C. P. Jones, “Towards a Chronology of Plutarch's Works”, JRS 56, 1966, 61-74, at 62-63.
Jones (n. 1) 73. Cf. also C. P. Jones, Plutarch and Rome, Oxford 1971, 137;
S. Swain, Hellenism and Empire. Language, Classicism, and Power in the Greek World AD 50-250, Oxford 1996, 170 n. 102.
Swain (n. 2) 170; C. Pelling, “Political Philosophy”, in: M. Beck (ed.), A Companion to Plutarch, Malden 2014, 149-162, at 159.
Plutarch, Moralia, vol. 6, trans. W. C. Helmbold, Cambridge, MA/London 1939.
Plutarchi Vitae parallelae, vol. 2.2, recognoverunt C. Lindskog et K. Ziegler, Leipzig 21968.
Plutarch, Lives, vol. 7, trans. B. Perrin, Cambridge, MA/London 1919.
C. Pelling, Plutarch. Caesar, Oxford 2011, 3-4, 183-84.
Plutarchi Moralia, vol. 2.1, ed. W. Nachstädt, Leipzig 1935.
Plutarch, Moralia, vol. 3, trans. F. C. Babbitt, Cambridge, MA/London 1931.
C. Pelling, “Plutarch's Method of Work in the Roman Lives”, in: Id., Plutarch and History, Swansea 2002, 1-44.
T. Duff, Plutarch's Lives. Exploring Virtue and Vice, Oxford 1999, 105 n. 15.
J. Geiger, “Plutarch's Parallel Lives: The Choice of Heroes”, Hermes 109, 1981, 93 n. 32.
B. Buszard, “Caesar's Ambition: A Combined Reading of Plutarch's Alexander - Caesar and Pyrrhus - Marius?”, TAPhA 138, 2008, 185-215 esp. 185; cf. also Alex. 28.3.