Lara Guerrero, L. V., & Vivas Romero, M. (02 July 2018). Steering new social fields of mobilization in global cities between Latin America and Europe: The Case of Latin American transnational political engagement in Brussels [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual Conference 2018: “Europe, migrations and the Mediterranean: human mobilities and intercultural challenges”, Barcelona, Spain. |
Vivas Romero, M. (2018). QUI S’INTÉRESSE À CEUX QUI ONT PRIS SOINS DES AUTRES? UNE ETHNOGRAPHIE INTERSECTIONELLE DES ARRANGEMENTS DE PROTECTION SOCIALE GLOBALE [Paper presentation]. Cycle de Conférences: La maison de L'Amérique Latine, Brussels, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (12 December 2017). Transnational families, mobility and development: The case of Latin American domestic workers in Europe [Paper presentation]. Seminar: Migration, Transnationalism and Development, Liege, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (2017). Entre mutation et métissage Co-construction d’une ethnographie émancipatrice et féministe. Emulations: Revue des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Sociales, (22), 35-50. Peer reviewed |
Vivas Romero, M. (2017). More than just ‘friends’? Locating migrant domestic workers’ transnational Voluntary Kin relationships. Journal of Family Studies. doi:10.1080/13229400.2017.1407251 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Lara Guerrero, L. V., & Vivas Romero, M. (15 November 2017). Steering social fields of mobilization in global cities: Latin American transnational political engagement in Brussels [Paper presentation]. Book Meeting: Welfare and Culture: Attitudes of immigration, Party Political Transmutations and Civil Society Engagement, Malmo, Sweden. |
Vivas Romero, M. (09 November 2017). “Who Cares for those who Cared? Global Social Protection Arrangements Between Europe and Latin America” [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Research Cluster Meeting: Revisiting mobilities between Europe and Latin America: the transnational circulation of people, ideas and practices in the 21st century, Seville, Spain. |
Vivas Romero, M., & Damery, S. (06 October 2017). Ethics and positionality in migration and ethnic studies [Paper presentation]. Guest Lecture for the Course: Methods in Migration Studies, Liege, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (2017). Who Cares for Those Who Cared? An Intersectional Ethnography of Global Social Protection Arrangements [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Lara-Guerrero, L., & Vivas Romero, M. (30 June 2017). The Role of Gender, Race, and Class in Transnational Political Movements: Mexican and Colombian Women Engaging in Homeland Politics from Europe’s Capital [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual Conference: Migration, Diversity and the City, Rotterdam, Netherlands. |
Lafleur, J.-M., & Vivas Romero, M. (29 June 2017). Tracing Transnational and intersectional inequalities in immigrants families’ access to social protection: The case of Andean families’ in Brussels [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands. |
Vivas Romero, M., & Ramos, C. (28 June 2017). "Exploring Experiences of Inequality in European Urban Centers: Towards an Intersectional and Transnational Approach." [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands. |
Vivas Romero, M., & Piddiu, L. (June 2017). Solidarité intergénérationnelle chez les migrantes sud-américaines. Voix Solidaires : l'Expertise Universitaire au Service du Développement Durable, 22 (été 2017), 14-16. Peer reviewed |
Vivas Romero, M., & Ramos, C. (29 May 2017). “Moving forward after the 2008 crisis? Recent Changes in Access to Global Social Protection amongst Andean Women in Europe” [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual Conference: Migration Diversity and the City, Rotterdam, Netherlands. |
Lafleur, J.-M., & Vivas Romero, M. (18 May 2017). Combining Transnational and intersectional Approaches in Migration Research: The Case of Andean Families' Access to Social Protection [Paper presentation]. TRANSMIC Conference ‘Migration, Rights and Citizenship: Coming Full Circle in a Challenging Environment.’, Florence, Italy. |
Vivas Romero, M. (27 April 2017). Beyond the 2008 crisis? Recent Chances in Ageing Andean Migrant Domestic Workers’ Access to transnational social protection [Paper presentation]. LASA 2017: Dialogues of Knowledge, XXXV International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Panel: "Latin American migrants in the ‘North’: development and transnationalism in times of crises", Lima, Peru. |
