
Vivas Romero Maria

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Camargo, Beatriz (2)
Lafleur, Jean-Michel  (2)
Lara Guerrero, Larisa Viridiana  (2)
Ramos, Cristina (2)
Zuniga, Victor (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
Intersectionality (7); Migrant Domestic Workers (6); Global Social Protection (3); Social Protection (3); Transnational Families (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Centre d'Études de l'Ethnicité et des Migrations - CEDEM (10)
Centre d'Études de l'Ethnicité et des Migrations - CEDEM, Germe ULB, Cirtes UCL. (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Sociology & social sciences (48)
Education & instruction (1)

Publications (total 48)

The most downloaded
Vivas Romero, M. (2017). Who Cares for Those Who Cared? An Intersectional Ethnography of Global Social Protection Arrangements [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

The most cited

8 citations (Scopus®)

Vivas Romero, M. (2017). More than just ‘friends’? Locating migrant domestic workers’ transnational Voluntary Kin relationships. Journal of Family Studies. doi:10.1080/13229400.2017.1407251

Lara Guerrero, L. V., & Vivas Romero, M. (02 July 2018). Steering new social fields of mobilization in global cities between Latin America and Europe: The Case of Latin American transnational political engagement in Brussels [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual Conference 2018: “Europe, migrations and the Mediterranean: human mobilities and intercultural challenges”, Barcelona, Spain.

Vivas Romero, M. (2018). QUI S’INTÉRESSE À CEUX QUI ONT PRIS SOINS DES AUTRES? UNE ETHNOGRAPHIE INTERSECTIONELLE DES ARRANGEMENTS DE PROTECTION SOCIALE GLOBALE [Paper presentation]. Cycle de Conférences: La maison de L'Amérique Latine, Brussels, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (12 December 2017). Transnational families, mobility and development: The case of Latin American domestic workers in Europe [Paper presentation]. Seminar: Migration, Transnationalism and Development, Liege, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (2017). Entre mutation et métissage Co-construction d’une ethnographie émancipatrice et féministe. Emulations: Revue des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Sociales, (22), 35-50.
Peer reviewed

Vivas Romero, M. (2017). More than just ‘friends’? Locating migrant domestic workers’ transnational Voluntary Kin relationships. Journal of Family Studies. doi:10.1080/13229400.2017.1407251
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Lara Guerrero, L. V., & Vivas Romero, M. (15 November 2017). Steering social fields of mobilization in global cities: Latin American transnational political engagement in Brussels [Paper presentation]. Book Meeting: Welfare and Culture: Attitudes of immigration, Party Political Transmutations and Civil Society Engagement, Malmo, Sweden.

Vivas Romero, M. (09 November 2017). “Who Cares for those who Cared? Global Social Protection Arrangements Between Europe and Latin America” [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Research Cluster Meeting: Revisiting mobilities between Europe and Latin America: the transnational circulation of people, ideas and practices in the 21st century, Seville, Spain.

Vivas Romero, M., & Damery, S. (06 October 2017). Ethics and positionality in migration and ethnic studies [Paper presentation]. Guest Lecture for the Course: Methods in Migration Studies, Liege, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (2017). Who Cares for Those Who Cared? An Intersectional Ethnography of Global Social Protection Arrangements [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Lara-Guerrero, L., & Vivas Romero, M. (30 June 2017). The Role of Gender, Race, and Class in Transnational Political Movements: Mexican and Colombian Women Engaging in Homeland Politics from Europe’s Capital [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual Conference: Migration, Diversity and the City, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Lafleur, J.-M., & Vivas Romero, M. (29 June 2017). Tracing Transnational and intersectional inequalities in immigrants families’ access to social protection: The case of Andean families’ in Brussels [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Vivas Romero, M., & Ramos, C. (28 June 2017). "Exploring Experiences of Inequality in European Urban Centers: Towards an Intersectional and Transnational Approach." [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Vivas Romero, M., & Piddiu, L. (June 2017). Solidarité intergénérationnelle chez les migrantes sud-américaines. Voix Solidaires : l'Expertise Universitaire au Service du Développement Durable, 22 (été 2017), 14-16.
Peer reviewed

Vivas Romero, M., & Ramos, C. (29 May 2017). “Moving forward after the 2008 crisis? Recent Changes in Access to Global Social Protection amongst Andean Women in Europe” [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual Conference: Migration Diversity and the City, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Lafleur, J.-M., & Vivas Romero, M. (18 May 2017). Combining Transnational and intersectional Approaches in Migration Research: The Case of Andean Families' Access to Social Protection [Paper presentation]. TRANSMIC Conference ‘Migration, Rights and Citizenship: Coming Full Circle in a Challenging Environment.’, Florence, Italy.

