Keywords :
: M.Weber, R.Musil, Vienna Cercle, intellectuals, depersonalisation, gestattheorie , World War I, disenchantment of the world, men without qualities, statistics, planification, Bartleby.; M.Weber, R. Musil, Gestaltheorie, intellectuels, première guerre mondiale, homme sans qualité, désenchantement du monde, dépersonnalisation, statistiques, planification, Bartleby
Abstract :
[en] The ambition of this paper is to evaluate the impact that World War I, a « moral and financial crash », had on intellectuals and to examinate how they re-evaluted their position in the society after the catastrophy. The article takes as guiding principle the weberian concept of « disenchantement with the world ». After a first look at the weberian diagnosis, the article tries to show how the work of R. Musil offers an original re-reading of Weber’s conclusions, influenced by the Vienna Circle and its « economical thaught » based on new epistemological paradigma.