
Petit Nicolas

Département de droit > Droit européen de la concurrence


See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Neyrinck, Norman  (14)
Geradin, Damien (8)
Defossez, Alexandre  (6)
Gautier, Axel  (5)
Lousberg, Charlotte  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
competition law (36); droit de la concurrence (29); droit européen de la concurrence (21); Antitrust (13); competition (10);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Institut d'Etudes Juridiques Européennes (11)
LCII - Liège Competition and Innovation Institute - ULiège (4)
Centre Jean Gol (1)
Global Competition Law Centre, College of Europe (1)
Institut d'Etudes Juridiques Européenne (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
European & international law (148)
Economic & commercial law (27)
Business & economic sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)
Law, criminology & political science: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)
Quantitative methods in economics & management (1)

Publications (total 172)

The most downloaded
Petit, N. (2013). The Oligopoly Problem in EU Competition Law. In D. GERADIN & I. LIANNOS (Eds.), Research Handbook in European Competition Law. Edward Elgar.

The most cited

18 citations (Scopus®)

Petit, N. (2015). Intel Leveraging Rebates and the Goals of Article 102 TFEU. European Competition Journal. doi:10.1080/17441056.2015.1033215

De Cooman, J., & Petit, N. (09 February 2023). Asimov for Lawmakers. Journal of Business and Technology Law, 18 (1), 1-34.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N., & De Cooman, J. (2021). Models of Law and Regulation for AI. In A. Elliott, The Routledge Social Science Handbook of AI. Routledge.
Peer reviewed

Auer, D., & Petit, N. (2019). Two Systems of Belief about Monopoly: The Press vs. Antitrust. Cato Journal: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Public Policy Analysis.
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Gautier, A., & Petit, N. (2019). Smallest Salable Patent Practicing Unit and Component Licensing: Why $1is not $1. Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 15 (1), 690-717. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2954592
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Neyrinck, N., & Petit, N. (2019). Le droit européen de la concurrence face aux enjeux de la mondialisation.

De Cooman, J., & Petit, N. (2018). Les données personnelles : Mythes et réalités. In La vie privée à l'ère des big data: Dangers & opportunités de la révolution numérique. Centre Jean Gol.

Gautier, A., Ittoo, A., & Petit, N. (05 December 2018). Algorithmic Price Discrimination & Tacit Collusion [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Law and Economics of Big Data and AI, Rome, Italy.

Petit, N. (May 2018). "Innovation competition and merger policy: New? Not sure. Robust? Not quite!". Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 2018 (2).

Gautier, A., & Petit, N. (2018). Optimal enforcement of competition policy: the commitments procedure under uncertainty. European Journal of Law and Economics, 45 (2), 195-224. doi:10.1007/s10657-018-9578-7
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Petit, N. (2017). Antitrust and Artificial Intelligence - A Research Agenda. JEL.

Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2017). Les Joint-Ventures – Aspects de droit de la concurrence [Paper presentation]. Les Joint-Ventures, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Petit, N. (2017). The Antitrust and Intellectual Property Intersection in European Union Law. In R. Blair & D. Sokol, Roger D. Blair & D. Daniel Sokol. Cambridge. doi:10.1017/9781316671313.007
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (2017). The Advocate General's opinion in Intel v. Commission: Eight points of common sense for consideration by the CJEU. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 1.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (2017). Significant Impediment to Industry Innovation: A Novel Theory of Harm in EU Merger Control?

Cheng, T. K., Grunes, A. P., Idot, L., Leblond, L., Petit, N., & Stucke, M. E. (2017). I. Les moteurs de recherche. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 2017 (2).

Petit, N. (2017). EU Competition Law Analysis of FRAND Disputes. In Jorge L Contreras, The Cambridge Handbook of Technical Standardization Law. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316416723.020
Peer reviewed

Vandenbosch, S., & Petit, N. (2016). Le Brexit et "l'arme nucléaire" de l'UE, l'article 7. Le Vif. L'Express.

