
Franssen Jean-Marc

Département ArGEnCo

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Gernay, Thomas  (67)
Dotreppe, Jean-Claude  (44)
Vassart, Olivier (22)
Vila Real, Paulo (19)
Cajot, Louis-Guy (17)
Main Referenced Keywords
Fire resistance (89); fire resistance (80); Fire (64); steel (59); fire (49);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
ArcelorMittal, RISE, Univ. of Edinburgh, Ulster Univ. Liege Univ. (1)
Centre d'Essais au Feu (1)
Dipartimento di ingegneria meccanica e strutturale (1)
Fire Safety Engineering Technology & Research Institute (FireSERT) (1)
Fire Safety Unit (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Civil engineering (337)
Materials science & engineering (107)
Mechanical engineering (2)
Architecture (1)
Geological, petroleum & mining engineering (1)

Publications (total 445)

The most downloaded
Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Cours de prévention incendie. (Univ. of Liege, GCIV2042-2 Conception de bâtiments en situation de risques majeurs).

The most cited

347 citations (Scopus®)

Franssen, J.-M. (2005). SAFIR: A thermal/structural program for modeling structures under fire. Engineering Journal, 42 (3), 143-158.

Articles in scientific journals with peer reviewing

Renard, S., Mindeguia, J.-C., Robert, F., Morel, S., & Franssen, J.-M. (October 2024). Full-scale hybrid fire test in real-time with multiple degree of freedom. Fire Safety Journal, 149, 104233. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2024.104233
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Seweryn, A., Lucherini, A., & Franssen, J.-M. (2023). An Experimental Apparatus for Bench-Scale Fire Testing Using Electrical Heating Pads. Fire Technology. doi:10.1007/s10694-023-01514-4
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Gernay, T.* , Franssen, J.-M.* , Robert, F., McNamee, R., Felicetti, R., Bamonte, P., Brunkhorst, S., Mohaine, S., & Zehfuß, J. (December 2022). Experimental investigation of structural failure during the cooling phase of a fire: Concrete columns. Fire Safety Journal, 134, 103691. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2022.103691
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Gernay, T., Zehfuss, J., Brunkhorst, S., Robert, F., Bamonte, P., McNamee, R., Mohaine, S., & Franssen, J.-M. (2022). Experimental investigation of structural failure during the cooling phase of a fire: Timber columns. Fire and Materials, (2022), 1-16. doi:10.1002/FAM.3110
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Mergny, E., & Franssen, J.-M. (2022). Multi-degree-of-freedom Hybrid Fire Testing of a Column in a Non-linear Environment. Fire Technology. doi:10.1007/s10694-022-01258-7
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Gamba, A., & Franssen, J.-M. (12 November 2021). GoZone: A Numerical Model for Travelling Fires Bs-ased on Cellular Automata Concept. Applied Sciences, 11 (2021), 10679. doi:10.3390/app112210679
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Charlier, M., Franssen, J.-M., Dumont, F., Nadjai, A., & Vassart, O. (2021). Development of an Analytical Model to Determine the Heat Fluxes to a Structural Element Due to a Travelling Fire. Applied Sciences. doi:10.3390/app11199263
Peer reviewed

Charlier, M., Gamba, A., Dai, X., Welch, S., Vassart, O., & Franssen, J.-M. (2021). Modelling the influence of steel structure compartment geometry on travelling fires. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers : Structures and Buildings. doi:10.1680/jstbu.20.00073
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Gamba, A., Charlier, M., & Franssen, J.-M. (October 2020). Propagation tests with uniformly distributed cellulosic fire load. Fire Safety Journal, 117. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2020.103213
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Mergny, E., Drion, G., & Franssen, J.-M. (2020). Stability in Hybrid Fire Testing using PI control. Experimental Techniques. doi:10.1007/s40799-020-00375-8
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Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2020). The introduction and the influence of semi-rigid connections in framed structures subjected to fire. Fire Safety Journal, 114. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2020.103007
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Mergny, E., Gernay, T., Drion, G., & Franssen, J.-M. (2019). Hybrid fire testing in a non-linear environment using a proportional integral controller. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 10 (2), 245-258. doi:10.1108/JSFE-09-2018-0022
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Maraveas, C., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2019). An equivalent stress method to account for local buckling in beam finite elements subjected to fire. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 10 (3), 340-353. doi:10.1108/JSFE-09-2018-0020
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Sauca, A., Gernay, T., Robert, F., Tondini, N., & Franssen, J.-M. (2018). Hybrid Fire Testing: Discussion on stability and implementation of a new method in a virtual environment. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering. doi:10.1108/JSFE-01-2017-0017
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Franssen, J.-M., & Gernay, T. (September 2017). Modeling structures in fire with SAFIR®: Theoretical background and capabilities. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 8 (3), 300-323. doi:10.1108/JSFE-07-2016-0010
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Hanus, F., Vassart, O., Caillet, N., & Franssen, J.-M. (2017). High temperature full-scale tests performed on S500M steel grade beams. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 133, 448-458. doi:10.1016/j.jcsr.2017.03.001
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Tondini, N., & Franssen, J.-M. (2017). Analysis of experimental hydrocarbon localised fires with and without engulfed steel members. Fire Safety Journal, 92, 9-22. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2017.05.011
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Dumont, F., Wellens, E., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (November 2016). Loadbearing capacity criteria in fire resistance testing. Materials and Structures, 49 (11), 4565-4581. doi:10.1617/s11527-016-0807-7
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Chu, T. B., Gernay, T., Dotreppe, J.-C., & Franssen, J.-M. (04 May 2016). Steel hollow columns with an internal profile filled with self-compacting concrete under fire conditions. Proceeding of the Romanian Academy. Series A, Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science, 17 (2), 152-159.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., Zhao, B., & Gernay, T. (April 2016). Experimental Tests and Numerical Modelling on Slender Steel Columns at High Temperatures. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 7 (1), 30-40. doi:10.1108/JSFE-03-2016-003
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Tondini, N., Morbioli, A., Vassart, O., Lechêne, S., & Franssen, J.-M. (2016). An integrated modelling strategy between a CFD and an FE software: Methodology and application to compartment fires. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 7 (3), 217-233. doi:10.1108/JSFE-09-2016-015
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Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (October 2015). A performance indicator for structures under natural fire. Engineering Structures, 100, 94-103. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2015.06.005
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Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (January 2015). A plastic-damage model for concrete in fire: Applications in structural fire engineering. Fire Safety Journal, 71, 268–278. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2014.11.028
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Gernay, T., Millard, A., & Franssen, J.-M. (October 2013). A multiaxial constitutive model for concrete in the fire situation: Theoretical formulation. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 50 (22-23), 3659-3673. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2013.07.013
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Zaharia, R., Vulcu, C., Vassart, O., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (January 2013). Numerical analysis of partially fire protected composite slabs. Steel and Composite Structures, 14 (1), 21-39. doi:10.12989/scs.2013.14.1.021
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Tondini, N., Rossi, B., & Franssen, J.-M. (2013). Experimental investigation on ferritic stainless steel columns in fire. Fire Safety Journal, 62, 238-248. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2013.09.026
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Tondini, N., Hoang, V. L., Demonceau, J.-F., & Franssen, J.-M. (2013). Experimental and numerical investigation of high-strength steel circular columns subjected to fire. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 80, 57-81. doi:10.1016/j.jcsr.2012.09.001
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Tonicello, E., Vassart, O., Zanon, R., & Franssen, J.-M. (November 2012). Structural fire design and optimisation of a building. Structural Engineering International, 22 (4), 541-544. doi:10.2749/101686612X13363929517776
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Vassart, O., Bailey, C. G., Hawes, M., Nadjai, A., Simms, W. I., Zhao, B., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (July 2012). Large-scale fire test of unprotected cellular beam acting in membrane action. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers : Structures and Buildings, 165 (7), 327–334. doi:10.1680/stbu.11.00019
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Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (July 2012). A formulation of the Eurocode 2 concrete model at elevated temperature that includes an explicit term for transient creep. Fire Safety Journal, 51, 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2012.02.001
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Lopes, N., Vila Real, P., Simoes da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2012). Numerical analysis of stainless steel beam-columns in case of fire. Fire Safety Journal, 50, 35-50. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2012.02.003
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Tondini, N., & Franssen, J.-M. (2012). Development of an interface between a CFD software and a FE software for compartment fires. Costruzioni Metalliche, 3, 41-46.
Peer reviewed

Zaharia, R., & Franssen, J.-M. (2012). Simple equations for the calculation of the temperature within the cross-section of slim floor beams under ISO Fire. Steel and Composite Structures. doi:10.12989/scs.2012.13.2.171
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Vassart, O., Bailey, C. G., Hawes, M., Nadjai, A., Simms, W. I., Zhao, B., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (December 2011). Large-Scale Fire Test of Unprotected Cellular Beam Acting in Membrane Action. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 2 (4), 259-268. doi:10.1260/2040-2317.2.4.259
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Nadjai, A., Bailey, C., Vassart, O., Han, S., Zhao, B., Hawes, M., Franssen, J.-M., & Simms, I. (01 November 2011). Full-scale fire test on a composite floor slab incorporating long span cellular steel beams. Structural Engineer, 89 (21), 18-25.
Peer reviewed

Dimia, M. S., Guenfoud, M., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (November 2011). Collapse of concrete columns during and after the cooling phase of a fire. Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, 21 (4), 245–263. doi:10.1177/1042391511423451
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Hanus, F., Zilli, G., & Franssen, J.-M. (September 2011). Experimental Tests and Analytical Models for Welds and Grade 8.8 Bolts under Heating and Subsequent Cooling. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 2 (3), 181-194. doi:10.1260/2040-2317.2.3.181
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Li, Y.-H., & Franssen, J.-M. (2011). Test results and model for the residual compressive strength of concrete after a fire. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 2 (1), 29-44. doi:10.1260/2040-2317.2.1.29
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Pucinotti, R., Bursi, O., Franssen, J.-M., & Lennon, T. (2011). Seismic-induced fire resistance of composite welded beam-to-column joints with concrete-filled tubes. Fire Safety Journal, 46, 335-347. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2011.05.003
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Fellah, F., Dotreppe, J.-C., Seridi, A., & Franssen, J.-M. (2011). Comparison between various methods for the evaluation of the fire resistance of concrete filled hollow steel columns. Proceeding of the Romanian Academy. Series A, Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science, 12 (4), 324-331.
Peer reviewed

Hanus, F., Zilli, G., & Franssen, J.-M. (2011). Behaviour of Grade 8.8 bolts under natural fire conditions - Tests and model. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 67, 1292-1298. doi:10.1016/j.jcsr.2011.03.012
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Lopes, N., Vila Real, P., Simões da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (March 2010). Axially Loaded Stainless Steel Columns in Case of Fire. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 1 (1), 43-59. doi:10.1260/2040-2317.1.1.43
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Lopes, N., Vila Real, P., Simoes da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (January 2010). Numerical Modelling of Thin-Walled Stainless Steel Structural Elements in Case of Fire. Fire Technology, 46 (1), 91 - 108. doi:10.1007/s10694-009-0084-x
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Cachim, P., & Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Assessment of Eurocode 5 charring rate calculation methods. Fire Technology, 46, 169-181. doi:10.1007/s10694-009-0092-x
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Demonceau, J.-F., Hanus, F., Jaspart, J.-P., & Franssen, J.-M. (December 2009). Behaviour of single sided composite joints at room temperature and in case of fire after an earthquake. International Journal of Steel Structures, 9 (4), 329-342.
Peer reviewed

