & Vandewalle, G. (15 March 2016). Human cortical excitability and excitation/inhibition balance is set by the circadian timing system [Poster presentation]. Sleep Regulation & Function - Gordon Research Conference, Galveston, TX, United States.

Schrouff, J., Mourao-Miranda, J., Phillips, C., & Parvizi, J. (March 2016). Decoding intracranial EEG data with multiple kernel learning method. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 261, 19-28. doi:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2015.11.028
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Meyer, C.* , Muto, V.* , Jaspar, M.* , Kussé, C., Lambot, E., Chellappa, S. L., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Luxen, A., Middleton, B., Archer, S., Collette, F., Dijk, D.-J., Phillips, C., MAQUET, P., & Vandewalle, G. (2016). Seasonality in human cognitive brain responses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. doi:10.1073/pnas.1518129113
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Segovia, F., Górriz, J. M., Ramírez, J., Phillips, C.* , & Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative*. (2016). Combining feature extraction methods to assist the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Current Alzheimer Research, 13. doi:10.2174/1567205013666151116141906
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Gaggioni, G., Chellappa, S. L., LY, J., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Sarasso, S., Rosanova, M., Archer, S., Maquet, P., Dijk, D.-J., Massimini, M., Casali, A. G., Phillips, C., & Vandewalle, G. (2016). Sleep deprivation affects brain global cortical responsiveness [Poster presentation]. SLEEP 2016 - APSS annual meeting.

Majerus, S., Cowan, N., Peters, F., Van Calster, L., Phillips, C., & Schrouff, J. (January 2016). Cross-Modal Decoding of Neural Patterns Associated with Working Memory: Evidence for Attention-Based Accounts of Working Memory. Cerebral Cortex, 26, 166-179. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhu189
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Van Egroo, M., Cespedes-Ortiz, C., Ly, J., Chellappa, S., Phillips, C., Gaggioni, G., & Vandewalle, G. (2016). Pupil size dynamics during prolonged wakefulness reflects the dual interaction of sleep-homeostasis and the circadian timing system and is related to cortical excitability [Poster presentation]. 23rd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society.

Coppieters't Wallant, D., Muto, V., Gaggioni, G., Jaspar, M., Chellappa, S. L., Meyer, C., Vandewalle, G., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (January 2016). Automatic artifacts and arousals detection in whole-night sleep EEG recordings. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 258. doi:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2015.11.005
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Coppieters't Wallant, D., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (2016). Sleep Spindles as an Electrographic Element: Description and Automatic Detection Methods. Neural Plasticity, 2016, 6783812. doi:10.1155/2016/6783812
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Soddu, A.* , Gomez, F.* , Heine, L., Di Perri, C., Bahri, M. A., Voss, H. U., Bruno, M.-A., VANHAUDENHUYSE, A., Phillips, C., Demertzi, A., Chatelle, C., Schrouff, J., Thibaut, A., Charland-Verville, V., Noirhomme, Q., Salmon, E., TSHIBANDA, L., Schiff, N. D., & LAUREYS, S. (2016). Correlation between resting state fMRI total neuronal activity and PET metabolism in healthy controls and patients with disorders of consciousness. Brain and Behavior, 6 (1), 1-15. doi:10.1002/brb3.424
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Muto, V., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Kussé, C., Chellappa, S. L., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Shaffii-Le Bourdiec, A., Luxen, A., Middleton, B., Archer, S., Phillips, C., Collette, F., Vandewalle, G., Dijk, D.-J., & Maquet, P. (2016). Circadian and homeostatic sleep pressure modulate fMRI correlates of vigilant attention. Journal of Sleep Research, 25 (s1).
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LY, J., Gaggioni, G., Chellappa, S., Papachilleos, S., Brzozowski, A., Borsu, C., Rosanova, M., Sarasso, S., Middleton, B., Luxen, A., Archer, S., Phillips, C., Dijk, D.-J., Maquet, P., Massimini, M., & Vandewalle, G. (2016). Circadian regulation of human cortical excitability. Nature Communications. doi:10.1038/ncomms11828
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Gaggioni, G., Ly, J., Chellappa, S., Papachilleos, S., Brzozowski, A., Borsu, C., Rosanova, M., Sarasso, S., Middleton, B., Luxen, A., Archer, S. N., Dijk, D.-J., Maquet, P., Massimini, M., Casali, A., Phillips, C., & Vandewalle, G. (26 November 2015). Sleep deprivation affects brain global cortical responsiveness [Poster presentation]. IEEE-EMBS Benelux Chapter, Liège, Belgium.

Gaggioni, G., Ly, J., Chellappa, S., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Dijk, D., Massimini, M., Casali, A., Phillips, C., & Vandewalle, G. (02 November 2015). Sleep deprivation affects global cortical responsiveness [Paper presentation]. World Sleep Congress, Istanbul, Turkey.

LOMMERS, E., DELRUE, G., REUTER, G., CALAY, P., DELVAUX, V., HANSEN, I., DIVE, D., MAQUET, P., & Phillips, C. (October 2015). Improved probabilistic segmentation of white matter lesions in multiple sclerosis [Poster presentation]. 31st congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis.

Vanvinckenroye, A., Vandewalle, G., Phillips, C., & Chellappa, S. L. (2015). Eyes Open on Sleep and Wake: In Vivo to In Silico Neural Networks. Neural Plasticity. doi:10.1155/2016/1478684
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Bretin, F., Bahri, M. A., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., Plenevaux, A., & Seret, A. (09 September 2015). Monte Carlo simulations of the dose from imaging with GE eXplore 120 micro-CT using gate. Medical Physics, 42 (10), 5711-5719. doi:10.1118/1.4930056
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Meyer, C., Muto, V., Jaspar, M., Kusse, C., Lambot, E., Chellappa, S. L., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Luxen, A., Middleton, B., Archer, S., Collette, F., Dijk, D.-J., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., & Vandewalle, G. (04 September 2015). Seasonality in human cognitive brain responses [Poster presentation]. Symposium "Sleep and aging: Perks for longevity?", Liège, Belgium.

Gaggioni, G., Ly, J., Chellappa, S., Papachilleos, S., Brzozowski, A., Borsu, C., Rosanova, M., Sarasso, S., Middleton, B., Luxen, A., Archer, S. N., Dijk, D.-J., Maquet, P., Massimini, M., Casali, A., Phillips, C., & Vandewalle, G. (04 September 2015). Sleep deprivation affects brain cortical reactivity [Poster presentation]. Sleep and Aging Symposium, Liège, Belgium.

Maire, M., Reichert, C., Phillips, C., Gabel, V., Viola, A., Scheffler, K., Klarhöfer, M., Strobel, W., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (September 2015). Circadian and homeostatic modulation of cerebral correlates of vigilance under high and low sleep pressure [Paper presentation]. Sleep and aging : perks for longevity, Liège, Belgium.

Liegeois, R., Ziegler, E., Bahri, M. A., Phillips, C., Geurts, P., Gomez, F., Yeo, T., VANHAUDENHUYSE, A., Soddu, A., LAUREYS, S., & Sepulchre, R. (2015). Cerebral functional connectivity periodically (de)synchronizes with anatomical constraints. Brain Structure and Function. doi:10.1007/s00429-015-1083-y
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Antonopoulos, G., Wannez, S., Thibaut, A., Bahri, M. A., HUSTINX, R., BERNARD, C., Bruno, M.-A., Chatelle, C., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., & Laureys, S. (22 June 2015). Diagnostic accuracy of cerebral metabolic imaging in disorders of consciousness [Poster presentation]. 1st Congress of the European Academy of Neurology 2015, Berlin, Germany.

Antonopoulos, G., Wannez, S., Thibaut, A., Bahri, M. A., HUSTINX, R., Bernard, C., Bruno, M.-A., Chatelle, C., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., & Laureys, S. (17 June 2015). Automatic Classification of FDG-PET imaging data in Disorders of Consciousness [Poster presentation]. 21 ST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States.

Ziegler, E., Geuzaine, C., & Phillips, C. (June 2015). A finite-element solution for EEG forward modeling with realistic individual head models [Poster presentation]. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Honolulu, United States - Hawaii.

Phillips, C., Chellappa, S. L., Ly, J., Gaggioni, G., Papachilleos, S., Borsu, C., Brzozowski, A., Rosanova, M., Sarasso, S., Archer, S., Dijk, D.-J., Massimini, M., Maquet, P., Moran, R., & Vandewalle, G. (2015). Neuronal excitation/inhibition balance is set by the need for sleep and the biological clock. NeuroImage.
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Wehenkel, M., Geurts, P., & Phillips, C. (15 March 2015). Tree Ensemble Methods for Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) Systems [Poster presentation]. 2nd HBP Education Workshop : Future Medicine, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Bogdanov, V., Vigano, A., Noirhomme, Q., Bogdanova, O., Guy, N., LAUREYS, S., Renshaw, P., Dallel, R.* , Phillips, C.* , & Schoenen, J.*. (2015). Cerebral responses and role of the prefrontal cortex in conditioned pain modulation: an fMRI study in healthy subjects. Behavioural Brain Research. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2014.11.028
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Baquero Duarte, K. A., Rouillard, M., Depierreux, F., Phillips, C., & Garraux, G. (27 January 2015). Comparison of brain functional connectivity methods for the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease using resting state fMRI [Paper presentation]. 2015 GIGA Day, Current Advances in Medical Genetics and Genomics, Liege, Belgium.