Petit, N. (2016). The IEEE-SA Revised Patent Policy and Its Definition of 'Reasonable' Rates: A Transatlantic Antitrust Divide? Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal.
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Petit, N. (2016). The Smallest Salable Patent-Practicing Unit ('SSPPU') Experiment, General Purpose Technologies and the Coase Theorem. ORBi-University of Liège.

Muheme, D., Neyrinck, N., & Petit, N. (2016). Procedural Rights in EU Antitrust Proceedings. In C. Cauffman & Q. Hao (Eds.), Procedural Rights in Competition Law in the EU and China (pp. 129-160). Springer.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N., & Bogojević, S. (2016). Deterring the State Versus the Firm: Soft and Hard Deterrence Regimes in EU Law. Columbia Journal of European Law, Vol. 23.
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Petit, N. (2016). Chinese State Capitalism and Western Antitrust Policy. ORBi-University of Liège.

Broos, S., Gautier, A., Marcos Ramos, J., & Petit, N. (2016). Analyse statistique des affaires d’ententes dans l’UE (2004-2014). Revue Economique. doi:10.3917/reco.hs01.0079
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (2016). Technology Giants, the Moligopoly Hypothezis and Holistic Competition: A Primer.

Petit, N. (2015). Rebates and Article 102 TFEU: The European Commission's Duty to Apply the Guidance Paper. ORBi-University of Liège.

Petit, N. (2015). Re-Pricing Through Disruption in Oligopolies with Tacit Collusion: A Framework for Abuse of Collective Dominance. ORBi-University of Liège.

Petit, N. (2015). La rationalisation au long cours de la restriction de concurrence par "objet" dans la jurisprudence de la Cour de Justice de l'Union européenne. AJ Contrats d'Affaires.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N., & Pilorge, J. (2015). Avis 2/13 de la CJUE : l'obsession du contrôle ? Revue des Affaires Européennes.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (2015). Implications of Competitive Neutrality for Competition Agencies: A Process Perspective. ORBi-University of Liège.

Petit, N. (29 May 2015). Antitrust and The challenge of policing « moligopolists » [Paper presentation]. CLEEN Annual Conference.

Petit, N. (2015). Le droit européen de l’abus de position dominante en 2014. Contrats Concurrence Consommation.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (2015). Theories of Self-Preferencing Under Article 102 TFEU: A Reply to Bo Vesterdorf. ORBi-University of Liège.

Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (March 2015). Les fonctions de la procédure en droit de la concurrence [Paper presentation]. DES FONCTIONS DE LA PROCÉDURE DANS LE DROIT ÉCONOMIQUE EUROPÉEN.

Petit, N. (10 February 2015). “Problem Practices” in EU Competition Law [Paper presentation]. CCP 10th Annual Conference, ‘Problem Markets’.

Petit, N. (2015). Huaweï v. ZTE: Judicial Conservatism at the Patent-Antitrust Intersection. CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 10 (2).
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (2015). "Financial Fair Play" or "Oligopoleague" of Football Clubs?: A Preliminary Review under European Union Competition Law. ORBi-University of Liège.

Petit, N. (2015). Article 102 TFEU and the Test Debate [Paper presentation]. IBC Conference.

Derenne, J., Morgan de Rivery, E., & Petit, N. (Eds.). (2015). Antitrust damages in EU law and policy. Belgium: Bruylant.

Petit, N. (2015). Intel Leveraging Rebates and the Goals of Article 102 TFEU. European Competition Journal. doi:10.1080/17441056.2015.1033215
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Petit, N., & Auer, D. (2015). Two-Sided Markets and the Challenge of Turning Economic Theory into Antitrust Policy. ORBi-University of Liège.

Petit, N. (2015). State Created Barriers to Exit - The Example of the Acquisition of Alstom by General Electric. Competition Policy International, 11 (1).
Peer reviewed

Muheme, D., Neyrinck, N., & Petit, N. (2014). Procedural rights in antitrust proceedings. ORBi-University of Liège.