Pérez Jiménez, C., Franssen, J.-M., & Karlsson, B. (March 2009). Influence of gas species on backdraft probability using a diffusion flame limits criterion. Journal of Fire Sciences, 27 (2), 143-156. doi:10.1177/0734904108097275
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Pérez-Jiménez, C., Guigay, G. J., Horvat, A., Sinai, Y., & Franssen, J.-M. (2009). Influence of obstacles on the development of gravity current prior to backdraft. Fire Technology. doi:10.1007/s10694-008-0066-4
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Cachim, P. B., & Franssen, J.-M. (2009). Numerical modelling of timber connections under fire loading using a component model. Fire Safety Journal, 44, 840-853. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2009.03.013
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Schneider, U., Schneider, M., & Franssen, J.-M. (2009). Calculation of a Tunnel Cross Section Subjected to Fire. Acta Polytechnica, 49 (1/2009), 44-55.
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Cachim, P. B., & Franssen, J.-M. (2009). Comparison between the charring rate model and the conductive model of Eurocode 5. Fire and Materials, 33, 129-143. doi:10.1002/fam.985
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Vila Real, P. M. M., Lopes, N., Simoes da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2008). Lateral-torsional buckling of stainless steel I-beam in case of fire. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 64, 1302-1309. doi:10.1016/j.jcsr.2008.04.013
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Riva, P., & Franssen, J.-M. (2008). Non-linear and plastic analysis of RC beams subjected to fire. Structural Concrete, 9 (1), 31-43. doi:10.1680/stco.2008.9.1.31
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Franssen, J.-M., & Riva, P. (2008). Plastic analysis of continuous beams. Fire design of concrete structures - structural behaviour and assessment. State-of-art report, Bulletin 46, 55-62.
Peer reviewed

Schneider, U., Felicetti, R., Debicki, G., Franssen, J.-M., Jumppanen, U.-M., Khoury, G., Leonovitch, S., Millard, A., Morris, W. A., Phan, L., Pimienta, P., Rodrigues, J. P., Schlangen, E., Schwesinger, P., & Zaitsev, Y. (November 2007). Recommendation of RILEM TC 200-HTC: Mechanical concrete properties at high temperatures-modelling and applications : Part I. General presentation. Materials and Structures, 40 (9), 841-853. doi:10.1617/s11527-007-9285-2
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Schneider, U., Felicetti, R., Diederichs, U., Franssen, J.-M., Jumpannen, U. M., Morris, W. A., Leonovich, S., Millard, A., Phan, L. T., Pimienta, P., Rodrigues, J. P. C., Schlangen, E., & Zaytsev, Y. (September 2007). Recommendation of RILEM TC 200-HTC: mechanical concrete properties at high temperatures-modelling and aplpications. Part 2: Stress-strain relation. Materials and Structures, 40, 855-864. doi:10.1617/s11527-007-9286-1
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Vila Real, P., Lopes, N., Simoes da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2007). Parametric analysis of the lateral-torsional buckling resistance of steel beams in case of fire. Fire Safety Journal, 42 (6-7, SEP-OCT), 416-424. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2006.11.010
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Franssen, J.-M., Pintea, D., & Dotreppe, J.-C. (2007). Considering the effects of localised fires in the numerical analysis of a building structure. Fire Safety Journal, 42 (6-7, SEP-OCT), 473-481. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2007.04.006
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Franssen, J.-M. (March 2006). Calculation of temperature in fire-exposed bare steel structures: Comparison between ENV 1993-1-2 and EN 1993-1-2. Fire Safety Journal, 41 (2), 139-143. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2005.11.007
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Njankouo, J. M., Dotreppe, J.-C., & Franssen, J.-M. (June 2005). Fire resistance of timbers from tropical countries and comparison of experimental charring rates with various models. Construction and Building Materials, 19 (5), 376-386. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2004.07.009
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Schneider, U., Felicetti, R., Debicki, G., Franssen, J.-M., Jumpannen, U.-M., Millard, A., Phan, L., Pimienta, P., & Schnlangen, E. (2005). Part 10: Restraint stress. Materials and Structures, 38. doi:10.1617/14363
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Franssen, J.-M. (2005). SAFIR: A thermal/structural program for modeling structures under fire. Engineering Journal, 42 (3), 143-158.
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Talamona, D., & Franssen, J.-M. (2005). A Quadrangular Shell Finite Element for Concrete and Steel Structures Subjected to Fire. Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, 15, 237-264. doi:10.1177/1042391505052769
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Lim, L., Buchanan, A., Moss, P., & Franssen, J.-M. (December 2004). Computer modeling of restrained reinforced concrete slabs in fire conditions. Journal of Structural Engineering, 130 (12), 1964-1971. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(2004)130:12(1964)
Peer reviewed

Lim, L., Buchanan, A., Moss, P., & Franssen, J.-M. (July 2004). Numerical modelling of two-way reinforced concrete slabs in fire. Engineering Structures, 26 (8), 1081-1091. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2004.03.009
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Vila Real, P., Lopes, N., da Silva, L. S., Piloto, P., & Franssen, J.-M. (February 2004). Numerical modelling of steel beam-columns in case of fire - comparisons with Eurocode 3. Fire Safety Journal, 39 (1), 23-39. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2003.07.002
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Schneider, U., Schwesinger, P., Debicki, G., Diederichs, U., Felicetti, R., Franssen, J.-M., Jumppanen, U.-M., Khoury, G. A., Millard, A., Morris, W. A., & Phan, L. (2004). Modulus of elasticity for service and accident conditions. Materials and Structures, 37, 139-144. doi:10.1007/bf02486610
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Franssen, J.-M. (2004). Numerical determination of 3D temperature fields in steel joints. Fire and Materials, 28 (2-4, MAR-AUG), 63-82. doi:10.1002/fam.845
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Njankouo, J. M., Dotreppe, J.-C., & Franssen, J.-M. (2004). Experimental study of the charring rate of tropical hardwoods. Fire and Materials, 28 (1, JAN-FEB), 15-24. doi:10.1002/fam.831
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Vila Real, P., Lopes, N., da Silva, L. S., & Franssen, J.-M. (2004). Lateral-torsional buckling of unrestrained steel beams under fire conditions: Improvement of EC3 proposal. Computers and Structures, 82, 1737-1744. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2004.01.006
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Mesquita, L., Piloto, P. A. G., Vaz, M. A. P., Vila real, P. M. M., & Franssen, J.-M. (2004). Instabilidade de vigas a altas temperaturas - Estudo numérico e experimental. Mecânica Experimental, 10, 139-146.
Peer reviewed

Vila Real, P., Lopes, N., da Silva, L., Piloto, P., & Franssen, J.-M. (December 2003). Towards a consistant safety format of steel beam-columns: application of the new interaction formulae for ambient temperature to elevated temperatures. Steel and Composite Structures, 3 (6), 383-401.
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Cadorin, J.-F., Pintea, D., Dotreppe, J.-C., & Franssen, J.-M. (September 2003). A tool to design steel elements submitted to compartment fires - OZone V2. Part 2: Methodology and application. Fire Safety Journal, 38 (5), 429-451. doi:10.1016/S0379-7112(03)00015-8
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Cadorin, J.-F., & Franssen, J.-M. (September 2003). A tool to design steel elements submitted to compartment fires - OZone V2. Part 1: pre- and post-flashover compartment fire model. Fire Safety Journal, 38 (5), 395-427. doi:10.1016/S0379-7112(03)00014-6
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Vila Real, P., Piloto, P., & Franssen, J.-M. (February 2003). A new proposal of a simple model for the lateral-torsional buckling of unrestrained steel I-beams in case of fire: experimental and numerical validation. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 59 (2), 179-199. doi:10.1016/S0143-974X(02)00023-8
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Franssen, J.-M. (2003). Guest Editorial. Special Issue on Properties of Concrete and Behavior of Concrete Columns Subjected to Fire. Fire Technology, 39 (1), 5-6. doi:10.1023/A:1021717508258
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Franssen, J.-M. (2003). Consequences of imperfect insulation - Numerical Modelling. Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, 18, 24-33.
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Talamona, D., Castagne, S., & Franssen, J.-M. (2003). Nonlinear thin shell finite element for steel and concrete structures subjected to fire: verification and validation. Journal of Applied Fire Science, 12 (1), 65-81. doi:10.2190/8HV9-L48M-9B9R-QD7U
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Franssen, J.-M., & Dotreppe, J.-C. (January 2003). Fire tests and calculation methods for circular concrete columns. Fire Technology, 39 (1), 89-97. doi:10.1023/A:1021783311892
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Talamona, D., & Franssen, J.-M. (2002). Nonlinear thin shell finite element for steel and concrete structures subjected to fire: theoretical development. Journal of Applied Fire Science, 11 (4), 291-310. doi:10.2190/2QRF-LC5W-RMWG-G7NH
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Vila Real, P. M. M., & Franssen, J.-M. (2001). Numerical modelling of lateral-torsional buckling of steel I-beams under fire conditions - Comparison with Eurocode 3. Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, 11 (2), 112-128.
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Zaharia, R., & Franssen, J.-M. (2001). Verifìcarea unei structuri metalice pentru depozitare paletizata la actinuea focului. Zilele Academice Timisorene Editia VII - Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii Politehnica din Timisoara, 46 (60), 288-298.
Peer reviewed

Schneider, U., Schwesinger, P., Debicki, G., Diederichs, U., Felicetti, R., Franssen, J.-M., Jumppanen, U.-M., Khoury, G. A., Millard, A., Morris, G. A., & Phan, L. (May 2000). RILEM Recommendations: Part 4: Tensile strength for service and accident conditions. Materials and Structures, 33, 219-223.
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Schneider, U., Schwesinger, P., Debicki, G., Diederichs, U., Franssen, J.-M., Furumura, F., Jumppanen, U.-M., Khoury, G. A., Millard, A., & Morris, W. A. (February 2000). Part 8: Steady-state creep and creep recovery for service and accident conditions. Materials and Structures, 33, 6-13.
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Schneider, U., Schwesinger, P., Debicki, G., Diederichs, U., Felicetti, R., Franssen, J.-M., Furumura, F., Jumppanen, U.-M., Khoury, G. A., Millard, A., Morris, W. A., & Phan, L. (2000). Part 9: Shrinkage for service and accident conditions. Materials and Structures, 33, 224-228.
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Vila Real, P. M. M., Piloto, P. A. G., & Franssen, J.-M. (2000). Modelaçao numérica do comportamento de uma estrutura metalica sujeita à acçao do fogo - Analise de varios cenarios de incëndio. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estructuras, 47, 23-33.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (2000). Failure temperature of a System Comprising a Restrained Column Submitted to Fire. Fire Safety Journal, 34, 191-207. doi:10.1016/S0379-7112(99)00047-8
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Cooper, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (1999). A Basis for Using Fire Modeling with 1-D Thermal Analyses of Partitions to Simulate 2-D and 3-D Structural Performance in Real Fires. Fire Safety Journal, 33, 115-128. doi:10.1016/S0379-7112(99)00018-1
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Vila Real, P., Piloto, P., Franssen, J.-M., Vaz, M., & Oliveira, F. (1999). Encurvadura Lateral de Vigas Metalicas Sujeitas à Acçao do Fogo - Estudo Numerico e Experimental. Mecânica Experimental, 4, 31-39.
Peer reviewed

Dotreppe, J.-C., Franssen, J.-M., & Vanderzeipen, Y. (January 1999). Calculation Method for Design of Reinforced Concrete Columns under Fire Conditions. ACI Structural Journal, 96 (1), 9-18.
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Franssen, J.-M. (1999). Numerische Modellierung von Tragwerken unter Brandeinwirkung. Stahlbau, 68 (6), 421-428. doi:10.1002/stab.199901510
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Franssen, J.-M., & Dhima, D. (1999). Analyse du comportement des structures métalliques en cas d'incendie. Construction Métallique, 3, 27-36.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., Talamona, D., Kruppa, J., & Cajot, L.-G. (1998). Stability of Steel Columns in Case of Fire : Experimental evaluation. Journal of Structural Engineering, 124 (2), 158-163. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(1998)124:2(158)
Peer reviewed