Gaggioni, G., Ly, J., Chellappa, S. L., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Muto, V., Borsu, C., Papachilleos, S., Brzozowski1, A., Sarasso, S., Rosanova, M., Archer, S., Maquet, P., Dijk, D.-J., Phillips, C., Massimini, M., & Vandewalle, G. (27 January 2015). Human cortical excitability depends on time awake and circadian phase [Poster presentation]. Giga Day.

Gaggioni, G., Ly, J., Chellappa, S. L., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Muto, V., Borsu, C., Papachilleos, S., Brzozowski, A., Sarasso, S., Rosanova, M., Archer, S., Maquet, P., Dijk, D.-J., Phillips, C., Massimini, M., & Vandewalle, G. (15 January 2015). Human cortical excitability depends on time awake and circadian phase and is predicted by sleep slow-wave activity [Paper presentation]. 2015 Annual Joint CRPP Sleep and Health Symposium.

Demertzi, A.* , Antonopoulos, G.* , Heine, L., Voss, H. U., Crone, J. S., de Los Angeles, C., Bahri, M. A., Di Perri, C., VANHAUDENHUYSE, A., Charland-Verville, V., Kronbichler, M., Trinka, E., Phillips, C., Gomez, F., TSHIBANDA, L., Soddu, A., Schiff, N. D., Whitfield-Gabrieli, S.* , & Laureys, S.*. (2015). Intrinsic functional connectivity differentiates minimally conscious from unresponsive patients. Brain: a Journal of Neurology, 138, 2619-2631. doi:10.1093/brain/awv169
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Demertzi, A., Antonopoulos, G., Heine, L., Voss, H. U., Crone, J. S., De Los Angeles, C., Bahri, M. A., Di Perri, C., Gomez, F., VANHAUDENHUYSE, A., CHARLAND-VERVILLE, V., Kronbichler, M., Trinka, E., Phillips, C., TSHIBANDA, L., Soddu, A., Schiff, N. D., Whitfield-Gabrieli, S., & LAUREYS, S. (2015). Intrinsic fMRI functional architecture differentiates single patients after severe brain injury [Poster presentation]. 45th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, United States.

Liegeois, R., Phillips, C., Bahri, M. A., LAUREYS, S., & Sepulchre, R. (2015). Total connectivity: a marker of dynamical functional connectivity applied to consciousness [Poster presentation]. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, United States.

Maire, M., Reichert, C. F., Gabel, V., Viola, A. U., Phillips, C., Krebs, J., Scheffler, K., Klarhofer, M., Strobel, W., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2015). Fighting Sleep at Night: Brain Correlates and Vulnerability to Sleep Loss. Annals of Neurology, 78 (2), 235-47. doi:10.1002/ana.24434
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Ziegler, E., Chellappa, S. L., Gaggioni, G., Ly, J., Vandewalle, G., André, E., Geuzaine, C.* , & Phillips, C.*. (December 2014). A finite-element reciprocity solution for EEG forward modeling with realistic individual head models. NeuroImage, 103, 542-551. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.08.056
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Ly, J., Gaggioni, G., Chellappa, S. L., Papachilleos, S., Brzozowski, A., Borsu, C., Rosanova, M., Sarrasso, S., Archer, S. N., Dijk, D.-J., Phillips, C., MAQUET, P., Massimini, M., & Vandewalle, G. (04 October 2014). Human cortical excitability depends on time spent awake and circadian phase [Paper presentation]. Belgian Brain Council 2014.

Ziegler, E., Rouillard, M., André, E., Coolen, T., Stender, J., Balteau, E., Phillips, C.* , & Garraux, G.*. (October 2014). Mapping track density changes in nigrostriatal and extranigral pathways in Parkinson's disease. NeuroImage, 99, 498-508. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.06.033
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Gaggioni, G., Ly, J., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Muto, V., Borsu, C., Papachilleos, S., Brzozowski, A., Sarasso, S., Rosanova, M., Archer, S., MAQUET, P., Dijk, D.-J., Phillips, C., Massimini, M., Vandewalle, G., & Chellappa, S. L. (October 2014). Sleep slow-wave activity predicts changes in human cortical excitability during extended wakefulness [Poster presentation]. Belgian Brain Council 2014, Ghent, Belgium.

Ly, J., Chellappa, S. L., Gaggioni, G., Papachilleos, S., Brzozowski, A., Borsu, C., Rosanova, M., Sarrasso, S., Archer, S. N., Dijk, D.-J., Phillips, C., MAQUET, P., & Vandewalle, G. (17 September 2014). Human cortical excitability depends on time spent awake and circadian phase [Paper presentation]. 22nd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) 2014, Tallinn, Estonia.

Ly, J., Chellappa, S. L., Gaggioni, G., Papachilleos, S., Brzozowski, A., Borsu, C., Rosanova, M., Sarrasso, S., Archer, S. N., Dijk, D.-J., Phillips, C., MAQUET, P., Massimini, M., & Vandewalle, G. (17 September 2014). Human cortical excitability depends on time awake and circadian phase [Paper presentation]. 22nd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) 2014, Tallinn, Estonia.

Coppieters't Wallant, D., Chellappa, S. L., Gaggioni, G., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Muto, V., Vandewalle, G., MAQUET, P., & Phillips, C. (17 September 2014). Automatic artifact detection for whole-night polysomnographic sleep recordings [Poster presentation]. 22nd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Tallinn, Estonia.

Gaggioni, G., Ly, J., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Muto, V., Borsu, C., Papachilleos, S., Brzozowski, A., Sarasso, S., Rosanova, M., Archer, S., MAQUET, P., Dijk, D.-J., Phillips, C., Massimini, M., Vandewalle, G., & Chellappa, S. L. (September 2014). Sleep slow-wave activity predicts changes in human cortical excitability during extended wakefulness [Poster presentation]. 22nd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Tallinn, Estonia.

González y Viagas, M., Ly, J., Gaggioni, G., Meyer, C., Muto, V., Jaspar, M., Vandewalle, G., Maquet, P., Phillips, C., & Chellappa, S. L. (September 2014). Automatic biorythms description from actigraphic data [Poster presentation]. European Sleep research Society - ESRS, Tallinn, Estonia.

Borsu, C., Gaggioni, G., Ly, J., Papachilleos, S., Brzozowski, A., Rosanova, M., Sarasso, S., Archer, S., Dijk, D.-J., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Massimini, M., Chellappa, S. L., & Vandewalle, G. (September 2014). Cortical excitability dynamics of during sleep deprivation set PVT performance [Poster presentation]. European Sleep Research Society Symposium.

Chellappa, S. L., Ly, J., Meyer, C., Balteau, E., Delguedre, C., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., Cooper, H., & Vandewalle, G. (17 June 2014). Prior light history impacts on higher order cognitive brain function [Paper presentation]. Society for Biological Rhythms Symposium.

Chellappa, S. L., LY, J. (Other coll.), Gaggioni, G. (Other coll.), Archer, S. (Other coll.), Massimini, M. (Other coll.), Dijk, D.-J. (Other coll.), Maquet, P. (Other coll.), Phillips, C. (Other coll.), Moran, R. (Other coll.), & Vandewalle, G. (Other coll.). (16 June 2014). The circadian system sets the temporal organization of basic human neuronal function [Paper presentation]. Society for Biological Rhythms Symposium.

Segovia-Román, F., Bastin, C., Salmon, E., & Phillips, C. (June 2014). Combining neuropsychological and neuroimaging data to assist the early diagnosis of dementia [Poster presentation]. The 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Hamburg, Germany.

Collard, A., Sepulchre, R., & Phillips, C. (June 2014). Statistical nonparametric tests for group comparison of Diffusion Tensor Images [Poster presentation]. The 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Hamburg, Germany.

Schrouff, J., Foster, B. L., Rangarajan, V., Phillips, C., Mourao-Miranda, J., & Parvizi, J. (2014). Decoding memory processing from electro-corticography in human posteromedial cortex. In International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging. doi:10.1109/PRNI.2014.6858543
Peer reviewed

Schrouff, J., Monteiro, J., Joao Rosa, M., Portugal, L., Phillips, C., & Mourao-Miranda, J. (June 2014). Can we interpret linear kernel machine learning models using anatomically labelled regions? [Poster presentation]. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Hamburg, Germany.