Petit, N. (2014). "Stealth Licensing" - Or antitrust law and trade regulation squeezing patent rights. Revue du Droit des Industries de Réseau.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (March 2014). The Principles of Equivalence and Effectiveness as a Limit to National Procedural Autonomy [Paper presentation]. ENTraNCE 2014.

Petit, N. (2014). Financial Fair Play ou "Oligopoleague" de clubs rentiers: Elements d'analyse en droit de la concurrence. ORBi-University of Liège.

Derenne, J., Morgan de Rivery, E., & Petit, N. (2014). Antitrust damages in EU law and policy: Introduction. Series n° 5. In J. Derenne, E. Morgan de Rivery, ... N. Petit (Eds.), Antitrust damages in EU law and policy, GCLC, College of Europe - Annual Conference Series n° 5. Brussels, Belgium: Bruylant.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N., & Bostyn, S. (2014). Patent=Monopoly: A Legal Fiction. SSRN. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2373471
Peer reviewed

Candelon, B., Gautier, A., & Petit, N. (January 2014). Market Power in the Credit Rating Industry: State of Play and Proposal for Reforms. CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 2.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (2014). Price Squeezes with Positive Margins - Economic and Legal Anatomy of a Zombie. Revue du Droit des Industries de Réseau.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (2014). Uber, Concurrent Déloyal ou Champion Libérateur de l’Économie du Partage ? LCII Policy Briefs.

Bellis, J.-F., & Petit, N. (2014). Le droit de la concurrence : précautions utiles lors de la rédaction d'un contrat de distribution. In UB3 - Actualités en matière de rédaction des contrats de distribution. Bruylant.

Petit, N. (2013). Injunctions for FRAND Pledged SEPs : The question for an appropriate test of abuse under article 102 TFUE. European Competition Journal.
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Petit, N. (2013). The Oligopoly Problem in EU Competition Law. In D. GERADIN & I. LIANNOS (Eds.), Research Handbook in European Competition Law. Edward Elgar.

Petit, N. (2013). Ethique et conflits d'intérêts en droit européen de la concurrence. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (1).
Peer reviewed

Petit, N., & Rato, M. (2013). Abuse of Dominance in Technology-Enabled Markets: Established Standards Reconsidered? European Competition Journal.
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Petit, N. (2013). Droit européen de la concurrence. Paris, France: Montchrestien.

Petit, N. (2013). The Future of the Court of Justice in EU Competition Law Copyright Year. In The Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe: Analyses and Perspectives on Sixty Years of Case-law. Asser Press.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (2013). The Future of the Court of Justice in EU Competition Law - New Role and Responsibilities. In in Court of Justice of the EU (Ed.), The Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe: Analyses and Perspectives on Sixty Years of Case-law. CJUE.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (2013). Of conflicts of interests in EU competition proceedings. European Competition Law Review, 34 (6), 338-339.

Petit, N. (29 November 2012). Microsoft Corp. contre Commission T-167/08, 27 juin 2012 [Paper presentation]. EIPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE RECENT TRENDS IN THE CASE LAW OF THE COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE EU, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.


Petit, N. (20 September 2012). Aims and Values in EU Competition Law [Paper presentation]. University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Petit, N. (2012). L'Europe change nos vies. Sudpresse.

Petit, N. (2012). Europe's antitrust chief urges Google to settle allegations. Los Angeles Times.

Petit, N. (2012). Europe weighs Antitrust Case aigainst Google, urging search changes. New York

Petit, N. (2012). Change of Tone could help Google in European Antitrust Case. New York

Petit, N. (2012). US Antitrust Move has Google fighting on Two Fronts. New York

Petit, N., & Lousberg, C. (2012). Chronique - Cour de Justice et Tribunal de l'Union européenne - Concurrence. Journal du Droit International, (2), 747-759.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (2012). A Quick Look into the past, present and future of competition Enforcement in the Pharmaceutical Sector.

Petit, N. (2012). Budget : Après la rigueur douce, la concurrence dure? La Libre Belgique.