Schneider, U., Schwesinger, P., Debicki, G., Diederichs, U., Franssen, J.-M., Furumura, F., Jumppanen, U.-M., Khoury, G. A., Millard, A., & Morris, W. A. (1998). RILEM Recommendations : Part 7: Transient Creep for service and accident conditions. Materials and Structures, 31, 290-295.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Talamona, D., Franssen, J.-M., Schleich, J.-B., & Kruppa, J. (June 1997). Stability of Steel Columns in Case of Fire : Numerical Modelling. Journal of Structural Engineering, 123 (6), 713-720. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(1997)123:6(713)
Peer reviewed

Schneider, U., Schwesinger, P., Debicki, G., Diederichs, U., Franssen, J.-M., Furumura, F., Jumppanen, U.-M., Khoury, G. A., Millard, A., & Morris, W. A. (1997). RILEM Recommendations : Part 6 – Thermal Strain. Materials and Structures, 17-21.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Franssen, J.-M. (1996). Analysis of structural members under elevated temperature conditions- Discussion. Journal of Structural Engineering, 10, 1253-1255. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(1996)122:10(1253)
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., schleich, J.-B., Cajot, L.-G., & Azpiazu, W. (1996). A Simple Model for the Fire Resistance of Axially Loaded Members - Comparison with experimental results. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 37, 175-204. doi:10.1016/0143-974X(96)00008-9
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Dotreppe, J.-C., Franssen, J.-M., Bruls, A., Baus, R., Vandevelde, P., Minne, R., van Nieuwenburg, & Lambotte, H. (1996). Experimental research on the determination of the main parameters affecting the behaviour of reinforced concrete columns under fire conditions. Magazine of Concrete Research, 48 (6), 117-127. doi:10.1680/macr.1997.49.179.117
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Talamona, D., Kruppa, J., Franssen, J.-M., & Recho, N. (1996). Factors influencing the behavior of steel columns exposed to fire. Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, 8 (1), 31-43. doi:10.1177/104239159600800103
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Franssen, J.-M., Cooke, C. M. E., & Latham, D. J. (1995). Numerical simulation of a full scale fire test on a loaded steel framework. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 35, 377-407. doi:10.1016/0143-974X(95)00010-S
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Schneider, U., Schwesinger, P., Debicki, G., Diederichs, U., Franssen, J.-M., Jumpannen, U. M., Khoury, G. A., Millard, A., Morris, W. A., & Furumu, F. (1995). Compressive strength for service and accident conditions. Materials and Structures, 28 (181), 410-414. doi:10.1007/BF02473077
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Franssen, J.-M., Schleich, J.-B., & Cajot, L.-G. (1995). A Simple Model for the Fire Resistance of Axially-Loaded Members According to Eurocode 3. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 35, 49-69. doi:10.1016/0143-974X(94)00042-D
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Luycks, P., Stienon, P., Franssen, J.-M., Dotreppe, J.-C., & Hogge, M. (June 1994). Numerical Procedure for Calculation of Temperature Evolution in Composite Elements with Internal Cavities. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 10 (6), 437-451.
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heinen, P., & Franssen, J.-M. (1994). Application de l'Eurocode 3 – partie 1.2 : proposition de méthodes simplifiées pour le calcul de la résistance au feu de portiques simples non contreventés. Construction Métallique, 3, 3-11.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (1992). Résistance au feu des ossatures métalliques. Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques. Série de Mécanique Appliquée, 37 (3), 329-340.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., & Dotreppe, J.-C. (1992). Fire resistance of columns in steel frames. Fire Safety Journal, 19 (2 - 3), 159-175. doi:10.1016/0379-7112(92)90031-7
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Franssen, J.-M. (1990). The unloading of building materials submitted to fire. Fire Safety Journal, 3, 213-227. doi:10.1016/0379-7112(90)90034-C
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Franssen, J.-M. (1989). Modélisation et influence des contraintes résiduelles dans les profils métalliques soumis à l'incendie. Construction Métallique, 3, 35-42.
Peer reviewed

Bruls, A., Cajot, L.-G., & Franssen, J.-M. (1988). Characterization of an Insulating Material with regards to ECCS. Recommendations for the Fire Safety of Steel Structures. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 9 (2), 111-135. doi:10.1016/0143-974X(88)90003-X
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Franssen, J.-M., & Dotreppe, J.-C. (1988). Evaluation du comportement mécanique des matériaux en cas d'incendie et influence sur la réponse structurelle. Revue Roumaine des sciences et techniques, 33 (4), 405-415.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (1986). Comportement de colonnes massives en acier soumises à l'incendie. Construction Métallique, 1, 37-45.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (1985). Modélisation de spectres de contraintes et application à la résistance en fatigue. Revue de la Soudure, 2, 57-63.
Peer reviewed

Dotreppe, J.-C., & Franssen, J.-M. (1985). The use of numerical models for the fire analysis of reinforced concrete and composite structures. Engineering Analysis, 2, 64-74. doi:10.1016/0264-682X(85)90056-5
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (1984). Particular points of elastic analysis of clad pitched roof portal frame structures. Thin-Walled Structures, 2 (2), 165-174. doi:10.1016/0263-8231(84)90010-7
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Dotreppe, J.-C., Franssen, J.-M., & Schleich, J.-B. (1984). Computer aided fire resistance for steel and composite structures. Acier, 3, 105-112.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (1983). Evaluation quantitative et qualitative de la collaboration des toitures en tôles minces. Construction Métallique, 2, 65-75.
Peer reviewed

Scientific conferences in universities or research centers

Seweryn, A., Lucherini, A., & Franssen, J.-M. (01 December 2022). An apparatus for applying fire-like heat flux to bench scale samples [Paper presentation]. 12th International Conference on Structures in Fire, Hong Kong SAR China.

Gamba, A., & Franssen, J.-M. (June 2021). GoZone: a numerical model for travelling fires [Paper presentation]. ASFE 2021.

Maraveas, C., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (06 October 2017). THIN-WALLED STEEL MEMBERS AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES CONSIDERING LOCAL IMPERFECTIONS: NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF ISOLATED PLATES [Paper presentation]. 9th National Conference of Steel Structures, Larisa, Greece.

Franssen, J.-M., & Gernay, T. (27 October 2016). New features in SAFIR® 2016 - SWS 2016 [Paper presentation]. Secure With Steel Annual Meeting, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

Franssen, J.-M., & Gernay, T. (05 November 2015). New features in SAFIR® 2016 [Paper presentation]. Secure With Steel annual meeting, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (15 November 2011). New features in SAFIR: Structural Fire Analysis of a Shell Roof Structure [Paper presentation]. Secure With Steel annual meeting, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (15 November 2011). New features in SAFIR: Damage-Plastic Multiaxial Model for Concrete [Paper presentation]. Secure With Steel annual meeting, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Tondini, N., & Franssen, J.-M. (15 November 2011). Development of an FDS-SAFIR interface [Paper presentation]. Secure with Steel annual meeting, Luxemburg, Luxembourg.

Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (15 November 2011). New features in SAFIR: Transient Creep in Eurocode Concrete Model [Paper presentation]. Secure With Steel annual meeting, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Gernay, T., Millard, A., & Franssen, J.-M. (03 March 2011). Développement d'un modèle constitutif multiaxial de béton [Paper presentation]. Réunion de laboratoire au CEA, Saclay, France.

Franssen, J.-M. (20 January 2011). Analyse de la tenue au feu des structures. Tests ou simulations [Paper presentation]. Journée technique "Tenue au feu des structures", Le Mans, France.

Dotreppe, J.-C., Franssen, J.-M., Somja, H., Courard, L., Darimont, A., Michel, F., & Van der Wielen, A. (21 October 2010). Recherche dans le domaine du béton à l'Université de Liège (2009-2010) [Paper presentation]. Journée Belge du Béton, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (05 August 2010). Some theoretical and practical aspects about CFD-FE coupling for structures subjected to fire [Paper presentation]. Post-doc seminar, Trento, Italy.

Benmehidi, N., Franssen, J.-M., & Guenfoud, M. (June 2010). Modélisation multi physique du comportement au feu des colonnes en béton arme [Paper presentation]. XXVIIIe Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil, La Bourboule, France.

Franssen, J.-M., Hanus, F., & Dotreppe, J.-C. (06 July 2007). Calcul de la résistance au feu d'ouvrages d'art en intégrant l'éclatement du béton [Paper presentation]. Journées Scientifiques du (RF)²B, Montréal, Canada.

Franssen, J.-M. (14 June 2007). Evaluation du comportement au feu des structures, hier, aujourd’hui et demain [Paper presentation]. Les jeudis de la science, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Franssen, J.-M. (31 May 2006). A critical view on the parametric fire model of Eurocode 1 [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Fires in Enclosures, Jordanstown, United Kingdom.

Franssen, J.-M. (25 April 2003). Design of Steel Structures according to the General Model of Eurocode 3 [Paper presentation]. CEN/STAR Trends Analysis Workshops, Thematic day "Steel for Safe Structures under Fire Conditions", Liège, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (11 July 2002). Structural Fire Modelling. Where is the Frontier Nowadays?

Franssen, J.-M. (11 April 2000). SAFIR seminar.

Franssen, J.-M. (23 March 2000). Computer-Based Analyses of Structures Exposed to Fire.

Franssen, J.-M. (22 March 2000). SAFIR and EUROCODE Anomalies talk [Paper presentation]. Society of Fire Protection Engineers New Zealand Chapter annual meeting, Auckland, New Zealand.

Franssen, J.-M. (14 March 2000). Computer-Based Analyses of Structures Exposed to Fire.

Franssen, J.-M. (27 August 1998). The european situation [Paper presentation]. workshop on Research and Facility Needs for Develoment of Performance Based Fire Design Criteria, Gaythersburg, United States.

Franssen, J.-M. (24 July 1998). Contributions to the modelling of fires in buildings and their effects on structures.

Franssen, J.-M. (18 March 1998). Fire resistance of restrained columns [Paper presentation]. Civil Engineering Department seminar, Aveiro, Portugal.

Franssen, J.-M. (18 March 1998). Immeubles de très grande hauteur – Un défi pour l’ingénieur [Paper presentation]. Civil Enginering department seminar, Aveiro, Portugal.

Franssen, J.-M. (04 March 1998). L'ingénieur et la résistance au feu en Belgique [Paper presentation]. Working day "Structural Engineering", Brussels, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (02 April 1997). Numerical modelling of steel structures behaviour under fire conditions [Paper presentation]. Civil Engineering department seminar, Porto, Portugal.

Franssen, J.-M. (11 March 1997). Modelling fire resistance of concrete beams [Paper presentation]. "Department of Civil Engineering" seminar, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Franssen, J.-M. (15 July 1996). Modeling the Structural Behavior in Case of Fire [Paper presentation]. "Structures Division" Seminar, Gaithersburg, United States.

Franssen, J.-M. (02 July 1996). Buckling of Hot-Rolled H-Section Columns at Elevated Temperature [Paper presentation]. ATLSS Special Seminar, Bethlehem, United States.

Franssen, J.-M. (19 April 1996). Béton et structures en béton armé à hautes températures: Comportement et modélisation [Paper presentation]. INSA-ULg workshop, Lyon, France.

Franssen, J.-M. (1995). Flambement plan des colonnes en acier laminé soumises à l'incendie [Paper presentation]. Cycle de séminaires "Du microscopique au macroscopique en mécanique des matériaux", Liege, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (Other coll.). (June 1993). Behaviour of external prestressing in structures [Paper presentation]. Workshop Behaviour of external prestressing in structures. Synthesis of the calculation tests, Saint-Rémy-Lès-Chevreuse, France.

Franssen, J.-M. (1993). Recent development in modelling of columns in fire at the University of Liège [Paper presentation]. Steel in Fire Modelling Group meeting, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Franssen, J.-M. (July 1992). Structural Fire Design in the Eurocodes [Paper presentation]. Séminaire "Normarea europeana in constructii. Eurocodes - Eurocoduri, Timisoara, Romania.