Segovia-Román, F., Holt, R., Spencer, M., Górriz Sáez, J. M., Ramírez Pérez de Inestrosa, J., Puntonet, C. G., Phillips, C., Chura, L., Baron-Cohen, S., & Suckling, J. (June 2014). Identifying endophenotypes of autism: a multivariate approach. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 8. doi:10.3389/fncom.2014.00060
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André, E., Grinberg, F., Farrher, E., Maximov, I. I., Shah, N. J., Meyer, C., Jaspar, M., Muto, V., Phillips, C., & Balteau, E. (2014). Influence of noise correction on intra- and inter-subject variability of quantitative metrics in diffusion kurtosis imaging. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094531
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Noirhomme, Q., Lesenfants, D., Gomez, F., Soddu, A., Schrouff, J., Garraux, G., Luxen, A., Phillips, C.* , & Laureys, S.*. (April 2014). Biased binomial assessment of cross-validated estimation of classification accuracies illustrated in diagnosis predictions. NeuroImage: Clinical, 4, 687-694. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2014.04.004
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Segovia-Román, F., Bastin, C., Salmon, E., Górriz Sáez, J. M., Ramírez Pérez de Inestrosa, J., & Phillips, C. (13 February 2014). Combining PET images and neuropsychological test data for automatic diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. PLoS ONE, 9 (2). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0088687
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Segovia-Román, F., & Phillips, C. (2014). PET imaging analysis using a parcelation approach and multiple kernel classification. In International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging, Tübingen 4-6 June 2014.
Peer reviewed

Majerus, S., Cowan, N., Péters, N., Van Calster, L., Phillips, C., & Schrouff, J. (2014). Decoding neural correlates of verbal working memory by attention-based visual working memory [Paper presentation]. The 2014 meeting of the IUAP "Integrated cerebral networks for perception, cognition and action in human and non-human primats", Leuven, Switzerland.

D'Argembeau, A., Cassol, H., Phillips, C., Balteau, E., Salmon, E., & Van der Linden, M. (2014). Brains creating stories of selves: the neural basis of autobiographical reasoning. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 646-652. doi:10.1093/scan/nst028
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Meyer, C., Jaspar, M., Muto, V., Kussé, C., Chellappa, S. L., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Luxen, A., Collette, F., Phillips, C., Middleton, B., Archer, S., Dijk, D.-J., & Maquet, P. (2014). Seasonal variation in human executive brain responses [Poster presentation]. 22nd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society.

Muto, V., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Shaffii-LeBourdiec, A., Kussé, C., Chellappa, S. L., Vandewalle, G., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Collette, F., Phillips, C., Middleton, B., Archer, S., Dijk, D.-J., & Maquet, P. (2014). Neural correlates of sustained attention under sleep deprivation during a constant routine: circadian and homeostatic interaction. Journal of Sleep Research.
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Sterpenich, V., Schmidt, C., Albouy, G., Matarazzo, L., VANHAUDENHUYSE, A., BOVEROUX, P., Degueldre, C., Leclercq, Y., Balteau, E., Collette, F., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., & Maquet, P. (2014). Memory reactivation during rapid eye movement sleep promotes its generalization and integration in cortical stores. Sleep, 37 (6), 1061-75, 1075A-1075. doi:10.5665/sleep.3762
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Chellappa, S. L., Ly, J., Meyer, C., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., Cooper, H., & Vandewalle, G. (2014). Photic memory for executive brain responses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 4263. doi:10.1073/pnas.1320005111
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Segovia-Román, F., Álvarez Illán, I., Salas-Gonzalez, D., Martínez-Murcia, F. J., Phillips, C., García Puntonet, C., Ramírez Pérez de Inestrosa, J., & Górriz Sáez, J. M. (2014). PETRA: Multivariate analyses for neuroimaging data. In Proceeding of 2nd International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering.
Peer reviewed

Chellappa, S. L., Ly, J., Meyer, C., Balteau, E., Delguedre, C., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., Cooper, H., & Vandewalle, G. (2014). Prior light history impacts on higher order cognitive brain function [Paper presentation]. Belgium Brain Conference.

Liegeois, R., Ziegler, E., Phillips, C., Gomez, F., Soddu, A., LAUREYS, S., & Sepulchre, R. (2014). Assessing dynamical correlations between functional and structural brain connectivity [Poster presentation]. 20th Conference of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Hamburg, Germany.

Borsu, C., Gaggioni, G., Ly, J., Papachilleos, S., Brzozowski, A., Rosanova, M., Sarasso, S., Archer, S., Dijk, D.-J., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Massimini, M., Chellappa, S. L., & Vandewalle, G. (2014). Cortical excitability dynamics of during sleep deprivation set PVT performance [Paper presentation]. European Sleep Research Society Symposium.

Maire, M., Reichert, C., Phillips, C., Gabel, V., Viola, A., Scheffler, K., Klarhöfer, M., Strobel, W., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2014). Inter-individual differences in night-time cerebral responses to high and low sleep pressure conditions [Poster presentation]. 14th Society for Research in Biological Rhythms, Montana, United States.

Chellappa, S. L., Ly, J., Meyer, C., Balteau, E., Delguedre, C., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., Cooper, H., & Vandewalle, G. (2014). Prior light history impacts on cognitive brain function [Paper presentation]. European Sleep Research Society Symposium.

Collard, A., Bonnabel, S., Phillips, C., & Sepulchre, R. (2014). Anisotropy preserving DTI processing. International Journal of Computer Vision, 107, 58-74. doi:10.1007/s11263-013-0674-4
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Chellappa, S. L., Ly, J., Gaggioni, G., Papachilleos, S., Borsu, C., Brzozowski, A., Archer, S., Rosanova, M., Sarasso, S., Dijk, D.-J., Maquet, P., Massimini, M., Phillips, C., Moran, R., & Vandewalle, G. (2014). Dynamics of human cortical ensembles are set by circadian system and sleep homeostasis [Paper presentation]. European Sleep Research Society Symposium.

Noirhomme, Q., Lesenfants, D., Gomez, F., Soddu, A., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., & Laureys, S. (December 2013). On the statistical assessment of small sample classification [Paper presentation]. Annual symposium of the IEEE EMBS & IM Benelux chapter, Brussels, Belgium.

Gomez Jaramillo, F. A.* , Phillips, C.* , Soddu, A., Boly, M., BOVEROUX, P., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Bruno, M.-A., Gosseries, O., BONHOMME, V., Laureys, S., & Noirhomme, Q. (19 August 2013). Changes in Effective Connectivity by Propofol Sedation. PLoS ONE, 8 (8), 71370. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071370
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Ziegler, E., Foret, A., Mascetti, L., Muto, V., Le Bourdiec-Shaffii, A., Stender, J., Balteau, E., DIDEBERG, V., Bours, V., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (2013). Altered white matter architecture in BDNF Met carriers. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069290
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Phillips, C., Foret, A., Mascetti, L., Muto, V., Shaffi-Le Bourdiec, A., Stender, J., DIDEBERG, V., BOURS, V., Maquet, P., & Ziegler, E. (19 June 2013). Connectome-based classification of BDNF Met allele carriers [Paper presentation]. 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, United States.

Ziegler, E., Rouillard, M., André, E., Coolen, T., Stender, J., Balteau, E., Garraux, G., & Phillips, C. (June 2013). White matter abnormalities in Parkinson’s disease illuminated via TDI [Poster presentation]. 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, United States.

Schrouff, J., Rosa, M., Rondina, J., Marquand, A., Chu, C., Ashburner, J., Phillips, C., Richiardi, J., & Mourão-Miranda, J. (June 2013). Multivariate pattern interpretation using PRoNTo [Poster presentation]. Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, United States.

Ziegler, E., Foret, A., Mascetti, L., Muto, V., Le Bourdiec-Shaffi, A., Stender, J., Balteau, E., DIDEBERG, V., BOURS, V., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (June 2013). Connectome-based classification of BDNF Met allele carriers [Poster presentation]. 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, United States.

Phillips, C. (24 April 2013). Pattern Recognition for Neuroimaging [Paper presentation]. Advanced SPM course, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Collard, A., Phillips, C., & Sepulchre, R. (March 2013). Multivariate statistics for group comparison on Riemannian manifolds [Paper presentation]. 32nd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Houffalize, Belgium.

Schrouff, J., Rosa, M. J., Rondina, J., Marquand, A., Chu, C., Ashburner, J., Phillips, C., Richiardi, J., & Mourão-Miranda, J. (February 2013). PRoNTo: Pattern Recognition for Neuroimaging Toolbox. Neuroinformatics, 11 (3), 319-337. doi:10.1007/s12021-013-9178-1
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Albouy, G., Vandewalle, G., Sterpenich, V., Rauch, G., Desseilles, M., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., & Maquet, P. (2013). Sleep stabilizes visuomotor adaptation memory: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Journal of Sleep Research, 22 (2), 144-54. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2869.2012.01059.x
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Garraux, G.* , Phillips, C.* , Schrouff, J., Kreisler, A., Lemaire, C., Degueldre, C., Delcour, C., Hustinx, R., Luxen, A., Destée, A., & Salmon, E. (2013). Multiclass classification of FDG PET scans for the distinction between Parkinson's disease and atypical parkinsonian syndromes. NeuroImage: Clinical, 2, 883-893. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2013.06.004
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Collard, A., Phillips, C., & Sepulchre, R. (2013). Statistical tests for group comparison of manifold-valued data. In Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 1144-1149).
Peer reviewed