Petit, N., Geradin, D., & Layne-Farrar, A. (2012). EU Competition Law and Economics. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2012). Industrial Policy and Competition Enforcement: Is There, Could There and Should There Be a Nexus? [Paper presentation]. 2012 GCLC Annual Conference, 8-9 November 2012, Residence Palace, Brussels.

Petit, N. (2012). Conceptual Foundations and Practical Framework in Vertical Restraints And Distribution Agreements Under EU Competition Law. In N. Petit & C. Gheur (Eds.), Vertical Restraints and Distribution Agreements under EU Competition Law. Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant.

Petit, N., & Henry, D. (2011). Vertical Restraints under EU Competition Law: Conceptual Foundations and Practical Framework. Bruylant.

Petit, N. (December 2011). Credit rating agencies, the Sovereign Debt Crisis and Competition Law. European Competition Journal, 7 (3).
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Petit, N. (December 2011). Excessive Pricing: The Flaws of ‘Tea Party Competition’ Policy. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 2 (6), 519-520.
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Petit, N., & Lousberg, C. (2011). Arrêt Tele 2 Polska: une interprétation contestable de la compétence des autorités nationales de concurrence. Journal de Droit Européen, (182), 242-245.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (October 2011). Collective dominance: An overview of national case law. e-Competitions, N°39129.

Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (August 2011). Credit Rating Agencies and Competition Law. CPI Antitrust Journal, 8 (Summer).

Petit, N. (2011). L'UE devrait enquêter sur l'irrationalité des agences de notation. Libération, p. 14.

Petit, N. (2011). Les vertus oubliées d'une politique de concurrence efficace. Le Soir, p. 14.

Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (April 2011). Back to Microsoft I and II: Tying and the Art of Secret Magic. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 2 (2), 117-121. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpq080
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Petit, N. (2011). The Economics of Parallel Trade – Econ-oclast Views on a Dogma of EU Competition Law. In I. Govaere, R. Quick, ... M. Bronckers (Eds.), Trade and Competition Law in The EU and Beyond, Edward Elgar Publishing. edward elgar publishing.

Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2011). Droit de la concurrence et instrumentalisation parisitaire. In C. Roquilly (Ed.), La contribution des juristes et du droit à la performance de l'entreprise (pp. 74-86). Paris, France: Joly éditions.

Petit, N. (2011). The Judgement of the European Court of Justice in VEBIC: Filling a Gap in Regulation 1/2003. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 2 (4), 340-344. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpr030
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Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2010). Tying Law in Microsoft I and II: The Secret Art of Magic? ORBi-University of Liège.

Petit, N., & geradin, D. (2010). Judicial Review in European Union Competition Law: A Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment. ORBi-University of Liège.

Petit, N. (September 2010). Remedies for Coordinated Effects under the EU Merger Regulation. Competition Law International, 6 (2), 29-37.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (September 2010). Remedies for Coordinated Effects under the EU Merger Regulation. Competition Law International, 6 (2), 29-37.

Petit, N. (2010). The Economics of Parallel Trade – Iconoclast Views on a Dogma of EU Competition Law. ORBi-University of Liège.

Petit, N. (2010). The Past Clouds the Future of Europe’s New Antitrust Enforcer. New York Times.

Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (15 February 2010). Behavioral Economics and Abuse of Dominance – A Fresh Look at the Article 102 TFEU Case-Law [Paper presentation]. The Vienna Competition 2010.

Petit, N. (February 2010). Editorial - Antitrust in the Energy Sector. Oil, Gas and Energy Law, 8, 1-2.

Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (February 2010). A Review of the Competition Law Implications of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. CPI Antitrust Journal, 1.