Franssen, J.-M. (1990). Simulation of the fire behaviour of composite steel-concrete structures at the University of Liège.

Franssen, J.-M. (1990). Simulation of the fire behaviour of composite steel-concrete structures at the University of Liège.

Scientific congresses and symposiums

Published communications

Renard, S., GERNAY, T., ROBERT, F., Zehfuss, J., McNamee, R., BAMONTE, P., & Franssen, J.-M. (2024). Parametric experimental study on GLT columns stability during natural fire tests including the cooling phase. In L. LAIM, L. SIMOES DA SILVA (Ed.), P. VILA REAL (Ed.), A. SANTIAGO (Ed.), ... H. CRAVERO (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th international conference on structures in fire (pp. 1443-1453). Portugal: CMM – Portuguese Steelwork Association.
Peer reviewed

Mohaine, S., Colic, A., Morrisset, D., Mindeguia, J.-C., Franssen, J.-M., Zehfuss, J., McNamee, R., Bisby, L., & Robert, F. (2023). PERFORMANCE OF PASSIVE PROTECTION OF CROSS LAMINATED TIMBER DURING STANDARD FURNACE TESTS AND NATURAL FIRES. In WCTE proxceedings (pp. 1839-1847). Red hook, United States - New York: Curran Associates, Inc. doi:10.52202/069179-0243
Peer reviewed

Robert, F., Franssen, J.-M., Zehfuß, J., Brunkhorst, S., Bamonte, P., Renard, S., McNamee, R., & Gernay, T. (2023). NATURAL FIRE TESTS ON GLT COLUMNS INCLUDING THE COOLING DOWN PHASE. In WCTE proxceedings (pp. 1848-1854). Red Hook, United States - New York: Curran Associates, Inc. doi:10.52202/069179-0244
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., & Martins, J. (2020). Steel sheet piles exposed to fire. Experimental tests and numerical modelling. In D. Lange (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th International on Structures in Fire (pp. 34-45). Queensland, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi:10.14274/299dc93
Peer reviewed

Mergny, E., & Franssen, J.-M. (2020). Real-time multi degrees of freedom hybrid fire testing using PI control. In The 11th International Conference on Structures in Fire.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., Gamba, A., & Charlier, M. (2019). Toward a standardized uniformly distributed cellulosic fire load. In Toward a standardized uniformly distributed cellulosic fire load.
Peer reviewed

Mergny, E., Drion, G., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2018). A PI-controller for hybrid fire testing in a non-linear environment. In 10th International on structures in fire (pp. 861). Belfast, United Kingdom: Ulster University.
Peer reviewed

Romeiro Ferreira, J. D., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2018). Discussion on a systematic approach to validation of software for structures in fire. In J.-M. Franssen, O. Vassart, A. Nadjai (Ed.), ... F. Ali (Ed.), SiF 2018: 10th international conference on structures in fire (pp. 317-324). Newtownabbey, United Kingdom: Ulster Uiversity.
Peer reviewed

Peer reviewed

Gernay, T., Peric, V., Mihaylov, B., Molkens, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2018). Effect of upgrading concrete strength class on fire performance of reinforced concrete columns. In M. Gillie & Y. Wang, Proceedings of ASFE 2017 Conference (pp. 189-198). London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group. doi:10.1201/9781315107202-22
Peer reviewed

Charlier, M., Gamba, A., Dai, X., Welch, S., Vassart, O., & Franssen, J.-M. (2018). Cfd analyses used to evaluate the influence of compartment geometry on the possibility of development of a travelling fire. In Structures in Fire (Proceedings of the 10th International Conference).
Peer reviewed

Maraveas, C., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2017). Buckling of steel plates at elevated temperatures: Theory of perfect plates vs finite element analysis. In Proceedings of CONFAB'17 Conference.
Peer reviewed

Sauca, A., Mergny, E., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2017). A method for hybrid fire testing: Development, implementation and numerical application. In M. Gillie & Y. Wang, Proceedings of ASFE 2017 Conference (pp. 225-234). London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group. doi:10.1201/9781315107202-26
Peer reviewed

Maraveas, C., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2017). Sensitivity of elevated temperature load carrying capacity of thin-walled steel members to local imperfections. In M. Gillie & Y. Wang, Proceedings of ASFE 2017 Conference (pp. 19-29). London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group. doi:10.1201/9781315107202-4
Peer reviewed

Sauca, A., Gernay, T., Robert, F., & Franssen, J.-M. (2017). Analysis of a concrete building exposed to natural fire. In F. Wald, I. Burgess, M. Jelcic Rukavina, D. Bjegovic, ... K. Horova (Eds.), Proceedings of the Int. Conf. ASFE in Dubrovnik, 15-16 October 2015 (pp. 92-97). Czech Technical University. doi:10.14311/asfe.2015.013
Peer reviewed

Sauca, A., Gernay, T., Robert, F., Tondini, N., & Franssen, J.-M. (2016). A Novel Methodology for Hybrid Fire Testing. In Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Structural Control.
Peer reviewed

Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2016). Towards a standard measure of the ability of a structure to resist a natural fire. In M. Garlock & V. Kodur, Structures in Fire (Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference) (pp. 861-868). Lancaster, PA, United States: DEStech Publications, Inc.
Peer reviewed

Sauca, A., Gernay, T., Robert, F., Tondini, N., & Franssen, J.-M. (2016). Stability in Hybrid Fire Testing. In M. Garlock & V. Kodur, Structures in Fire (Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference) (pp. 836-843). Lancaster, PA, United States: DEStech Publications, Inc.
Peer reviewed

Tondini, N., Hanus, F., Nadjai, A., & Franssen, J.-M. (2015). Numerical analysis of hydrocarbon pool fire tests. In Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Structural Safety under Fire & Blast.
Peer reviewed

Tondini, N., Hanus, F., Nadjai, A., & Franssen, J.-M. (2015). Numerical analysis of hydrocarbon pool fire tests. In Proceedings of the XXV Giornate Italiane della Costruzione in Acciaio.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., Zhao, B., & Gernay, T. (2014). Experimental tests and numerical modelling on eight slender steel columns under increasing temperatures. In G. Q. Li, S. C. Jiang, S. Chen, V. Kodur, J. Jiang, ... G. B. Lou (Eds.), Progress on Safety of Structures in Fire (pp. 19-24). Shanghai, China: Tongji University Press.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., Cowez, B., & Gernay, T. (2014). Effective stress method to be used in beam finite elements to take local instabilities into account. In Fire Safety Science 11 (pp. 544-557). doi:10.3801/IAFSS.FSS.11-544
Peer reviewed

Tondini, N., & Franssen, J.-M. (2013). IMPLEMENTATION OF A WEAK COUPLING APPROACH BETWEEN A CFD AND AN FE SOFTWARE FOR FIRES IN COMPARTMENT. In S. Idelsohn, M. Papadrakakis, ... B. Schrefler (Eds.), V International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (pp. 185-192).
Peer reviewed

Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2013). A multiaxial constitutive model for concrete in the fire situation. In Proceedings of the 13th Fire and Materials Conference (pp. 149-161). London, United Kingdom: Interscience Communications Ltd.
Peer reviewed

Tondini, N., Vassart, O., & Franssen, J.-M. (2013). Experimental assessment of the effect of the real flame emissivity for steel elements engulfed into fire. In V. Babrauska, S. Grayson, M. Hirschler, M. Janssens, ... P. Van Hees (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fire and Materials 2013 Conference (pp. 175-186). London, United Kingdom: Interscience Communications Ltd.
Peer reviewed

Cajot, L.-G., Gallois, L., Debruyckere, R., & Franssen, J.-M. (2012). Simplified design method for slim floor beams exposed to fire. In Proceedings of NSCC2012.
Peer reviewed

Tondini, N., Vassart, O., & Franssen, J.-M. (2012). Development of an interface between CFD and FE software. In M. Fontana, A. Frangi, ... M. Knobloch (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Structures in Fire (pp. 459-468). Zürich, Switzerland: ETH Zürich.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., & Cowez, B. (2012). Consideration of local instabilities in beam finite elements by means of effective constitutive laws. In A. Fontana, A. Frangi, ... M. Knobloch (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Structures in Fire (pp. 155-164). Zürich, Switzerland: ETH Zurich. doi:10.3929/etz-a-0070501097
Peer reviewed

Tonicello, E., Desanghere, S., Vassart, O., & Franssen, J.-M. (2012). Fire analysis of a new steel bridge. In M. Fontana, A. Frangi, ... M. Knobloch (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Structures in Fire (pp. 815-822). Zürich, Switzerland: ETH Zürich.
Peer reviewed

Binh, C. T., Dotreppe, J.-C., & Franssen, J.-M. (2012). Heat transfer and structural response modelling of concrete filled steel hollow section columns. In Proc; ACOME.
Peer reviewed

Zanon, R., Sommavilla, M., Vassart, O., Zhao, B., & Franssen, J.-M. (2011). FRACOF: Fire resistance assessment of partially protected steel-concrete composite floors. In A. De Luca (Ed.), XXIII Giornate italiane della costruzione in acciaio (pp. 527-536). Napoli, Italy: Doppiavoce.
Peer reviewed

Tondini, N., & Franssen, J.-M. (2011). Development of an integrated modelling methodology for compartment fires by implementing a weak coupling strategy between a CFD and an FE software. In A. De Luca (Ed.), XXIII giornate italiane della costruzione in acciaio (pp. 487-494). Napoli, Italy: Doppiavoce.
Peer reviewed

Zaharia, R., Duma, D. M., Vassart, O., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2011). Simplified Fire Design for Slim Floor Beams. In L. Dunai (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (pp. 1539-1544). Brussels, Belgium: ECCS European Convention for Constructional Steelwork.
Peer reviewed

Zaharia, R., Duma, D. M., Vassart, O., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2011). Simplified method for the temperature distribution in slim floor beams. In F. Wald, K. Horova, ... J. Jirku (Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference Applications of Structural Fire Engineering (pp. 11-22). Prague, Czechia: Print Prazska technika.
Peer reviewed

Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2011). A Comparison Between Explicit and Implicit Modelling of Transient Creep Strain in Concrete Uniaxial Constitutive Relationships. In Proceedings of the Fire and Materials 2011 Conference (pp. 405-416). London, United Kingdom: Interscience Communications Ltd.
Peer reviewed

Binh, C. T., Dotreppe, J.-C., & Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Numerical modeling of building structures in fire conditions. In N. Van Lien & D. D. Duc (Eds.), Proceedings of the workshop on “Construction under Exceptional Condition – CEC2010” (pp. 41-52). Hanoï, Vietnam: H.A.U.
Peer reviewed

Hanus, F., Zilli, G., & Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Experimental investigations and analytical models for behavior of Grade 8.8 bolts and butt welds under heating and subsequent cooling. In V. kodur & J.-M. Franssen, Structures in Fire - Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference (pp. 638-645).
Peer reviewed

Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Consideration of Transient Creep in the Eurocode Constitutive Model for Concrete in the Fire situation. In V. Kodur & J.-M. Franssen (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Structures in Fire (pp. 784-791). Lancaster, PA, United States: DEStech Publications, Inc.
Peer reviewed

Vassart, O., Bailey, C. G., Hawes, M., Nadjai, A., Simms, W. I., Zhao, B., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Large-scale fire test of unprotected cellular beam acting in membrane action. In J.-M. Franssen & V. Kodur (Ed.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Structures in Fire (pp. 398-406). Lancaster, PA, United States: DEStech Publications, Inc.
Peer reviewed

Vulcu, C., Gernay, T., Zaharia, R., & Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Numerical modelling of membrane action of composite slabs in fire situation. In V. Kodur & J.-M. Franssen (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Structures in Fire (pp. 474-483). Lancaster, PA, United States: DEStech Publications, Inc.
Peer reviewed

Vassart, O., Bailey, C. G., Bihina, G., Nadjai, A., Hawes, M., Peigneux, C., Simms, W. I., & Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Parametrical study on the behaviour of steel and composite cellular beams under fire conditions. In V. Kodur & J.-M. Franssen (Eds.), Structures in Fire. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference (pp. 349-357). Lancaster, PA, United States: DEStech Publications, Inc.
Peer reviewed

Lopes, N., Vila Real, P., Da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Lateral-torsional buckling of carbon steel and stainless steel beams subjected to combined end moments and transverse loads in case of fire. In V. Kodur & J.-M. Franssen (Eds.), Structures in Fire. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference (pp. 67-74). Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States: DEStech Publications, Inc.
Peer reviewed

Dotreppe, J.-C., Chu, T. B., & Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Steel Hollow Columns filled with self compacting Concrete under Fire Conditions. In The third International Congress and Exhibition - Proceedings Disc (pp. 15). Chicago, IL, United States: Precast/prestressed Concrete Institute.
Peer reviewed

Schneider, U., Schneider, M., & Franssen, J.-M. (2009). Numerical Evaluation of Load induced Thermal Strain in restraint Structures compared with an Experimental Study on reinforced Concrete Columns. In Conference Proceedings Fire and Materials 2009 (pp. 13).
Peer reviewed

Benmehidi, N., Franssen, J.-M., & Guenfoud, M. (2009). Vérification de la résistance au feu des poteaux en béton armé. In O. Saha & M. Mouli (Eds.), Performance of Concrete Structures. New Design Concept and Modelling (pp. 2, 127-129).