Collignon, O., Dormal, G., Albouy, G., Vandewalle, G., Voss, P., Phillips, C.* , & Lepore, F.*. (2013). Impact of blindness onset on the functional organization and the connectivity of the occipital cortex. Brain: a Journal of Neurology, 136 (9), 2769-2783. doi:10.1093/brain/awt176
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Angel, L., Bastin, C., Genon, S., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., Salmon, E., & Collette, F. (2013). Differential effects of aging on the neural correlates of recollection and familiarity. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 49, 1585-1597. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2012.10.002
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Albouy, G., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Rauch, G., Desseilles, M., Boly, M., Dang Vu, T. T., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., & Maquet, P. (2013). Interaction between hippocampal and striatal systems predicts subsequent consolidation of motor sequence memory. PLoS ONE, 8 (3), 59490. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059490
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André, E., Phillips, C., Farrher, E., Maximov, I., Grinberg, F., Shah, J., & Balteau, E. (2013). SNR dependence of mean kurtosis and how to correct it. Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ... Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. International Society For Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, 21, 737.
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Ly, J., Dang-Vu, T., Chellappa, S. L., Schabus, M., Vandewalle, G., Phillips, C., & Maquet, P. (2013). Neural correlates of the transition from wakefulness to sleep assessed by simultaneous high density electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Sleep.
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Segovia-Román, F., Bastin, C., Salmon, E., Górriz, J. M., Ramírez, J., & Phillips, C. (2013). Automatic differentiation between Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment combining PET data and psychological scores. In 3rd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging (pp. 144-147). doi:10.1109/PRNI.2013.45
Peer reviewed

Vandewalle, G., Collignon, O., Hull, J., Daneault, V., Albouy, G., Lepore, F., Phillips, C., Doyon, J., Czeisler, C., Dumont, M., Lockley, S., & Carrier, J. (2013). Blue Light Stimulates Cognitive Brain Activity in Visually Blind Individuals. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_00450
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Schrouff, J., Rosa, M., Rondina, J., Chu, C., Marquand, A., Ashburner, J., Richiardi, J., Phillips, C., & Mourão-Miranda, J. (2013). Pattern Recognition for Neuroimaging Toolbox. In J. A. K. Suykens, A. Argyriou, K. De Brabanter, M. Diehl, K. Pelckmans, M. Signoretto, V. Van Belle, ... J. Vandewalle (Eds.), International workshop on advances in Regularization, Optimization, Kernel Methods and Support Vector Machines: theory and applications (ROKS 2013), Book of Abstracts.
Peer reviewed

Grandjean, J., D'Ostilio, K., Fias, W., Phillips, C., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., Salmon, E., & Collette, F. (2013). Exploration of the mechanisms underlying the ISPC effect: Evidence from behavioral and neuroimaging data. Neuropsychologia, 51, 1040-1049. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2013.02.015
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Segovia-Román, F., Bastin, C., Salmon, E., & Phillips, C. (2013). Classification of positron emission tomography images using multiple kernel learning. In Proceeding of 3rd NIPS 2013 Workshop on Machine Learning and Interpretation in NeuroImaging (pp. 1-7).
Peer reviewed

Dardenne, B., Dumont, M., Sarlet, M., Phillips, C., Balteau, E., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., & Collette, F. (2013). Benevolent sexism alters executive brain responses. Neuroreport, 24 (10), 572-577. doi:10.1097/WNR.0b013e3283625b5b
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Mascetti, L., Foret, A., Schrouff, J., Muto, V., DIDEBERG, V., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Collette, F., BOURS, V., & MAQUET, P. (2013). Concurrent Synaptic and Systems Memory Consolidation during Sleep. Journal of Neuroscience, 33 (24), 10182-10190. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0284-13.2013
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Schrouff, J., CREMERS, J., GARRAUX, G., Baldasarre, L., Mourão-Miranda, J., & Phillips, C. (2013). Localizing and comparing weight maps generated from linear kernel machine learning models. In 2013 Third International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI 2013): proceedings. United States: IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services. doi:10.1109/PRNI.2013.40
Peer reviewed

Mascetti, L., Muto, V., Matarazzo, L., Foret, A., Ziegler, E., Albouy, G., Sterpenich, V., Schimdt, C., Degueldre, C., Leclercq, Y., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Vandewalle, G., Vogels, R., Maquet, P., & Balteau, E. (2013). The impact of visual perceptual learning on sleep and local slow wave initiation. Journal of Neuroscience. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0763-12.2013
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Segovia-Román, F., Bastin, C., Salmon, E., & Phillips, C. (2013). Classification of MCI and AD patients combining PET data and psychological scores. In International Workshop on Advances in Regularization, Optimization, Kernel Methods and Support Vector Machines: theory and applications (pp. 97-98).
Peer reviewed

Genon, S., Collette, F., Feyers, D., Phillips, C., Salmon, E., & Bastin, C. (2013). Item familiarity and controlled associative retrieval in Alzheimer's disease: An fMRI study. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 49, 1566-1584. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2012.11.017
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Schrouff, J., Cremers, J., D'Ostilio, K., Delvaux, V., Garraux, G., & Phillips, C. (2012). Discriminant BOLD Activation Patterns during Mental Imagery in Parkinson’s Disease. Proceedings of MLINI 2012.
Peer reviewed

André, E., Farrher, E., Maximov, I., Grinberg, F., Phillips, C., & Balteau, E. (November 2012). Noise correction for diffusion kurtosis imaging [Poster presentation]. Young Belgium Magnetic Resonance Scientist, Spa, Belgium.

Bretin, F., Warnock, G., Bahri, M. A., Libert, L., Lemaire, C., Phillips, C., Plenevaux, A., Luxen, A., & Seret, A. (October 2012). Dosimetry for 6-[18F]Fluoro-L-DOPA in Humans Based on Biodistribution in Mice [Poster presentation]. EANM'12 Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Milano, Italy.

D'Ostilio, K., Collette, F., Phillips, C., & Garraux, G. (2012). Evidence for a role of a cortico-subcortical network for automatic and unconscious motor inhibition of manual responses. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048007
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Bretin, F., Warnock, G., Bahri, M. A., Libert, L., Lemaire, C., Phillips, C., Seret, A., Luxen, A., & Plenevaux, A. (September 2012). Dosimetry for 6-[18F]Fluoro-L-DOPA in humans based on in vivo microPET scans and ex vivo tissue distribution in mice [Poster presentation]. World Molecular Imaging Congress, Dublin, Ireland.

Genon, S., Collette, F., Feyers, D., Phillips, C., Salmon, E., & Bastin, C. (31 August 2012). Item familiarity and controlled associative retrieval in Alzheimer’s disease: an fMRI study [Paper presentation]. Amsterdam Memory Slam 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Genon, S., Collette, F., Feyers, D., Phillips, C., Salmon, E., & Bastin, C. (2012). Item familiarity and controlled associative retrieval in Alzheimer’s disease: an fMRI study. In Proceedings of the Amsterdam Memory Slam 2012 (pp. 16).
Peer reviewed

Schrouff, J., Kussé, C., Wehenkel, L., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (2012). Decoding spontaneous brain activity from fMRI using Gaussian Processes: tracking brain reactivation. In 2012 Second International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI 2012): proceedings. Los Alamitos, United States - California: IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services. doi:10.1109/PRNI.2012.19
Peer reviewed

Schrouff, J., Rosa, M. J., Rondina, J., Marquand, A., Chu, C., Ashburner, J., Phillips, C., Richiardi, J., & Mourão-Miranda, J. (12 June 2012). PRoNTo: Pattern Recognition for Neuroimaging Toolbox [Poster presentation]. Organization of Human Brain Mapping.

Phillips, C., Schrouff, J., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., & Garraux, G. (10 June 2012). Automatic multiclass classification of 18FDG-PET scans for the distinction between Parkinson’s disease and atypical parkinsonian syndromes [Poster presentation]. Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China.

Collard, A., Bonnabel, S., Phillips, C., & Sepulchre, R. (June 2012). Anisotropy preserving interpolation of diffusion tensors [Poster presentation]. 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2012), Beijing, China.

André, E., Collard, A., Phillips, C., & Balteau, E. (June 2012). Mapping track density changes in nigrostriatal and extranigral pathways in Parkinson’s disease [Poster presentation]. 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China.

Phillips, C. (April 2012). SPM for MEG/EEG [Paper presentation]. Statistical Parametric Mapping course, Lyon, France.

Collard, A., Bonnabel, S., Phillips, C., & Sepulchre, R. (March 2012). Anisotropy preserving interpolation of diffusion tensors [Paper presentation]. 31st Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Heijen, Netherlands.

Schrouff, J., Kussé, C., Wehenkel, L., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (2012). Decoding Semi-Constrained Brain Activity from fMRI Using Support Vector Machines and Gaussian Processes. PLoS ONE, 7 (4). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035860
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Gosseries, O., Boly, M., Charland-Verville, V., VANHAUDENHUYSE, A., Bruno, M., Phan-Ba, R., Phillips, C., BOVEROUX, P., BONHOMME, V., LEDOUX, D., Brichant, J., LAUWICK, S., Schabus, M., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., & Laureys, S. (2012). Interaction between spontaneous fluctuation and auditory evoked activity during wakefulness and loss of consciousness [Paper presentation]. European Neurological Society Annual Meeting, Prague, Czechia.
Peer reviewed

Gosseries, O., VANHAUDENHUYSE, A., Bruno, M., Phan-Ba, R., Phillips, C., BOVEROUX, P., BONHOMME, V., LEDOUX, D., Brichant, J., LAUWICK, S., Schabus, M., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., Laureys, S., & Boly, M. (2012). Relationship between spontaneous fluctuation, auditory evoked activity and consciousness: an EEG-fMRI study [Poster presentation]. 3rd Biennial Conference on Resting State Brain Connectivity, Magdeburg, Germany.