Vivas Romero, M. (27 April 2017). Beyond the 2008 crisis? Recent Chances in Ageing Andean Migrant Domestic Workers’ Access to transnational social protection [Paper presentation]. LASA 2017: Dialogues of Knowledge, XXXV International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Panel: "Latin American migrants in the ‘North’: development and transnationalism in times of crises", Lima, Peru.

Vivas Romero, M., & Sanchez-Martinez, A. (2017). Tracing Migrant-Mothers’ ‘Return’ Narratives in the Mexico-U.S and Peru-Belgium Migratory Circuits. Travaux et Recherches dans les Amériques du Centre.
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Vivas Romero, M. (03 October 2016). Towards a new vision on power relations inside fieldwork: Like Haraway's Mutated Witness [Paper presentation]. Master in Immigration Studies Liege-Barcelona, Liege, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (12 July 2016). “Who Cares for Those Who Cared? Ethnography on Ageing Migrant Domestic Workers Negotiations for Social Protection “ [Paper presentation]. ISA (International Sociology Forum) The future we want: Global Sociology and Struggles for a Better World, Vienna, Austria.

Vivas Romero, M. (11 July 2016). More than just friends? The role of voluntary kin relationships on ageing migrant domestic workers' access to social protection [Paper presentation]. 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology: The futures we want global sociology and the struggles for a better world, Vienna, Austria.

Vivas Romero, M. (2016). Une nouvelle division international du travail de soin [Paper presentation]. Pour une société de soin partagé, Namur, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (30 May 2016). We are "Latinos", right? Reflection on how I learnt to draw and redraw intersectional identities boundaries in multiple urban contexts [Paper presentation]. "Ethnography in the City: Contemporary Challenges", Maastricht, Netherlands.

Vivas Romero, M. (2016). Atouts et faiblesses des femmes migrantes dans la société d’origine et en Belgique. éléments de leurs parcours migratoires [Paper presentation]. RENCONTRE-DÉBAT Le projet New Start « Les femmes migrantes ; résistances et créativités », Liege, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (11 May 2016). Piecing together formal and informal? An Ethnographic view of emerging global social protection assemblages [Paper presentation]. MACIMIDE Transnational Migration Group Seminars, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Vivas Romero, M. (09 May 2016). Sommes-nous toutes des "Latinas" ? Réflexions sur l'incidence de ma position géopolitique et de mes identités multiples lors de la réalisation de mon ethnographie avec les travailleuses domestiques Andines à Bruxelles [Paper presentation]. Ethnographies du proche: Perspectives réflexives et enjeux de terrain, Liege, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (2016). Les femmes migrantes au-delà des mythes victimisant [Paper presentation]. Kult 48fm emission spéciale femmes migrantes, Liege, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (April 2016). The Places from which I write: Reflections on the use of a Transnational Situated Feminist Objective Lens in Knowledge Production [Paper presentation]. Seminaire doctoral EDTSS 2016, Brussels, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (11 February 2016). "Advancements and Updates on the project: Who cares for those who cared? An Ethnography of Migrant Domestic Workers' Negotiations for Social Protection" [Paper presentation]. CEDEM Brown Bags, Liege, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (15 December 2015). Beyond the 2008 crisis? Recent Chances in Ageing Migrant Domestic Workers’ Access to transnational social protection [Paper presentation]. Migration, Integration and crisis: The Experiences of Latin Americans in Europe, Liege, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (13 October 2015). Hallazgos de la investigación: Quién cuidará de quienes cuidaron? Negociaciones transnacionales de protección social en la edad adulta [Paper presentation]. Seminario de presentaciones OASIS-Universidad de Externado Colombia, Bogota, Colombia.

Vivas Romero, M., & López, S. (2015). Perspectivas interseccionales y transnacionales para el análisis de la protección social. (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Migraciones Internacionales en América Latina).

