[en] Cone penetration tests (CPT) and drilling results are used to characterize the Middle Belgium loess sequence. A two scale study has been realized in the Hesbaye region (Belgium). The study on a regional scale was performed along a 18 km long section of the high-speed railway Liège-Brussels. About 230 tests were compiled. Results show the loess thickness is very variable and can locally reach 20 m. Tertiary deposits become continuous and they rapidly thicken from Waremme to the West. The lower surface of the Tertiary deposits is characterized by a 0.3% apparent dipping to the NW. The dipping likely results from the Ardenne Massif uplift. The local scale study focuses on the site of Remicourt located along the high-speed railway. 24 CPT tests have been carried out very close to a series of archaeological trenches. The analysis shows penetrometers are able to define some stratigraphic markers within the loess layer. The most identifiable marker is stratigraphically located around the transition between the Humiferous Complex of Remicourt and the Rocourt Pedocomplex. The lens-shape of the loess ridge is also confirmed by the penetrometers’ interpretation. Furthermore, the 3D morphology of each stratigraphic marker can be estimated. These results offer interesting perspectives for the investigation of the loess sequence related to archaeological applications.
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