Thibaut, A., Bruno, M.-A., Chatelle, C., Gosseries, O., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Demertzi, A., Schnakers, C., Thonnard, M., CHARLAND-VERVILLE, V., BERNARD, C., Bahri, M. A., Phillips, C., Boly, M., Hustinx, R., & Laureys, S. (2012). Metabolic activity in external and internal awareness networks in severely brain-damaged patients. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 44 (6), 487-94. doi:10.2340/16501977-0940
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Grandjean, J., D'Ostilio, K., Phillips, C., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., Salmon, E., & Collette, F. (2012). Modulation of brain activity during a Stroop inhibitory task by the kind of cognitive control required. PLoS ONE, 7 (7), 41513. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041513
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André, E., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Farrher, E., Maximov, I., Grinberg, F., & Shah, J. (2012). Impact of noise correction on diffusion kurtosis estimation. Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ... Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. International Society For Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, 20, 2723.
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Soddu, A., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Bahri, M. A., Bruno, M.-A., Boly, M., Demertzi, A., Tshibanda, J. F., Phillips, C., Stanziano, M., Ovadia-Caro, S., Nir, Y., Maquet, P., Papa, M., Malach, R., Laureys, S., & Noirhomme, Q. (2012). Identifying the default-mode component in spatial IC analyses of patients with disorders of consciousness. Human Brain Mapping, 36, 37-43. doi:10.1002/hbm.21249
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Angel, L., Bastin, C., Genon, S., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., Salmon, E., & Collette, F. (2012). The neural correlates of recollection and familiarity during aging. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. doi:10.3389/conf.fnhum.2012.210.00137
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Muto, V., Shaffii, A., Matarazzo, L., Foret, A., Mascetti, L., Jaspar, M., Vandewalle, G., Phillips, C., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Luxen, A., Collette, F., & Maquet, P. (2012). Influence of acute sleep loss on the neural correlates of alerting, orientating and executive attention components. Journal of Sleep Research, 21 (6), 648-58. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2869.2012.01020.x
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D'Argembeau, A., Jedidi, H., Balteau, E., Bahri, M. A., Phillips, C., & Salmon, E. (2012). Valuing One's Self: Medial Prefrontal Involvement in Epistemic and Emotive Investments in Self-views. Cerebral Cortex, 22, 659-667. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhr144
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Schrouff, J., & Phillips, C. (2012). Multivariate pattern analysis: brain decoding. In C. Schnakers & S. Laureys (Eds.), Coma and altered states of consciousness (pp. 41-48). London, United Kingdom: Springer.

Schabus, M., Dang Vu, T. T., Heib, D. P. J., Boly, M., Desseilles, M., Vandewalle, G., Schmidt, C., Albouy, G., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., & Maquet, P. (2012). The fate of incoming stimuli during NREM sleep is determined by spindles and the phase of the slow oscillation. Frontiers in Neurology, 3 (40), 1-11. doi:10.3389/fneur.2012.00040
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Majerus, S., Attout, L., D'Argembeau, A., Degueldre, C., Fias, W., Maquet, P., Martinez Perez, T., Stawarczyk, D., Salmon, E., Van der Linden, M., Phillips, C., & Balteau, E. (2012). Attention Supports Verbal Short-Term Memory via Competition between Dorsal and Ventral Attention Networks. Cerebral Cortex, 22, 1086-1097. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhr174
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Schrouff, J., Rosa, M. J., Rondina, J., Marquand, A., Chu, C., Ashburner, J., Phillips, C., Richiardi, J., & Mourao-Miranda, J. (2012). PRoNTo: Pattern Recognition for Neuroimaging Toolbox.

Albouy, G., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Rauchs, G., Desseilles, M., Boly, M., Dang Vu, T., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., & Maquet, P. (2012). Neural Correlates of Performance Variabilty during Motor Sequence Acquisition. NeuroImage, 60 (1), 324-331.
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Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., Leclercq, Y., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Phillips, C., Berthomier, P., Berthomier, C., Tinguely, G., Gais, S., Schabus, M., Desseilles, M., Dang Vu, T. T., Salmon, E., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Luxen, A., Cajochen, C., Maquet, P., & Collette, F. (2012). Circadian preference modulates the neural substrate of conflict processing across the day. PLoS ONE, 7 (1), 29658. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029658
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Genon, S., Collette, F., Feyers, D., Phillips, C., SALMON, E., & Bastin, C. (2012). Item familiarity and controlled associative retrieval in Alzheimer’s disease: An fMRI study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
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Schrouff, J., Kussé, C., Wehenkel, L., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (22 November 2011). Decoding semi-constrained brain activity from fMRI using SVM and GP [Paper presentation]. I Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Neuroscience of UFABC, São Paulo, Brazil.

Demertzi, A., Soddu, A., FAYMONVILLE, M.-E., Bahri, M. A., Gosseries, O., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Luxen, A., & Laureys, S. (23 August 2011). Hypnotic modulation of resting state fMRI default mode and extrinsic network connectivity. Progress in Brain Research, 193, 309-322. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53839-0.00020-X
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Schrouff, J., Leclercq, Y., Noirhomme, Q., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (28 June 2011). FASST- a FMRI Artefact rejection and Sleep Scoring Toolbox [Poster presentation]. Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Québec, Canada.

Schrouff, J., Kussé, C., Wehenkel, L., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (26 June 2011). Decoding Directed Brain Activity in fMRI using Support Vector Machines and Gaussian Processes [Poster presentation]. Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Québec, Canada.

Desseilles, M., Phillips, C., Matthews, Dang-Vu, T. T., Sterpenich, V., Albouy, G., Schmidt, C., Darsaud, A., Salmon, E., Vandewalle, G., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., ANSSEAU, M., Schwartz, S., & Maquet, P. (June 2011). Locus-coeruleus activation in patients with major depression and suicidal ideations. Abstract book of the conference [Paper presentation]. 17th Annual Meeting of the OHBM (Organization for Human Brain Mapping), Quebec, Canada.

Ziegler, E., Foret, A., Matarazzo, L., André, E., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (June 2011). An easy-to-use pipeline for creating connectomes [Poster presentation]. 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.

Phillips, C., Bruno, M.-A., Maquet, P., Boly, M., Noirhomme, Q., Schnakers, C., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Bonjean, M., Hustinx, R., Moonen, G., Luxen, A., & Laureys, S. (2011). "Relevance vector machine" consciousness classifier applied to cerebral metabolism of vegetative and locked-in patients. NeuroImage, 56 (2), 797–808. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.05.083
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Leclercq, Y., Schrouff, J., Noirhomme, Q., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (2011). fMRI Artefact Rejection and Sleep Scoring Toolbox. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. doi:10.1155/2011/598206
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Murphy, M., Bruno, M.-A., Riedner, B. A., BOVEROUX, P., Noirhomme, Q., Landsness, E. C., BRICHANT, J.-F., Phillips, C., Massimini, M., Laureys, S., Tononi, G., & Boly, M. (2011). Propofol anesthesia and sleep: a high-density EEG study. Sleep, 34 (3), 283-91. doi:10.1093/sleep/34.3.283
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Genon, S., Collette, F., Feyers, D., Phillips, C., Salmon, E., & Bastin, C. (2011). Recollection and familiarity memory processes in probable Alzheimer's disease: an fMRI study [Paper presentation]. Symposium Memory in normal aging and preclinical dementia: Insights from cognitive and neuroimaging studies.

Schrouff, J., Perlbarg, V., Boly, M., Marrelec, G., BOVEROUX, P., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Bruno, M.-A., Laureys, S., Phillips, C., Pélégrini-Issac, M., Maquet, P., & Benali, H. (2011). Brain functional integration decreases during propofol-induced loss of consciousness. NeuroImage, 57 (1), 198-205. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.04.020
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Desseilles, M., Schwartz, S., Dang Vu, T. T., Sterpenich, V., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (2011). Depression alters "top-down" visual attention: a dynamic causal modeling comparison between depressed and healthy subjects. NeuroImage, 54 (2), 1662-8. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.08.061
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Schrouff, J., & Phillips, C. (2011). Analyse multivariée par reconnaissance de formes : décodage cérébral. In C. Schnakers & S. Laureys (Eds.), Coma et états de conscience altérée (pp. 41-49). Paris, France: Springer.
Peer reviewed

Dang Vu, T. T., Bonjean, M., Schabus, M., Boly, M., Darsaud, A., Desseilles, M., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Sejnowski, T. J., & Maquet, P. (2011). Interplay between spontaneous and induced brain activity during human non-rapid eye movement sleep. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108 (37), 15438-43. doi:10.1073/pnas.1112503108
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Vanhaudenhuyse, A.* , Demertzi, A.* , Schabus, M., Noirhomme, Q., Brédart, S., Boly, M., Phillips, C., Soddu, A., Luxen, A., MOONEN, G., & Laureys, S. (2011). Two distinct neuronal networks mediate the awareness of environment and of self. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23 (3), 570-578. doi:10.1162/jocn.2010.21488
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Litvak, V., Mattout, J., Kiebel, S., Phillips, C., Henson, R., Kilner, J., Barnes, G., Oostenveld, R., Daunizeau, J., Flandin, G., Penny, W., & Friston, K. (2011). EEG and MEG Data Analysis in SPM8. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2011 (ID 852961), 32. doi:10.1155/2011/852961
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Schrouff, J., Perlbarg, V., Boly, M., Marrelec, G., BOVEROUX, P., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Bruno, M.-A., Laureys, S., Phillips, C., Pélégrini-Issac, M., Maquet, P., & Benali, H. (12 December 2010). Changes in functional interactions during anaesthesia-induced loss of consciousness [Poster presentation]. Workshop on Connectivity Inference in Neuroimaging, Vancouver, Canada.