Lopes, N., Vila Real, P., Simoes da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2008). Numerical modelling of thin-walled stainless steel structural elements in case of fire. In Kodur & Tan, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Structures in Fire (pp. 113-123).
Peer reviewed

Gillie, M., Burgess, I., Franssen, J.-M., Kwasniewski, L., & Wang, Y. (2008). Global modelling of structures in fire. In F. Mazzolani, Proceedings of Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events (COST Action C26) (pp. 39-44).
Peer reviewed

Talamona, D., Castagne, S., Lopes, N., Vila Real, P. M. M., & Franssen, J.-M. (2008). Comparative study of analytical formulae for the fire resistance of steel beam-columns. In Kodur & Tan, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Structures in Fire (pp. 101-112).
Peer reviewed

Cachim, P., & Franssen, J.-M. (2008). Assessment of Eurocode 5 charring rate calculation methods. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Structures in Fire (pp. 676-686).
Peer reviewed

Talamona, D., Lopes, N., Vila Real, P., Castagne, S., & Franssen, J.-M. (2008). Comparison between EC3 and the original proposal for Beam-Columns in Case of Fire. In Ofner, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (EUROSTEEL 2008) (pp. 983-988).
Peer reviewed

Alderighi, E., Franssen, J.-M., & Salvatore, W. (2008). Unprotected Composite Frames with CHS Columns. Performance under Fire Loadings. In Ofner, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (pp. 947-952).
Peer reviewed

Lopes, N., Vila Real, P. M. M., Simoes da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2008). Duplex stainless steel columns and beam-columns in case of fire. In V. Kodur & K. H. Tan, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Structures in Fire (pp. 90-100).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., Wald, F., Burgess, I., Heinisuo, M., & Wang, Y. C. (2008). Overview of fire design. In F. Mazzolani, Proceedings of Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events (COST Action C26) (pp. 11-15).
Peer reviewed

Lopes, N., Vila Real P.M.M., Simoes da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2008). Flexural Buckling of Axially Loaded Ferritic Stainless Steel Columns in case of Fire. In Ofner, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (EUROSTEEL 2008) (pp. 989-994).
Peer reviewed

Schneider, U., Schneider, M., & Franssen, J.-M. (2008). Consideration of nonlinear creep strain of siliceous concrete on calculation of mechanical strain under transient temperatures as a function of load history. In V. Kodur & K. H. Tan, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Structures in Fire (pp. 463-476).
Peer reviewed

Lopes, N., Vila Real, P., Uppfeldt, B., Velkovic, M., Simoes da Silva, L., Franssen, J.-M., Muzeau, J.-P., Vassart, O., Bacinskas, D., Kaklauskas, G., Gribniak, V., Cvetkovska, M., Lazarov, L., Nigro, E., Bouchaïr, A., & Cefarelli, G. (2008). Structural member behaviour and analysis in case of fire. In F. Mazzolani, Proceedings of Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events (COST Action C26) (pp. 45-50).
Peer reviewed

Schneider, U., Schneider, M., & Franssen, J.-M. (2007). Comparison of an approximated method with FEA calculations for the evaluation of the fire resistance of concrete tunnel sections. In Proceedings of the International Workshop "Fire Design of Concrete Structures - From Materials Modelling to Structural Performance (pp. 401-412).
Peer reviewed

Lopes, N., Vila Real, P., Da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2007). Stainless steel beam-columns in case of fire. In R. G. Beale (Ed.), proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures ICSAS'07 (pp. 1066-1073). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford Brookes University.
Peer reviewed

Lopes, N., Vila Real, P., Da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2007). Lateral-torsional Buckling of Ferritic Stainless Steel Beams in Case of Fire. In Proceedings of the first International Conference on the Art of Resisting Extreme Natural Forces. The New Forest, United Kingdom: Witt Press.

Franssen, J.-M., Hanus, F., & Dotreppe, J.-C. (2007). Numerical evaluation of the fire behaviour of a concrete tunnel integrating the effects of spalling. In Proceedings of the Fire Design of Concrete Structures from Materials Modelling to Structural Performance Workshop.
Peer reviewed

Dotreppe, J.-C., Binh, C. T., Chuong, N. T., & Franssen, J.-M. (2007). Simple formula for evaluating the fire resistance of axially loaded steel square hollow section columns filled with concrete. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Modern Design, Construction and Maintenance of Structures (pp. 11).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., & Dotreppe, J.-C. (2007). Effects of localized fires on concrete slabs. In F. Toutlemonde, Proceedings of CONSEC'07 (pp. 1717-1726).
Peer reviewed

Tofilo, P., Delichatsios, M., Nadjai, A., & Franssen, J.-M. (2006). Thermal stresses in glazing systems in buildings. In P. M. M. Vila Real, Proceedings of the 4th International workshop Structures in Fire (pp. 1065-1075).
Peer reviewed

Vila Real, P. M. M., Lopes, N., Simoes da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2006). Numerical validation of an improved proposal to the Eurocode 3 for lateral-torsional buckling of steel beams subjected to fire. In P. M. M. Vila Real, Proceedings of the 4th International workshop Structures in Fire (pp. 151-160).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., Pintea, D., & Dotreppe, J.-C. (2006). Numerical analysis of the effect of localised fires on composite steel concrete buildings. In P. M. M. Vila Real, Proceedings of the 4th International workshop Structures in Fire (pp. 885-896).
Peer reviewed

Lopes, N., Vila Real, P. M. M., Simoes da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2006). Proposal to the Eurocode 3 for the lateral-torsional buckling of stainless steel I-beams in case of fire. In P. M. M. Vila Real, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop Structures in Fire (pp. 127-137).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., Lopes, N., Vila Real, P. M. M., Simoes da Silva, J., & Mirambell, E. (2006). Numerical modelling of axially loaded stainless steel members under fire conditions. In D. Camotim, Stability and ductility of steel structures (pp. 797-802).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (2005). Structures in Fire: yesterday, today and tomorrow. In D. T. Gottluk & B. Y. Lattimer (Eds.), Fire Safety Science - Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium (pp. 21-35). Int. Ass. for Fire Safety Science.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., Gens, F., & Dotreppe, J.-C. (2005). Effect of localised fires on continuous steel beams. In B. Hoffmeister & O. Hechler, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (EUROSTEEL 2005) (pp. 85-92).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (2005). Design of Structural Fire Protection and Fire Protection Systems. In D. Hosser, Proceedings of the International Fire protection Symposium (pp. 155-162).
Peer reviewed

Dotreppe, J.-C., Majkut, S., & Franssen, J.-M. (2005). Failure of a Tied-Arch Bridge Submitted to a Severe Localized Fire. In Proceedings of the IABSE Symposium Lisbon (pp. 272-273).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., Majkut, S., Cajot, L.-G., & Vassart, O. (2005). Fire safety engineering analysis of a super market structure composed of cambered cellular beams. In B. Hoffmeister & O. Hechler, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (EUROSTEEL 2005) (pp. 137-144).
Peer reviewed

Vila Real, P. M. M., Lopes, N., Simoes da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2005). Fire resistance of unrestrained welded steel beams submitted to lateral-torsional buckling. In B. Hoffmeister & O. Hechler, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (EUROSTEEL 2005) (pp. 119-126).
Peer reviewed

Dotreppe, J.-C., Gens, F., & Franssen, J.-M. (2005). Progressive load redistribution in continuous concrete beams and slabs under fire conditions. In Proceedings of the fib Symposium "Keep concrete attractive" Vol.2 (pp. 1130-1135).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (2005). Plastic Analysis of Concrete Structures Subjected to Fire. In P. G. Gambarova, Proceedings of the Workshop "Pire Design of Concrete Structures: What now? What next?" (pp. 133-145).
Peer reviewed

Lopes, N., Vila Real, P., Silva, L., Franssen, J.-M., & Mirambell, E. (2005). Modelaçao numérica da encurvadura lateral de vigas I em aço inoxidável à temperature ambiente e em situaçao de incêndio - comparaçao com o Eurocòdigo. In Proceedings of the V Congresso de Construçao Metálica e Mista (pp. 547-556).
Peer reviewed

Vassart, O., Cajot, L.-G., O'Connor, M., Shenkai, Y., Fraud, C., Zhao, B., De la Quintana, J., Martinez de Aragon, J., Franssen, J.-M., & Gens, F. (2004). 3D simulation of Industrial Hall in case of fire. Benchmark between ABAQUS, ANSYS and SAFIR. In Interflam2004 Proceedings. Fire Sciences and Engineering Conference (pp. 1315-1324). London, United Kingdom: Interscience.
Peer reviewed

Vila Real, P. M. M., Lopes, N., Simoes da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2004). Improvement of the current Version of the EC3 fot the lateral torsional buckling of unrestrained steel beams under fire condition. In J.-M. Franssen, Benichou, Kodur, ... Sultan, Proceedings of SiF'04: Third International Structures in Fire workshop (pp. 169-232). Ottawa, Canada: IRC.
Peer reviewed

Vassart, O., Cajot, L.-G., Franssen, J.-M., & Gens, F. (2004). Dynamic approach of structural fire calculation with FEM software. In Proc. 5th International Conference on Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods (pp. 13).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (Other coll.). (2004). SiF'04, Structures in Fire. In J.-M. Franssen, Benichou (Ed.), Kodur (Ed.), ... Sultan (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Workshop (pp. 452).
Peer reviewed

Cadorin, J.-F., Pérez Jiménez, C., & Franssen, J.-M. (2004). Influence of the section and of the insulation type of the equivalent time. In D. Bradley, Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar Fire and Explosion Hazards (pp. 547-557).
Peer reviewed

Dotreppe, J.-C., & Franssen, J.-M. (2004). Precast Hollow Core Slabs in Fire: Numerical Simulations and Experimental Tests. In J.-M. Franssen, Benichou, Kodur, ... Sultan, Proceedings of SiF'04: Third International Structures in Fire workshop (pp. 219-232). Ottawa, Canada: IRC.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., & Gens, F. (2004). Dynamic Analysis Used to Cope with Partial and Temporary Failures. In J.-M. Franssen, N. Benichou, V. Kodur, ... M. Sultan, Proceedings of SiF'04: Third International Structures in Fire workshop (pp. 297-310). Ottawa, Canada: IRC.
Peer reviewed

Talamona, D., Lim, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2004). Validation of a shell finite element for concrete and steel structures subjected to fire. In D. Bradley, D. Drysdale, ... V. Molkov (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar "Fire and Explosion Hazards" (pp. 577-588). Northern Ireland, United Kingdom: Universities Press.
Peer reviewed

Lopes, N., Vila Real, P. M. M., Simoes da Silva, L., Franssen, J.-M., & Piloto, P. (2004). New proposals for the design of Steel-Beam-Colums under fire conditions. In J.-M. Franssen, Benichou, Kodur, ... Sultan, Proceedings of SiF'04: Third International Structures in Fire workshop (pp. 187-206). Ottawa, Canada: IRC.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (2004). Fire Modelling. In COST C12, Improvement of Buildings' Structural Quality by New Technologies, Outcome of the Cooperative Activities (pp. 69-72). Leiden, Netherlands: Balkema Publ.

