L’impact des activités non agricoles sur la pauvreté et l’inégalité rurales dans les groupements Bugorhe et Irhambi-Katana (Territoire de Kabare, Province du Sud-Kivu)
Furaha Mirindi, Germaine; Namegabe Mastaki, Jean Luc; Lebailly, Philippe
2016 • In Journal of Oriental and African Studies, 25, p. 119-144
[en] Using a survey on the socio-economic situation of households in 2012, the
study analyses the effect of non farm income on inequality and poverty alleviation
in a rural area of the Democratic Republic of Congo, by comparing a group of
households practicing agriculture only and another group which combines agriculture
and nonfarm activities. The approach used considers non farm income as an
exogenous transfer which completes the whole household income, and analyses
the contribution of different sources of income on the inequality in using the Gini
index. The results show that inequality increases when a segment of the
population does not have access to non-agricultural income. In this case, non farm
income is not a substitute of farm income, rather the complement. The poverty
analysis is based on the Congolese rural threshold poverty in terms of basic needs
to calculate the rate, depth and severity of poverty indexes in using of Foster-
Greer-Thorbecke. The results show that households practicing agriculture only are
Namegabe Mastaki, Jean Luc; Université Evangélique en Afrique (UEA-Bukavu) > Economie Rurale
Lebailly, Philippe ; Université de Liège > Agronomie, Bio-ingénierie et Chimie (AgroBioChem) > Economie et développement rural
Language :
Title :
L’impact des activités non agricoles sur la pauvreté et l’inégalité rurales dans les groupements Bugorhe et Irhambi-Katana (Territoire de Kabare, Province du Sud-Kivu)
Alternative titles :
[en] The impact of non-agricultural activities on rural poverty and inequality in Bugorhe and Irhambi-Katana groups (Kabare Territory, South Kivu Province)
Publication date :
Journal title :
Journal of Oriental and African Studies
Publisher :
Journal of Oriental and African Studies, Athènes, Greece