Grandjean, J., D'Ostilio, K., Fias, W., Phillips, C., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., MAQUET, P., Salmon, E., & Collette, F. (15 November 2010). Neural correlates of cognitive control at the item level in the Stroop task [Poster presentation]. Neuroscience 2010: 40th annual scientific meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, United States.

Mascetti, L., Foret, A., Matarazzo, L., Muto, V., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., DIDEBERG, V., Bours, V., & Maquet, P. (15 November 2010). Influence of brain-derived neurotrophic factor val66met human polymorphism on declarative memory consolidation [Poster presentation]. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, United States.

Albouy, G., Matarazzo, L., Schmidt, C., Foret, A., Mascetti, L., Desseilles, M., Dang-Vu, T., Sterpenich, V., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Habib, B., Karni, A., Doyon, J., Korman, M., & Maquet, P. (June 2010). Daytime Sleep Protects Motor Sequence Memory from Interference: An fMRI Study. Abstract Book of the conference [Paper presentation]. 16th Annual Meeting of the OHBM (Organization for Human Brain Mapping), Barcelona, Spain.

Desseilles, M., Schwartz, S., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (June 2010). Depression alters top-down visual attention: a DCM comparison between depressed and healthy subjects. Abstract Book of the congress.0 ` [Paper presentation]. 16th Annual Meeting of the OHBM (Organization for Human Brain Mapping), Barcelona, Spain.

Desseilles, M., Muselle, A., Devue, C., Sterpenich, V., Dang-Vu, T., Albouy, G., Schmidt, C., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (June 2010). Cognitive modulation of fronto-striatal networks in obsessivecompulsive disorder patients. Abstract Book of the congress [Paper presentation]. World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (WCBCT), Boston, United States.

Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., Leclercq, Y., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Phillips, C., Tinguely, G., Gais, S., Shabus, M., Desseilles, M., Dang-Vu, T., Salmon, E., Balteau, E., Cajochen, C., Maquet, P., & Collette, F. (June 2010). Working memory load modulates time-of-day and chronotype effects on task-related BOLD activity. Abstract Book of the conference [Paper presentation]. 16th Annual Meeting of the OHBM (Organization for Human Brain Mapping), Barcelona, Spain.
Peer reviewed

Grandjean, J., D'Ostilio, K., Fias, W., Phillips, C., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., Salmon, E., & Collette, F. (04 May 2010). Neural correlates of cognitive control at the item specific level in the Stroop task [Poster presentation]. Workshop of the IUAP/PAI P6/29, Inhibition and Cognitive Control, Ghent, Belgium.

Phillips, C. (03 May 2010). Functional connectivity and dynamic causal modeling [Paper presentation]. Advanced topics in functional MRI in cognitive and clinical neuroscience, Genève, Switzerland.

Desseilles, M., Muselle, A., Devue, C., Sterpenich, V., Dang-Vu, T., Albouy, G., Schmidt, C., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (May 2010). Cognitive modulation of fronto-striatal networks in obsessivecompulsive disorder patients.Abstract Book of the conference [Paper presentation]. 163rd Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), New- Orleans J, United States.

Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (2010). Response to Comment on “Homeostatic Sleep Pressure and Responses to Sustained Attention in the Suprachiasmatic Area”. Science. doi:10.1126/science.1177949
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Desseilles, M., Muselle, A., Devue, C., Sterpenich, V., Dang Vu, T. T., Albouy, G., Schmidt, C., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (April 2010). Cognitive modulation of fronto-striatal networks in obsessivecompulsive disorder patients. Abstract Book of the conference [Paper presentation]. 17th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Montreal, Canada.

Matarazzo, L., Albouy, G., Foret, A., Mascetti, L., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Sterpenich, V., Desseilles, M., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Vogel, R., & Maquet, P. (2010). When a nap is not enough: sleep-related offline improvement of perceptual visual learning as assessed by fMRI. Journal of Sleep Research, 19 (s2).
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Garraux, G., Phillips, C., Lemaire, C., Luxen, A., Destee, A., Franck, G., & Salmon, E. (2010). Automatic brain image reading for the differential diagnosis between atypical parkinsonian syndromes & Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders, 25 (7), 379-S379.
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Boveroux, P., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Bruno, M.-A., Noirhomme, Q., Lauwick, S., Luxen, A., Degueldre, C., Plenevaux, A., Schnakers, C., Phillips, C., Brichant, J.-F., Bonhomme, V., Maquet, P., Greicius, M. D., Laureys, S., & Boly, M. (2010). Breakdown of within- and between-network resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging connectivity during propofol-induced loss of consciousness. Anesthesiology, 113 (5), 1038-53. doi:10.1097/ALN.0b013e3181f697f5
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Vandewalle, G., Schwartz, S., Grandjean, D., Wuillaume, C., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Schabus, M., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Dijk, D. J., & Maquet, P. (2010). Spectral quality of light modulates emotional brain responses in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107 (45), 19549-54. doi:10.1073/pnas.1010180107
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Balteau, E., Schmidt, C., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (2010). Brainstem specific warping improves locus coeruleus functional imaging in humans. Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ... Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. International Society For Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Scientific Meeting and Exhibition.
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Schrouff, J., Leclercq, Y., Foret, A., Mascetti, L., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (14 December 2009). Characterization of spatio-temporal organization of slow waves during human NREM sleep [Poster presentation]. Benelux Bioinformatics Conference, Liège, Belgium.

Desseilles, M., Muselle, A., Devue, C., Balteau, E., Sterpenich, V., Dang-Vu, T. T., Albouy, G., Schmidt, C., Matarazzo, L., Mascetti, L., Foret, A., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (July 2009). Increased filtering of irrelevant information in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patient. Abstract Book [Paper presentation]. 1st Congress of International College of Affective Neurosciences, Florence, Italy.

Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., Leclerq, Y., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Berthomier, P., Berthomier, C., Phillips, C., Tinguely, G., Gais, S., Schabus, M., Balteau, E., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., Cajochen, C., & Collette, F. (June 2009). Stroop-related cerebral activity is modulated by time of day and chronotype. NeuroImage, 47 (Suppl 1), 12.
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Dang-Vu, T. T., Schabus, M., Bonjean, M., Boly, M., Darsaud, A., Desseilles, M., Phillips, C., & Maquet, P. (June 2009). EEG/fMRI correlates of K-complexes and Auditory processing during Non-REM Sleep [Poster presentation]. 15th Annual Meeting of the OHBM (Organization for Human Brain Mapping), San Francisco, United States.

Desseilles, M., Muselle, A., Devue, C., Balteau, E., Sterpenich, V., Dang-Vu, T. T., Albouy, G., Schmidt, C., Matarazzo, L., Mascetti, L., Foret, A., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., Schwartz, S., & Phillips, C. (June 2009). Abnormal neural filtering of irrelevant information in depressed patients [Poster presentation]. 15th Annual Meeting of the OHBM (Organization for Human Brain Mapping), San Francisco, United States.

Sterpenich, V., Albouy, G., Darsaud, A., Schmidt, C., Vandewalle, G., Dang Vu, T. T., Desseilles, M., Phillips, C., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Collette, F., Luxen, A., & Maquet, P. (April 2009). Sleep promotes the neural reorganization of remote emotional memory. Journal of Neuroscience, 29 (16), 5143-52. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0561-09.2009
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Boly, M., Tshibanda, L., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Noirhomme, Q., Schnakers, C., Ledoux, D., Boveroux, P., Garweg, C., Lambermont, B., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Moonen, G., Bassetti, C., Maquet, P., & Laureys, S. (2009). Functional connectivity in the default network during resting state is preserved in a vegetative but not in a brain dead patient. Human Brain Mapping, 30 (8), 2393-400. doi:10.1002/hbm.20672
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Henson, R. N., Mattout, J., Phillips, C., & Friston, K. J. (2009). Selecting forward models for MEG source-reconstruction using model-evidence. NeuroImage, 46 (1), 168-76. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.01.062
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Noirhomme, Q., Boly, M., Bonhomme, V., Boveroux, P., Phillips, C., Peigneux, P., Soddu, A., Luxen, A., Moonen, G., Maquet, P., & Laureys, S. (2009). Bispectral index correlates with regional cerebral blood flow during sleep in distinct cortical and subcortical structures in humans. Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 147 (1-2), 51-7.
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Desseilles, M., Balteau, E., Sterpenich, V., Dang Vu, T., Darsaud, A., Vandewalle, G., Albouy, G., Salmon, E., Peters, F., Schmidt, C., Schabus, M., Gais, S., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (2009). Abnormal neural filtering of irrelevant visual information in depression. NeuroImage, 45 (Suppl. 1).
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Schmidt, C., Collette, F., Leclercq, Y., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Berthomier, P., Berthomier, C., Phillips, C., Tinguely, G., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Schabus, M., Desseilles, M., Dang Vu, T. T., Salmon, E., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., ... Peigneux, P. (2009). Homeostatic sleep pressure and responses to sustained attention in the suprachiasmatic area. Science, 324 (5926), 516-9. doi:10.1126/science.1167337
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Desseilles, M., Balteau, E., Sterpenich, V., Dang Vu, T. T., Darsaud, A., Vandewalle, G., Albouy, G., Salmon, E., Peters, F., Schmidt, C., Schabus, M., Gais, S., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (2009). Abnormal neural filtering of irrelevant visual information in depression. Journal of Neuroscience, 29 (5), 1395-403. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3341-08.2009
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Desseilles, M., Muselle, A., Devue, C., Balteau, E., Sterpenich, V., Dang Vu, T. T., Albouy, G., Schmidt, C., Matarazzo, L., Mascetti, L., Foret, A., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (2009). Increased filtering of irrelevant information in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patient [Poster presentation]. First Congress of International College of Affective Neurosciences, Firenza, Italy.

