Single point incremental forming; solid-shell elements; Adaptive remeshing
Abstract :
[en] Nowadays, conventional stamping is a well developed process. It is used for large
production manufacturing which amortizes the cost of the tools. However, the possibility to
use stamping processes for small volume production or prototypes can be still very
expensive. As a result, the Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF) emerges as a new
possibility to solve the cost problem in small volume production. It is performed in a rapid
and economic way without the need of expensive tooling. Its dieless nature makes the process
appropriate for rapid prototypes and highly personalized pieces. Despite the progresses
achieved during the last years, simulating SPIF through the Finite Element Method (FEM)
continues nevertheless to be a demanding task.
The constantly changing contact conditions between the tool and the sheet surface, as
well as the nonlinear material model combined with non-monotonic strain paths during the
forming process. In consequence, simulation time increases, even using shell hypothesis and
simple geometries. Furthermore, the simulation with 3D “brick” elements in general increases
the CPU time even more. To overcome this difficulty, an adaptive remeshing technique that
was previously developed for the LAGAMINE code for shell elements [1] and afterwards
extended to RESS (Reduced Enhanced Solid-Shell) finite element [2]. This allows that a
portion of the sheet mesh is dynamically refined only in the tool vicinity, following its
motion. Accordingly, this avoids the requirement of initially refined mesh and, consequently,
the global CPU time is reduced.
The current study will be focused in a benchmark simulation example applied to a
component made by SPIF process using adaptive remeshing combined with RESS finite
Disciplines :
Mechanical engineering
Author, co-author :
Velosa De Sena, José ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Doct. sc. ingé. (architecture, génie civ. & géol.)