Vivas Romero, M. (2015). Métodos cualitativos para estudiar el acceso a la protección social transnacional. (Universidad de Monterrey, Metodología de la investigación II).

Vivas Romero, M. (21 May 2015). Preliminary findings of the project: “Who cares for those who cared? Ethnography on Transnational Negotiations for Social Protection. “ [Paper presentation]. Doctoral Brown Bag Seminars, Liege, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (29 April 2015). Hallazgos preliminares de la tesis:¿Quién cuidará de quienes cuidan? Negociaciones familiares de protección social transnacional en la edad adulta [Paper presentation]. Seminario de migraciones desde y hacia el Peru, Lima, Peru.

Zuniga, V., & Vivas Romero, M. (2015). MEXIQUE : CONSÉQUENCES DE LA MIGRATION INTERNATIONALE SUR L’ÉDUCATION DES ENFANTS. In F. Gemenne, Migration Internationales: Un enjeu Nord-Sud? (pp. 189). Paris, France: CETRI-Syllepse.
Peer reviewed

Vivas Romero, M. (11 February 2015). Advancements and Updates on the project: Who cares for those who cared? An Ethnography of Migrant Domestic Workers' Negotiations for Social Protection [Paper presentation]. CEDEM Brown Bags, Liege, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (30 January 2015). Lessons from the field: Negotiating Transnational Gender, Class and Race Positions as a Researcher Working on Andean Domestic Workers in Brussels [Paper presentation]. Transnational Migration: Disciplinary Impacts, Malmö, Sweden.

Vivas Romero, M., & Camargo, B. (22 January 2015). Les Latino Américaines en Belgique: Qui sont-elles? Quelles sont leurs stratégies? [Paper presentation]. « Certificat interuniversitaire en Migrations, Diversité ethnique et Relations interculturelles » Session: Latino-américains en Belgique et en Europe, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (16 January 2015). The Impact of Employment Relationships on Domestic Worker’s Achievement of Transnational Family-Work Balance [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Employment relationships in migrant domestic work: a transnational perspective, Brussels, Belgium.

Safuta, A., Camargo, B., & Vivas Romero, M. (15 January 2015). INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Employment relationships in migrant domestic work: a transnational perspective [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Employment relationships in migrant domestic work: a transnational perspective, Brussels, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (2014). Guest Lecture: Family in the Age of Migration, Globalisation and Mobility: The Case of Latin American Domestic Workers in Europe. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Zuniga, V., & Vivas Romero, M. (2014). "Divided families, fractured schooling, in Mexico: educational consequences of children exposition to international migration”. Mexico City, Mexico: Centre d’Études Mexicaines et Centraméricaines.

Vivas Romero, M. (26 August 2014). “Latin American women in Brussels, defying their disadvantageous gendered positions through their Transnational Artistic Career.” [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE 2014 Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain.

Vivas Romero, M. (08 May 2014). “ At The Intersections Between Care Labor Migration and Transnational Family Care Circulation: The Case of Colombian and Ecuadorian Care-Workers in the Global City of Brussels.” [Paper presentation]. Globalization and new boundaries: Challenges to social sciences and migration studies, Louvain La Neuve, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (17 April 2014). “The construction of transnational Migratory careers: the case of Ecuadorian/Colombian care-workers in the global city of Brussels: Theory and Methods.” [Paper presentation]. 1st MACIMIDE PHD/POST-DOC WORKSHOP, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Vivas Romero, M. (2014). La construction de carrières migratoires transnationales : le cas de Colombiennes et d’Équatorienne travaillant dans le secteur domestique de la ville globale de Bruxelles.” [Paper presentation]. Table-ronde: «La visibilité des femmes migrantes dans l’espace public»

, Marseille, France.

Vivas Romero, M. (18 February 2014). “The Construction of Transnational Migratory Careers : The Case of Ecuadorian and Colombian Women Working in the care/domestic sectors in the Global City of Brussels. “ [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Doctoral Genre et Développement, Louvain La Neuve, Belgium.

Vivas Romero, M. (21 January 2014). First Explorations in the field : The Construction of Transnational Female Migratory Careers the Case of Latin American Women in French Speaking Belgium [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE 3CI PhD Conference ‘Changing Europe - Changing Migration’: Europe in the World on the Move, Antwerp, Belgium.

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