Leclercq, Y., Balteau, E., Dang Vu, T. T., Schabus, M., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (2009). Rejection of pulse related artefact (PRA) from continuous electroencephalographic (EEG) time series recorded during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) using constraint independent component analysis (cICA). NeuroImage, 44 (3), 679-91. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.10.017
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Aerts, J., Plenevaux, A., Lemaire, C., Giacomelli, F., Warnock, G., Phillips, C., & Luxen, A. (07 November 2008). Metabolism of no-carrier-added 2-[18F]fluoro-L-tyrosine in rats. BMC Medical Physics, 8, 4. doi:10.1186/1756-6649-8-4
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Desseilles, M., Balteau, E., Sterpenich, V., Dang-Vu, T. T., Darsaud, A., Vandewalle, G., Albouy, G., Salmon, E., Peters, F., Schmidt, C., Schabus, M., Gais, S., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (11 July 2008). Abnormal neural filtering of irrelevant information in depressed patients Abstract Book of the conference [Paper presentation]. Symposium of the International Master in Affective Neuroscience, Florence, Italy.

Dang-Vu, T. T., Schabus, M., Boly, M., Bonjean, M., Darsaud, A., Degueldre, C., Desseilles, M., Phillips, C., & Maquet, P. (15 March 2008). Processing of Sounds during Sleep Spindles in humans: an EEG/fMRI study of Auditory Stimulation in non-REM sleep Abstract Book of the conference [Paper presentation]. 1ère Journée de l'Ecole Doctorale en Médecine Clinique et Expérimentale FRS-FNRS, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Desseilles, M., Balteau, E., Sterpenich, V., Dang-Vu, T. T., Darsaud, A., Vandewalle, G., Albouy, G., Salmon, E., Peters, F., Schmidt, C., Schabus, M., Gais, S., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (15 March 2008). Abnormal neural filtering of irrelevant information in depressed patients. Abstract Book of the congress [Paper presentation]. 1ère Journée de l'Ecole Doctorale en Médecine Clinique et Expérimentale FRS-FNRS, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bonhomme, V., Maquet, P., Phillips, C., Plenevaux, A., Hans, P., Luxen, A., Lamy, M., & Laureys, S. (March 2008). The Effect of Clonidine Infusion on Distribution of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Volunteers. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 106 (3), 899-909. doi:10.1213/ane.0b013e3181619685
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Kiebel, S. J., Daunizeau, J., Phillips, C., & Friston, K. J. (15 January 2008). Variational Bayesian inversion of the equivalent current dipole model in EEG/MEG. NeuroImage, 39 (2), 728-741. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.09.005
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Boly, M., Phillips, C., Tshibanda, L., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Schabus, M., Dang Vu, T. T., Moonen, G., Hustinx, R., Maquet, P., & Laureys, S. (2008). Intrinsic brain activity in altered states of consciousness: how conscious is the default mode of brain function? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1129, 119-29. doi:10.1196/annals.1417.015
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Friston, K., Harrison, L., Daunizeau, J., Kiebel, S., Phillips, C., Trujillo-Barreto, N., Henson, R., Flandin, G., & Mattout, J. (2008). Multiple sparse priors for the M/EEG inverse problem. NeuroImage, 39 (3), 1104-20. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.09.048
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Boly, M., Phillips, C., Balteau, E., Schnakers, C., Degueldre, C., Moonen, G., Luxen, A., Peigneux, P., Faymonville, M., Maquet, P., & Laureys, S. (2008). Consciousness and cerebral baseline activity fluctuations. Human Brain Mapping, 29, 868-874. doi:10.1002/hbm.20602
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Boly, M., Perlbarg, V., Marrelec, G., Dang Vu, T., Schabus, M., Pelegrini, M., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Albouy, G., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Luxen, A., Laureys, S., Benali, H., & Maquet, P. (2008). Fragmentation of fMRI resting state networks in deep non Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep as compared to wakefulness as revealed by a group probabilistic ICA analysis in healthy volunteers. NeuroImage, 41 (Suppl. 1).
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Dang Vu, T. T., Schabus, M., Desseilles, M., Albouy, G., Boly, M., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Rauchs, G., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Carrier, J., Moonen, G., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., & Maquet, P. (2008). Spontaneous neural activity during human slow wave sleep. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105 (39), 15160-5. doi:10.1073/pnas.0801819105
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Salmon, E., D'Argembeau, A., Bastin, C., Feyers, D., Phillips, C., Laureys, S., Maquet, P., & Collette, F. (2008). Imagerie cérébrale de la réflexion sur soi. Revue Médicale de Liège, 63, 458-460.
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Boly, M., Faymonville, M.-E., Schnakers, C., Peigneux, P., Lambermont, B., Phillips, C., Lancellotti, P., Luxen, A., Lamy, M., Moonen, G., Maquet, P., & Laureys, S. (2008). Perception of pain in the minimally conscious state with PET activation: an observational study. The Lancet Neurology, 7 (11), 1013-20. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(08)70219-9
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Vandewalle, G., Dijk, D.-J., Phillips, C., Degueldre, C., & Maquet, P. (2008). Effects of light on cerebral activity [Poster presentation]. Liège Image Days 2008 Congress, Liège, Belgium.

Boly, M., Balteau, E., Schnakers, C., Degueldre, C., Moonen, G., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., Peigneux, P., Maquet, P., & Laureys, S. (17 July 2007). Baseline brain activity fluctuations predict somatosensory perception in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104 (29), 12187-12192. doi:10.1073/pnas.0611404104
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Boly, M., Balteau, E., Schnakers, C., Degueldre, C., Moonen, G., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., Peigneux, P., Maquet, R., & Laureys, S. (May 2007). Cerebral resting state fluctuations predict somatosensory perception. Journal of Neurology, 254 (Suppl. 3), 42.
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Dang-Vu, T., Schabus, M., Desseilles, M., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Gais, S., Phillips, C., & Maquet, P. (May 2007). Active brain processes during human quiescent sleep: an EEG/fMRI study of non-REM slow oscillations. Journal of Neurology, 254 (Suppl. 3), 50.
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Desseilles, M., Maquet, P., Dang Vu, T. T., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Peters, F., Darsaud, A., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., & Schwartz, S. (April 2007). Effects of attention on emotional face processing in depression: a functional MRI study [Poster presentation]. Conference on Depression: Brain Causes - Body Consequences, London, United Kingdom.

Phillips, C., Mattout, J., & Friston, K. (2007). Forward models for EEG. In K. Friston, J. Ashburner, S. Kiebel, T. Nichols, ... W. Penny (Eds.), Statistical Parametric Mapping: the analysis of functional brain images. Academic Press. doi:10.1016/B978-012372560-8/50028-0

Desseilles, M., Maquet, P., Dang Vu, T. T., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Peters, F., Darsaud, A., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., & Schwartz, S. (2007). Effects of attention on emotional face processing in depression : a functional MRI study [Poster presentation]. Conference on depression : brain causes - body consequences, London, United Kingdom.

Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Schnakers, C., Boly, M., Bruno, M.-A., Gosseries, O., Cologan, V., Boveroux, P., Ledoux, D., Piret, S., Phillips, C., Moonen, G., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., Brédart, S., & Laureys, S. (2007). Evaluation comportementale et par neuroimagerie fonctionnelle des patients en état végétatif. Revue Médicale de Liège, 62 Spec No, 15-20.
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Phillips, C., Schrouff, J., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Degueldre, C., Lehembre, R., Leclercq, Y., & Maquet, P. (2007). FASST - fMRI Artefact rejection and Sleep Scoring Toolbox.

