Networking; Public place; Action research; Comunity of learning; Recruiting participants; Territorial intelligence; Mis en réseau; Lieu public; Recherche action; Communauté d'apprentissage; Recrutement; Intelligence territoriale
Abstract :
[en] Although tools and methods are of major importance for territorial intelligence, each action research begins with the creation of a network of actors and researchers. How to do it? Which strategies are the most efficient and ethically acceptable? The paper analyses how stakeholders of a public place were joined to work together on a new approach of management and use of a certain public place. It compares the different networking strategies used in five case studies of the Topozym action-research.
Research Center/Unit :
UGES-Laplec ISEG, KULeuven Institut d'Eco-Pédagogie Lepur : Centre de Recherche en Sciences de la Ville, du Territoire et du Milieu rural
Disciplines :
Human geography & demography
Author, co-author :
Schmitz, Serge ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géographie > Géographie rurale
De Graef, Sarai; Katolieke Universiteit Leuven > ISEG