Petit, N. (2010). How Much Discretion do, and should, Competition Authorities enjoy in the Course of their Enforcement Activities? A Multi-Jurisdictional Assessment. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (1), 44-62.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N., & Lousberg, C. (2010). Enquêtes sectorielles: complément ou substitut de l'action des autorités de concurrence? Le "couteau suisse" du droit européen de la concurrence? Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (2), 19-28.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (2010). Le droit européen de la concurrence au banc des accusés. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (2).
Peer reviewed

Petit, N., & Henry, D. (2010). Why the EU Merger Regulation should not enjoy a Monopoly over Tacit Collusion. In Krasnodebska-Tomkiel (Ed.), Changes in Competition policy over the last two Decades (pp. 181-197). Varsovie, Poland: UOKIK.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N., & Provost, E. (2010). L'émancipation du Conseil de la Concurrence? Note sous la décision du Conseil de la concurrence du 26 mai 2009 dans l'affaire Base/BMB. Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, (2), 89-101.
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Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2010). Behavioral Economics and Abuse of Dominance: A Proposed Alternative Reading of the Article 102 TFEU Case-Law. Global Competition Law Centre Working Papers Series, (02/2010).

Petit, N. (December 2009). From formalism to effects? The Commission's Communication on enforcement priorities in applying article 82 EC. World Competition: Law and Economics Review, 32, 485-504.
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Petit, N., & Provost, E. (2009). Abusive margin squeeze: an overview of European national case laws. e-Competitions, 11.

Petit, N. (25 October 2009). Annual congress of the international league for competition law [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel international de la ligue pour le droit de la concurence, Vienne, Austria.

Defossez, A., & Petit, N. (2009). Lisbonne, et après? La Libre Belgique.

Petit, N. (2009). The guidelines on the application of article 81(3) EC: A critical review. ORBi-University of Liège.

Petit, N. (September 2009). International report on Competition Authorities Discretion [Paper presentation]. LIDC Internationale conference, Vienne, Austria.

Petit, N., & RABEUX, L. (2009). Judicial Review in French Competition Law and Economic Regulation: A Post Commission v. Tetra laval Assessment. In O. ESSENS, A. GERBRANDY, ... S. LAVRIJSSEN, National Courts and the Standard of Review in Competition Law and Economic Regulation (pp. 103-126). europa law Publishing.

Petit, N. (08 July 2009). OCCP Seminar on Dominant Positions and New Technologies [Paper presentation]. OCCP Seminar, Warsaw, Poland.

Petit, N. (29 June 2009). Actualité des droits communautaire et belge de la concurrence [Paper presentation]. Commission juridique de la FEB, Bruxellles, Belgium.

Petit, N. (12 June 2009). Towards an optimal enforcement of Competition rules in Europe [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference of the GCLC, Bruxellles, Belgium.

Petit, N., & Defossez, A. (June 2009). La loi belge sur la protection de la concurrence économique - Rapport d'étape après deux années d'application. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 2.

Petit, N. (08 May 2009). Le droit de la distribution [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de recyclage, Liège, Belgium.

Petit, N. (2009). L'application du droit communautaire des restrictions verticales aux accords de distribution commerciale. Le Droit de la Distribution.

Petit, N. (13 March 2009). Les fédérations d’entreprises et les règles de concurrence.

Petit, N. (2009). The outcome of the EC pharmaceutical sector inquiry. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (3).

Petit, N. (12 February 2009). Actualités du droit de la concurence [Paper presentation]. Conférence du jeune Barreau de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Petit, N. (2009). Les strategies juridiques en droit des coordinations entre entreprises Une approche scenarisee. In A. Masson, Les stratégies juridiques des entreprises. Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.

Petit, N., & Daems, I. (2009). La fin de la récréation pour l'opérateur historique? Annotation de la décision du Conseil de la concurrence dans l'affaire Belgacom/Scarlet, 7 novembre 2008. Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, (3).
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Petit, N., & Abenhaim, M. (2009). L’exemption des engagements d’exclusivité au “seuil” de la réforme du droit des accords verticaux : Quelle(s) part(s) de marché ? Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence.

Petit, N. (2009). Accords d’échange d’informations et fédérations d’entreprises – Grands principes d’analyse en droit de la concurrence. In P. LAMBRECHT & C. GHEUR, Les fédérations d'entreprises et les règles de concurrence (pp. 52-68). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.