Bonjean, M., Phillips, C., Dang Vu, T. T., Sepulchre, R., & Maquet, P. (2007). An in computo investigation of the Landau-Kleffner syndrome. Conference Proceedings: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2007, 2730-4. doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2007.4352893
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Mattout, J., Phillips, C., Daunizeau, J., & Friston, K. (2007). Bayesian inversion for induced responses. In K. Friston, J. Ashburner, S. Kiebel, T. Nichols, ... W. Penny (Eds.), Statistical Parametric Mapping: the analysis of functional brain images. Academic Press. doi:10.1016/B978-012372560-8/50030-9

Mattout, J., Phillips, C., Daunizeau, J., & Friston, K. (2007). Bayesian inversion of EEG models. In K. Friston, J. Ashburner, S. Kiebel, T. Nichols, ... W. Penny (Eds.), Statistical Parametric Mapping: the analysis of functional brain images. Academic Press. doi:10.1016/B978-012372560-8/50029-2

Schabus, M., Dang Vu, T. T., Albouy, G., Balteau, E., Boly, M., Carrier, J., Darsaud, A., Degueldre, C., Desseilles, M., Gais, S., Phillips, C., Rauchs, G., Schnakers, C., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Luxen, A., & Maquet, P. (2007). Hemodynamic cerebral correlates of sleep spindles during human non-rapid eye movement sleep. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104 (32), 13164-9. doi:10.1073/pnas.0703084104
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Verly, J., Kavec, M., Vigneron, L., Phillips, C., Boman, R., Libertiaux, V., Ponthot, J.-P., Cescotto, S., Robe, P., Martin, D., Wikler, D., Levivier, M., & Brotchi, J. (November 2006). Problems and Challenges of Image-Guided Neurosurgical Navigation and Intervention. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4263, 35. doi:10.1007/11902140_4
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Friston, K. J., Henson, R., Phillips, C., & Mattout, J. (September 2006). Bayesian estimation of evoked and induced responses. Human Brain Mapping, 27 (9), 722-735. doi:10.1002/hbm.20214
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Schabus, M., Dang-Vu, T., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Gais, S., Phillips, C., & Maquet, P. (September 2006). Neural correlates of sleep spindles as revealed by simultaneous electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI). Journal of Sleep Research, 15 (Suppl. 1), 50-51.

Albouy, G., Ruby, P., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Peigneux, P., & Maquet, P. (23 May 2006). Implicit oculomotor sequence learning in humans: Time course of offline processing. Brain Research, 1090, 163-171. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2006.03.076
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Mattout, J., Phillips, C., Penny, W. D., Rugg, M. D., & Friston, K. J. (15 April 2006). MEG source localization under multiple constraints: An extended Bayesian framework. NeuroImage, 30 (3), 753-767. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2005.10.037
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Schabus, M., Dang Vu, T. T., Phillips, C., Degueldre, C., Albouy, G., Desseilles, M., Balteau, E., Boly, M., Rauchs, G., Schnakers, C., Sterpenich, V., Darsaud, A., Vandewalle, G., Carrier, J., & Maquet, P. (2006). An attempt to localize sleep spindles using electroencephalography (EEG) simultaneously with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) [Paper presentation]. 8th International Neuroscience Winter Conference, Sölden, Austria.

Desseilles, M., Dang Vu, T. T., Laureys, S., Peigneux, P., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., & Maquet, P. (2006). A prominent role for amygdaloid complexes in the Variability in Heart Rate (VHR) during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep relative to wakefulness. NeuroImage, 32 (3), 1008-1015. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.06.008
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Vandewalle, G., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Degueldre, C., Moreau, V., Sterpenich, V., Albouy, G., Darsaud, A., Desseilles, M., Dang Vu, T. T., Peigneux, P., Luxen, A., Dijk, D.-J., & Maquet, P. (2006). Daytime light exposure dynamically enhances brain responses. Current Biology, 16 (16), 1616-21. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2006.06.031
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Vandewalle, G., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Degueldre, C., Moreau, V., Sterpenich, V., Albouy, G., Darsaud, A., Desseilles, M., Dang Vu, T. T., Peigneux, P., Luxen, A., Dijk, D. J., & Maquet, P. (2006). Superiority of blue (470 nm) light in eliciting nonimage forming brain responses during auditory working memory in eliciting non-image forming brain responses during auditory working memory in humans: a fMRI study [Paper presentation]. 10th Biennal Meeting of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms (SRBR), Destin, Florida, United States.

Phillips, C., Mattout Jeremie, Rugg, M. D., Maquet, P., & Friston, K. J. (February 2005). An empirical Bayesian solution to the source reconstruction problem in EEG. NeuroImage, 24 (4), 997-1011. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2004.10.030
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Dang Vu, T. T., Desseilles, M., Laureys, S., Degueldre, C., Perrin, F., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., & Peigneux, P. (2005). Cerebral correlates of delta waves during non-REM sleep revisited. NeuroImage, 28 (1), 14-21. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2005.05.028
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Peigneux, P., Laureys, S., Fuchs, S., Collette, F., Perrin, F., Reggers, J., Phillips, C., Degueldre, C., Del Fiore, G., Aerts, J., Luxen, A., & Maquet, P. (28 October 2004). Are spatial memories strengthened in the human hippocampus during slow wave sleep? Neuron, 44 (3), 535-545. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2004.10.007
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Phillips, C. (28 August 2004). Source reconstruction in M/EEG, the forward and inverse problems [Paper presentation]. Summer Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience on neuroimaging tools, Taipei, Taiwan.

Dang-Vu, T. T., Maquet, P., Desseilles, M., Laureys, S., Degueldre, C., Perrin, F., Phillips, C., & Peigneux, P. (2004). Cerebral correlates of delta waves during human sleep-wake cycle [Paper presentation]. 17th Meeting of the ESRS (European Sleep Research Society), Prague, Czechia.

Peigneux, P., Laureys, S., Fuchs, S., Destrebecqz, A., Collette, F., Delbeuck, X., Phillips, C., Aerts, J., Del Fiore, G., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Cleeremans, A., & Maquet, P. (September 2003). Learned material content and acquisition level modulate cerebral reactivation during posttraining rapid-eye-movements sleep. NeuroImage, 20 (1), 125-134. doi:10.1016/S1053-8119(03)00278-7
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Faymonville, M.-E., Roediger, L., Del Fiore, G., Delgueldre, C., Phillips, C., Lamy, M., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., & Laureys, S. (July 2003). Increased cerebral functional connectivity underlying the antinociceptive effects of hypnosis. Cognitive Brain Research, 17 (2), 255-262. doi:10.1016/S0926-6410(03)00113-7
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Laureys, S., Antoine, S., Boly, M., Elincx, S., Faymonville, M.-E., Berré, J., Sadzot, B., Ferring, M., De Tiège, X., van Bogaert, P., Hansen, I., Damas, P., Mavroudakis, N., Lambermont, B., Del Fiore, G., Aerts, J., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Franck, G., ... Maquet, P. (December 2002). Brain function in the vegetative state. Acta Neurologica Belgica, 102 (4), 177-185.
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Ramnani, N., Lee, L., Phillips, C., Roebroeck, A., & Formisano, E. (October 2002). Exploring brain connectivity: a new frontier in systems neuroscience. Trends in Neurosciences, 25 (10), 496-497. doi:10.1016/S0166-2236(02)02227-0
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Phillips, C., Rugg, M. D., & Friston, K. J. (September 2002). Systematic regularization of linear inverse solutions of the EEG source localization problem. NeuroImage, 17 (1), 287-301. doi:10.1006/nimg.2002.1175
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Phillips, C., Rugg, M. D., & Friston, K. J. (July 2002). Anatomically informed basis functions for EEG source localization : Combining functional and anatomical constraints. NeuroImage, 16 (3), 678-695 Part 1. doi:10.1006/nimg.2002.1143
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Friston, K. J., Penny, W., Phillips, C., Kiebel, S., Hinton, G., & Ashburner, J. (2002). Classical and Bayesian inference in neuroimaging : Theory. NeuroImage, 16 (2), 465-483. doi:10.1006/nimg.2002.1090
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Friston, K. J., Glaser, D. E., Henson, R. N., Kiebel, S., Phillips, C., & Ashburner, J. (2002). Classical and Bayesian inference in neuroimaging: Applications. NeuroImage, 16 (2), 484-512. doi:10.1006/nimg.2002.1091
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Phillips, C. (2001). Source localisation in EEG: Combining anatomical and functional constraints [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Laureys, S., Peigneux, P., Phillips, C., Fuchs, S., Degueldre, C., Aerts, J., Del Fiore, G., Petiau, C., Luxen, A., Van der Linden, M., Cleeremans, A., Smith, C., & Maquet, P. (2001). Experience-dependent changes in cerebral functional connectivity during human rapid eye movement sleep. Neuroscience, 105 (3), 521-525. doi:10.1016/S0306-4522(01)00269-X
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Maquet, P., Laureys, S., Peigneux, P., Fuchs, S., Petiau, C., Phillips, C., Aerts, J., Del Fiore, G., Degueldre, C., Meulemans, T., Luxen, A., Franck, G., Van der Linden, M., Smith, C., & Cleeremans, A. (August 2000). Experience-dependent changes in cerebral activation during human REM sleep. Nature Neuroscience, 3 (8), 831-836. doi:10.1038/77744
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Laureys, S., Lemaire, C., Maquet, P., Phillips, C., & Franck, G. (1999). Cerebral metabolism during vegetative state and after recovery to consciousness. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 67 (1), 121-122. doi:10.1136/jnnp.67.1.121
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Phillips, C., Rugg, M. D., & Friston, K. J. (1999). Informed spatial basis functions in minimum norm solutions for the electromagnetic source localisation problem. Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering.
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Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (1998). Functional brain imaging of human sleep. Journal of Sleep Research, 7 (Suppl. 1), 42-47. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2869.7.s1.7.x
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