Suppl. data 2. WNW-ESE seismic profile (A) and its interpretation (B). The seismic profile (YAM01) is dominated by the acoustic blanking in the east-south-east. Close-up of this seismic reflection profiles are shown in Fig. 8 and Suppl. Data 3.
Suppl. data 3. A. Close-up of the WNW-ESE seismic reflection profile YAM01 crossing the central part of the lake. B. Interpretations of WNW-ESE seismic reflection profile. The seismic reflection profile images a series of lens-shaped chaotic seismic facies interpreted as alluvial fans in SU1 (D1b), SU2 (D2b) and SU6 (D6b).
Suppl. data 4. A. SSW-NNE seismic reflection profile of the extremity of the central basin (YAM11). B. Interpretation of SSW-NNE seismic reflection profile with. This profile evidences a succession of incision in the sedimentary infill (C5a, C6a, C7b and C8a) attributed to the east inlet river. The emplacement of Yamanaka MTD (imaged by chaotic semi-transparent seismic facies - SF3) buried the east inlet river during SU6.
lake level fluctuations; Mt. Fuji; depositional history
Abstract :
[en] High-resolution seismic profiles, combined with the integration of published drilling data, provide a detailed paleoenvironmental history of Lake Yamanaka (Fuji Five Lakes, Japan). This study presents a detailed analysis of the different depositional stages of the area currently occupied by Lake Yamanaka (floodplain wetland, river and lake). From ca. 5500 cal yr BP to ca. 5050 cal yr BP, the Yamanaka basin was occupied by floodplain wetlands. During that period, the landscape was very stable and erosion on northeastern flank of Mt. Fuji was relatively limited. From ca. 5050 cal yr BP to ca. 3050 cal yr BP, the water level increased and the floodplain wetlands became a lake. From ca. 3050 cal yr BP to ca. 2050 cal yr BP, the water level progressively decreased, leading to a reduction in lake extent. During this lowering of the lake's water level, a 1 km2 mass-transport deposit modified the physiography of the lake floor. From ca. 2050 cal yr BP to ca. 1050 cal yr BP, the lake disappeared and a river flowing towards the northwest occupied the depression. Ponds occupied morphological lows formed by mass transport deposits. From ca. 1050 cal yr BP to the present day, the lake water level rose again, connecting the ponds with the main lake. Since then, the lake water level has continued to rise to the current level. Lake water level fluctuations are the results of several factors that could be interconnected: (i) changes in precipitation rates; (ii) margin destabilization (the Yamanaka mass-transport deposit), (iii) changes in river inlets and therefore variation in water supplies, (iv) volcanic eruptions (scoria fall-out and lava flows) and (v) changes in vegetation cover. This study highlights the importance of coupling sediment cores and high-resolution seismic reflection profiling to identify lateral variation and modification of sedimentary inputs through time.
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