Talamona, D., Lim, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2003). Validation of a shell finite element for concrete and steel structures subjected to fire. In Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards (pp. 198-199).

Cadorin, J.-F., Perez, C., & Franssen, J.-M. (2003). Influence of the section and of the insulation type on the equivalent time. In Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards (pp. 36-38).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (2003). Fire design of steel structures EC3. In Proceedings of the International Seminar on Fire Safety of Steel Structures.

Franssen, J.-M. (2003). SAFIR. A thermal/structural program modelling structures under fire. In Proceedings of NASCC 2003.

Vila Real, P., Lopes, N., Simoes da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (2003). Encurvada lateral de vigas metalicas sujeitas a acçao do fogo: uma nova proposta de calculo simples complementar ao EC3. In Lamas, Calado, Ferreira, ... Vila Real, Proceedings of the Congresso de Construçao Metallica e Mista (pp. 607-616).

Franssen, J.-M. (2003). Heat transfer by radiation in internal cavities with a complex shape. In Proceedings of the SEISFPE Conference on Designing structures for fire (pp. 33-42). DEStech Publ. Inc.
Peer reviewed

Simoes da Silva, L., Santiago, A., Vila Real, P., & Franssen, J.-M. (2003). Effect of cooling on the behaviour of a steel beam under fire loading including the end joint response. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing (pp. 159-160).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., & Brauwers, L. (2002). Numerical determination of 3D temperature fields in steel joints. In Proceedings of the 2nd International workshop Structures in Fire (pp. 1-20). P. J. Moss ed.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (2002). Structural performance. In Proceedings of the Fire Resistance Determination and Performance Prediction Research Needs Workshop (NISTIR 6890) (pp. 17-19). W. Grosshandler ed.

Franssen, J.-M., & Zaharia, R. (2002). Fire Design Study Case of a High-Rise Steel Storage Building. In Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Steel Structures. A. Lamas & L. Simoes da Silva ed.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (2002). Capabilities and Limitations of Structures in Fire Modelling. In Proc. Intl Symposiuml on Structures in Fire - Issues an concerns after September Eleventh (pp. 43-58). J Y R Liew ed.

De Souza junior, V., & Franssen, J.-M. (2002). Lateral Buckling of Steel I-Beams at Elevated Temperature - Comparison between the Modelling with Beam and Shell Elements. In Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Steel Structures (pp. 1479-1488). A. Lamas & L. Simoes da Silva ed.
Peer reviewed

de Souza Junior, V., Creus, G. J., & Franssen, J.-M. (2002). Numerical modelling of a single storey industrial building at elevated temperature - comparison between the 2D and 3D analyses. In Proceedings of the First South-American Congress on Computational Mechanics (pp. 1986-1997).
Peer reviewed

Zaharia, R., & Franssen, J.-M. (2002). Fire design study case of a high-rise steel storage building. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures (pp. 745-752). M. Ivanyi ed.

Piloto, P., Vila Real, P., & Franssen, J.-M. (2001). Numerical and experimental evaluation of lateral torsional buckling of beams at elevated temperatures. In Proc. Computational Meth. and Experimental Measurements (pp. 903-914). Southampton, United Kingdom: WIT Press.
Peer reviewed

Piloto, P. A. G., Vila Real, P. M. M., & Franssen, J.-M. (2001). The influence of lateral bending restrain in numerical and experimental evaluation of lateral buckling resistance design moment of steel I-beams at elevated temperatures. In Proceedings of the 5° Congreso Interamericano de Computacion Applicada a la Industria de Procesos (CAIP'2001) (pp. 261-264). La Serena, Chile: J. O. Valderrama & C. J. Rojas ed.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., & Kodur, V. (2001). Residual load bearing capacity of structures exposed to fire. In P. C. Chang, Proc. of the 2001 structures congress & exposition (pp. 1-12). Reston VA, United States: ASCE.
Peer reviewed

Dotreppe, J.-C., Bisschops, P.-F., & Franssen, J.-M. (2001). Fire resistance of circular concrete columns. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Concrete under Sever Conditions (CONSEC'01) (pp. 190-197). N. Banthia ed.
Peer reviewed

Kodur, V., & Franssen, J.-M. (2001). Residual load bearing capacity of structures exposed to fire. In Proceedings of the ASCE structures Congress (pp. 12).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (2001). Natural fire safety concept. In Proceedings of the International Seminar on Steel Structures in Fire (pp. 225-240). Guoqiang Li & Yongchang Wang ed.

Vila Real, P. M. M., Piloto, P. A. G., & Franssen, J.-M. (2001). A simple model for the lateral-torsional buckling of steel I-beams under fire conditions: numerical and experimental validation. In Proceedings of the XVIII Congresso C. T. A (pp. 187-196). Milano, Italy: ACS ACAI Servizi s.r.l.
Peer reviewed

Vila Real, P., & Franssen, J.-M. (2000). Lateral Torsional Buckling of Steel I-Beams in Case of Fire – Numerical Modelling. In J.-M. Franssen (Ed.), Proc. 1rst int. Structures in Fire workshop (pp. 71-93).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (2000). Design of concrete columns based on EC2 tabulated data – A critical review. In J.-M. Franssen (Ed.), Proc. 1rst int. Structures in Fire workshop (pp. 323-339).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (2000). Design of concrete columns based on EC2 tabulated date - A critical review. In Proceedings of the 1st International Structures in Fire workshop (pp. 323-339). Liège, Belgium: J.-M. Franssen ed.
Peer reviewed

Vila Real, P. M. M., & Franssen, J.-M. (2000). Lateral Torsional Buckling of Steel I-Beams in Case of Fire - Numerical Modeling. In Proceedings of the 1st International Structures in Fire Workshop (pp. 71-93). Liège, Belgium: J.-M. Franssen ed.

Talamona, D., & Franssen, J.-M. (2000). Local buckling of structures in case of fire. In Proceedings of the 4th annual workshop Targeted Research Action - Environmentally Friendly Construction Technologies, ECCREDI (pp. 16).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (2000). Improvement of the Parametric Fire of Eurocode 1 based on Experimental Tests Results. In M. Curtat (Ed.), FIRE SAFETY SCIENCE, Proceedings of the sixth international Symposium (pp. 927-938). Poitiers, France: Curtat ed.
Peer reviewed

Talamona, D., & Franssen, J.-M. (2000). New quadrangular shell element in SAFIR. In J.-M. Franssen (Ed.), Proceedings of the 1st International Structures in Fire workshop (pp. 195-210). Liège, Belgium: J.-M. Franssen ed.
Peer reviewed

Pustorino, S., Schleich, J.-B., Cadorin, J.-F., & Franssen, J.-M. (1999). Fire Models for Safety Concept of Steel Structures - I modelli di incendio per la valutazione della sicurezza di strutture in acciaio. In Proc. XVII Congresso C.T.A., Costruire in acciaio: Strutture e architettura (pp. 69-78). C.T.A.
Peer reviewed

Kodur, V., Nwosu, D., Sultan, M., & Franssen, J.-M. (1999). Application of the SAFIR Computer Program for Evaluating Fire Resistance. In Proc. Third Int. Conf. on Fire Research and Engineering (pp. 287-295).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (1999). Fire damage assessment. In A. Danay, Proc. First Forensic Engng Seminar on Structural Failure (pp. 8:1 - 8:12).

Vila Real, P., Piloto, P., & Franssen, J.-M. (1999). Modelaçao Numérica da Encurvadura Lateral de Vigas I Metalica Sujeitas à Acçao do Fogo. In Proc. II National Conference on Steel and Composite Construction (pp. 657-668).
Peer reviewed

Dotreppe, J.-C., & Franssen, J.-M. (1998). Fire attack on concrete columns and design rules under fire conditions. In Proc. Symp. on Cpt. and Exp. Meth. in Mech. and Thermal Engng (pp. 219-223). Gent, Belgium: E. Dick, P. De Baets and R. Sierens ed.
Peer reviewed

Dotreppe, J.-C., & Franssen, J.-M. (1998). Eclatement du béton en cas d'incendie. In Journée belge du béton 1998 (pp. 6-10).

Franssen, J.-M., & Brüls, A. (1997). Design and Tests of Prestressed Concrete Beams. In Hasemi (Ed.), Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Fire Safety Science (pp. 1081-1092).
Peer reviewed

Pintea, D., & Franssen, J.-M. (1997). Evaluation of the thermal part of the code SAFIR by comparison with the code TASEF. In M. Ivan (Ed.), Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Steel Structures, Vol. 2 (pp. 636-643). Timisoara, Romania: MIRTON.
Peer reviewed

Aldea, C. M., Franssen, J.-M., & Dotreppe, J.-C. (1997). Fire test on normal and high-strength reinforced concrete columns. In NIST Special Publication 919 (pp. 109-124).

Morita, T., Franssen, J.-M., & Schneider, U. (1997). Influence of Stress History Function in the Schneider-Concrete-Model Under Fire Attack. In Hasemi, Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Fire Safety Science (pp. 1057-1068).
Peer reviewed

Cooper, L. Y., Dexter, R. J., Gilvary, K., & Franssen, J.-M. (1997). Fire Performance of High-Performance Construction Materials. In Hasemi, Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Fire Safety Science (pp. 1347).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (1996). Residual stresses in steel profiles submitted to the fire : an analogy. In L. Twilt (Ed.), Proc. 3rd CIB/W14 FSF workshop on modelling (pp. 103-112). Rijswijk, Netherlands: TNO Building and construction research.

Franssen, J.-M., Cadorin, J.-F., Cajot, L.-G., Schleich, J.-B., Schweppe, H., & Kindmann, R. (1996). Connection between parametric temperature-time curves and Equivalent time of fire exposure ( Annexes B and E of ENV 1991-2-2 ). In IABSE report Vol. 74 (pp. 407-417).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., schröder, L., & Dotreppe, J.-C. (1996). Fire resistance of simple frames according to eurocode 3. In C. Batista, E. de M Batista, ... M. S. Pfeil (Eds.), Proc. 5th Int. Colloquium on Structural Stability (pp. 263-274). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Batista ed.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (1996). Time history versus ultimate state design in structures submitted to the fire. In L. Twilt (Ed.), 3rd CIB/W 14 FSF, Workshop on Modelling (pp. 113-118). Rijswijk, Netherlands: TNO Building and Construction research.

