2016 • In Mayaffre, Damon; Poudat, Céline; Vanni, Laurentet al. (Eds.) Statistical Analysis on Textual Data - Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data
[en] For the JADT 2012, we applied the text pattern theory to Noun-preposition-Noun (NpN) sequences, where both nouns surrounding the preposition are identical. Our working corpus was composed of texts from the four main literary genres, memoirs (109 texts), novels (740 texts), poetry (191 texts) and theater (210 texts), 85 million words, sampled out of Frantext, a categorized database. That exploratory research allowed us to pinpoint the specific place of the NpN sequence, between language and discourse, its blooming into a full discursive pattern, able to produce a stylistic effect linked to lexical innovation, as well as its possible use as a generic litterarity marker.
This paper aims at pursuing the work by extending the corpus and proposing new contrastive studies, showing the role of the NpN sequence as a litterarity marker.