Abstract :
[en] Architecture refers to the overall shape of a tree and the spatial position of its components. Tree height determines the position in the forest canopy and access to light, while the amount and spatial distribution of the foliage depend on the depth and the width of the crown. The aim of this study is to understand how tree architecture varies across coexisting tropical tree species and relates to functional traits. Forty five coexisting tree species were sampled in the semi-deciduous forests of Northern Congo. Species were classified according to ecological strategies, specifically regeneration guilds: shade bearers (27 species), non-pioneers light demanding (14 species) and pioneers (4 species). For each species, 14–72 trees (968 trees in total) were measured over a large range of diameter (10–162 cm). At the tree level, we measured the diameter (D in cm), height (H in m), crown radius (Cr in m) and crown depth (Cd in m) and crown exposure index (CEI) was visually estimated. At species level, architectural traits (Dmax, Hmax, Crmax and Cdmax), life history traits (dispersal mode, phenology and guild) and functional traits (wood density and light requirement) were obtained. We investigates the H-D, Cr-D and Cd-D allometric relationships at the tree level using linear mixed models on log-transformed data with species as a random effect on both slope and intercept. We used the multivariate analysis to quantify the relationship between architectural, functional traits and life history traits. Based on AIC, we found that the best linear mixed model was the one with two species random parameters (intercept and slope) for H-D and Cr-D allometries, while the best model for Cd-D allometry was the one with only a random intercept. Thus, our results showed a significant variation in tree allometry between coexisting species. The interspecific variation in H-D allometry was related to light requirement while Cr-D and Cd-D allometries were more related to dispersal mode and wood density, respectively. The confirmed the existence of three ecological strategies (shade bearers, non-pioneers light demanding and pioneers) in tropical forests, specifically in Central Africa. Architectural traits were the main traits that differentiate between ecological strategies. Architectural traits are therefore strong predictors of ecological strategies of coexisting tropical tree species.
Disciplines :
Environmental sciences & ecology
Agriculture & agronomy
Phytobiology (plant sciences, forestry, mycology...)