[en] We consider simple-pole descriptions of soft elastic scattering for pp, (p) over barp, pi(+/-)p and K(+/-)p. We work at t and s small enough for rescatterings to be effectively absorbed in a simple-pole parametrization, and allow for the presence of a hard Pomeron. After building and discussing an exhaustive dataset, we show that simple poles provide an excellent description of the data in the region -0.5 GeV2<= t <= -0.1 GeV2, 6 GeV <= root s <= 63 GeV. We show that new form factors have to be used, and get information on the trajectories of the soft and hard Pomerons.
Disciplines :
Physics Earth sciences & physical geography
Author, co-author :
Cudell, Jean-René ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys.
Lengyel, A.
Martynov, E.
Language :
Title :
Soft and hard Pomerons in hadron elastic scattering at small t
Publication date :
February 2006
Journal title :
Physical Review. D, Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology
Publisher :
American Physical Society, College Pk, United States
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