Vivas Romero, M., & Sanchez-Martinez, A. (2017). Tracing Migrant-Mothers’ ‘Return’ Narratives in the Mexico-U.S and Peru-Belgium Migratory Circuits. Travaux et Recherches dans les Amériques du Centre. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vivas Romero, M. (03 October 2016). Towards a new vision on power relations inside fieldwork: Like Haraway's Mutated Witness [Paper presentation]. Master in Immigration Studies Liege-Barcelona, Liege, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (12 July 2016). “Who Cares for Those Who Cared? Ethnography on Ageing Migrant Domestic Workers Negotiations for Social Protection “ [Paper presentation]. ISA (International Sociology Forum) The future we want: Global Sociology and Struggles for a Better World, Vienna, Austria. |
Vivas Romero, M. (11 July 2016). More than just friends? The role of voluntary kin relationships on ageing migrant domestic workers' access to social protection [Paper presentation]. 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology: The futures we want global sociology and the struggles for a better world, Vienna, Austria. |
Vivas Romero, M. (2016). Une nouvelle division international du travail de soin [Paper presentation]. Pour une société de soin partagé, Namur, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (30 May 2016). We are "Latinos", right? Reflection on how I learnt to draw and redraw intersectional identities boundaries in multiple urban contexts [Paper presentation]. "Ethnography in the City: Contemporary Challenges", Maastricht, Netherlands. |
Vivas Romero, M. (2016). Atouts et faiblesses des femmes migrantes dans la société d’origine et en Belgique. éléments de leurs parcours migratoires [Paper presentation]. RENCONTRE-DÉBAT Le projet New Start « Les femmes migrantes ; résistances et créativités », Liege, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (11 May 2016). Piecing together formal and informal? An Ethnographic view of emerging global social protection assemblages [Paper presentation]. MACIMIDE Transnational Migration Group Seminars, Maastricht, Netherlands. |
Vivas Romero, M. (09 May 2016). Sommes-nous toutes des "Latinas" ? Réflexions sur l'incidence de ma position géopolitique et de mes identités multiples lors de la réalisation de mon ethnographie avec les travailleuses domestiques Andines à Bruxelles [Paper presentation]. Ethnographies du proche: Perspectives réflexives et enjeux de terrain, Liege, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (2016). Les femmes migrantes au-delà des mythes victimisant [Paper presentation]. Kult 48fm emission spéciale femmes migrantes, Liege, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (April 2016). The Places from which I write: Reflections on the use of a Transnational Situated Feminist Objective Lens in Knowledge Production [Paper presentation]. Seminaire doctoral EDTSS 2016, Brussels, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (11 February 2016). "Advancements and Updates on the project: Who cares for those who cared? An Ethnography of Migrant Domestic Workers' Negotiations for Social Protection" [Paper presentation]. CEDEM Brown Bags, Liege, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (15 December 2015). Beyond the 2008 crisis? Recent Chances in Ageing Migrant Domestic Workers’ Access to transnational social protection [Paper presentation]. Migration, Integration and crisis: The Experiences of Latin Americans in Europe, Liege, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (13 October 2015). Hallazgos de la investigación: Quién cuidará de quienes cuidaron? Negociaciones transnacionales de protección social en la edad adulta [Paper presentation]. Seminario de presentaciones OASIS-Universidad de Externado Colombia, Bogota, Colombia. |
Vivas Romero, M., & López, S. (2015). Perspectivas interseccionales y transnacionales para el análisis de la protección social. (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Migraciones Internacionales en América Latina). |
Vivas Romero, M. (2015). Métodos cualitativos para estudiar el acceso a la protección social transnacional. (Universidad de Monterrey, Metodología de la investigación II). |
