Internal report (Reports)
SAFIR: Capabilities and examples of applications
Gernay, Thomas; Scifo, Anthony; Franssen, Jean-Marc


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Keywords :
SAFIR; fire; structural engineering; fire safety; finite element analysis; numerical simulation; software; capabilities; building design; performance based; steel; concrete; timber; heat transfer; computational mechanics
Abstract :
[en] This document presents the capabilities of the software SAFIR, as well as examples of applications. SAFIR is a computer program that models the behavior of building structures subjected to fire. The structure can be made of a 3D skeleton of linear elements such as beams and columns, in conjunction with planar elements such as slabs and walls. Volumetric elements can be used for analysis of details in the structure such as connections. Different materials such as steel, concrete, timber, aluminum, gypsum or thermally insulating products can be used separately or in combination in the model.
Disciplines :
Civil engineering
Author, co-author :
Gernay, Thomas ;  Université de Liège > Département ArGEnCo > Ingénierie du feu
Scifo, Anthony ;  Université de Liège > Département ArGEnCo > Ingénierie du feu
Franssen, Jean-Marc  ;  Université de Liège > Département ArGEnCo > Ingénierie du feu
Language :
Title :
SAFIR: Capabilities and examples of applications
Publication date :
September 2015
Publisher :
ULg, Liege, Belgium
Number of pages :
Commentary :
Presentation about the software SAFIR
Available on ORBi :
since 24 September 2015


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131 (15 by ULiège)
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2575 (93 by ULiège)


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