Expert report (Reports)
"Divided families, fractured schooling, in Mexico: educational consequences of children exposition to international migration”
Zuniga, Victor; Vivas Romero, Maria


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Keywords :
Children; International Migration; Transnational Families; Education
Abstract :
[en] This cahier aims to identify and analyze the consequences of international migration movements on the school itineraries and aspirations of children who have been exposed to international migration between Mexico and the U. S. Some of these children are active actors of migratory flows because they moved from one country to another. Others are not active migrants; however, given the fact that they belong to divided families due to international migration, they are exposed to the impacts of their family members’ decisions. Consequently, two critical components of their migratory experiences will be the focus of our analysis. Firstly, we will analyze their school trajectory and secondly the family dispersion due to their migratory decisions.
Disciplines :
Sociology & social sciences
Education & instruction
Author, co-author :
Zuniga, Victor
Vivas Romero, Maria ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Institut des sciences humaines et sociales > Centre d'études de l'ethnicité et des migrations (CEDEM)
Language :
Title :
"Divided families, fractured schooling, in Mexico: educational consequences of children exposition to international migration”
Publication date :
October 2014
Publisher :
Centre d’Études Mexicaines et Centraméricaines, Mexico City, Mexico
Available on ORBi :
since 25 April 2014


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385 (31 by ULiège)
Number of downloads
227 (10 by ULiège)


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