Franssen, J.-M., Cadorin, J.-F., Cajot, L.-G., Schleich, J.-B., Schweppe, H., & Kindmann, R. (1996). Connection between parametric temperature-time curves and Equivalent time of fire exposure. In IABSE report (pp. 407-417). IABSE.
Peer reviewed

Talamona, D., Franssen, J.-M., & Recho, N. (1995). Buckling of eccentrically loaded steel columns submitted to fire. In Proc. of the Intl Conf. on Fire Research and Engng (pp. 533-538). SFPE.
Peer reviewed

Schneider, U., Morita, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (1994). A concrete model considering the load history applied to centrally loaded columns under fire attack. In Proceedings of the fourth internatioanl symposium on fire safety science (pp. 1101-11012).
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., Schleich, J.-B., Cajot, L.-G., Zhao, B., Twilt, L., & Both, K. (1994). A comparison between five structural fire codes applied to steel elements. In Proceedings Fourth International Symposium on Fire Safety Science (pp. 1125-1136).
Peer reviewed

Cajot, L.-G., Franssen, J.-M., & Schleich, J.-B. (1990). Computer model for the fire resistance of composite structures. In Congrès International de l'AIPC, Bruxelles 1990.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., & Dotreppe, J.-C. (1987). Effets de la modélisation du comportement des matériaux sur l'évaluation de la résistance au feu des structures. In Proceedings of the first international RILEM Congres (pp. 907-910). Chapman and Hall.
Peer reviewed

Schleich, J.-B., Dotreppe, J.-C., & Franssen, J.-M. (1986). Numerical simulations of fire resistance tests on steel and composite structural elements or frames. In C. Grant & P. Pagni (Eds.), First International Symposium on Fire Safety Science (pp. 311-323). Hemisphere Publishing Corp. doi:10.3801/IAFSS.FSS.1-311
Peer reviewed

Dotreppe, J.-C., Franssen, J.-M., & Schleich, J.-B. (1985). Analyse de la résistance au feu des structures en acier et mixtes béton-acier, assistée par ordinateur. In Conférence Sécurité au feu des constructions acier: conception pratique (pp. 296-314).

Oral communications or posters

Seweryn, A., & Franssen, J.-M. (12 June 2024). Comparative study of glass products used in facades and their behaviour in fire [Paper presentation]. 4th International Symposium on Fire Safety of Facades FSF 2024, Lund, Sweden.
Peer reviewed

Seweryn, A., & Franssen, J.-M. (24 October 2023). High-temperature behavior of fire-resistant glass [Poster presentation]. 14th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Tsukuba, Japan.

Franssen, J.-M., Gamba, A., & Charlier, M. (05 June 2019). Toward a standardized uniformly distributed cellulosic fire load [Paper presentation]. IfireSS 2019.

Mergny, E., Drion, G., & Franssen, J.-M. (13 March 2019). PI Control in Hybrid Fire Testing [Paper presentation]. HYSIM2019, Zürich, Switzerland.

Gamba, A., & Franssen, J.-M. (20 November 2018). TESTS FOR DEFINING A STANDARDISED UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FUEL ARRANGEMENT [Paper presentation]. FireForum 2018, Belgium.

Sauca, A., Gernay, T., Mergny, E., & Franssen, J.-M. (02 May 2017). Hybrid Fire Testing: A new approach for fire labs [Poster presentation]. Department Day Urban and Environmental Engineering, Liege, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M., & Gernay, T. (02 May 2017). SAFIR: a software for modeling structures in fire [Poster presentation]. Department Day Urban and Environmental Engineering, Liege, Belgium.

Dumont, F., Gernay, T., & Franssen, J.-M. (24 November 2016). Uncertainties in determination of fire resistance by experimental testing and by calculation [Paper presentation]. Fireforum Congress 2016.

Franssen, J.-M. (15 October 2015). The development of Structural Fire Engineering over the past 25 years and issues for the future [Paper presentation]. IV International Conference on Applications of Structural Fire Engineering, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Sauca, A., Gernay, T., Robert, F., & Franssen, J.-M. (18 June 2015). Characteristics and implementation of Hybrid Fire Testing (HFT) [Paper presentation]. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Palo Alto, CA, United States.

Tondini, N., Van Long, H., Demonceau, J.-F., & Franssen, J.-M. (30 September 2013). FIRE TESTING OF HIGH-STRENGTH STEEL CIRCULAR COLUMNS [Paper presentation]. XXIV Giornate Italiane della Costruzione in Acciaio, Torino, Italy.

Cachim, P., & Franssen, J.-M. (07 June 2011). Modelo de componentes para análise de ligações de madeira com ligadores metálicos [Paper presentation]. 1º Congresso Ibero-LatinoAmericano da Madeira na Construção, Coïmbra, Portugal.

Hanus, F., & Franssen, J.-M. (29 April 2011). Distribution of temperature in steel and composite beams and joints under natural fire [Paper presentation]. International Conference Applications of Structural Fire Engineering, Prague, Czechia.

Otmani-Benmehidi, N., Guenfoud, M., Fellah, F., & Franssen, J.-M. (15 March 2011). Modélisation multiphysique du comportement au feu des colonnes en béton armé [Paper presentation]. 1er séminaire national sur les matériaux et la protection de l'environnement, Mostaganem, Algeria.

Hanus, F., & Franssen, J.-M. (03 October 2008). Resistance of steel and composite connections submitted to a natural fire [Poster presentation]. Grasmech'2008 poster-day.

Alderighi, E., Bursi, O., Franssen, J.-M., Lennon, T., Mallardo, R., & Pucinotti, R. (October 2008). Fire Performance of undamaged and pre-damaged welded steel-concrete composite beam-to-column joints with concrete filled tubes [Paper presentation]. The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China.

Vila Real, P., Lopes, N., Da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (27 November 2007). Lateral-torsional buckling of Stainless steel I-beams in case of fire [Paper presentation]. Seminar on Stainless steel, London, United Kingdom.

Lopes, N., Vila Real, P., Da Silva, L., & Franssen, J.-M. (25 July 2007). Stainless steel beam-columns in case of fire [Paper presentation]. 6th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures (ICSAS'07), United Kingdom.

Franssen, J.-M. (11 June 2007). Structural Fire Safety Assessment through numerical modelling [Paper presentation]. National workshop on structures in fire - Research needs, East lansing, United States.

Reitgrüber, S., Pérez-Jimenez, C., Di Blasi, C., & Franssen, J.-M. (2006). Some comments on the Parametric Fire Model of Eurocode 1 [Paper presentation]. Conference on Fire in Enclosures, Jordanstown, United Kingdom.

Franssen, J.-M. (26 September 2002). Dimensionnement des dalles alvéolées précontraintes en vue d’assurer leur résistance au cisaillement aux températures élevées [Paper presentation]. 3ème edition des journées scientifiques (RF)²B, Paris, France.

Franssen, J.-M. (20 February 2002). Structural Fire Modelling. Where is the Frontier Nowadays? [Paper presentation]. N.I.S.T. workshop "Research needs for fire resistance determination & performance prediction", Washington DC, United States.

Franssen, J.-M., & Talamona, D. (13 October 2000). Local buckling in case of fire [Paper presentation]. 4th annual workshop Targeted Research Action – Environmentally Friendly Construction Technologies, Prague, Czechia.

Franssen, J.-M., & Talamona, D. (2000). Local buckling of structures in case of fire [Paper presentation]. 4th annual workshop Targeted Research Action – Environmentally Friendly Construction Technologies, Prague, Czechia.

Franssen, J.-M. (1999). Steel Structures in Fire. From the Material Level to the Calculation Methods [Paper presentation]. II National Conference on Steel and Composite Construction, Coïmbra, Portugal.

Joyeux, D., Schleich, J.-B., Kruppa, J., & Franssen, J.-M. (1998). Round robin in a european steel research project [Paper presentation]. CIB W14 Workshop, Garston, United Kingdom.

Franssen, J.-M., Cajot, L.-G., & Schleich, J.-B. (1998). Effects caused on the structure by localised fires in large compartments [Paper presentation]. EUROFIRE, Brussels, Belgium.

Dotreppe, J.-C., Franssen, J.-M., & Vanderzeipen, Y. (21 August 1995). A straightforward calculation method for the fire resistance of reinforced concrete columns [Paper presentation]. First European Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Zürich, Switzerland.

Franssen, J.-M. (1987). Steel in Fire [Paper presentation]. Colloquium "Research and development in the field of Steel structures. Steel for the 90'ths", Aachen, Germany.

Franssen, J.-M., & Brüls, A. (1986). Résistance au feu des profilés isolés: détermination de la conductivité thermique apparente [Paper presentation]. Symposium "Fire Protection to Steelwork - E.E.C. Harmonisation", Bruxelles, Belgium.


As author or co-author

Gernay, T., Van Coile, R., Achenbach, M., Bamonte, P., Chang, J., Elhami Khorasani, N., Franssen, J.-M., Lakhani, H., Naser, M., Correia Rodrigues, J. P., Roosefid, M., & Thorsteinsson, A. R. (2023). fib Bulletin 108. Performance-based fire design of concrete structures. fib. The International Federation for Structural Concrete. doi:10.35789/fib.bull.0108
Editorial reviewed

Franssen, J.-M., & Vila Real, P. (2015). Fire Design of Steel Structures Second edition : Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. Part 1-2: Actions on structures exposed to fire: Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures: Part 1-2: Structural fire design. Oxford, United Kingdom: Wiley.

Cajot, L.-G., Debruyckere, R., & Franssen, J.-M. (2012). Branveiligheid - Brandveiligheid en berekening van de brandwerendheid van staalconstructies voor gebouwen volgens Eurocode 3. Brussels, Belgium: Infosteel.

Cajot, L.-G., Debruyckere, R., & Franssen, J.-M. (2012). Sécurite incendie - Sécurité incendie et calcul de la résistance au feu des bâtiments en acier selon l'Eurocode 3. Brussels, Belgium: Infosteel.

Franssen, J.-M., & Vila Real, P. (2010). Fire Design of Steel Structures : Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. Part 1-2: Actions on structures exposed to fire: Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures: Part 1-2: Structural fire design. Berlin, Germany: Ernst & Sohn.

Franssen, J.-M., Kodur, V., & Zaharia, R. (2009). Designing Steel Structures for Fire Safety. Leiden, Netherlands: Taylor & Françis Ed.

Schneider, U., Franssen, J.-M., & Lebeda, C. (2008). Baulicher Brandschutz. (2nd edition). Berlin, Germany: Bauwerk Verlag, GmbH.

Bursi, O., Ferrario, F., Haller, M., Lennon, T., Bianco, L., Mallardo, R., Demonceau, J.-F., Franssen, J.-M., Jaspart, J.-P., Hanus, F., Bayo, E., Garcia, J., Alderighi, E., Braconi, A., & Salvatore, W. (2008). Prefabricated composite beam-to-concrete filled tube or partially reinforced-concrete-encased column connections for severe seismic and fire loadings. Bruxelle, Belgium: European Commission.

Franssen, J.-M., & Zaharia, R. (2008). Calculul Constructiilor Metalice la Actiunea Focului. Timisoara, Romania: Editura Orizonturi Universitare.

Franssen, J.-M., & Zaharia, R. (2006). Design of Steel Structures subjected to Fire. Background and Design Guide to Eurocode 3. 2nd édition. Liege, Belgium: Les édtions de l'Université de Liège.

Franssen, J.-M., & Zaharia, R. (2005). Design of Steel Structures subjected to Fire. Background and Design Guide to Eurocode 3. Liège, Belgium: Les Éditions de l'Université de Liège.

As editor or director

Nadjai, A., Ali, F., Franssen, J.-M., & Vassart, O. (Eds.). (2018). SiF 2018 : 10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STRUCTURES IN FIRE. Newtownabbey, United Kingdom: Ulster University.

Courard, L., Dehousse, N., Demonceau, J.-F., Franssen, J.-M., & Maquoi, R. (Eds.). (2011). 300e conférence du C.E.R.E.S. Liège, Belgium: Centre d'Etudes, de Recherches et d'Essais Scientifiques du Génie Civil.

Kodur, V., & Franssen, J.-M. (Eds.). (2010). Structures in Fire. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference. Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States: DEStech Publications, Inc.

