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La sauvegarde du Potentiel Economique, Scientifique et Industriel (PESI) comme pilier de la politique publique en Intelligence Stratégique (IS) 
Leroy, Patrick


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Keywords :
potentiel économique; intelligence stratégique; service de renseignement
Abstract :
[en] Protecting the State’s Economic, Scientific and Industrial Potential is one of the main tasks dedicated to both security and intelligence agencies in Belgium. In the same way, Wallonia has implemented since 2007 a strategic intelligence public policy to favorize, among others, the competitivity of walloon’s small businesses, by using an active private/public « actors network ». We develop, first of all, the idea that security and protection contribute to enhance the competitivity of our companies and secondly, after the successive State’s reforms, that the Belgian intelligence community isn’t able to play today a fruitfull role in this domain that is nevertheless required by law.
Disciplines :
Political science, public administration & international relations
Author, co-author :
Leroy, Patrick ;  Université de Liège > Département de science politique > Politique européenne
Language :
Title :
La sauvegarde du Potentiel Economique, Scientifique et Industriel (PESI) comme pilier de la politique publique en Intelligence Stratégique (IS) 
Publication date :
March 2016
Course title or code :
SPOL2348-1 Contrôle de la Gouvernance du renseignement
Available on ORBi :
since 16 May 2016


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107 (9 by ULiège)
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215 (7 by ULiège)


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