Safety of ready-to- eat chicken in Burkina Faso: Microbiological quality, antibiotic resistance, and virulence genes in Escherichia coli isolated from chicken samples of Ouagadougou
Somda, Namwin S.; Bonkoungou, Ouindgueta J. I.; Zongo, Cheiknaet al.
2018 • In Food Sciences and Nutrition, 6, p. 1077-1084
FARAH - Fundamental and Applied Research for Animals and Health - ULiège
Disciplines :
Food science
Author, co-author :
Somda, Namwin S.
Bonkoungou, Ouindgueta J. I.
Zongo, Cheikna
Kagambèga, Assèta
Bassolé, Imael H.N.
Traoré, Yves
Mahillon, Jacques
Scippo, Marie-Louise ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de sciences des denrées alimentaires (DDA) > Analyse des denrées alimentaires
Hounhouigan, Joseph D.
Savadogo, Aly
Language :
Title :
Safety of ready-to- eat chicken in Burkina Faso: Microbiological quality, antibiotic resistance, and virulence genes in Escherichia coli isolated from chicken samples of Ouagadougou
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