Franssen, J.-M. (Ed.). (2000). Structures in Fire. s.n.
Peer reviewed

Book chapters and contributions to collective works

Franssen, J.-M. (2014). Are Simple Calculation Models always on the Safe Side? In P. Schaumann (Ed.), Festschrift Peter Schaumann (pp. 1-6). Hannover, Germany: Leibnitz Universitât Hannover. doi:10.2314/GBV:77999762X

Franssen, J.-M., & Gernay, T. (2013). Resistencia al fuego de armaduras de acero inoxidable. In D. M. Bastidas & E. Medina Sanchez (Eds.), Armaduras de Acero Inoxidable (1st ed, pp. 149-166). Madrid, Spain: CEDINOX.

Franssen, J.-M. (2012). Tensile membrane action in composite floors subjected to fire. In J. Y. R. Liew (Ed.), Advances in steel concrete composite and hybrid structures (pp. 125-154). Singapour, Singapore: Research Publishing.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, J.-M. (2011). Le mot du président. In L. Courard, N. Dehousse, J.-F. Demonceau, J.-M. Franssen, ... R. Maquoi (Eds.), 300e conférence du C.E.R.E.S (pp. 1-2). Liège, Belgium: CERES.

Franssen, J.-M., & Iwankiw, N. (2009). Structural Fire Engineering of Building Assemblies and Frames. In P. J. DiNenno, D. Drysdale, C. L. Beyler, W. D. Walton, R. L. P. Custer, J. R. Hall, ... J. M. Watts, The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering (Fourth Edition). Quincy, Massachusetts, United States: National Fire Protection Ass. Ed.

Wang, Y. C., Franssen, J.-M., Heinisuo, Wald, F., & Burgess, I. (2009). Overview of fire design. In Urban Habitat Constructions under catastrophic events - Technical sheets – Fire Resistance (pp. 17-22). Prague, Czechia: Czech Techn. Univ. in Prague.

Gillie, M., Burgess, I., Franssen, J.-M., Kwasniewski, L., & Wang, Y. (2009). Global modelling of structures in fire. In Urban Habitat Constructions under catastrophic events - Technical sheets – Fire Resistance (pp. 53-60). Prague, Czechia: Czech Techn. Univ. in Prague.

Franssen, J.-M., Dotreppe, J.-C., Both, K., & Fellinger, J. (2008). Fire action and design approach. In Fire design of concrete structures - structural behaviour and assessment. State-of-art report (pp. 3-20). Lausanne, Switzerland: International Federation for Structural Concrete.

Franssen, J.-M. (2008). Plastic analysis of concrete structures subjected to fire. In Fire design of concrete structures - structural behaviour and assessment. State-of-art report (pp. 133-145). Lausanne, Switzerland: International Federation for Structural Concrete.

Jaspart, J.-P., Maquoi, R., Demonceau, J.-F., Franssen, J.-M., Cajot, L.-G., & Debruyckere, R. (2007). Eurocode 4 EN 1994: Exemples d'application au calcul des structures mixtes acier - béton. In J.-P. Jaspart, R. Maquoi, J.-F. Demonceau, J.-M. Franssen, L.-G. Cajot, ... R. Debruyckere, Eurocode 4 EN 1994: Exemples d'application au calcul des structures mixtes acier - béton (pp. 8-74). Bruxelles, Belgium: Centre Information Acier.

Franssen, J.-M. (1993). SAFIR applied to prestressed beams at ambient temperature. In External Prestressing in Structures. Non-Linear Calculation Tests of Prestressed Beams (pp. 67-73). Association Française pour la Construction.

Theses and dissertations

Post-doctoral thesis

Franssen, J.-M. (1997). Contributions à la modélisation des incendies dans les bâtiments et de leurs effets sur les structures [Post doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Doctoral thesis

Franssen, J.-M. (1987). Etude du comportement au feu des structures mixtes acier-béton [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Expert reports

Franssen, J.-M. (2016). Tensile membrane action. Expert judgement about the Bailey-Moore simple method and the software MACS+. (2nd Draft).

Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Auto. & RoB. Extension Hall 5 + Bureau. Avis sur la conformité à l'Annexe 6 des normes de Base. Liege, Belgium: ULg.

Franssen, J.-M., & Alonso, A. (2010). Simulation of a window frame exposed to fire. Liege, Belgium: ULg.

Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Concept of structural fire safety for bridges K05 and K01. Liège, Belgium: ULg.

Franssen, J.-M., & Dupont, J.-P. (2010). Maison Josten à Mürringen.

Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Expertise maison de Groote. Liege, Belgium: ULg.

Hanus, F., janssen, D., & Franssen, J.-M. (2007). Etude de la résistance au feu de deux ponts-cadres sur le Canal du Centre. Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Learning materials

Course notes

Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., Denoël, V., Erpicum, S., & Franssen, J.-M. (2015). Essentials of actions. (University of Liege, Faculty of applied sciences). Liege, Belgium: Dpt ArGEnCo.

Denoël, V., & Franssen, J.-M. (2015). Stabilité des Constructions.

Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Cours de prévention incendie. (Univ. of Liege, GCIV2042-2 Conception de bâtiments en situation de risques majeurs).

Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Evaluation de la capacité portante d'une structure en béton ayant subi un incendie. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Conception de bâtiments en situation de risques majeurs GCIV2042-2).

Boissonnade, N., Fleischer, O., Franssen, J.-M., Jaspart, J.-P., Maquoi, R., & Weynand, C. (2009). Design of Tubular Steel Sections. Training and Education for the Implementation of Eurocode 3. (Comité International pour le développement et l'Etude de la Construction Tubulaire, Module 6: Fire Design. Lecture 16: Introduction to fire design according to Eurocode 3). CIDECT.

Franssen, J.-M. (1991). Béton armé de fibres de verres. (ULiège - Université de Liège). Liège, Belgium: Ulg.

Franssen, J.-M. (1991). Réhabilitation des structures incendiées. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Other publications and communications

Articles in scientific journals without peer reviewing

Mergny, E., & Franssen, J.-M. (19 January 2022). Essais au feu hybrides à plusieurs degrés de liberté dans un environnement non linéaire. Fire Forum Magazine, 80, 48-53.
Editorial reviewed

Hanus, F., & Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Distribution of temperature in steel and composite beams and joints under natural fire. Cahier Scientifique - Revue Technique Luxembourgeoise, 2, 38-43.

Franssen, J.-M. (1998). Immeubles de très grande hauteur: un défi pour l'ingénieur. Infrastructuur in het Leefmilieu, 2, 124-148.

Dotreppe, J.-C., Franssen, J.-M., Baus, R., Vandevelde, P., Van Nieuwenburg, D., Lambotte, H., & Minne, R. (1995). Recherche expérimentale sur le comportement au feu des colonnes en béton armé. Annales de l'Institut Technique du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics, 539 (254), 25-41.

Dotreppe, J.-C., Franssen, J.-M., Baus, R., Vandevelde, P., Minne, R., Van Nieuwenburg, D., & Lambotte, H. (1995). Experimenteel onderzoek naar het brandgedrag van kolommen in gewapend beton. Infrastructuur in het Leefmilieu, 6, 335-347.

Computer developments

Franssen, J.-M., Wellens, E., Dumont, F., & Gamba, A. (2019). TRAFIR (TRAvelling FIRes) - Analysis of the physical parameters influencing the development of a travelling fire.

Franssen, J.-M., & Gernay, T. (2019). User’s manual for SAFIR 2019 A computer program for analysis of structures subjected to fire.

Franssen, J.-M., & Gernay, T. (2016). User’s manual for SAFIR 2016c A computer program for analysis of structures subjected to fire.

Dumont, F., Wellens, E., & Franssen, J.-M. (2016). Fire behaviour of steel members with class 4 cross sections under axial compression with or without eccentricity.

Dumont, F., Wellens, E., & Franssen, J.-M. (2016). Steel hollow columns with an internal profile filled with self-compacting concrete under fire conditions.

Dumont, F., Wellens, E., & Franssen, J.-M. (2016). Temperature assessment of a vertical steel member subjected to localised fire.

Speeches and writings for a general audience

Conferences given outside the academic context

Franssen, J.-M. (2013). Numerical simulations in support of fire resistance tests [Paper presentation]. Building test expo - Technology forum, Cologne, Germany.

Franssen, J.-M. (2013). Recherches sur le comportement au feu des structures en bois menées à l’Université de Liège [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude "Bâtiment durable et risque incendie. QU'en est-il vraiment?", Jurbise, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M., Dumont, F., Wellens, E., Tondini, N., Hoang, V. L., & Demonceau, J.-F. (2011). Fire tests made for the ATTEL RFCS research project [Paper presentation]. ECCS TC3 Annual meeting, Paris, France.

Peigneux, C., & Franssen, J.-M. (2011). Consideration of local instabilities by constituve law in a beam element in fire conditions [Paper presentation]. Réunion fidélisation ArcelorMittal - ArGEnCo, Liège, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Prise en compte des effets indirects dans l’évaluation de la stabilité au feu de bâtiments industriels en acier [Paper presentation]. Fire Safety Day, Leuven, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (2010). Eurocodes applied to fire scenarios. From a fire scenario to dimensioning [Paper presentation]. Fireforum 2010. Fire Safety Management Conference. From Design to Maintenance, Brussels, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M., Gernay, T., Hanus, F., & Peigneux, C. (2010). Evaluation of Structural Fire Performance. Today and Tomorrow [Paper presentation]. Vingtième anniversaire de la société Buildsoft, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (2009). Toepassingsgebiet ontwerpsoftware [Paper presentation]. TETRA Studienamiddag, Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Belgium.

Dotreppe, J.-C., Franssen, J.-M., Somja, H., Binh, C. T., Rémont, A., Hérode, M., Courard, L., Martin, M., Michel, F., & Van der Wielen, A. (2009). Recherches menées à l'Université de Liège dans le domaine du béton en 2008-2009 [Paper presentation]. Bouwkroniek, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (2006). Les Eurocodes 2 et 4 – Partie Résistance au feu – Structures en béton et structures mixtes acier-béton [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude nationale, Brussels, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (2004). Les apports de l'ULg dans le domaine de l'incendie [Paper presentation]. journée AILg "Construction et incendie. Les solutions", Liege, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (2002). Construction d'habitations en bois. Trois techniques différentes [Paper presentation]. Petit déjeuner rencontre Universités-Entreprises, Arlon, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (2001). SAFIR A software for modelling the behaviour of structure submitted to the fire [Paper presentation]. Meeting of Project Group 2.2 "Fire Safety with Concrete", Brussels, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M., & Cadorin, J.-F. (1999). Le concept d'incendie naturel. Principes de base et outils d'application pratique [Paper presentation]. Journée d'information, Liège, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (1999). Eurocode 4 – Calcul des structures mixtes acier-béton. Partie 1-2 – Règles générales – Calcul du comportement au feu [Paper presentation]. information day "Calcul au feu des structures", Brussels, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (1997). Les différents niveaux des méthodes de calcul de la résistance au feu.

Franssen, J.-M. (1995). SAFIR applied to prestressed beams at ambient temperature [Paper presentation]. Réunion de la commission "Posttensioning" du Groupement Belge du Béton, Liege, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (1989). Résistance au feu. Les moyens de calcul à l'Université de Liège [Paper presentation]. Conference organised for the engineers of the fire brigade of the city of Liege and for the inspectors of the Ministry of employent and work, Liege, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (1987). Simulation du comportement des ossatures mixtes acier-béton soumises à l'incendie [Paper presentation]. Techniques de demain, Fontaine-l'Evêque, Belgium.

Franssen, J.-M. (1986). Calcul de la résistance au feu des structures mixtes acier-béton [Paper presentation]. Salon des nouvelles technologies : MONOTECH, Mouscron, Belgium.


Charlier, M., Franssen, J.-M., & Gamba, A. (2018). RFCS TRAFIR.

Franssen, J.-M., & Gernay, T. (2015). Fire safety engineering group: presentation of the research activities at the ULg PhD information session.

Contact ORBi