Paratext; Video games; Game studies; Guidebooks; Metalepsis; Rhetoric; Narratology; Genette; Transmedia
Abstract :
[en] Presentation about the theoretical problems related to the notion of “paratext” in the field of video games and about the light that this notion brings to two central issues in game studies: the definition and delimitation of the game device, and the articulation of rules and fiction.
Research Center/Unit :
LEMME - Laboratoire d'Étude sur les Médias et la Médiation - ULiège Liège Game Lab
Disciplines :
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Barnabé, Fanny ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de langues et littératures romanes > Litt. française (19è et 20è) - Sociologie de la littérature
Language :
Title :
In the Margins of the Game: Some Theoretical Issues About the Video Game Paratext
Publication date :
24 September 2018
Event name :
Transmedial Asia – 4th International Workshop of Leipzig + Ritsumeikan / トランスメディアル・アジア──第四回・ライプツィヒ大学・立命館大学共同企画ワークショップ