Multi-degree-of-freedom nonlinear energy; robustness of suppression of limit cycle oscillations; aeroelastic instability; numerical continuation technique; Bifurcation analysis
Abstract :
[en] Multi-degree-of-freedom nonlinear energy sinks (MDOF NESs) are utilized to improve robustness of suppression of limit cycle oscillations (LCOs) due to aeroelastic instability.
Bifurcation analysis by a numerical continuation technique shows that controlling occurrence of a limit point cycle (LPC or saddle-node) bifurcation point above a Hopf bifurcation point is crucial to enhancing robustness. Not only greatly can MDOF NESs enhance the robustness of suppression against even strong external disturbances, but they can also yield a similar e±ciency even with a smaller mass, compared to the SDOF NESs with the same parameter conditions. Nonlinear modal interactions between the aeroelastic modes and the MDOF NES are examined to demonstrate e±ciency of the MDOF NES.
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