Petit, N., & RABEUX, L. (2009). Judicial Review in French Competition Law and Economic Regulation: A Post Commission v. Tetra laval Assessment. In O. ESSENS, A. GERBRANDY, ... S. LAVRIJSSEN, National courts and the Standard of Review in Competition Law and Economic Regulation (pp. 105-124). europa law Publishing.

Petit, N. (2009). L'application du droit de la concurrence par les juridictions belges: une analyse tendancielle de la jurisprudence récente. In J.-F. Bellis, Concurrence en droit, belge et européen. Larcier.

Petit, N. (2009). Ne dites plus Constitution. 15e Jour du Mois, (169), p. 5.

Petit, N. (2009). Concurrence difficile. 15e Jour du Mois, (180), p. 9.

Fegatilli, E., & Petit, N. (January 2009). Économétrie du droit de la concurrence, un essai de conceptualisation. Revue Internationale de Droit Economique, I, 67-122.

Petit, N., & Rato, M. (2009). From hard to soft enforcement of EC Competition Law. Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant.

Petit, N. (2009). Aperçu de la procédure communautaire de transaction. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence.

Petit, N. (05 December 2008). Les stratégies juridiques des entreprises en Europe.

Petit, N., & Fegatilli, E. (2008). Économétrie du droit de la concurrence – Un essai de conceptualisation. ORBi-University of Liège.

Petit, N. (September 2008). Non-competition concerns under the ECMR - An overview. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 4-2008, 182-187.

Petit, N. (2008). Trois questions à Nicolas Petit. Forward, (7).

Petit, N. (September 2008). Jacques Steenbergen: A Counsel at the head of the Belgian NCA. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 3-2008.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N., & Rato, M. (2008). From Hard to Soft Enforcement of EC Competition Law - A Bestiary of Sunshine Enforcement Instruments. Alternative Enforcement Techniques in EC Competition Law.

Petit, N., & Digneffe, K. (2008). The Belgian Competition Council finds a non-profit association guilty of price fixing but does not impose any fine (AIAB). e-Competitions, (22333).

Petit, N., & Defossez, A. (May 2008). Les effets des arrêts de la CJCE et du TPICE [Paper presentation]. CUP L'effet de la décision de Justice: contentieux européens, constitutionnel, civil et pénal, Liège, Bruxelles, Charleroi, Belgium.

Petit, N. (May 2008). L'effet de la décision de justice [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de recyclage, Charleroi, Belgium.

Petit, N., & Defossez, A. (2008). L’effet des arrêts de la Cour de Justice et du Tribunal de première instance des Communautés européennes. In G. de Leval & F. Georges, L'effet de la décision de justice. Contentieux européens, constitutionnel, civil et pénal. Anthemis.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (17 April 2008). Fidelity Discounts and Rebates not Justified by Costs [Paper presentation]. Association Belge d'Etude de la Concurrence, Bruxellles, Belgium.

Petit, N. (2008). Oligopoles, collusion tacite et droit communautaire de la concurrence. Bruylant.

Petit, N. (29 February 2008). Le Traité de Lisbonne: Traité simplifié ou constitution cachée?

Petit, N. (14 February 2008). L'actualité du droit des ententes 2007 [Paper presentation]. Colloque annuel de l'association Française d'étude de la concurence, Paris, France.

Petit, N. (2008). TPICE British Aggregates Association contre Commission. Revue d'Etudes Juridiques Aménagement, Environnement, Urbanisme et Droit Foncier.

Petit, N., & Verbeke, R. (2008). The Belgian Competition Council bans a price-coordination mechanism in the retail bakery markets (VEBIC). e-Competitions, (21559).

Petit, N. (2008). L'actualité du droit des ententes en 2007. Les Petites Affiches.

Petit, N. (2008). L'arrêt Microsoft. Abus de position dominante, refus de licence et vente liée... L'article 82 sans code source. Journal de Droit Européen.

Defossez, A., & Petit, N. (2008). L'effet des arrêts et jugements de la CJCE et du TPICE.

