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Abstract :
[en] Purpose
An abundant literature indicates that Organizational Citizenship Behaviours (OCBs) positively influence a number of important organizational outcomes. Furthermore, research is needed on the topic of assessing and selecting applicants who have a propensity to exhibit OCB (Organ & al., 2010). Some of these behaviours are truly important to enable organization to adapt and “to make constructive changes in the work and task environment” (Choi, 2007, p.468). Examples include Voice, a challenging dimension of OCB (Dominguez & al., 2013), and Sportsmanship, that facilitate the change by reducing the diversion of resources in trivial matters (Organ & al., 2006). This exploratory study provides empirical evidence about using Situational Judgment Tests (SJTs) for identifying applicants who have a propensity to exhibit change oriented OCB.
Two SJTs were developed to comply with OCBs assessment. The OCBs framework includes behaviours relating to organizational adaptation (sportsmanship) and change (voice). OCBs were concurrently collected using self-reported measurement scales. Data were collected from 220 white collars and 139 university students through an online survey.
Significant correlations were found between the SJT scores and overall OCB ratings. More specifics findings provided substantial evidence for the concurrent validity of the SJTs to measure change-oriented sub-dimensions of OCBs.
Researches on techniques to predict OCBs are scarce and this study is the first to address the development and validation of a SJT for the assessment of affiliative and challenging dimensions of OCBs.