[en] This research explores gender differences in migration patterns, income, remittance-sending behavior, gender differences in access to and utilization of remittance-sending services and channels, and the relationship between gender and the management and utilization of remittances. The research findings are based on a survey in Bacninh province, Red River Delta of Vietnam show that the proportion of men and women participated in migration was relatively balanced (50.6% and 49.4% respectively). Majority of migrants is young and married with high educated. The largest proportion of migrants (69.4%) participated in daily shift type of migration who is mostly working in the Industrial zones. While male migrants prefer high income job, females search for the stability. However, even though the earning of women migrants is lower than men, they are more likely saving and sending remittance higher in compared with their male counterpart. Remittances play an active role in contributing towards improved living conditions and the economic development of rural households. More than nine out of 10 female and male migrants interviewed feel that the economic condition of their families has improved through their labour migration, with women being somewhat more optimistic. Remittances are used for different purposes, but are mainly spent on daily living expenses, while education and medical expenses also represent a major expense. More than half of both female and male migrants feel that their position of power within their families has improved through their economic contributions.