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Abstract :
[en] The Marine and Oceanographic Research Station STARESO in the Calvi Bay, Corsica (France), is a unique tool in a preserved natural site that includes all the characteristic ecosystems of the Mediterranean littoral. The station, established in 1970, has archived environmental data for decades. The STARECAPMED project, multidisciplinary, articulates itself around these two main features. Its objective is to understand how human activities can interact with the fundamental processes that govern the functioning of the different coastal ecosystems of a Mediterranean bay. The understanding of these interactions involves: (i) the identification of the anthropogenic pressures; (ii) the quantification of their impacts on the ecosystems; (iii) the prioritization of these impacts. STARECAPMED also aims to confirm the relevance of the use of the Calvi Bay as a reference in the study of local and global pressures and the changes they may cause on the structure and the functioning of Mediterranean coastal ecosytems.
Research Center/Unit :
STARESO SAS, France; Laboratory of Oceanology (ULiège), Belgium; Numerical Ecology of Aquatic Systems (UMons), Belgium
Commentary :
Dr. Jonathan RICHIR, from 2013 Scientific Collaborator of the Oceanology Research Unit of the University of Liege (ULg), Belgium, in 2014 Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Marine Sciences of the University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom, in 2015 Scientific Coordinator of the STARECAPMED project at the Marine and Oceanographic Research Station STARESO SAS, France, now Assistant Professor in the Numerical Ecology of Aquatic Systems group at the University of Mons, Belgium. Born in Namur, Belgium, in 1981. License in Biology (2004), Diploma of Specialized Studies in Applied Biology (2005), Master in Oceanography (2007). He publicly defended his Doctoral Thesis on the ecotoxicology of trace elements in 2012, with unanimous congratulations of the Jury. His research, which revolves primarily around the ecology and the ecotoxicology of trace elements, fits into the framework of European Policies and Directives related to coastal environment issues. This work is co-authored with Pr. Sylvie GOBERT, head of the Oceanology Research Unit. Master in Oceanography, Dr. in Sciences (2002), she teaches at the University of Liege (Biologic Oceanography …). Her researches focus on seagrasses, marine food webs, ecotoxicology, diagnostic tools, ecological health status indices, trace elements, stable isotopes, nutrients, seascapes … ( The others co-authors of this work are M. Binard, R. Biondo, Dr. A. Borges, W. Champenois, Dr. A. Collignon, Dr. A. Goffart, Dr. J.-H. Hecq, Dr. G. Lepoint, Dr. L. Michel, Dr. D. Sirjacobs and Pr. J.-P. Thomé from the ULg, P. Boissery from the Rhone-Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency, Dr. P. Lejeune, N. Cimiterra, C. Fréjefond, Dr. C. Pelaprat, Dr. A. Pere and A. Volpon from the STARESO, A. Donnay from both institutions, and A. Abadie from the ULg, the STARESO and the University of Corte, France (;;