Paper published in a journal (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Reduction of resting state network segregation is linked to disorders of consciousness
Rudas, Jorge; Martínez, Darwin; Guaje, Javier et al.
2015In Proceedings of SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9681, p. 96810
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
Community; NSGA II; Bioinformatics; Information science; Segregation (metallography); Functional network; Functional structure; Novel methodology; NSGA-II; Resting state; Segregation levels; Multiobjective optimization
Abstract :
[en] Recent evidence suggests that healthy brain is organized on large-scale in regions spatially distant and partially temporally synchronized. These regions commonly are called Resting State Networks (RSNs). Many RSNs has been identified in multiples spatial scales in healthy subjects and their interactions has been used to define the functional network connectivity (FNC). The main idea in FNC is that the dynamic shown in the interactions among RSNs in control subjects, can change in pathological and pharmacological conditions. However, this hypothesis assumes that functional structure of healthy brain, remains in other brain states or conditions. In this work, we proposed a novel methodology in order to find the new brain functional structure for disorders of consciousness conditions, based on multi-objective optimization approach. Particularly, we find the best partition of RSNs set, that maximize two modularity measures (Kapur and Otsu measures). Our results suggest that the brain segregation level, may be linked to consciousness level. © 2015 SPIE.
Disciplines :
Neurosciences & behavior
Author, co-author :
Rudas, Jorge;  Computer Science Department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia, Colombia
Martínez, Darwin;  Computer Science Department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia, Colombia, Computer Science Department, Universidad Central, Colombia
Guaje, Javier;  Computer Science Department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia, Colombia
Demertzi, Athina  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Centre de recherches du cyclotron
Heine, Lizette ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Centre de recherches du cyclotron
TSHIBANDA, Luaba ;  Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Service médical de radiodiagnostic
Soddu, Andrea ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Centre de recherches du cyclotron
Laureys, Steven  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > GIGA : Coma Group
Gómez, Francisco;  Computer Science Department, Universidad Central, Colombia
Language :
Title :
Reduction of resting state network segregation is linked to disorders of consciousness
Publication date :
Event name :
11th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, SIPAIM 2015
Event date :
17 November 2015 through 19 November 2015
Audience :
Journal title :
Proceedings of SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering
Publisher :
Volume :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Funders :
UC - Universidad Central de Colombia [CO]
F.R.S.-FNRS - Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique [BE]
EC - European Commission [BE]
JSMF - James S McDonnell Foundation [US-MO] [US-MO]
ESA - European Space Agency [FR]
MSF - Mind Science Foundation [US-TX] [US-TX]
CFB - Communauté française de Belgique [BE]
UET - Université Européenne du Travail [BE]
FERB - Fondazione Europea Ricerca Biomedica [IT]
CHU Liège - Central University Hospital of Liege [BE]
Funding text :
This work was supported by the projects Platform and Architecture for the representation and data analytics of Paramo leaves morhpology (PARAMO) and the Cluster in Convergent Technologies from Universidad Central de Colombia, the Belgian National Funds for Scientic Research (FNRS), the European Commission, the James McDonnell Foundation, the European Space Agency, Mind Science Foundation, the French Speaking Community Concerted Research Action, the Belgian interuniversity attraction pole, the Public Utility Foundation “Université Européenne du Travail” , “Fondazione Europea di Ricerca Biomedica” and the University Hospital of Liège.
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