Vivas Romero, M. (21 May 2015). Preliminary findings of the project: “Who cares for those who cared? Ethnography on Transnational Negotiations for Social Protection. “ [Paper presentation]. Doctoral Brown Bag Seminars, Liege, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (29 April 2015). Hallazgos preliminares de la tesis:¿Quién cuidará de quienes cuidan? Negociaciones familiares de protección social transnacional en la edad adulta [Paper presentation]. Seminario de migraciones desde y hacia el Peru, Lima, Peru. |
Zuniga, V., & Vivas Romero, M. (2015). MEXIQUE : CONSÉQUENCES DE LA MIGRATION INTERNATIONALE SUR L’ÉDUCATION DES ENFANTS. In F. Gemenne, Migration Internationales: Un enjeu Nord-Sud? (pp. 189). Paris, France: CETRI-Syllepse. Peer reviewed |
Vivas Romero, M. (11 February 2015). Advancements and Updates on the project: Who cares for those who cared? An Ethnography of Migrant Domestic Workers' Negotiations for Social Protection [Paper presentation]. CEDEM Brown Bags, Liege, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (30 January 2015). Lessons from the field: Negotiating Transnational Gender, Class and Race Positions as a Researcher Working on Andean Domestic Workers in Brussels [Paper presentation]. Transnational Migration: Disciplinary Impacts, Malmö, Sweden. |
Vivas Romero, M., & Camargo, B. (22 January 2015). Les Latino Américaines en Belgique: Qui sont-elles? Quelles sont leurs stratégies? [Paper presentation]. « Certificat interuniversitaire en Migrations, Diversité ethnique et Relations interculturelles » Session: Latino-américains en Belgique et en Europe, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (16 January 2015). The Impact of Employment Relationships on Domestic Worker’s Achievement of Transnational Family-Work Balance [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Employment relationships in migrant domestic work: a transnational perspective, Brussels, Belgium. |
Safuta, A., Camargo, B., & Vivas Romero, M. (15 January 2015). INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Employment relationships in migrant domestic work: a transnational perspective [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Employment relationships in migrant domestic work: a transnational perspective, Brussels, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (2014). Guest Lecture: Family in the Age of Migration, Globalisation and Mobility: The Case of Latin American Domestic Workers in Europe. (ULiège - Université de Liège). |
Zuniga, V., & Vivas Romero, M. (2014). "Divided families, fractured schooling, in Mexico: educational consequences of children exposition to international migration”. Mexico City, Mexico: Centre d’Études Mexicaines et Centraméricaines. |
Vivas Romero, M. (26 August 2014). “Latin American women in Brussels, defying their disadvantageous gendered positions through their Transnational Artistic Career.” [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE 2014 Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain. |
Vivas Romero, M. (08 May 2014). “ At The Intersections Between Care Labor Migration and Transnational Family Care Circulation: The Case of Colombian and Ecuadorian Care-Workers in the Global City of Brussels.” [Paper presentation]. Globalization and new boundaries: Challenges to social sciences and migration studies, Louvain La Neuve, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (17 April 2014). “The construction of transnational Migratory careers: the case of Ecuadorian/Colombian care-workers in the global city of Brussels: Theory and Methods.” [Paper presentation]. 1st MACIMIDE PHD/POST-DOC WORKSHOP, Maastricht, Netherlands. |
Vivas Romero, M. (2014). La construction de carrières migratoires transnationales : le cas de Colombiennes et d’Équatorienne travaillant dans le secteur domestique de la ville globale de Bruxelles.” [Paper presentation]. Table-ronde: «La visibilité des femmes migrantes dans l’espace public»
, Marseille, France. |
Vivas Romero, M. (18 February 2014). “The Construction of Transnational Migratory Careers : The Case of Ecuadorian and Colombian Women Working in the care/domestic sectors in the Global City of Brussels. “ [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Doctoral Genre et Développement, Louvain La Neuve, Belgium. |
Vivas Romero, M. (21 January 2014). First Explorations in the field : The Construction of Transnational Female Migratory Careers the Case of Latin American Women in French Speaking Belgium [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE 3CI PhD Conference ‘Changing Europe - Changing Migration’: Europe in the World on the Move, Antwerp, Belgium. |