Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)The ELEKTRA project: Towards a new learning experience
Kickmeier-Rust, M. D.; Schwarz, D.; Albert, D. et al.
2006 • In Pohl, Margit; Holzinger, A.; Motschnig, R. et al. (Eds.) M3 – Interdisciplinary aspects on digital media & education
Abstract :
[en] Digital game-based learning is a hot topic of research and development. Since the advent of
computer and video games, educators were inherently interested in utilizing the beneficial aspects
of computer games for educational purposes. These factors are primarily the intrinsic motivation of games, immersive environments, engaging stories, and an artful balance between challenges and continuously growing abilities. Proponents of computer games delivered a large number of
empirical investigations revealing that games may foster the development of abilities and
competencies. Besides the advantageous aspects of computer games, a variety of problems were
reported by researchers. Due to the high costs of professional game development, many
educational games are technologically poor and cannot compete with entertainment games in
terms of visual design, possibilities for interactions, or storytelling. Moreover, many current
educational games do not incorporate a sound psychological, pedagogical, or didactic
background; instead they are focusing on transmission or rehearsal of isolated facts or skills.
Finally, such games lack the ability to adapt to individual competencies failing to balance
challenge and abilities regarding knowledge or skills. The ELEKTRA project, introduced in this
article, aims for addressing these problems relying on an interdisciplinary approach of cognitive
science, neuroscience, pedagogy, game design, and game development. The project will develop an adventure game that can keep up with commercial games and that focuses on primarily
curriculum-related educational purposes by incorporating a sound psychological and pedagogical
framework. Moreover, the project will prove the outcomes of research and development by a
comprehensive game demonstrator.