Doctoral thesis (Dissertations and theses)
Etude des propriétés de surface et techno-fonctionnelles des fractions protéose-peptones
Karamoko, Gaoussou


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Abstract :
[en] The total proteose-peptone fractions are complex heterogeneous mixture of thermoresistant proteins of whey. The general objective of this work was to contribute to a better knowledge and understanding of surface properties and techno-functional properties (foaming and emulsifying properties) and well as setting a relationship between the different properties. In this work, PPT fractions were extracted according to a classical approach and other industrially transposable by considering respectively the skimmed UHT milk and whey protein concentrate (WPC) as raw materials. The using of such both sources allowed to highlight the fundamental differences in the composition of the extracts of PPT. This has begotten a direct impact on the surfactant properties of the PPT. It has been therefore established that these differences at interfaces can have major consequences on their techno-functional behavior. This study also made it possible to determine the contribution of components especially non-hydrophobic and hydrophobic fractions in the interfacial behavior of PPT and the influence of pH, protein concentration, source and method of extraction. The setting in relationship of properties showed the existence of some statistically significant correlations between the interfacial parameters and, foaming and emulsifying properties. It will be therefore possible to predict the behavior of techno-functional PPT from some physico-chemical parameters. Finally, this study also showed that PPT fractions can be used as techno-functional agents in various food formulations based foams or emulsions.
Disciplines :
Food science
Author, co-author :
Karamoko, Gaoussou ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Doct. sc. agro. & ingé. biol.
Language :
Title :
Etude des propriétés de surface et techno-fonctionnelles des fractions protéose-peptones
Alternative titles :
[en] Study of surface and techno-functional properties of proteose peptone fractions
Defense date :
30 June 2014
Number of pages :
Institution :
ULiège - Université de Liège
Degree :
Doctorat en Sciences Agronomiques et Ingénierie Biologique
Promotor :
Blecker, Christophe ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département GxABT > Smart Technologies for Food and Biobased Products (SMARTECH)
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since 26 June 2014


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