Petit, N. (2008). Annotation sous TPICE, T-210/02, 23 décembre 2006, affaire des granulats. Aménagement - Environnement, (2), 119.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (2008). Traité de Lisbonne et politique de concurrence – Rupture ? Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (1), 265-279.

Petit, N., & Lousberg, C. (2008). TPI, 9 septembre 2008, MyTravel Group plc/Commission. Revue des Affaires Européennes, (4), 785-792.
Peer reviewed

Petit, N. (2007). L'ordonnance Actua TV contre Belgacom TV, ou l'art de la définition stratégique du marché pertinent. Revue du Droit des Technologies de l'Information.

Petit, N. (2007). Oligopoles, collusion tacite et droit communautaire de la concurrence [Doctoral thesis, Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Petit, N., & Biesemans, L. (2007). The Belgian Competition Council orders an ICT company to disclose proprietary information over its electronic network (CRM/FneyrinckPortima). e-Competitions, (14978).

Petit, N. (2007). Le français devrait-il servir de référence juridique?

Defossez, A., & Petit, N. (2007). The Belgian Competition Council assesses the validity of opening days/hours and advertising provisions for pharmacy outlets as set by the pharmacists professional associations (Belgian Pharmacists Associations). e-Competitions.

Petit, N., & Rato, M. (2007). The Commission's Non Contractual Liability in the Field of Merger Control - Don't Use a Hammer When You Need a Screwdriver. Global Competition Policy.

Defossez, A., Petit, N., & Candela, M. (2006). 2006, l'Europe sans boussole. La Libre Belgique.

Petit, N. (2006). La politique industrielle sous les tirs croisés de la mondialisation et du droit communautaire de la concurrence. Mondialisation politique industrielle et droit comm de la concurrence.

Petit, N., Geradin, D., Hofer, P., Walker, M., & Louis, F. (2005). GCLC Research Papers on Article 82 EC: The concept of dominance. GCLC College d'Europe.

Petit, N., & Geradin, D. (2005). Price Discrimination Under Ec Competition Law: Another Antitrust Theory in Search of Limiting Principles. GCLC.

Petit, N., Geradin, D., Hofer, P., Louis, F., & Walker, M. (2005). The Concept of Dominance in EC Competition Law. Global Competition Law Center.

Petit, N., & Geradin, D. (2005). Judicial Remedies Under EC Competition Law: Complex Issues Arising from the Modernization Process. Fordham Corporate Law.

Petit, N. (2005). Droit de la concurrence et recours en annulation à l'ere post-modernisation. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen.
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Petit, N. (2004). note sous arrêt du 4 mars 2003 "FENIN c/ Commission". Revue du Droit de l'Union Européenne.

Petit, N. (2004). Petit, Nicolas, The Proliferation of National Regulatory Authorities Alongdside Competition Authorities in the EC: A Source of Jurisdictional Confusion. ORBi-University of Liège.

Petit, N., & Geradin, D. (2004). The Development of Agencies at EU and National Levels: Conceptual Analysis and Proposals for Reform.

Petit, N. (2003). note sous arrêt du 18 septembre 2003, Volkswagen AG c/ Commission. Revue du Droit de l'Union Européenne.

Petit, N., & Geradin, D. (15 May 2003). Competition Rules in the Euromed Countries with a Special Emphasis on Network Industries [Paper presentation]. ABCDE World Bank Conference.

Petit, N., & Geradin, D. (2003). Competition Policy and the Euromed Partnership. European Foreign Affairs Review.

Petit, N. (2003). Circumscribing the Scope of EC Competition Law in Network Industries_A Comparative Approach to the US Supreme Court Ruling in the Trinko Case. Journal of Network Industries.

Petit, N. (2003). Circumscribing the Scope of EC Competition Law in Network Industries_A Comparative Approach to the US Supreme Court Ruling in the Trinko Case. Journal of Network Industries.

Petit, N. (2003). note sous arrêt du 23 octobre 2003, Van den Bergh Foods contre Commission. Revue du Droit de l'Union Européenne.

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